Missing Parts(lady/moon)

Elena paled as she considered that, pressing a kiss to his hair,”I know.I’ve...I’ve had dreams like that...even without the insane god helping me along that path...”She shuddered at the thought, eyse pained, offering him a small smile as he took her hand, “Good. Cause you’re to hyperactive by half. You need soothed.”She muttered trying to make him smile before laughing a little, shifting, refusing to move until he did. “...Captain amazing?”She snickered at the name, “And yes. Please. That would be amazing.”She muttered. “Go. Shower before Alex gets up.He’ll wont leave you alone to shower if you don’t.”She teased, yet made no move to get up herself.

Myka stared at him, looking so confused. More then anything, confusion was in her face, his utter belief in that confusing her, because she could sense he meant it. Which meant....what to her? Looking down at the wrench in her hand she offered a fragile smile. “...okay?”She said looking odd at the request to remind him even as she settled down to sleep.

“...Do you look that good swallowing everything?”And the words were out of tony’s mouth before he could stop it before nodding. “Well, I am sure she’ll appreciate the not dying part of that, at least if Steve convinces her we’re not going to kill her or something nefarious.”Tony said before looking at Bruce, smirking a little. “Does this count as Steve getting beaten?Cause if it does, I want to count it as him losing to a girl. I mean, he’s to perfect. He needs to lose something.Though if you let steve and her go at it, I’m sure there’ll be some blood spilled.”Tony rambled a little sensing whatever he was going to hear, he wasn’t going to like before his eyes widened. “ What? Sh-what?”Tony stuttered for once totally out of words to consider how fucked it was that he’d trusted shield-he, who was paranoid of everyone- to be doing a good thing. And now, fury kidnapped a child, tried to kill his mother, hid coulson...what else did it mean? “...As in James Buchanan Barnes, the boy from Brooklyn, and Cap’s best friend?”Tony said his mind short circuiting before considering that. “The first mission Steve had, was dropping behind enemy lines to rescue Barnes from Hydra....nearly a year before Myka was born...oh bloody hell....”Tony muttered shuddering as he considered just how overprotective and PISSED the good captain was going to be when he figured that out.
he nodded a little. "yeah... sometimes it just... gets to me, everything." he admitted, even though he knew she new this he still felt like he had to explain. "i don't always have nightmares like that." he smiled a little. "i am hyper." he admitted with a chuckle. "yeah. Captain amazing, cus he can do no wrong, the jerk." he complained with a smile. sighing as he finally levered himself out of bed and into the shower. hoping Alex would sleep for a few hours yet so Elena could get some rest of her own.

"....of course. don't you remember when i swallowed your dick?" he asked with a smirk, Bruce clearing his throat. he did NOT want to be a part of that conversation. "no i don't think so as it was his idea to leave." Bruce admitted with a small chuckle and a shake of his head. "yeah. Shield and Hydra are practically the same thing these days..." Bruce admitted with a sigh. "...the one and only. yes." Bruce admitted, sounding a little wary. "whether she knows the connection or not remains to be seen but i'm... not sure if we need to tell the Cap or not." "you better tell him. if he finds out later that you knew and didn't tell him and he had to find out on his own... bad things are going to happen." Loki warned. "he's headed up just so you know." he warned indicating the door, and, as promised, a few seconds later Steve walked in. "well... she's freaked out." Steve admitted, glaring at Tony. "you left a wrench in there you know. at least, i think it was a wrench. either way she nearly brained me with it."
“I know, sweetheart.”Elena muttered closing her eyes, smiling slightly, “And not all the time, just enough to feel emotionally exhausted.”Elena yawned shifting to snuggle down into the bed, “Hmmm you were always a hyper one in bed.”She muttered sleepily perverted, before giggling. “If you get any more fond of your perfect captain, I might be jealous.”She teased even as she fell back asleep, knowing he was okay, and that jarvis would let them know if Alex needed them.

“Hm, that’s true. But I might need another demo.”Tony said with a smirk, it widening as he looked at bruce. Oh yea, he couldn’t help it. Being himself was just so entertaining in embarrassing his friend. “Damn.”Tony sulked at the idea of not being able to claim a win for the assassin before wincing. “Fucking hell.”He shuddered a little, pretty sure this was about to blow up in their faces, before shaking his head.”I doubt it....even...dead...as he is, if she was aware of the connection, she might have reached out for his family if given the chance....no. I’d put money on them totally isolating her from anyone who might have been able to take her away.”Tony sighed before tensing a little as he glanced towards the door, sighing as he held up the tablet. “I know. I was watching.”he said before wincing. “I hadn’t known I left it down there, but she could barely pick it up. I think you were safe, Captain Amazing.”Oh yea, he’d picked it up from clint. “Also....Sit. We have something to tell you, that you’re not going to like.”He said, knowing better then to put off telling him
he nodded a little. "yeah, exaughsted." he agreed with a sigh before he snorted. "he is perfect." he grumbled. "and you know it. admit it, he makes you have wet dreams at night." he teased with a smirk as he vanished.

Loki chuckled a little as Bruce rolled his eyes. "your right. if she'd known about Bucky i have no doubt she would have dug up information on Steve at the very least, if not Peggy. she's old but she's still alive. she's like ninety." Bruce admitted. "and yes, Steve knows she's alive, he's the one who told me. Peggy was ecstatic to see him." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "i have no doubt she's been isolated to only her handler and her doctor." he admitted before looking up at Steve who huffed. "that's not the point Tony." he complained before scowling at him. "don't call me that!" he complained before sitting. "this is about Shield working with, or even controlling Hydra? or is this about Myka being Bucky's daughter?" he demanded, snorting at the way Bruce was gaping at him. "she told me about Shield and her last name is Barnes. now that might be a common last name but as much as she looks like Bucky, it's too much to be a coincidence." Steve admitted. "next time Fury fucks with us, he's dead. no hesitations." Steve warned. "i'll do it myself if i have to." oh yeah, he was protective alright.
Elena giggled at that, “Hmmm maybe. Now if only you and him would team up, we could have the perfect superhero wet dream.”She teased as he vanished rolling her eyes.

“Not only that, she would have had a place to run. To disappear. And they trained her to do that, vanish as easily as smoke. But she had no idea who Steve is, and her file said nothing about her being stupid. It would have been stupid to not look him up if she knew.”Tony sighed before opening his mouth to ask how he knew peggy was alive before laughing a little. “Good. The old timer needs friends.”Tony chuckled before looking at Steve, “That is the whole point. I was kinda hoping to see you get beat by a girl. I’ll have to wait.”He teased though there was real worry about how this was going to go in his eyes. Before gaping at the man, looking startled and at a loss for words before huffing a laugh. “Damn. You’re handling this better then I thought.”he snorted looking amused and vaguely worried about how protective steve was being over the assassin. “How long do you think she’ll sleep?”He asked looking thoughtful.
Bruce nodded. "that's right. so she doesn't know." he agreed. "we'll have to tell her then. and for a ninety year old she's a spry old bat." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "she actually beat Steve a few times with her purse for making her worry for over seventy years." he admitted with a snort. "i didn't get to see it but he told me about it. apparently she hits pretty damn hard." he admitted with a chuckle as Steve rolled his eyes. "i've already been beaten by a girl." Steve pointed out. "and i'm pretty sure Natasha could mat me." he admitted. "oh, i'm not handling this well at all." Steve admitted. "i'm just too furious right now to do anything about it yet. i'll hit the punching bag later. when i'm certain Myka is going to be fine. she'll probobly sleep for another hour or two. just long enough for the serum to fix the damage and then she'll be stuck to four hours a night. six if she's lucky." Steve admitted, Bruce chuckling. everyone knew that Steve only needed four a night unless he managed to completely exaughsted himself. which only happened after extremely heavy battle.
“Ha. That would have been amazing to see. Really.”Tony snickered at the mental image of steve getting beaten with a purse before making a face at steve. “Natasha can mat us all, it’s not that impressive anymore.”Tony muttered before studying him, nodding a little. “Well. Now all we have to do is wait....I hate waiting.”Tony grumbled even if it was covering ill concealed worry over steve and Myka. Knowing that this wasn’t going to be pretty, for any of them.

Indeed Myka slept for nearly two hours, and it wasn’t until Jarvis informed Tony that she was up and moving, that anyone was aware of it. “Hey. Capsicle, time to go play nursemaid again.”Tony looked worried though as tehy walked down to the lab, “I’ll let you and bruce go in alone, no need to surround her with all new people.”He mused raising a eyebrow as he realized the door was locked, “Have fun convincing her to open the door.”he snickered slightly as he left them alone, trying not to wince at the sight of the woman curled up in the corner, hands pressed over her ears silently rocking back and forth. Having been given the chance to properly wake, and to think, the memories were starting to crash into her again, like they always did. Every time she woke she always needed time to accumulate, to get her memories and thoughts sorted.

When Clint came out of his shower it was obvious elena had caught his nightmares, the blankets twisted around her legs as she tossed and turned, silent tears sliding down her cheeks as she whimpered, struggling to get free from the blankets trapping her, but uncapable of doing it. Hidden in the nest of blankets she’d gone to sleep like she always did, but she was trapped, scared, and so worried about her son and almost lover. Because no matter what, she knew fury wasn’t going to stop, would come for them, and despite the brave front, the woman was totally scared out of her mind.
Steve snorted. "i'm a hundred pounds over her." he stated dryly. "and she tosses me about like i'm a toy Tony!" he stated, shaking his head. "i think the only person she can't mat is Loki!" he complained, shooting a glare at said god who simply smiled. "i can think of some things we could do in an hour or two." Loki teased, grinning at Tony.

"yeah." Steve muttered with a sigh as he followed the other. "that's a good idea. you'll watch us though, right?" he asked, indicating the Stark Tablet in Tony's hands. he took a deep breath and approached the door, knocking twice. "Myka? it's Steve rogers. Dr. Banner is here. he wants to check your nervous system for shock damage. can we come in?" he asked hopefully.

Clint winced as he realized she was having a nightmare. he knew it was probobly his fault, all his nightmares had to have been traumatizing to her. "Elena. wake up." he ordered, gently stroking her hair. "Elena. wake up now." he ordered, carefully relieving her from her 'bonds' that where the bedding.
“Of course.”Tony said even as he shifted to sit down next to the elevator, carefully out of sight of the glass walls, but close enough that if something when wrong he could be there within moments. Myka was quiet, rocking a little before a slight frown appeared, looking up at him, wide blue eyes wide and frightened, swallowing as she stood slowly, “Only....only don’t come in yet...let me open the door then wait...”Myka ordered edging across the room nervously, the fear and confusion in her look making her look younger then she was. Flipping the lock she looked up at him before stepping back, moving to the bed before swallowing.”Okay...okay you can come in...”

Elena jerked at his touch, pressing her face into his hand, crying quietly before bolting upright, panting as she nearly fell out of the bed, hands tight on his shirt as she tried to orient herself to where she was, that he was okay."so...bossy..."She muttered flushing brightly as she shifted, wrapping her arms around him, nuzzling his neck as she gasped for breath, struggling to calm down.
both Bruce and Steve nodded as they watched Tony head out of sight before turning their attention to the door. "Alright." Steve agreed. "i'll come in first." he promised her. "Bruce will follow me a few seconds after." he promised as he heard the lock click, but didn't make a move yet. "alright." he chirped as he slowly walked in, offering her a smile. "Myka, this is Dr. Banner. Bruce Banner. don't hit him. ever." he warned. "he gets all big, mean and green." he admitted, Bruce rolling his eyes. "i'm the running expert on genetics." Bruce corrected. "i'm going to try and fix what i can. i won't be able to remove the Serum from your body, as it bonds directly into your genetics, but i should be able to remove any of the nasty side effects." he admitted. "now. how are you feeling?" he asked her. "is there any lingering pain? joint stiffness? blurry vision?"

he smiled as she woke up. "hey, easy. hush now. i've got you." he whispered, holding her close, shivering as he felt the nuzzling on his neck, spreading his hand against her belly while the other held her close. "i'll always catch you." he whispered, swallowing thickly as he lowered his head and kissed her deeply. desperate for the reassurance that she was there, desperate for her.
Myka swallowed hard as she watched him walk in, hands shaking a little as she watched them. “No...no hitting. Okay. I can do that...”Myka said though she looked unsure, as if not quite sure about what the other was talking about looking up at bruce, offering a hesitant smile. Before dropping her eyes, rubbing a absent hand against her thigh, the ache to her muscles and bones dull and persistant. “My body aches...but it always does after I wake...and not alot...I’m a little blurry but not much and I feel weak...couldn’t pick up that damned wrench though...”

Elena shuddered clinging to him, moaning aosftly as she felt his whole hand take up most of her back, feeling small and protected, “Good.”She muttered before kissing him back, desperate to feel alive,t to reassure herself that this was real, that she wasn’t lost in the world. Small narrow hands tugging at his shirt, hands trailing over warm skin as she kissed him back
Bruce smiled a little. "i'll have Tony bring up a feed of what i am." Bruce promised her. "i met with an... accident, trying to recreate the serum that runs through your body. i thought it could be a way to cure diseases like cancer and stuff like that, but it... didn't go well." he admitted with a smile. "i never imagined someone else was doing experiments on it. let alone on a person." he admitted with a sigh as he gently examined her muscles. "you've been asleep for a long time, you're muscles have atrophied a little." Bruce explained. "you have run of the mill frostbite covering almost all of your body, but your serum is fixing that quickly enough." Bruce admitted as he gently peered into her eyes, shining a light in them. "your eyes are reacting properly, it could be some cold damage. if they haven't focused by tonight i'll dilate your eyes and see what i can see." Bruce promised her. "you took the painkillers?" he asked, gently examining her fingers. "i don't see any joint swelling or damage so that's good. you appear to be in perfect health aside from the frostbite."

Clint moaned as he was kissed back, shivering as he felt those small hands sliding his shirt off. he let the shirt com off and slid his hand under hers, stroking her breasts, delighted that she still went to bed without a bra. of course... most girls did. he stroked that perky pink nipple before giving it a tiny tweek, knowing that her nipples had always been sensitive.he pressed her tighter against him, desperate for her as he proved by rubbing his hard cock against her thigh. "Elena." he breathed, removing his hand from her pants to slide them under her pajama pants, freezing as he heard Jarvis tell them that Alex was up. "...fuck..."
Myka looked thoughtful at the doctor in front of her, before smirking at him.”No matter what you turn into, you’re luckier then me.I know it’s killing me.”She said simply, no one would ever mistake her for stupid, and she’d guessed years ago that the experiment was killing her even as it healed her. “It does keep me from getting sick, at least I haven’t gotten sick.”She said wincing a little as he examined her, barely resisting the urge to jerk back from him. Her eyes going a little wide, a little panicked as he kept examining her, before nodding a little looking down at her hands, even if she couldn’t feel it healing, she knew it was. Jerking back as the light found her eyes she blinked stupidly, before swallowing hard. “They’re always a little blurry when I wake but within a day I’m usually okay....they always made sure it was, I’m a sniper. I have to be able to see.”She said, well it seemed she’d inherited more then bucky’s serum. But a talent for guns, for sniping....well, at least that explained some. They chose someone who not only could keep captain america from injuring their weapon, but someone who was already a skilled killer, with the intent of bucky passing along the talent. Nodding a little at bruce’s question she swallowed hard. “Yes. Though I’m going to need more.My body processes the drugs really fast...doesn’t kill the pain for long.”She muttered, not realizing they were used to dealing with that, since Steve did the same thing. Biting her lip a little she looked around her, “Do...do I have to stay down here/”She asked, having looked over the lab, and realized it was a state of the art lab, which meant where ever she was, it was as equally state of the art. And she wanted to know where the hell she was.

Elena whimpered in the back of her throat, back arching as he stroked her nipple, hips bucking up,pressing against him, moaning loudly as he rubbed against her. “Clint...”She muttered moaning quietly meeting his eyes with wide lust blown eyes, squirming as he slid a hand under her pants, freezing at the sound of jarvis, her thoughts scattered enough it took her a few moments to figure out what was going on.It’d been a long time since she had sex-hell even touched herself, so this was pushing her over the edge- before sighing, the mood snapped as she gently tugged his hand out, moving away from him.”I’ll go get him.”She muttered leaning down to kiss him as she got up, heading for alex’s room, smiling slightly as he pounced on her, with demands of breakfast. The frustrated lover forgotten in favor of of being a mother. Almost glad for the interruption, now that she wasn’t lust ridden-well at least not in the same room with clint- she knew it was a bad idea to go there just yet.
Bruce smiled a little. "there are days when i think shooting myself in the head would be preferable." he admitted. "and then i remember the last time i tried to do that." he admitted with a sigh. "but i can fix the Serum problem easily enough, your scientists where hack jobs. they didn't have a clue what they where doing." Bruce admitted. "not a damn clue. it's sort of like a collage student solving grade school math." he admitted. "sometimes it's harder than hell to see where the other kid screwed up, but it's not all that much of a challenge." he admitted. "my eyes hurt for a few days after i woke up." Steve admitted. "blurry and stuff." he admitted and Bruce nodded, taking the reassurance. "yes, i know." Bruce admitted with a smile. "these two syringes are specially modified, Serum compatible painkillers." Bruce explained, showing one to her. "i'm going to assume you know how to find a vein?" he asked, handing her an empty one. "i need a full sample of your blood please." "are you sure it's a good idea to let her stick herself?" Steve asked, sounding a bit concerned. "sure. she clearly doesn't like it when i touch her. it will be easier on her, and for me if she does the needle stuff herself." Bruce admitted. "i can't imagine those bastards treated her well." he admitted. "and no. you don't have to stay in here, though i'd like it if you rested for a few more hours, i won't stop you from getting up. most of the tower should be open to you. if a loud, British male voice tells you that your not authorized to be there, then it's one of the private areas. like Tony's lab, or my room." he explained.

he moaned as she bucked, shuddering as she whispered his name before freezing as well, too shocked to mov for a moment as he remembered where he was and who he was touching. "...shit.." he groaned, letting her leave, setting his face in his hands for a moment before standing up and heading into the bathroom to deal with his 'problem' before he swept out of the room. "Captain Amazing made us breakfast." he admitted, indicating the table stocked with food. scrambled eggs, and a massive waffle with sausage and bacon for each of them. "i'm going to go down tot he range for a while." he admitted, frustration tight in his voice. "is that alright?" torn, he needed to let off some steam, but he didn't want to abandon Elena and Alex either.
“Me to.Then I remember suicide isn’t a option when I’ll heal any damage I did myself.”Myka made a face, in her younger years she’d tried hurting herself badly enough on a mission to not come back, knowing she was facing the ice again, but she’d never managed to hurt herself bad enough to outpace what her body would heal. “Good. Thank you.”Myka said sounding pleased that they were working on the problem, even if she didn’t trust them, she knew it was killing her. So it was either watch her body break down, or gamble that they’d help. Raising a eyebrow at the man’s knowing how to override the serum she smirked. “I wouldn’t be as good as I am if I couldn’t.”She said the words sounding off handed, but a deliberate jab, as if reminding them she was deadly, and she was. Feeling off kilter enough that she had no idea what to think of these two and what they wanted from her. Figuring she’d been woken up to kill, and was also reassuring that she was capable of taking care of whatever tehy wanted. Taking the syringe she smirked as she picked up the tie off, tying her upper arm off and squeezing a little to get a vien before finding it, and within moments was handing over the blood sample and shooting up the painkillers. Sighing quietly as it hit her system she looked thoughtful, before nodding after a moment. “I’ll rest after I look around.”She said easing off the far side of the table away from them, before turning to look at steve.”Show me around.”A question formed as a demand.

Elena swallowed hard antsy and agiated, but smiling as she took care of alex, before laughing. “He is amazing.This looks wonderful.”She smiled as alex scrambled up onto the chair to get his plate, looking happy for all the food. Looking up at Clint as she got her own plate of food she gave a short nod, her own face tight with frustration and anxiety, “Go ahead.I think we’ll go see Tony and loki after breakfast.”She said smirking, though it was a little strained, at alex’s cheer of approval for the idea. It was obvious she was as frustrated with their status as he was.
he nodded. "your welcome." he stated with a smile. "yes. you are very impressive." Bruce stated rather sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. "thank you." Bruce stated as he examined the blood sample to check for anything that might affect the studies before he nodded. "as you will." Bruce stated, already distracted as he ambled off, muttering about needing to get a sample of Steve's blood one of these days. Steve just snorted a little. "he's far too like Tony for my liking." he admitted with a sigh as he grinned at her. "right this way." he chirped. "this is the medical floor. Bruce's domain. he doesn't mind if you go into his lab but never touch anything. apparently it contaminates or something, i don't really understand it." he admitted with a chuckle. he showed her everywhere. the first ten levels where all paper pushing so that didn't take long. the next twenty five levels was all research and development. filled with interesting things, medical technology advancements, weapons, technological advancements, with scientists and techno geeks running around and working on whatever their hearts desired. the next ten levels was all medical, genetics, medicine, treatments, experiments with regeneration and prosthetic. even some mental health. doctors, patients, scientists and Bruce's lab and the lab that she had started in. above that was twenty levels of nothing but private levels and rooms and such. this was where the Avengers lived. there was a massive gym and gun range, there was a level with a pool a sauna, and a Spa that was actually staffed with people. there was an arcade and a bowling alley and other such fun games where Clint often hung out simply because he freaking loved arcade games. there was a communal living area where most of the Avengers came for dinner. a kitchen, a dining room and a living room where Steve insists on a movie night occasionally. "you'll have your own room, or floor rather." Steve assured her. "Tony insists on it. it's a bit extravagant but then, everything Tony does is."

Clint smiled a little and nodded. "yeah, he is amazing." he agreed. "maybe you could get Loki to babysit? we have a full spa a few levels down. you could get a massage and a manicure." he knew what got her relaxed. "it wouldn't take an hour i don't think and you need some stress relief as much as i do." he admitted, blinking at her. "or i could watch him once i'm gone and you could go relax after."
Muka followed the good captain around the tower her face settled into easy lines of being blank and passive.the fact that she could look so harmless had always served her well,even if it was disturbing that she could do it. And while she showed little interest in the spa ot working floors,he'd had to practically drag her out of the shooting range and the gym. A slight frown on her face as she considered what she was hearing. And what she had guessed."you keep talking about tony...as in tony stark?I'm home?"she asked her voice devoid of emotion but she moved towards a window to look out at the city,omething tight in her chest relaxing as she realized she was rriht.she was in stark tower, she was home....at least as close to brooklyn as she had been in years. Pausing as she considered that she twisted to look at him frowning,looking supicious glad that they had thr communal floors to themselves,maybe she could figure out what the hell was going on."what does he want from me?"

"I'll see.he had fun babysitting last night...and I'm sure watchingtony freak out at having to babysit would appeal to him."she snickered a little before nodding."I might do that."she said sounding just as frustrated before waving him away."go.come find me when you're done."she ordered
he smiled a little. "yeah, we're in Stark Tower... sorry i thought i'd said that." he admitted looking a little puzzled. "no i guess i didn't, sorry." he muttered sheepishly before he smiled a little. "Tony wants what Tony wants. none of us really understand why he eve invited us here when he hates having people in his space." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "in any case. he wants you here so he can protect you more than anything. you never should have been abused the way you where." he admitted. "we brought you here so Shield and Hydra couldn't take advantage of you anymore. and, also because it would piss Fury off royally." he grinned viciously. "that one eyed bastard has no fucking clue what he's messing with." he hissed, his eyes flashing. "he had the singularly bad idea to think kidnapping Clint Barton's son would be a good idea." he admitted. "so we don't work for Shield anymore. you don't have to do anything you don't want to anymore. particularly since i'm pretty sure you could escape anytime you wanted to."

he grinned a little and nodded as he kissed the top of Alex's forehead. "thanks." he whispered to her before he headed off, watching Steve talking to Myka. "Hey! i was gonna burn off some steam Steve, you up for a tumble?" Clint asked hopefully. he'd find Natasha, but he always felt a bit bad about hitting her. "uh, sure why not." Steve decided after a moment. "you want to come along? you could give the Gun range a try."
Myka smiled a little, “It’s okay.”She said sounding a little sad, because it was such a rarity for people to apologize to her, that she wasn’t sure what to think of hearing it now. “Well...at least I will know how to act around him. Not take up his space.”she said looking thoughtful and wondering just why she was here before her eyes widened staring at the man in front of her. “....I can get behind pissing someone off.....”she said not sure what to think about the anger she could see in the man’s face, wondering if they were just letting her get comfortable before sending her after fury. “....Probably. It’s easier breaking out then breaking in.”She muttered, raising a eyebrow as he looked at Clint as he walked in. “....If you’re going to have a...’tumble’ I don’t think so.”Myka’s eyes brightened with wicked amusement, much like bucky, she enjoyed a good joke, and despite everything her sense of humor had survived, and she had more awareness of current slang then people would think. “But if you’re talking about a spar, I’m more then willing to watch.....you’d trust me with a gun?”She said after a moment as they walked towards the room.

“No, no. Leave. No sexually repressed people are allowed on my floor....though if you want to leave the kid, you can. I have iron man things to do if he wants to help.”Tony said taking one look at the woman as she walked in with the toddler on her hip looking up from where he was working(i.e. Laying around with loki and watching movies while playing on a tablet). “Help?I help.”Alex nodded excitedly already squirming out of his mother’s arms to go to the two men.
he snorted. "he gets annoyed when you actively avoid his space." he admitted. "like i said, it's complicated. Tony just doesn't make sense, ever." he admitted. "is it?" Steve asked curiously. "i suppose that makes sense..." he muttered. "i'll have to remember that the next time i get kidnapped." he mused with a chuckle before he stared at her, Clint snickering. "ease up Captain. i know your not used to Gay jokes, but really. "...shut up." Steve ordered, going bright red. "i'm kicking your ass Barton!" he complained, Clint just laughing. "course we trust you with a Gun. besides, as heavily armed as, well, everyone here is, it wouldn't be hard for you to get one anyway. come on, i'll let you play with my collection, i have a bit of everything." he admitted as he led the way to the 'gym'.

Loki chuckled a little at Tony's comments, shaking his head a little. "that's right Alex, you can help." Loki stated with a smile. "and when Tony proves to be boring i'll play with you." he promised with a smile. "go relax." he ordered Elena. "are you two going to need a chaperone?" he asked her curiously, simply to see her blush.
“....Well. I’ll just have to wait and meet him.”Myka frowned looking annoyed at not knowing how to deal with the billionaire she hadn’t met yet. None of these people were acting like normal people, at least anyone she’d ever known, it was confusing her. “It is. Everyone guards the way in, no one guards the way out.”She said looking amused though before grinning at steve’s staring, looking unruffled at the man’s embarrassment. “Though, if you were to take a tumble, you couldn’t choose much better. He’s a fairly beautiful man.”Myka mused, though whether she was talking about clint or steve was up in the air, just enjoying being able to talk to people without orders, without a double meaning to everything she said before smirking. “Ohhh, now that sounds dirty. I’lll treat your collection well.”Myka said smiling as he showed her where everything was, waving them away to their sparring even as she settled into the shooting range with a sig sauer sniper rifle, looking quite content to fire and waste ammo, the quiet concentration on her face almost overdone until you realized she was making a picture out of her shots. Bugs Bunny. Hmmm, it seemed clint had some competition for the best sniper in the tower.

“Okay. Can we make more frogs, after I-ren man things?”Alex said scampering over to Tony, climbing up into the man’s lap to look at his laptop even as he twisted to look at Loki. Elena bit her lip, looking nervous about the idea of leaving Alex alone,even if she trusted them, she’d only ever left Alex with becca, her babysitter, and this made her nervous. “Okay. I’m going down to the spa, so call if you need anything...”She said biting her lip nervous before she blushed brightly, dipping her head. “N-no. We’re not-no we’re not-”She stuttered blushing brightly before fleeing down to the spa to get away from the laughing two. “Bye mama!”Alex called after her before settling in to helping tony.
he nodded. "it won't be long. Tony is getting more and more sociable these days." Steve admitted. "i can't really tell if that's a good thing or not though." he admitted with a chuckle before he nodded. "you're right. no one ever guards the way out, unless it's a prison. i suppose it would be easy to break into a prison?" he mused before he sulked at her. Clint snickering. "he is beautiful isn't he? all those muscles and that cute little 1930's haircut." Steve went bright red. "now i'm really going to kick your ass." he growled at Clint who snickered. he wasn't laughing at the end of the spar though, he was certain he would never laugh again, but GOD he felt better. "that's impressive." Steve admitted, looking amazed at the picture of the rabbit. "damn... i have some competition." Clint stated, looking a little amazed by that.

"sure we can." Loki assured the boy with a grin as he watched Tony interacting with Alex. "if we have any problems at all, Jarvis will alert you." Loki assured her before grinning as he watched Alex. "by the way Tony..." Loki muttered, taking the man's hand and sliding something into place. a titanium Ring, covered in Celtic knot patterns. "it's a detector." Loki explained. "it reacts to all poisons, potions, and infections. wave it over your food and it will let you know, by vibrating, if the food is bad to eat." he explained with a smile. "sometimes it's just salmonella, but there are many other dangers that i don't want you subjected to."
“Well, I would hope a prison wouldn’t be easy to break in to...”She said looking thoughtful before eyeing the good captain and nodding. “It is a very 1930s haircut. And those muscles...hmm...”Myka smirked, looking amused and for once totally human. Feeling part of something, of the world, instead of outcast. Looking up from where she was laying on the floor to shoot she raised a eyebrow. “So, you are Hawkeye. I had been wondering when you handed me the rifle.”She smiled a little before pushing up, setting the gun aside, looking more relaxed and quiet, for the first time since she woke, truly relaxed, even if she wasn’t getting any closer to them, wincing a little as her stomach growled. “Food?”

Tony startled a little as the man took his hand, turning his head to look at the man, before raising it to look at, looking thoughtful.”Think you can get some of the rest of the team?I mean, I know this is a gift for me, but it would be awesome for the others to have something to and....thank you.”He said blushing slightly. “Pretty!”Alex crowed as he leaned closer to inspect it.
he smiled a little. "not according to the movies!" "Steve! do we have to go through the 'movies are not real' conversation again?" Steve stuck his tongue out at Clint. "my hair is not..." he complained, flushing hard. "yeah, i'm Hawkeye." he admitted with a grin. "i have two of those you know, if you ask nicely, i might let you keep it." he admitted as Steve chuckled. "food would be good." "yeah, food... after a shower." Clint decided. "you really didn't have to kick my ass that bad." he complained. "i said i was going to, it's your own fault for not believing me."

"sure." Loki agreed with a smile. "they aren't hard to make, i just need a ring to charm. i actually had more trouble trying to find you a ring you would wear." he admitted as he smiled at Alex. "it is pretty isn't it?" Loki asked with a chuckle, ruffling the boys hair. "tell them to bring me a ring or a bracelet and i'll charm theirs to do the same thing. i'm working on a way to create temporary shields as well, but that's much more difficult." he admitted with a shake of his head.
Myka made a face at him, eyebrow twitching. As much as she wanted to yell at clint for messing up her mission in russia, she knew it wasn’t something she could yell about, or that it really mattered. She wasn’t with the people who’d punished her for failing, but she wasn’t totally comfortable here either. Smirking she took the offer as a peace offering, smiling a little. “We could fire over it. Later. I want food.”She said waving a hand towards the shooting range to make her offer to shoot with him clear before smiling a little as she yawned, “Does anyone believe you when you say your going to kick their ass?I mean, you give off this whole wholesome thing going for you.”She teased a little, as much as she’d connected to realize who clint was-after all, there were few sharpshooters who could keep up with her- she still hadn’t realized she was making fun of captain america. “Go shower....I’ll go wait down in the med lab....”She said looking nervous about wandering around without steve, because while she didn’t trust him, she trusted him enough to stop anyone else from getting to close, and stopping her from snapping out at them if she reacted instinctively to hurting them. It wasn’t a whole trust, but it was something to work with.

“Good. And this is a ring I will wear.”he raised his hand to inspect it, amused as alex followed the move with his eyes, “Something heavy enough I’m not going to damage it in the work shop. Thanks Loki.”he muttered. “It is. Goes with his suit.”Alex said wisely not seeing Tony’s rolling eyes. “I’ll do that...and temporary shields?”Tony looked up interested.
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