Missing Parts(lady/moon)

Tony shuddered at the promise to be loud before tilting his head a little watching him."I don't know if it disturbs me you are that old or just that arousing for knowing it."he teased before his eyes went wide swallowing thickly."hell yes I'm master."he growled reaching out pulling the other towards him.

Elena whimpered and moaned as his lips trailed over her skin,to sensitive from her orgasm and her long absentiance to be truly okay.shuddering hard as he got up trembling a little at the sound of the condom being ripped open twisting her head to look at him,eyes unfocused as she looked at the man above her,before nodding tangling her fingers in his hair."please clint."she whispered rolling her hips into his.

"I had a normal childhood until my teens...lots of cartoons.."she smiled a little at the memory before staring at him for a long moment."no.you're lying.you didn't get arrested,you boy scout."she teased a little as she followed him towqrds the kitchen."cookies would be great."she said despite his offer not looking sure of asking him to make.her some,but she was starving. It'd be awhile before she was truly comfortable and able to accept they wanted to hekp and wouldn't throw her out for asking for what she wanted.
he chuckled a little. "just imagine my array of sexual knowladge after all that time." Loki teased before shuddering as he was pulled towards Tony, groaning eagerly as he kissed a line down Tony's body. "let me assist you in removing your clothing Master." Loki purred, leaning forward and undoing Tony's shirt buttons. with his teeth and tongue.

Clint panted as he kissed her neck and her shoulders and her breasts, anything he could reach as he lined up with her. he pressed his lips to hers as he thrust, burying himself inside of her with a loud, eager moan and a shudder as he paused, struggling to control himself. the last thing he wanted was to end it too soon. finally though, he was moving, rocking his hips slowly, getting used to her body once more.

he chuckled a little. "i grew up in the great depression so, my childhood was pretty normal too." he admitted. "i so did." he admitted with a chuckle. "i was all of sixteen at the time. the cops took pity on me when i started blubbering like a baby and took me home instead of to a cell." he admitted with a snort. "i'd almost rather have been in a cell my mother was THAT mad." he admitted with a chuckle. "cookies it is!" he agreed. "i'll ave them done in a flash." he promised. of course, Steve didn't trust the premade stuff, so he baked them himself, whipping up dark chocolate chips with shaved coconut. his own personal favorite. he made some chocolate chocolate chip too for Tony as well as Bruces favorite plain sugar cookies. he even made sure to make Myka's favorite, and those where the first he put into the oven.
"Oh....yes I do like that.”tony grinned smirking a little as he shifted, closing his eyes as he let the other kiss down his chest. “I would like that.”He growled quietly, closing his eyes as he wrapped a hand in the other’s hair, shuddering slightly as the man’s teeth brushed his skin as he undid the buttons.”you’re going to show me how to do that sometime.”he muttered panting ever so slightly.

Elena whined quietly as he pressed into her, groaning as she shifted, wrapping her legs around his waist, shuddering a little as he held still. Smirking ever so slightly, wrapping her arms around him, curling her arms over those broad shoulders, tangling her hands in his hair, drawing him down for a kiss, before kissing her way along his jaw, getting used to being with him again. Smirking as she pressed a kiss to a kiss between the line between his neck and shoulder,growling quietly as she bit down hard, sucking. Leaving a mark when she always had, just under the line of where his vest would be, just out of sight so no one could see it, but definitely there.

Myka swallowed hard, before grinning, laughing a little. “I just can’t imagine it. You in jail, and crying. That had to be pretty brutal.”She snickered amused at the mental image, before shuddering. “I know what you mean. My guardian was pretty scary angry to.”She snickered before smiling as she settled into a chair to watch him cook, curling up, wrapping her arms around her knees as she watched him. “Double chocolate chip.”She muttered when he asked, subdued as she thought, glad he was just letting her think, “....Steve?....what if...I can feel the training, the conditioning...they...they made sure I couldn’t do anything else...what if I hurt somewhere here?”she said quietly, sounding anxious. “for god’s sake, I can put my hand through a brick wall without breaking it, a human body isn’t that strong...”She said sounding anxious, finally relaxed enough to show just how worried she had been about it, which had been what started the depressed mood for the night beyond them being gone.
Loki snickered a little. "of course." Loki agreed. "women find it just as arousing as men do." Loki admitted with a chuckle as he undid the last button before kissing, licking, sucking and nipping his way back up, and then right back down Tony's body, leaving love marks all over before he undid the button of Tony's pants with his mouth and pulled down the Zipper before he buried his face in the others crotch and nuzzled, sucking him through the tiny gap he could get to. "no underwear, Tony, how naughty."

Clint moaned eagerly as he kissed her, thrusting slowly before arching with a gasp as she suckled on that spot he loved so damn much. "F..Fuck!" he cursed as she bit him, his thrusts going faster and harder, trembling against her. "oh my god... you drive me insane." he complained even as his fingers found, and pinched her nipples in retaliation.

he chuckled. "yeah i was pretty pathetic." he admitted with a grin. "Double Cho Chip coming up." he promised her even as he mixed up some home made hot chocolate on the stove. "..." he studied her and then. "you know. Clint had the same problem when he moved in. he was so scared that someone would sneak up on him and he'd shoot them before he could stop himself. Bruce has that problem too. he has to stay completely calm at all times or he becomes this massive green rage monster, he was so scared to move in with us because he was sure he was going to kill us all. and of course there's me. the original serum runs through my body. i hugged Tony once and cracked three of his ribs and didn't even realize i'd done it until he was screaming." he admitted, looking at her. "we, all of us here, understand what your going through. and if you hurt someone, we understand. we know what those filthy pigs did to you, we know the hell you where put through, we know the fear and the shame and the guilt.... it just takes practice. and it takes time. the more you trust us, the less worried you'll become, and the less worried you become, the more in control of yourself you become. it might take weeks, or years, but it will happen." he admitted with a smile. "we jsut have to be careful not to let you hug anyone until you have more control over yourself, that's all."
Tony smiled a little as he tilted his head back, panting ever so slightly.”I love that you are willing to put up with me sleeping with everything that moves.”He snickered a little as he petted the other’s hair, shuddering as loki buried his face in his groin, looking down at him, groaning at the sight of the other nuzzling him, shivering as he was suck.”More...more comfortable commando.”he muttered not mentioning it gave him a secret thrill to give in to pepper’s demand that he dress up for the events, and knowing he wasn’t wearing anything under it.

Elena moaned as he gasped, grinning against his skin as she bit down harder, trembling as she clung to him, “You drive me insane to.”he growled back, yelping as he pinched a nipple, back arching as she threw her head back, gasping as she came, her whole body tight around him, nails digging into muscled shoulders as shuddered.

Myka flushed a little as the man stared at her, biting her lip a little as she considered that. “He showed me the video...of him as the hulk...kinda made me feel better about destroying things when I was younger and didn’t have control.”She muttered because she had, for that first year at 16, she’d snapped her own bones and broken everything around her until she got control of herself. “The merry band of misfits.”She snorted a little amused staring down at the table, before nodding. “Well...I’ll try not to hug anyone yet.”She frowned a little studying him. “We’ll have to spar sometime...I need to work out somehow...”She sighed quietly, trying to relax, sleepy now that she was relaxing, but still hungry.
Loki snickered. "well, one whore to another." he teased with a grin. "mmmm that and you get to walk around all prim and proper, knowing that no one would ever guess that your being so naughty." he purred, lapping at the flesh there before with a quick twitch of his hand, Tony was out of his pants, and buried all the way to the balls in Loki's throat.

"G..God!" he moaned, tossing his head back as she scratched him, shuddering hard as he followed her into orgasm, panting hard. "fuck. oh god... mmmm good.." he moaned, his hips still jerking as he emptied himself out into her. or rather, into the condom. finally, finally he stilled and slid out of her carefully, kissing her again before collapsing next to her. "god. i think i'm having a heart attack." he admitted.

he chuckled and nodded. "yeah he's like a giant twelve foot temper tantrum." he agreed. "only... don't tell him i said that. i didn't have much control after my first injection either." he admitted. "but i didn't have much a chance to actually figure things out. we where in a war after all. i had to adjust very quickly... course, i wasn't actually in the lines until i left to rescue my freind Bucky." he admitted. "then all of a sudden i had my own platoon..." he admitted with a huff. "i am not wearing Tights thank you very much." he complained playfully. "sure, it will be nice to spar with someone i can't crush like a bug." he admitted as he slid over several cookies to her. "careful, they're really hot." he warned even as he crammed a cookie into his own mouth. the serum healed the burns within seconds anyway. leaving ooey gooey goodness.
“Of course.”Tony smirked looking amused that loki had understood the desire to not wear underwear, moaning as he fisted a hand in the other’s hair, shivering.”Such a talented whore you are.”He said affectionately, shifting his hold, rocking his hips a little to thrust into the other’s mouth before pulling him off after a few moments, hand tight in his hair. “On the bed.”He ordered flinging him towards it, using his hair as a handle.

Elena whimpered quietly, even through the condom she could feel him coming, shivering as she watched his face, shuddering as he pulled out of her, the movement a little jolt of pleasure. Laughing quietly she raised her head to look at him before shifting, snuggling into him, simply wanting held now. “You’re to young for a heart attack, Hawk.”she muttered teasing him a little, after all he was 2 years older then her, sliding a hand down,gently sliding the condom off before throwing it away before returning to snuggle into him.

“I wont. He’d probably go hulk on you.”She said snickering a little before looking thoughtful, tilting her head as she listened. “Well, at least at the front lines you weren’t about to harm a civilian.”she said thoughtfully before smirking, “You’d look good in tights. I mean, you already wear spandex, wouldn’t be much more to tights.”She teased a little, having asked jarvis about them all, she’d gotten to see the avengers in their suits. “So?”She smirked cramming one in her mouth, moaning quietly at the taste. Like him, her own serum healed it within moments. No matter how much it was hurting her, and it was, she was stiff and sore sometimes, it did heal her equally quickly."What about the cookies being hot, huh?"She teased around a mouthful of cookie, watching him eat his own
Loki smirked a little at him, wondering how long it would take Tony to realize that Loki hadn't been wearing underwear either. he hummed and moaned and sucked as Tony used his mouth, using his tongue like the expert he was, whining as he was pulled off, panting as he crawled to the bed and then on top of it, shuddering as he felt the constant pressure of a hand in his hair, painful, perfect. "Master... please." he moaned, keeping in character.

he snorted a little. "am not. i'm old." he complained as he smiled a little. "how bad did you claw up my back? jeez." he complained, teasing her as he had often done after sex, blinking as she removed the condom. "forgot about that." he admitted sheepishly as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly. "...please don't regret this in the morning." he pleaded once he was certain she was asleep.

Steve chuckled. "exactly... honestly i'm shocked he doesn't hulk out on Tony. all the time." he admitted with a shake of his head. "of course... i really didn't know that Bruce can't have sex. or masturbate. but hey, i know it! and now you can suffer with having that knowladge with me." he stated, sounding quite smug before he spluttered in horror. "Tony's making me a new suit! i SWEAR!" he stated, flushing hard. "Spandex was popular back then okay!?" he complained, sulking. "and i had the body for it, so why not?!" well wasn't that cute? Steve felt pretty in his suit. "too impatient to care." Steve admitted with a laugh as he poured the hot cocoa into a cup for each of them before dunking his cookie into it and gobbling it down as well.
Tony growled quietly watching from the edge of the bed, smirking as he watched him, pulling his head back. “Undress.”He ordered a hand sliding down the other’s body, breaking character for a moment, to eager to see him naked to let him do it himself. He’d restrained to long from fucking loki to really be patient with him right now. “Hm, such a naughty little whore, no underwear...”he growled smacking that round tight ass before crawling into the bed, pinning him to the bed, kissing him hard. “Beg.”He ordered.

“well, you are older then me.”She muttered yawning before wincing, “Not as bad as I have before. Bad enough that tony’s going to give you merry hell.”She muttered teasing him a little yawning as she snuggled into him, stirring a little at his plea, but not really awake, shifting closer, trying to reassure him even if she was asleep. In the morning Elena was sitting in the window seat, watching him sleep, looking nervous as she watched him. Much like he thought she would regret this, she was praying he didn't regret it. Feeling heartsore and unsure, she knew she loved him, loved him enough to risk her heart again by being with him, she just wasn't sure about him.

“Well, tony’s probably figured out how far he could push it.”She muttered having not met the man yet, but having observed some of the youtube videos jarvis had found for her, she got a feel for them. “...Nooo.I don’t want to know. Steve!”She whined making a face before grinning. “I’m sure it’ll be just as skintight and amazing.”She teased a little tilting her head a little as she looked him over, flushing brightly before standing suddenly feeling out of sorts with ogling him in the idea of him out of his tux and that skin tight spandex. “Thanks steve. I better try and get some sleep.”She said resting a hand on his shoulder, squeezing before scampering out of the room with her cookie and cocoa, not sure how to deal with the emotions he brought up with the idea of him looking pretty in his suit, that she had no idea how to deal. So she ran. Though after a few hours she was downstairs in the gym beating the living hell out of the specially made punching bag tony had designed to stand up to a super soldier's strength. Her emotions all over the place and having given in to the driving need to work out, spacing out enough that she wasn't really aware of anything but the punishment she was putting her hands through.
Loki whimpered at the order and shed what was left of his clothes. he'd gotten rid of everything else during the belly dance. he whimpered, eager as he was pinned to the bed and rocked his hips, desperate for it. he begged straight away. "please, please, master, please, fuck me, fuck me hard." Loki mewled, just like the slut he was. "please.. please... god, please."

he smirked a little. "i am older than you, that's why you have to do what i tell you to." he teased with a chuckle. "i'm pretty sure he looks for excuses to give me hell." he admitted with a snicker. "but it's not like i don't repay the favor." he admitted, smiling as she snuggled into him before he slipped off to sleep. "mmm, morning." Clint mumbled as he woke up, realizing she was awake, blinking sluggishly. "so, how about we hit a Starbucks, grab a few Scones and some hot, strong coffee and see if we can't get home before the Little Man wakes up?" he asked before he blinked at her. "...we pissed off your babysitter by staying out all night didn't we?" he asked. acting as normal as he always did, simply because he didn't regret it. actually he wanted to do it again, but he remembered how panicked Alex had been when he couldn't find his mother that first day.

he snorted. "i highly doubt that." he admitted dryly. "i think he just wants to see what CAN trigger the hulk." he admitted with a shake of his head. "too late! now you know!" Steve stated with a grin, shocked that he was... good lord he was flirting with her! "no problem. sleep well, if you can." he offered her with a smile before he headed off to the bathroom to decide what to do about this strange crush he seamed to have developed. he gave up after several hours and headed down to the gym to hit the bag for a while since he couldn't sleep. "...Myka?" he asked, shocked to see her down there as well when Dawn was creeping in. "you can't sleep?... good lord! you're hands!" he protested, seeing the bruised, mangled, bloody mess she'd made of herself. "Myka! you can't do things like that to yourself." he protested. "come here, i think you broke some of your bones. they'll need to be set before they can heal."
Tony grinned pinning the other down, shivering as he swallowed hard, reaching out to get the lube, smirking as he stretched him quickly.”Of course, whore. You beg so prettily.”He growled before replacing his fingers with his cock, moaning as he thrust into the other, shuddering as he leaned down to kiss him. “So pretty...”he muttered shivering, biting his lip to keep from coming, loving watching loki come undone, struggling to not come before him.

“Coffee would be amazing.”She smiled before nodding. “It would be good to get home before he wakes up.”She said knowing if they weren’t home before alex got up he was going to be a anxious mess all day. Relaxing as he acted normal she crossed the room to lean down to kiss him softly before tossing his clothes at him. “Sorta. She stayed till midnight when Natasha got home, but Tasha texted to say she sent her home. So look forward to the whole tower knowing we had sex, but let’s go.”She said despite wanting todo it again, she was a mother, and anxious to reassure her son that they were fine, and get home before he woke up. “If he’s still asleep when we get back, we can get a shower together. Come on, hawk.”She said urging him on even as she got her shoes on, blushing and nervous, because it’d been a long time since she’d had a morning after, and even with someone she’d been with before, it’d been long enough to make her feel self conscious.

Myka barely registered his presence, at least consciously, already twisting to strike out at him, lashing out without really being aware that it was him coming up behind her. Thank god it was steve who had approached her and not one of the humans-namely tony- otherwise he would have had a broken jaw or neck from the punch she delivered, but even as she followed through, it wasn’t enough to really phase the other, not only because she was female and with less muscle mass to pack a strong enough punch to knock him around, but because he was right, her hand was broken and it made it a little less effective.
Loki whimpered as he was called a whore, jerking and writhing as he was stretched and then fucked, oh so perfectly, begging still, for harder, faster, master please! Loki did cum first, spraying the bedding with his seed as he jerked and writhed and made those oh so adorable, oh so CUTE noises. "...god... Tony. you're tying to kill me." Loki groaned. "i'm old you know. i don't think i've ever cum so hard in my life. i think i'm having a... what do you humans call it, cardiac arrest?

he smiled a little. "yeah. especially after the kidnapping." he admitted with a shake of his head, relaxing as he realized Nat was with him, kissing her back. "...can we just have Natasha bring us the Kiddo?" he asked hopefully. "maybe take him to Chuk E Cheeses for a surprise or something?" he asked. "i really don't want to be made fun of for having sex with the most gorgeous woman on the planet when i KNOW Tony spent the night in bed with our resident smart ass god." he complained, sulking before his eyes flashed with delight at the idea of sex in the shower. "screw Starbucks, home now." he ordered, licking his lips. "Jarvis makes great coffee."

Steve didn't even twitch when she swung at him, it hurt like hell, but the bruise was already forming and then vanishing as it rapidly healed. he grabbed both her wrists and hauled her off her feet and simply held her there in the air until she calmed down. "back with me?" he asked, looking concerned. "Myka? are you alright? can you hear me yet?" he asked, having experienced this before. Clint had gone through it once. lost in his own angst and guilt he hadn't recognized anyone for a long moment. "Myka!" this time he snapped it, his tone firm, his 'Captain' Voice. "At Attention!" he demanded, wondering if she even knew what that was. he hoped it worked.
Tony moaned as he came, burying his face against the other’s shoulder, shuddering as he pulled out, slumping onto his side, half laying on the other laughing quietly.”You make some very cute noises there, reindeer.”He teased a little before smirking. “Oh come on. I’m older then you are.At least body wise...and good. I want you to remember that forever.”He said sounding supremely pleased with himself before smirking. “Hm, yes. A heart attack. And you can’t. You’re a god.”He muttered tiredly.

“We can. He’d like that.”She smiled before smirking, blushing ever so slightly at his praise. “I’m not that good looking, but thanks for the praise.”She muttered looking away before laughing. “Just tease him back. He’ll stop if you tease him enough.”She pointed out pausing in the middle of writing a text. “I thought you wanted to take Alex out?”She asked before glancing at her watch.”It’s early enough we can go for that shower, let him sleep in, and go after.”She decided flushing even as she hurried towards the door, encouraged by the look in his eyes.

Myka growled at him as he dragged her up, twisting in his hands, a slight whimpering escaping as the hold made her broken hands throb, kicking at him, wanting down before her head snapped up at the sound of his captain voice, responding to it even if she’d never been a solider, or served anyone really. Starting to tremble as she hung from her wrists, eyes slowly focusing on the man holding her. Horror filling her eyes as she looked at him, and if she’d been on the floor she would have scrambled back from him, horrified she’d lashed out at him after having just talked about being careful.”...Let go let go letgoletgoletgo...”she whimpered trying to twist out of his hold, the words running together as she started to panic, despite his reassurance they wouldn’t make her leave, she was panicking.
he groaned as he felt the other cum and he blushed at the others comment. "oh do shut up. i can't help it." he complained. "you hit me in that spot deep inside and i just loose my sanity." he admitted with a smile. "and you are not older than me you old pervert." he complained with a chuckle. "oh, i intend to overpass it." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'm sure you could make me orgasm much harder if you put some effort into it." he teased with a smirk.

he chuckled a little. "you are all the beauty i will ever need." he promised her, kissing her knuckles. he'd always been a slick talker. "this is true!" he agreed with a smirk. "i'll have to tease him a lot." he decided before he nodded. "i like that plan. that's a good plan. lets do that." he stated playfully as he hailed a Taxi to take them to the Tower.

he relaxed as she seamed to come to and he gripped her tighter as she started to struggle against her. "Stop!" he demanded, using his Captain voice again. "you're hurt. i need to set the bones. it's alright." he promised her, gently releasing her and carefully picking up her hand, feeling for te broken bones. he was so glad he had experience at this. "this is going to hurt." he warned her, carefully pressing so that the bones snapped back into place. "you did a number on yourself." he muttered. "there. the bones are all set, they should start to heal now. i want you to stay still for at least twenty minutes." he ordered, making sure she knew she had no room to argue.
Tony smiled as he blushed, pressing a kiss to flush skin smiling slightly.”I’ll have to try harder when we get up. Right now, sleep.”Tony yawned pressing his face into loki’s shoulder, indeed he was tired and worn out and wanted nothing more then to sleep.

Elena flushed brightly, shivering a little.”Smooth talker.”She teased a little looking amused before smirking.”Do. Cause you know he wont be nice and just not tease use about it.”She teased before flushing as they got back to the tower, heading upstairs smiling slightly as they did indeed get back before alex woke. “He’s been waking every once in awhile.Good morning you two.”Natasha smiled as she got up at the couch, heading for the door as they walked in.”Yell if you need anything.”She smirked, no doubt laughing at them and knowing they were going to put alex still sleeping to good use.

Myka whimpered as she stilled, shuddering like a fly stung horse as he spoke, swallowing hard as he sat her own. Yelping a little as he gently set the bones, growling quietly, forcing herself to hold still and not jerk her hands away as he set the bone. “...Didn’t mean to....couldn’t sleep so I thought working out then I got thinking about everything....”She shrugged before frowning, wanting to argue about moving, but staying still, fairly certain he’d make her sit still if she didn’t.
Loki snorted a little. "you're such a jerk." he muttered with a grin as he settled in to sleep. when Tony woke up, Loki was awake and was reading a book on... well it wasn't in human language so Tony couldn't tell. "Clint got laid." Loki admitted with a smirk. "also... i sort of blew up your alarm clock." he admitted sheepishly. "it scared the hell out of me and then i couldn't get it to shut up..." he glared at the mangled mess. "i didn't want it to wake you up so... i might have gone a little overboard..." he admitted, smiling sheepishly.

he chuckled a little and nodded. "i'm totally going to tease him relentlessly." he admitted with a smirk as he blinked at Natasha. "nightmares?" he asked, worried about Alex. "or did the babysitter fill him with sugar?" he asked before glaring at her. "make fun of me and perish!" he teased with sneer at Natasha before leading Elena into the shower, kissing her deeply. "i know we're moving fast." he muttered. "but i still love you." he whispered. "can't help it. you're all i ever wanted." he admitted.

"i know." he admitted with a smile. "i used to get like that." he admitted. "people learned not to bother me when i started hitting the bag like that." he admitted. "but leaving me alone wasn't exactly the best idea either." he admitted. "sometimes, we just need to hit someone." he admitted. "you've got a hell of a punch too. that's the first time i've actually felt pain after someone hit me." he admitted with a grin. "well, Thor hurts when he hits me, but he's a God so he doesn't count." he admitted with a chuckle. "once you're healed how about that Spar you asked for? it'll be good for you to work out some of that energy."
Tont groaned as he laid on his stomach cracking a eye to look at the man next to him smiling slightly then raising a eyebrow as he lifted his head to look at his alarm clock."you killed it..."he whined before flopping down."you should have asked jarvis."he snickered a little yawning as he stretched starting to wake up.

"Nightmares I think.he wanted you to but calmed when I sat with him. He'll probably sleep for awhile."natasha said."damn."elena winced guilt tightening her features for a moment before sighing.despite being a mother,she knew it was okay for her to take a night for herself but it still upset her to know alex was upset."id never tease you."natasha snickered as she left. Elena sighed wuietly shaking her head as she followed him to the bathroom,moaning as she kissed him back,"I always wanted you."she said starting to undress him eager to see him naked again and not wanting the emotional talk they needed not yet when alex might wake up any minute.

"I've never had anyone concerned enough to leave me alone or not..."myka sighed softly. Shifting,making sure her hand was still not wanting to rebreak them before smiling, "sorry.."she winced a little at the idea of hurting him before sigjing nodding."I would like that. I wouldn't have to hold back as much as I normally do when sparring with someone."
he smiled sheepishly. "Jarvis is mad at me again..." actually Jarvis was working on constructing the perfect body for himself. "shall i help you wake up?" Loki asked, his eyes glittering playfully as he lowered down onto Tony and licked a nipple, smirking a little as he contemplated round two.

he nodded. "we'll make sure to give him lots of comfort when he wakes up." he decided. "maybe some cuddle time? i used to have cuddle time as a kid, where i just sort of glomped onto my dad for a half hour." he admitted with a smile. "it always made me feel better anyway, we could just sit for a half an hour and read to him or something." he mused before he stuck his tongue out at Natasha before joining Elena into the bathroom, kissing her hard as he flicked the water on. he loved Tony's house, a push of a button and his shower was on and at the preset temperature that he liked the most before he helped her strip and settled them both into the shower.

he nodded. "yeah, me too." he admitted as he shook his head. "nothing to be sorry for. i knew what was going to happen when i stopped you." he admitted. "it'll be a fun spar. we should record it and sell it to a movie or something." he admitted with a grin. "let me see." he ordered after a moment, examining her hand before he nodded. "looks healed. let's go get some breakfast and then we can get into the ring." he offered. "i'll make waffles."
“...What do you keep doing to my AI?You’re the only one he’s usually mad at these days.”Tony frowned at him before moaning quietly, shivering as the other lowered onto him, raising a eyebrow. “So, does this mean you’re in charge this time?”He teased sliding his fingers through her hair.

“Hmm, I like the idea of cuddle time. We’ll read and cuddle.”She smiling looking pleased with the idea before shuddering as the water hit her skin.”Ohh....love tony’s house.”she muttered stepping closer to him, turning to find some shampoo, and what he missed the night before was visible. She was curvy, with slight stretch marks still, but there stark against pale skin was a brilliantly rendered hawk on the swell of her hip. “I’m enjoying this...while it’ll still be weird..I think we’re okay.”She turned to look at him, needing reassurance that they hadn’t screwed up sleeping together so soon.

Myka sighed softly studying him, before nodding.”Well, as long as you know what you were doing.”She sighed before laughing. “I’m sure we could do that. Though I don’t think we can yet, after all, you’re trying to avoid anyone knowing I’m here.”she teased pointing out before sulking at the order, she wasn’t a soldier, she didn’t do orders well, but let him take her hand anyways. “Oh. Waffles sound amazing.”she perked up grinning as she followed him to the kitchen, the emotions that had driven her to abusing her body forgotten for the moment.
Loki shrugged. "he just doesn't like me taking up all of your attention i think." he admitted. "that and i might have insinuated that he wasn't good for anything but fast searches for Porn..." which was a lie, but Loki found the idea highly amusing. "you bet your sexy ass i'm in charge slut." he teased with a snicker as he ran his tongue along the others opposite nipple before giving it a small bite. "hands over your head, grip the headboard. the second you let go, i'll stop." he warned. he knew Tony couldn't do actual restraints, so Loki would mentally restrain him instead.

he smiled a little. "i like the idea too. and i know right!? Tony's house if fuckin awesome." he agreed with a laugh before he paused and studied the Tattoo. "how did i miss that?" he wondered, running his fingers down the Tattoo. "when did you get that?" he asked even as he nuzzled her most privet of places. he could never tire of eating her out and driving her wild.

he chuckled. "of course i did." he admitted with a smile. "well if we make it real enough we can claim you where trying to kill me." he admitted with a grin before his eyes flashed. "actually... that might not be a bad idea. really throw Fury off the scent." he muttered. "some fake blood, a gunshot noise and he'll think your dead for a while." he muttered. "extra protection for you, and it will buy us some time... i'll have to talk to Clint and Tony but i'm pretty sure we could pull that off..." he admitted. "Waffles it is! i'll make enough for the whole Tower." he decided. "it won't take long, i made Tony get like, eight Waffle machines." he admitted with a chuckle. "so we could make enough waffles for everyone without spending hours to do it." he admitted with a nod. "any particular kind of waffle? we have blueberries, chocolate chips, tiny marshmallows, strawberries, bananas, and..." he paused, thinking hard. "white chocolate chips."
“....What?!?You told him what?”Tony bolted up nearly cracking his forehead against Loki’s, glaring at the other man. “You called my awesome AI that he was just a google search engine?What?”He said sputtering even as he laid back down, hesitating for a moment. Even the mental restraints were hard for him, but he could do it which was more then eh could say for actual handcuffs. Swallowing hard he moaned as the other bit him, shivering as he reached up, hands curling around the headboard.

Elena flushed shivering as his fingers brushed over her skin at her hip, while the wings curled over her hipbone, the body was on the pert curve of her ass. Shivering she smiled. “We were sorta distracted when you got me naked.”She pointed out moaning as she shifted, leaning back against the wall as she spread her legs for him, closing her eyes swallowing hard. Glad for the shower so he wouldn’t see the tears. It had been her way of mourning, of keeping a part of him near her.”After I had alex.”

Myka tilted her head, thinking about that.”Wait....we might need their help setting it up, but let me think about it. I’ve been....working as a assassin for decades. I am sure I can think of something that convincing.”She said even as her mind started turning over the idea, even as she walked with him, talked. She was still playing his ‘assassination’ in the corner of her head. “That makes sense. Especially with you and thor here. You guys need to much food to be patient about waiting.”he said sounding thoughtful before thinking smiling widely. “Marshmallows and chocolate chips.”
Loki shrugged. "well he called me a blue monkey with an ice complex so i thought it a fitting rebuttal." he stated with a sniff before he grinned at Tony. "such a good boy." he purred. "and good boys get rewarded." he purred. "cum anytime you please. once you cum, you can let go." he promised tony before enveloping the man's hot, hard cock in his mouth and sucked, hard.

he smiled a little. "i like it." he admitted, running his fingers along her flesh before tracing each line of ink with his tongue, humming as he sank his teeth just under the ink before returning her her cunt. "i'll never leave you again." he promised against her before he stood, pressed her against the shower and slipped into her, moaning eagerly.

Steve nodded. "it would buy us some time." he agreed with a grin. "and it will piss Fury off super royally." he admitted. "not to mention he'll think he's safe because we'll 'kill' you before you 'have a chance to tell us anything important' like the fact that he's the one who sent you to kill us." he snorted. "we really have to do something about him... i wonder if anyone would miss him if i asked him out for a cup of coffee and 'accidentally' dumped him in a volcano somewhere?" he mused. "yeah i need to eat a lot." he agreed with a chuckle as he started whipping up various bowls of batter. or rather, making one massive bowl that was separated into several bowls that was then filled with the ingredients and poured into the waffle irons. "marshmallows and chocolate chips?" he asked, smirking at her as he added those same ingredients, plus strawberries and bananas to his own. "so it's like a ice-cream sundae." was his explanation.
“...You do have a ice complex.”tony teased a little before shuddering, “I think that’s the first time I’ve ever been called a good boy...”he snickered a little shifting his hold on the headboard, hands flexing a little as he rocked his hips up into the other’s mouth, moaning as he dropped his head back onto the bed, shivering. “Bloody fuck, loki.”he growled moaning as he came, holding onto the headboard like it was the last solid thing.

Elena yelped as his teeth sank into her ass, whimpering quietly as she moaned, eyes wide as he stood, blushing ever so slightly, realizing he’d guessed why she’d gotten it. Wrapping her arms around his shoulder, moaning as she rocked her hips into his. “Missed you...so much....ohhh..”Elena moaned clinging to him as she came, the water sliding around them and her own long dry spell rocking her world quickly, coming as she clung to him.

Myka looked startled, tilting her head, having not realized that was why they’d come for her. “I...I was supposed to kill you?”She said her face going soft, confused. Bruce hadn’t told her, having wanted her to be comfortable with them before she figured out how they ended up finding her before laughing quietly. “Yes, I am sure someone would miss him if you did that.”She said smiling as she watched him cook, before nodding.”Don’t laugh. It’s no weirder then your strawberries and bananas.”She said making a face at him before going quiet again, biting her lip thinking about what he’d told her about how they came to find her. Thinking about clint and elena before something hurting crossed her face, swallowing. “I...I think you need to go to the park or something with Clint and Elena....something that would fit with the original kill order fury wanted...if I’m in the city, I perfer my kills up close, instead of snipering, less chance of messing up a shot...Fury knows that. It wont seem strange that I approached you like I would just someone on the street....and Clint’s skill enough to make a kill shot look like a kill shot without really killing me. And it has to be a kill shot, because he knows I’d heal anything else....”She frowned, mostly thinking out loud not because she wanted his input really, but because sometimes speaking it made her see flaws with the idea.
Loki snickered a little and looked up at the other. "i do hmm?" he made his fingers as cold as ice and drew them down Tony's belly before letting them warm back up and doing it again. "you like being called a good boy, don't you?" he asked mischievously. "you like knowing you where a good boy, just for me." he purred before engulfing the other and sucking him deep into his mouth. he swallowed as Tony came, and smirked as he sat up. "you can let go now. such a good boy." he praised, eyes twinkling.

"i missed you too!" he whispered, panting against her. he didn't last much longer, though he did make sure to pull out first, spraying her legs with his cum, shuddering as he did so, groaning as Jarvis informed them that Alex was starting to stir. "you finish getting clean, i'll go make him a bowl of cereal. he likes that chocolate stuff right?" he asked as he stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel to dry off and get dressed quick before Alex woke up.

he blinked at her. "i'm sorry, i thought you knew... you where actually supposed to come and kill Elena and kidnap Alex." Steve admitted. "we don't know exactly why, but i can make some pretty damn good guesses. Fury doesn't want Elena here because she can't be controlled by Fury the way the rest of us could. as far as he's concerned she's the reason why we no longer answer to him. as for Alex?... i'm pretty sure he wants to do to Alex what he did to you. only amplified." he admitted with a shake of his head. "he's a sick bastard." he admitted. "i wasn't laughing!" he protested even as he poured chocolate chips and marshmallows into his own waffle and added the last of the coconut. his waffle was more add in's than it was waffle. "you'll have to talk to Cling and Natasha about it. all i know is that Elena and Alex will have to be there or Fury will never buy it. and that might be hard for us to convince Clint." he admitted. "your right though, we need an open space, but we need cover too. in any case we don't have to actually shoot you, people in the movies do realistic fake deaths all the time. Natasha has even done fake Sniping to protect certain people. make everyone around them think they're dead, you know? and then extract the 'dead' bodies later. "the only thing i'm not sure of is... what would we do with the dead body? er... you're body? usually we just let Shield take care of it, but we can't do that now... might be a Clint and Natasha thing again."
Tony smirked a little."I do. Though not just for you."he teased shuddering as he came down from his orgasm letting go of the headboard slowly as he blinked at the other."I should wake up like tgis more often."he snickered a little tugging loki up for a slow gentle kiss.

Elena shuddered as jarvis told them alwx was awake,amused they'd had just enough time for a quickie."yea.the chocolate stuff. I'll be out in a few minutes."she smiled at him watching him go. "Hawk!wheres mama?"alex demanded sleepily looking around the room as he scampered up seeing the other.

Myka bit her lip to keep from laughing at his waffle because it was so much more then a simple waffle. Wrinkling her nose she nodded thoughtfully."you're right. I'll have to talk to them...captain america planning even a fake assassination is disturbing."she teased biting her lip before shrugging though there was anger in her eyes. While she was okay being her,the idea of them subjecting another child to it pissed her off."I'll ask clint...if anything else we can say you cremated me or something I dunno..."she smiled as he handed her her waffles starting to eat."but for now we'll just spar and I'll go track them down after...maybe between us all we can figure out something.."
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