Missing Parts(lady/moon)

he offered her a smirk. "in your defense, you're the only person in history who fucked up one of my missions." he stated with a grin. "Natasha was pissed for WEEKS. especially when we couldn't find you afterwords. i figure Shield hid you from us. i think they pitted us against each other on purpose actually." Clint admitted with a huff before he smirked again. "i'd love to shoot the range up with you." he agreed. "doesn't he?! he's such a Boyscout!" Clint complained with a snicker as he headed off, Steve snorting. "i don't kneed a shower. Clint's barely a work out." he admitted. "he's an assassin, not a ground grunt, so he can't keep up with me very well." Steve admitted with a smile. "come on, we'll go to the kitchen, i hate the thought of someone going hungry. especially where i'm certain you haven't eaten in months." he admitted. he'd grown up in the great depression as a poor boy. he knew what hunger was.

"good, i'm glad." Loki admitted with a smile. "i tried to find one in red and gold, but they don't make those yet." he admitted with a grin. "and i could have color changed the Ring, but it would have weakened the other spells." he admitted. "and yes. temporary shields. unfortunately it's not going well. my last attempt melted the metal i was working with." he admitted. "i hate to think i'll have to use gemstones but metal just isn't enough to hold that much magical intent..." he admitted.
“Oh good. So glad I wasn’t the only one thinking that was a fuck up.”Myka snorted a little before pausing thinking about that. “Well...that makes some sort of sense.”She said refusing to consider that she’d never really thought about it, had never considered why she got the orders, simply she’d followed them. “We’ll have a complete set of looney tunes.”She snickered watching Clint leave before looking up at steve. “When I’m feeling better, I’ll have to get in the ring with you. 50 years worth of working out just means I can usually keep up with people.”She mused before smiling, pleased at the idea of food right away following him. Slipping easily behind the mask of being comfortable, when she wasn’t really. “No....it was winter last time I actually ate.”She said frowning at the window seeing the fall weather. Settling at the table as he cooked, her stomach growling louder with every passing moment.

Tony tilted his head, shrugging. “This one’s fine. Really. I don’t just like red and gold you know.”He said snickering a little before frowning a little as he considered the temporary shields. “....you do realize I have enough money to buy whatever you need?I mean, you don’t have to worry about using just metal if you need gemstones.”he said smiling as alex shifted closer to him, smirking a little as he watched the boy poke at the screen, using it as a drawing tablet. “Why don’t you draw a picture for your mama,kiddo?She’d like it.”He said looking amused as the boy nodded excitedly, settling in to use the high tech tablet as a simple crayon and paper.
Clint snorted. "yeah well. it was a fuck up." he admitted, sulking. "i still can't beleive you tarnished my perfect reputation." he whined, sulking. "Loony Tunes?" Steve asked, blinking a little. "i don't know what that is." he admitted. "...ignore him. he was on ice for seventy years and only woke up a few months ago. he's not all caught up yet." Clint explained to her before heading off as Steve huffed. "you'll notice he didn't bother explaining anything either." he grumbled as he grimaced. "ugh, yeah you've been out for a while. at least eight months." he admitted. "i'll get you a little of everything." he promised, fixing up a few pancakes, sausage, bacon, eggs, and hash-browns. sliding them to her as he finished so she could eat without having to wait too long.

"i know." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "and it's not money that i'm worried about." Loki admitted. "i'm more concerned about practicality." he admitted. "if i have to use a flawless diamond the size of my fist for example." he pointed out. "then it would be great for shielding around a building, but not for shielding a person. and even shielding a building could cost a trillion or more dollars because flawless gems of any kind are very hard to come by." he admitted before grinning as Tony let Alex play with the Tablet. "your really good with him." Loki admitted, smiling a little. "i don't understand why you are so afraid of being near children."
“I doubt it was perfect till then.”Myka said before grinning. “The rabbit. It’s a looney tune.”Myka frowned a little before looking at Clint, tilting her head before looking at Steve again. A cautious curiosity on her face. “This smells amazing.”She said smiling quietly as she started to eat, eating slowly and carefully, because she’d learned if she tried eating to quickly and to much, all she’d do was throw it up. Biting her lip a little she glanced up at Steve. “.....you were frozen to?Did....did they use you to?”She said looking for some connection, for someone to understand just how broken she was, and even if she had so little hope for it, she was still seeking it. Shoulders slumping a little as she ate before pushing her plate away. “Stop...I can’t eat any more....”She sighed softly, barely half of it eaten and looking at it with longing, but knowing she couldn’t. She’d just have to eat alot of small meals for awhile. Slumping slightly, falling into something steve would recognize, a soldier’s relaxing, catching a few moments of sleep when given the chance, but ready to snap fully awake at a moment’s notice.

“Oh...well.That makes sense actually. I hadn’t considered that.”He frowned a little trying to think of that before tilting his head. “What about Cap’s shield. I mean, he probably wouldn’t let us fu-ahh...use it but it’s made out of vibrianium. It might be strong enough to do whatever you’re doing to it.”He said looking thoughtful before looking down at alex, his smile fading as he felt loki’s words brush against that emotional wound. “You’re here. It doesn’t worry me when you guys are here to make sure he’s okay.’he said already backing away from that idea, shifting to sit alex on the couch. “I better get some work done.”He said. Oh yea, tony stark was actually running away.
he blinked a little. "yeah i was frozen, and they used me but it's not the same as you." he admitted. "i sacrificed myself and fell into the antarctic ocean." he explained. "when i woke up, the world was different and Shield was in charge... they didn't use me so much as manipulate me." he admitted. "i went from the War, to a peace time and god if that wasn't the hardest part of it." he admitted. "looking back on the last few months, i have to wonder how much my waking up was an accident, and how much it was planned." he admitted before he smiled. "yeah. when i woke up i ate three pizzas and got so suck i couldn't stand up for two days." he admitted. "i guess i shouldn't have made so much..." he shrugged and wolfed down what she'd left before blinking at her. "Jarvis, don't let anyone enter the kitchen for at least a half an hour." he ordered. he'd let her get some rec time, he knew he should have her go to her new room, but she might not be comfortable enough there to sleep.

Loki shook his head. "i already tried that." he admitted. "it resonates against magic instead of with it. i almost blew myself up." he admitted, looking amused. "i have to admit, i'm extremely glad that i never fought one on one with him. he would have had me down in seconds with that shield of his." he admitted, "Tony. i'm sorry." Loki said as he felt the other retreat. "i didn't mean to hurt you... do you want to talk about it? i can watch him if you need to leave..." he assured the other, looking worried and upset that he had upset Tony.
“Oh...I’m sorry.”Myka frowned a little shuddering a little at the idea of sleepign that long, to be trapped in the ice that long before nodding. “I have discovered very few things are accidents.”She muttered tiredly, before shrugging.”I’m sure someone will eat it....sorry...I hadn’t thought to tell you I can’t eat it all...”she said sounding sleepy. “Of course sir. I will make sure she is not disturbed.”Jarvis said quietly even as Myka slumped down onto the table, pillowing her head on her arms to sleep. A amazing show of trust, to fall asleep really, even if her body was demanding it, to trust him not to let anything happen.

“Did you ever tell him that?He’d probably like the idea he has something that’ll stand up to magic.”Tony snickered a little knowing the super soldier sometimes wondered about it before tilting his head looking at the two. “No not really. And thanks. I should probably get some work done. I’ll see you later okay, alex?”He muttered ruffling the kid’s hair, looking amused despite himself when the boy barely responded to his leaving, so focused on making a picture for his mother.

The next morning Tony smirked as he shuffled into the kitchen, pouring himself some coffee before looking at the man sitting at the table. “You have a date tonight, soldier boy. We have that stupid party thing to go to.”Tony said sounding pleased with himself, for the moment his disturbance with having a child in his tower forgotten, more focused on completely embarrassing his team leader, and his plans to get clint laid.....it was a sad state of affairs when tony stark was the one playing matchmaker out of them all.
he nodded. "it was a hell of a shock waking up to find color TV and cellphones..." he admitted. "i'm still not used to a lot of things." he admitted with a shake of his head. "thanks Jay." Steve chirped even as he settled down to watch over her while she slept. waking her after a half an hour and finishing showing her around before showing her the rooms she now occupied.

"i haven't thought to, no. but then, i didn't exactly want to admit that i stole his shield and ran experiments on it either." he admitted with a sly little grin.

"...Date?" Steve asked, wondering if Tony had lost his damn mind. "oh hell. i forgot about that." he groaned, shaking his head. "do i have to go?" he complained, scowling. "i know it's important, raising money and all that shit, but i really don't want to go." he complained. especially as they'd have to leave Myka alone, and probobly Alex and Elena too. "you suck Tony." Steve complained, sitting down and having a hot cup of coffee of his own.
Tony grinned at the look he was receiving, “Yes, date. You know, taking a female to dinner and dancing.”Tony snickered before nodding. “Yes. We all do. Because if we make it obvious we’re avoiding a shield funded thing, they’re going to know we’re actively working on taking them down. I’d rather not give fury more of a reason to suspect us of conspiring against him then he already has...and I went through the trouble of getting Elena’s babysitter to come for the night. Her and Clint can have a date, and you can have a good date with the model, since you said I could set you up. And I’m totally picking up a shield agent to screw.”He snickered because he was so not above using his reputation as a playboy to get a inside look on how shield was doing these days.
he groaned a little and shook his head. "i don't want to go." he whined. clearly spending time with Tony had been a bad influence on the super soldier. "your right of course. we need to show a united front, just to give Fury the impression that we're angry, but not beyond compromise. if he thinks we might go back to him, he won't bother looking too deeply into forcing our hand." Steve admitted before he glared at the other. "model? you set me up with one of those chits?" wow! that was some strong language for a supersoldier. "what about Loki?" "what about me?" Loki asked sluggishly as he staggered in. "Tony can fuck who he wants. i don't care." he admitted with a yawn. "i'm not going to trap him in a monogamous relationship. besides, i can get Jarvis to record it and wank off to it later." Steve went bright red at that and Loki snickered. "besides, i intend to pick of an Agent of my own... i'm not actually going to fuck him, but i will alter his memories to think he did." Loki admitted as he steeped his moss and took a long swallow. "by the way Tony, i have those Technomancy books." he admitted. "and i've started teaching Alex Magic, he's catching on quite brilliantly." Loki admitted with a smile. "oh, and Jarvis will have a surprise for you all by the end of the week." as a computer, Jarvis found illusions so simple it was boring. so now he was working on combining illusion with physical manipulation, which was more difficult, but Loki knew the super A.I would have it by the end of the week, probobly sooner.
“You’ve been spending to much time with me if you think that’ll work.”Tony snickered shaking his head.”You know Pepper’d kill us both if we didn’t show up.”He pointed out before preening. “Of course I’m right. I’m always right....and it’ll also keep Fury focused on clint and elena, if he sees them together, instead of wondering where the hell his assassin disappeared to....and I did. I figured it was a good distracting technique, with everyone watching you and a leggy model...not to mention, you need laid. Models are good for that.”Tony said snickering at the man’s language before looking at loki. “Loki told me-”he stopped letting loki answer for himself, before shrugging. “See?We’re goign to do the super spy thing and seduce our own agents for the night.”He snickered rolling his eyes at steve blushing over the wanking comment before perking up. “Really?”He said before pausing.”Elena knows your teaching Alex right?Cause if not, you know Clint’ll kill you right?”He said looking relieved that they knew loki was teaching alex before raising a eyebrow.”Jarvis always has the best surprises.”he muttered so distracted at the thought of the books to not be really wondering what the AI was up to. Hustling loki out of the room so they could indeed start working on those books. Almost manic in his excitement, if anything, he was going to have to be dragged away to get ready for the party.
Steve snorted. "i had hoped." he admitted with a sigh. "yeah she would, but does she even know what's happening?" Steve asked, lifting his eyebrows. "but yeah, Myka wouldn't be ready for attack for another day or two, so he won't suspect a thing." he agreed. "in any case, i am SO not having sex with some superfluous woman who has more of an ego than you do." he stated with a huff. "well... so long as it's alright." he mused, Loki chuckling a little. "yes, Elena knows. it's a good calming technique as well for when you all are doing dangerous things." he admitted. "plus he'll be able to defend himself. i know Clint is teaching him some fighting techniques." Loki admitted with a grin. he let tony drag him down into the lab, where the books where waiting.

hours later, it was Loki who forced tony out of the lab and into proper clothes. Steve had spend the day with Myka, explaining that they had to 'play nice' with shield for a while or risk Fury sending other assassins after them. he promised her they'd be back around three in the morning. he hated his supermodel date almost instantly, and she ditched him ten minutes into the party when he told her to 'shut up and natter at someone who cares'. they hadn't seen her since, no doubt having gone to get a better date. "So, mister Fury." Loki chirped as he smiled at the man. "i never expected you to actually be here." he admitted. "you don't seam to be the party type." Loki admitted, playing nice simply to lower the others guard. "i suppose i shouldn't care as it makes my task easier. i just wanted to tell you that if you back off, you run a good chance of being forgiven. Shield is all Clint has ever known, and he sort of understands why you did what you did. i don't think Elena knows he was going to leave Shield to marry her..." Loki admitted. "i doubt she'd beleive me if i told her." he admitted, leaning against the wall next to Fury. "i do have to warn you though." he looked at Fury. "Alex is under my direct protection now. i have placed my Mark upon him, even the stupidity of the Aeser would not dare touch Alex now." Loki warned. "touch Alex again, and i will make you wish Clint had shot you in the head." he warned before he smiled. "but i don't think your as stupid as the Aeser are. give the Avengers time, they can't function without you telling them what to do. they'll be back." he assured the other before focusing his eyes on Agent Maria Hill, Fury's right hand woman. "excuse me.. i've just found myself a delicacy." he admitted, licking his lips as he moved over to her, intent on seducing her.
“She does. Well. Most. I’m waiting till I see her in person to tell her about Coulson and the assassin.”Tony winced a little before nodding. “Hm, that’s what you say now.”Tony snickered amused because it found steve’s choices in sex amusing.

Tony smirked a little as he watched the crowd, easily talking to everyone around him as he watched the rest of the avengers, making sure someone was always in sight of clint and elena. Even if he trusted Clint to protect himself, he still stayed close by because he just knew fury was going to be annoyed with them all. Meanwhile Fury looking up a little, raising a eyebrow as Loki spoke to him. “I have not spoken to them since the Helicarrier. I thought I would see how they are feeling.”Fury said watching the avengers, before looking at the man. “I am backing off. While I am not happy about it, clint has proven his point on not letting them go.”Ha, he was such a liar. He might say it, might act like it, but he was definitely not backing off. Raising a eyebrow as he considered that teh child was protected he looked thoughtful. “I am not that stupid. I will take your advice under advisement.”he said watching loki go.

Elena smiled softly as she leaned against Clint’s chest, her lips brushing his ear. It wasn’t the first time they’d danced, and wouldn’t be the last.”Loki just played Fury like a violin...”She muttered in his ear, trying to focus on acting and watching the shield members and everyone, instead of the solid body holding her. “I feel bad for steve....he looks lonely.”She snickered quietly seeing the good captain, amused that tony had so stupidly set him up with a model. Wondering if tony had done it simply because he could, and really hoping that he hadn’t thought Steve would actually be interested in the model.
Loki smiled a little. "well, Steve's not doing well. he was tricked into letting Tony set him up on dates." Loki admitted, sounding extremely amused. "Clint won't stop being an Agent." Loki admitted. "he needs it too much. he'll come back to you." he promised. "it is not advice, Fury." Loki stated. "it is a threat. or a warning... i'm actually not sure what the difference is." he admitted with a shrug. "you don't mind if i seduce one of your agents? no? great." he chirped, heading off, sweeping Maria into a dance, the woman looking extremely amused as she gave Loki a better target since she'd already told them everything she knew. then knocked Loki in the groin and stalked off, Loki whimpering as he scampered away from the frightening woman soldier. "Sir." she greeted Fury as she resumed her rounds, checking for dangers. she knew he'd find it very amusing that Loki had tried, and failed to seduce her. she was, as far as he knew, his best agent.

Clint smiled a little. "yes. Loki is good at that." he admitted with a chuckle. "did you know that Loki laid a mark of protection on Alex?" he asked with a smirk. "even a God wouldn't attack him now." he admitted. "i think Thor did too. but i'm not sure about that one." he admitted. "Steve's going to leave any moment, you know he is. he hates these things even more than Bruce does." and Bruce was in the middle of a small group talking about particulate physics with Jane Foster and Erik Selvig. "look, see? there he goes." he muttered, watching with a grin as Steve looked around to make sure he wasn't being watched before slipping out of sight. "and he's gone." he muttered with a snicker.
“Well, he should have known better then that.”Fury said a slight smirk turning his lips but before sighing. “A warning then.Thank you Loki.”Fury said though he didn’t look to pleased with it. Looking at maria as she walked towards him, he dipped his head in greeting watching her go. Amused that loki had tried indeed. Not realizing he’d already lost her.

Tony smirked as he wrapped a arm around Loki’s newest target, “Morgan!So good to see you. And seducing gods, whatever shall we do with you...”He muttered looking amused as he glanced at loki, shifting, pressing the stuttering woman between them.”We should find a closet....”he smirked looking amused at the idea.

“Hm, yes. And teaching him magic....I wouldn’t be surprised if Thor did, since Loki did.”She mused smirking as she watched Tony and Loki harassing the poor woman before turning her head to look at the good captain.”I know. But is it because he’s really uncomfortable, or doesn’t want to leave his assassin?”She muttered looking amused, having guessed that Steve liked the girl more then they had bargained for. “That was a very good disappearing act.”She snickered a little leaning into him, resting her head on his shoulder, feeling small and delicate in his hold.

Myka looked up startled as the elevator door opened to the communal floor, twisting to her feet from where she’d been sitting in the window seat, looking startled. Having not really ventured out of the med lab despite being told it was okay, this was her first real adventure anywhere, and she’d only done it because they were gone. But someone was back. Looking startled as she saw Steve she frowned, looking at him.”I...I thought you guys had a party...”She said sounding confused, and a tad creepy. After all, she’d been sitting in the dark, with only the city lights lighting up the room, so if she hadn’t spoken, it would have been hard to see she was actually there.
Loki snickered. "note that i said 'tricked'. poor Steve." Loki mused before he smiled at Fury. "your welcome." he chirped playfully, groaning as he was 'denied' by Maria before moving to seduce Morgan with Tony. "oh, a closet?" Loki asked with a smirk. "perhaps somewhere more spacious Tony?' he asked with a smirk. "there's a few offices connected to this place." he admitted, his eyes scanning the room. "through there." he stated, indicating the hallway before he leaned down to whisper in Morgana's ear. "don't you want to see what an Avenger is capable of? the two of us. Tony, and Loki, the hottest men on the planet, both want you. can you truly say no to that?" compulsion laced in every word, Morgana wouldn't be able to refuse. though Loki would leave Tony to do all of the actual sex.

he nodded a little. "it's very relaxing to know that Alex has such intense protection." he admitted with a smile. "i think it's both actually. Steve has always hated these things, but with the Assasin home alone, i think he's even more anxious." he admitted. "he's astonishingly good at it. maybe i shouldn't have given him lessons." he mused with a snicker. "you know. i missed dancing." he admitted with a smile. he hadn't danced since Elena had 'died', but he'd always loved it. he'd had lessons, honest to god lesson. he could fast step, he could waltz, he could Tango, he could ballroom and do everything else. "what say we show these people how to really party?" he asked with a glittering sparkle. "Argentina tango perhaps?"

Steve sighed as he stepped into the dark Tower, yanking off his tie with a disgruntled look on his face before he gasped as she spoke. "Jesus Myka! you scared the hell out of me!" he complained, leaning against the door frame, clutching his chest. "why are you sitting in the dark, are you alright?" he asked as he tossed his tie off and kicked off the shoes he hated so much. "i ducked early. too many blond headed women where nattering at me about shit i didn't give a damn about." he admitted, running a hand through his hair, forcing it out of the hairdo that Pepper had put it in, making it stay that way with more hair care products than he wanted to think about. "so i ducked out early. i couldn't stand it in there anymore." he admitted, not about to admit he'd been worried about leaving her alone. he'd been rather... suicidal when he'd woken up, finding everything different. he hadn't wanted to come home to a dead woman.
Tony snickered.”Hm, well considering I’m going to be in it...we need all the room available.” “Maybe for your ego.”Morgan rolled her eyes even as she twisted to look at the billionaire, shuddering at loki’s words, “Ohh...yes...”Morgan shivered at the idea even as she followed them out of the room. Tony though frowned slightly, glancing at Loki.”....doesnt this amount to rape, doing it like this?”He said sounding weird about it, frowning ever so slightly even if he did move them into one of the empty offices, pressing a kiss to the woman’s bare shoulder.

“it is.”She agreed before laughing quietly. “Ahhh I see. DO you want to wage on who makes the first move?Him or her?”She muttered because it had been a common activity for them in the past to wager on which of them had the better observational skills when it came to their fellow agents and who would get together or not. Snickering.”Maybe you shouldn’t. God knows Tony’ll complain about it if steve manages to sneak up on him or something.”she teased before nodding. “I’ve missed it to. I haven’t.,...since budapest. I just couldn’t find a good enough partner.”She muttered, and that said so much more about her life then simply giving up dancing. She hadn’t had a date, anything, since the last time she’d seen him. Flushing brightly at his question she nodded, shifting her hands to the right position. “I would love to.”She smiled quietly, pleased that he wanted to.

Myka winced as he cursed, “Sorry. You startled me.”She muttered watching him for a moment before shifting to sit back down, curling up again in her seat, resting her head against the window as she looked over the city. “Fine.Just got tired of being downstairs.’She muttered, because despite permission and tony giving her her own room, she hadn’t left the med lab really. Smiling slightly at his words she snickered. “Hm, no interest in listening about photo shoots and new haircare products?”she said, her voice unsure, as if not certain how he’d take the teasing. Quiet in the darkness, and her sadness was almost thick enough to walk through, something she’d hidden, but the darkness was allowing her the privacy of really feeling, and that much emotion couldn’t be shut down quickly, not with him suddenly startling her.
Loki snickered a little and shook his head. "yeah, he has a very Big... Ego." Loki purred with a chuckle before he looked up at Tony. "of course not, i'm an evil bastard but i'm not a rapist. it simply lowers her nerves and calms her a little, it doesn't actually force her to do anything. even if it did, it's at a low enough power that if she didn't want this, she could break it and escape." he promised Tony. "it's like giving her a shot of whiskey and then chatting her up. same basic principle. now... lets get that information and then get you laid." he teased with a smirk. "where shall we start my dear?" he asked Morgan, walking around her with a lick of his lips. "shall we start high, or low?"

he chuckled. "he will. she's still too traumatized." he admitted with a smirk. "i already taught him, it's too late now." he admitted with a snicker. "you know, Natasha was teaching Alex how to sneak the other day. it was funny, he kept focusing on his feet instead of where he was going and ran into three walls before he realized he had to watch where he was going." he admitted, his eyes sparkling with laughter. "i just couldn't bring myself to." he admitted softly. "why dance, when you can't dance with the woman you love?" he asked with a grin. "wait here." he ordered before turning and requesting the next song to be a spicy one for the Argentine Tango. then he showed the world just why he and Elena had been so great for each other. even after three years, they still moved perfectly.

he chuckled. "yeah, you startled me too." he admitted as he watched her before moving over to the window next to hers. "ugh, that i could have handled." he admitted. "but when they started twittering about supermodels and pop stars like Justin Beiber i just had to leave. have you seen Justine Beiber yet? he's horrible." he admitted. "it's beautiful though isn't it?" he asked suddenly. "the city. it's not the same as it was, but somehow... at night, you can't tell. it's still all lights, all noise. it's comforting somehow to know that even though your over a century out of place, some things are still the same." he turned and looked at her. "...you know i..." here he hesitated and looked back out at the city. "i was depressed, when i first woke up... so i imagine you are too. but, your life is only starting." he admitted. "this place, these people... there's something that just... it's wonderful, no one barking orders, no one looking at you like your worthless. there's a true life here. in this place." he looked at her again. "if you want, you could have a life here too. a freedom you've never had. to come and go as you please. to never hurt another soul, or become an independent contractor. or choose to become something new entirely, the life is yours now."
Tony smirked relaxing as he looked amused. “Interesting, and you are a evil bastard.”he agreed looking amused as they got down to work. “L-low.”Morgan said sihfting to look at them eyes widening as Tony sank to his knees, sliding a hand up her leg. “Hm...you ask for information. My mouth’s going to be busy for awhile.”Tony smirked at loki, shifting to set Morgan up on the desk, pushing her skirt out of the way, quickly taking care of the underwear and getting down to business. And it was obvious after a few minutes that Tony stark simply enjoyed sex, even if he switched genders, played with everyone, there were few things Tony enjoyed more then giving himself over to working a lover over into a frenzy.

“True. It’ll be interesting.”She muttered before laughing, shaking her head. “Our son is going to have the world’s most eclectic talents. Did you know Tony taught him how to use his tablet last night?”She snickered a little just imaging alex focusing on his feet instead of the walls. Blushing a little as she watched him go, grinning as he came back. And when the song ended she clung to his upper arms just to feel the flex of those muslces, eyes wide and blown as she watched him. Dancing perfectly reminded her of other things they’d done well together. “Tower or hotel?”She growled, her voice rough with lust looking up at him.

“....I have used Beiber’s music as a torture device before. I approve of you leaving.”She said snickering a little before nodding. “I grew up here....it’s not...it’s not the same,but you are right. In the dark it isn’t so different.”She said resting her head against the glass as she watched the city, before looking over at him. “It is....I don’t have anything. And my life started a long time ago.”She said scowling a little, because that wasn’t what was really upsetting her, not really. “And what about the lives I ended?The freedoms I took from them? The privledge to come and go as they pleased?”she asked quietly, proving that he was right. She was suicidally depressed. Probably the only reason it hadnt happened yet, is because she hadnt figured out how to harm herself enough to make it stick.
Loki chuckled as he watched Tony work, curious about the man's technique. "well now Morgan. now that we have you where we want you." Loki purred, tracing her throat with his lips. "i want to know some things." he teased. he started with simple things. her age, if she was married or had a boyfriend, and once she started replying on automatic, he started asking the real questions. what did Fury want with the Avengers? why did Fury want to kill Elena? why did Fury want Alex so badly? what was Fury going to do if the Winter Soldier failed? after, he carefully erased those memories so she'd not remember being asked any questions at all and smiled at Tony. "i'm going to watch." he decided. "i want to see if your always evil in bed."

he chuckled a little. "really? and what did Alex do with it?..." he paused. "Tony keeps porn on that thing... remind me to hit him." he ordered with a smirk before panting as he stared at her, swallowing thickly. "Hotel." he managed to choke out. he didn't want to be distracted this time, and Jarvis would break them up. they never noticed Loki wandering around and mingling. Loki had to love his illusions. he could be in the room with tony, mingling in the crowd, and working on a spell in the Tower all at the same time. so long as his physical form was by an Avenger, he could go anywhere he wanted. he loved loopholes. plus it kept Fury from being suspicious. "Fury!" Loki complained, glaring at the man. "your cock blocking me! stop it! why are all the hot people in this room your agents!?" he demanded of the man with a sulky glare. just to distract Fury from the fact that Tony was fucking his personal secretary against a wall.

he chuckled a little. "did you really? that's pretty awesome." he admitted. "no. your life ended the day you where born. you have never had a life." Steve stated. "always in the control of others, that's not a life." Steve stated simply. "and as for the people who died? do you think my soul is any more clean then yours?" he asked her. "no i wasn't an assassin, but i was a soldier. i've killed thousands of people. people with children, people with wives, people with lives who where only fighting for what they thought was right. fighting for their country, for their families, for their own lives." he looked at her. "our hands are stained, but that is only because we where manipulated, we where used. sometimes people have to die. sometimes we have to kill. but there's a difference between us and the monsters of the world. we regret it. and while that doesn't make it okay, it does mean that we can make up for it." he admitted. "we can find a way to forgive ourselves for what had to be done. we can atone, in some way or another, we can atone."
Tony raised his head a little as she answered, looking a little sick at the information they were told. The avengers, a personal army to use on the world, to frighten it into following him. To kill elena because she would take clint and leave, had proven that even without clint she wasn’t mallable, wouldn’t follow directions if given them and she didn’t want to. And he hadn’t decided what to do if the winter soldier failed yet. Raising a eyebrow as he absently played his fingers over the woman’s skin, “Me?Evil in bed?I think you have me mistaken for someone else.”He purred a little even as he shifted his hold, picking the woman up and slamming into her, amused as she clung and panted, acting like a whore as she clung to the billionaire who was watching loki more then the woman he was plowing into, growling quietly as he pulled out, spilling over the woman’s thighs before looking at loki, turning, wrapping a hand in his hair and dragging the slightly taller man down for a kiss. Panting as he drew back.”We better get back to the party...”

“He drew. Apparently there’s something like paint on it.....and urgh. I could have gone without knowing that.”She whined looking amused though before nodding as she looked at him, wordless for a moment. “okay.”She choked out snickering a little as they past ‘loki’, amused that fury was glaring at him. Stumbling after clint, needing to get to the hotel more then she wanted to see what fury would say to the man. Quiet for most of their trip to the hotel, and pouncing on him the moment they were alone in the elevator, pressing against him, kissing him breathless before stumbling into the hallway, breathless and laughing. “we’ve gone to long without doing this.”She muttered flushed and blushing.

“Yea...It was fairly amusing. I think my handler was ready to kill me by the end of it...”She muttered because she’d only done it that way to buy herself a few more hours, a few more minutes when she wasn’t on the ice. Rolling her eyes to look at him without turning her head before nodding a little. “probably.”She muttered staring down at the city. “....I didn’t have to kill. I could have walked away. I’ve very good at disappearing...”She said, the guilt in her words. Taking the guilt that had never been hers to bear, at least not wholly. She had never known anything else, but she still regretted what she had done. Something about this quiet, the darkness made her want to talk to him, feeling he understood. Swallowing hard as she ran her fingers through her hair."...I don't know what to do....I don't!How can I make it better except dying for them. To make up for the 213 deaths that came before now..."She said sounding anxious at the idea of atonement, not knowing how to make it better except death.
Loki was most shaken by why they wanted Alex. to experiment on, to make a weapon out of. they wanted him so they could make him into a better, more efficient Myka. "yes, you, Evil in bed." Loki teased with a smirk. "god, look at her, coming undone." Loki teased with a smirk. "and you where worried it was like rape." he teased as he watched the woman come completely undone, moaning as he was pulled down for a kiss. "no need." he gasped. "i have another me in there distracting Fury." he whispered, kissing Tony again. "god i want you to fuck me so bad." he growled.

he chuckled a little and nodded. "he made you a picture then?" he asked with a smile. "fuck yes we have." he moaned kissing her again eagerly as he started stripping her of her clothes, kissing every bit of flesh he found before nipping one of her nipples as he'd remembered she'd once loved beyond belief. "fuck i want you so bad it hurts." he gasped. "but i have to be sure." he whispered. "do you want this!?" he demanded.

he chuckled a little and nodded. "can't blame him really." he admitted. "hopefully you had earplugs at least?" he asked with a smile. "it was all you knew." he stated simply. "you didn't know it was wrong. you thought you where doing good." he looked at her. "and where could you have disappeared to? you had no one. knew no one. how could you run away when you had nowhere to go?" he offered her a smile. "how does dying make their deaths better?" he asked. "that's a terribly selfish thing to do. die because you killed." he stated. "you do what we do. you do what Tony does after he's caused so many deaths by building weapons that he lost control of. you do what Clint and Nat do for their own assassination jobs. you do what Bruce does after he tears through towns as a hulking green beast. you do what i do. you protect the innocent, you do what you can to save lives. you live, and know you where wrong, and have happiness in your life even if you don't think you deserve it. because to live in misery, and shame, and guilt lessons their sacrifices. makes them less." he admitted, looking at her with bright, burning eyes. "you live, and you save lives in any way you can, and know that someday, you can stand before God and know you did all you could to make up for your sins."
"we'll have to tell them when we get back."Tony muttered looking disgusted and worrie at the idea of what fury wanted with alex.Looking at the woman riding his cock he smirked a little before nodding. "I'm very good at this you know."He muttered smirking slightly rolling his eyes at the other's teasing before letting the woman go. Raising a eyebrow."Let's go home. "He growled because no one woud really be surprised that he'd left, he hardly ever stayed for a whole party, and he really wanted to see loki in his bed again.

"Yea he did."She said smiling. Moaning as her own hands tugged at his clothes, whimpering as his lips brushed over her skin knees nearly buckling as his teeth found her nipple burying a hand in his hair pressing against him."Yes, fuck yes."She growled. While she'd worry about it later, she needed him now. had always known that it was probably a forgone conclusion, that they would have ended up here like this.

"I did. Thank god."myka shuddered. "I...yes. I did. It...it was only in recent years when i was awake longer when I figured out I could delay the ice if I took my time....that I realized I was playing a politcal game, and not really helping anyone."She shuddered a little closing her eyes, before looking up at him. Something fragile and startled that she was better alive then to pay debt by dying. shifting she hunche over her knees burying her face in her hands, shoulders silently shaking, crying because he'd finally broken through the emotional wall she'd cut herself off with. while she'd hide again, would hide as soon as she gained control, in this darkness, it was easy to let her control go."...I..I can do that.You....you were serious about letting me staying."She sai sounding startled, amazed to have a place of her own, in a way she had never had before. which was why she'd stayed in the med lab instead of moving into the rooms they'd given her. She'd not believed them that she was welcome to stay.
Loki nodded. "he carries both my and Thor's mark. our magic will defend him if he is placed in danger." Loki admitted. "yes, you are." he growled, licking his lips before he grabbed Tony and simply vanished them straight to the tower, tossing Tony onto the bed as he walked around the room, whispering silencing wards so that they wouldn't wake up or bother anyone with their loud sex. the last thing he needed was Alex asking why they had been screaming last night. "there, we're safe, no one will hear us now." he admitted with a grin as he turned to face the other. "so... shall we get to it?" he asked with a smirk as he started what he was best at. stripping. or rather, belly dancing while stripping. he twisted and stretched and rolled his hips and did all sorts of sly, sexy things while his clothes slowly slid off, leaving him naked. hey, fornication and a show!

he growled as he picked her up and dumped her onto the bed once he finally had her naked, doing the thing he had loved the most. he drove his tongue deep inside of her and proceeded to eat her out until she made those high pitched perfect sounds that told him she was about to cum.

he nodded. "it wasn't until we found you that i really started to question what was happening. i never even suspected until they took Alex." he admitted, his tone soft. "sometimes i even wonder if the Red Skull was actually a bad guy, or if that was another invention of Shield." he admitted with a sigh. "i wonder how much of my life was just a manipulation." he admitted before settling next to her, gently pulling her into him, holding her while she sobbed. "yes. this can be your home if you want it to be." he assured her. "Tony has this thing about giving misfits a home." he admitted with a chuckle. "and you don't get much more misfity than us." he admitted, letting her cry herself out. "how about i make you something to eat?" he offered. "and maybe some hot chocolate. hot Chocolate makes everything better."
Tony laughed quietly yelping as he was grabbed, raising a eyebrow as he watched loki do the wards.”Planning on being loud are you?”He teased shivering a little as he paused watching loki for a long moment, his own clothes forgotten as he watched them. “Since when do you belly dance?”He asked snickering a little.

Elena yelped sstartled as he picked her up, whimpering quietly as he laid her back on the pillows, moaning as she buried her hands in his hair, whimpering those high pitch tones that said she was shattering in his arms. And with a few quick playful looks she did, moaning as she came.”Clint!”She gasped shuddering as she slumped back into the pollows.

“I...I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore.”Myka shuddered yelping a little as he sat next to her, tensing as he pulled her close, fighting to get away before swallowing slumping into him, just letting him hold her as she calmed. “Well...we are sort of out of time....misfits in this century....”She muttered calming slowly before nodding, her stomach growling at the mention of food.”Food would be good...’
Loki smirked. "you bet." he purred before chuckling a little at Tony. "i've always been able to." he admitted, swaying his hips as he rotated in a circle. "it's better when i have my Hip scarf." he admitted with a chuckle. "i learned in Egypt a few thousand years ago." he admitted, doing something complicated with his hands. "i truly have the body for it, and it's harder than it looks. it was a good challenge for a while." he admitted, smirking at Tony. "so. if i am the Harem Dancer, what would that make you, Master?" he asked playfully.

he grinned as he ate her out, letting her twist and writhe and cum so hard he was pretty sure the people in the other rooms had heard them. "yes. god yes." he growled as he kissed his way back up her body. he just couldn't wait anymore. he fetched his wallet. he always carried a condom. always, no matter what. you never knew when you might need one. he checked the date and then slid it on before pausing above her. "are you sure?" he whispered, panting at her. desperate for her, but he had to make sure this was alright.

he nodded. "yeah. it's hard when everything changes all at once." he admitted, gently rubbing her back as she cried. "well... at least you know what Looney Tunes are." he grumbled. "back when i was a kid, we didn't have TV. too poor, though i did get to see a few black and white movies when i snuck into the movie screenings with Bucky." he admitted with a chuckle. "boy did my mom whollop me good when she found out i'd been arrested for it." he admitted, looking amused. "don't tell anyone that though, i have a reputation to uphold you know." he admitted with a grin. "so, what do you want for a late night snack? i can make a mean cookie, or there are some cupcakes left." he offered. "i could make some soup too, or i think we have some hamburger meat left, i could make some hamburgers." he mused, mentally running through what they had for food in the communal kitchen.
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