Missing Parts(lady/moon)

Loki smirked a little. "i will talk S-E-X. it's not like he knows what we're talking about, even if he was paying attention." he pointed out.

"no one believes you Tony." Steve pointed out, looking amused. "and eidetic memory doesn't work that way." Loki pointed out. "what's this Princess Bride thing?" he demanded. "i wish to watch it as well to further annoy Tony." actually, he was just curious, but that was besides the point. "the speech at the German Opera was to entice you to catch me. and it did." "yeah he planned that." Clint admitted with a grimace. "uh, Tony. do you remember what happened the last time i was left alone with Bruce?" he'd gone Hulk, taken off, and a beaten and bruised Loki had been dragged 350 miles through space to land in the middle of a meeting he wasn't supposed to know about. "...he has a good point." Bruce admitted. "it would be an extremely bad idea to leave me with..." he glanced at Alex and Clint grimaced. "right! Hulk is not staying alone with Alex, ever." Bruce just nodded. "i'd feel safer if Natasha stayed with Loki and Elena." Clint finally admitted after a long hesitation. "if that's alright?" he asked Elena, knowing the two women needed to... settle things between them as well. and, well, Natasha had saved him in more ways than one. he knew she could keep his family safe.
“Shut up, Capsicle.”Tony twitched a little. “It’s a movie, and I’ll let you burrow the book to.”Elena said smiling as she patted loki’s arm. “we’ll watch it while they go be heros.”She said trying not to be as anxious and scared as she was about having a assassin after her. “Ahhh...yea. Damn. I forgot.”Tony winced at the idea before sighing softly, glancing at alex. “Yea. Agreed.” “Sorry Bruce....”Elena muttered looking up at bruce, a small strained smile on her face, feeling bad for making him feel uncomfortable, even if she knew that he wasn’t, it still made her feel bad to point out that he couldn’t be trusted alone with Alex,even if he was the on eto bring it up. Natasha nodded calmly, tilting her head as she looked at Elena. “It’s fine. We can talk...and we can watch Princess Bride. Despite his protests, I’m sure Tony owns it.Go.”Elena muttered leaning over to kiss Clint softly wincing a little as Alex grabbed at his shirt. “No!No go!” “Alex, let them go. They have to go save the world okay?”She soothed, waving a hand towards the door.”Go. Now. He’s not going to be calm.”She ordered knowing that there was nothing to do for alex except to get the avengers to leave before it became a screaming tantrum.

Tony looked torn, wanting to calm the boy before nodding, trusting Elena to take care of the boy before heading for the balcony. "Let's go deal with this woman then."he said even as the suit assembled around him, not realizing that inside Alex had stopped his tantrum in favor of watching Iron man. Elena smiled as she settled onto the couch, resting alex in her lap, soothing her small boy even as the other's left, knowing this was going to be interesting no matter what happened.
Loki smiled. "i will enjoy watching a movie with you." Loki decided with a smile. "is it appropriate for children to watch?" he asked curiously, examining Alex. "it's no problem." Bruce promised her with a smile. "i'm not safe in an environment like this and if we where attacked, i'd be just as likely to go after you or Alex as i would an assassin." he admitted. "i know my limits. i have to in order to keep everyone safe." "if Topny doesn't own it, then i do." Clint admitted. it was the one thing he'd allowed himself. and only because it had memories of his mother as well as Elena. "don't worry Little Man. i'll be back in no time flat." he promised the boy before hesitating in the doorway, upset at leaving Alex as upset as he was. "yeah. the winter soldier... joy..." Clint muttered, shaking his head a little. falling into old habits as he moved his hands in a Holy Cross and uttered a prayer to the Holy Father. something he hadn't done since Elena died. he had been raised Catholic, lived as a Catholic, and he had stopped once he had thought Elena dead, thinking God to be too cruel to be real. now he uttered a prayer, not to keep himself safe, but to protect Alex and Elena. he finally turned and followed them into the Jet and watched the Cap pilot them to the place that had been thought to be a myth. the realm of the Winter Soldier. "Cap?" "we'll go in teams. Bruce with Tony, you're with me. we'll do an entire sweep."

"...Alex. come here." Loki ordered when Iron Man and the others where gone. "i will teach you something." Loki promised. "you are young enough, that i can teach you how to use magic. would you like that?" Loki asked, well aware that teaching the boy something, would keep him very distracted. Loki ran him through an exercise that would calm the child. it was a lot like meditation, only the child was supposed to focus on his breathing, as well as his heartbeat. Loki sat there, cross legged, keeping Alex calm like the good father he was, guiding Alex gently through a process that most adults would have serious problems doing. it was even a deeply calming exercise, and when Loki called a halt to the process, Alex was much more calm. "you did a very good job Alex." Loki praised, smiling, his eyes glittering in delight. "we'll do some more Tomorrow, yes?" he offered with a smile. "now. lets go watch this Princess Bride and i'll show you how to make paper animals."
“Yes it is.”Elena smiled pleased that Loki was going to watch the movie with them, knowing it’d be a good distraction for them all. “Okay’Elena smiled relaxing at bruce’s promise it was okay, before offering Clint a small smile at his words. Amused that he’d bought it, even if he’d teased her about how corny it was. “No.Don’t go!No.”Alex demanded despite Clint’s promise, squirming, trying to get out of elena’s hold. Tony raised a eyebrow a little, looking amused as he listened to the other’s over the comm.”See you guys there.”Tony smiled pleased with the splitting of the teams, and absently listening as steve went over everything they knew about hydra. When they got there Tony smirked a little looking at the mansion, which really, looked like something out of medieval fairy tale of a bad guy’s hideout, “We’ll start in the west wing, if you guys take the east.”Tony said as he landed near them. “Let’s go bruce. I want to find her first.”Tony said only because he wanted a chance to hire her against fury before cap had a chance to go moral on them and refuse to do something like that. And as they moved through the house, they did find some guards, some scientists working in labs, but no assassin. At least until the last room. Staring at what was in front of him he cleared his throat a little. “Hey cap?”Tony said, sounding a little dazed, and for once, not exactly sure what he was seeing. But they were wrong, and it had been one person the whole time. “I know you said Hydra had been working on a version of the serum. How close did they get?”Tony said as he stepped further into the room, his curiosity getting the better of him as he looked at the glass cryogenics freezer. Turning to look at bruce he swallowed. “You’re seeing this to, right?”He asked as he stepped closer, looking down at the woman on the table, raising a hand. While it was still cool, it was closer to room temperature then it should have been. They had been in the process of waking her up. Which was a slow process, which steve was aware of. Even if he’d done it by accident, frozen to pass time, it seemed Hydra had had the same idea, putting their best weapon on ice, so she would avoid aging until they needed her. At least, that’s what he thought they’d done. And it made him so curious to see if they really had managed to replicate the serum to the point that she could survive being frozen.

“No.”Alex sulked glaring at the man. “Alex.They’ll be back soon, play with loki. He’s fun remember?You’ll like magic.”Elena soothed quietly, amused as Alex reluctantly went to loki, nodding his head a little. “Okay.”he grumbled before settling in to learn. Making his mother smile as she watched, “You’re good with him.”She said, before laughing quietly as he calmed. “you know, you just did us a favor. Any time he’s upset, I bet I can get him to practice his magic to calm.”She said looking amused with the idea, because she just knew that Alexx would indeed be eager to practice, since it was something new, something he’d get to do that other’s couldn’t. “Thank you.”Alex stuttered a thanks, smiling up at the man before nodding quickly. “Okay!”He said scampering off to elena’s side, demanding she go get some of his colored paper and the movie so they could make animals as they watched the movie. “Okay,alex. Come on sweetheart.”She smiled heading downstairs with all of them, amused to as Natasha settled on the floor with alex as the movie played, giving in to alex’s demand she help them make animals to.
Loki smiled a little. "i have had many of my own." he admitted with a chuckle. "Alex is very well behaved compared to mine." he admitted with a wry grin. "makes me wonder if i'm a bad influence." he admitted with a chuckle. "he's at the right age to start learning. and incredibly intelligent. he also wants to learn, he will be a very powerful Earth Mage someday... he will never be as powerful as someone who is born with magic already in his being, but he will be much more powerful that any silly human wand waver." he admitted with a chuckle. "by the time he's sixteen, it will be a very foolish person who tries to hurt that child..." there was a pause. "well.. actually, considering the family he has, it's already a bad idea." he admitted with a smile as he wiggled his fingers, getting the proper colored thin paper and set about teaching everyone how to make paper frogs that really hopped, a fortune teller, a paper swan, a paper Dragon and a paper cat and then enchanted everything to move. they where only paper so it didn't last long, but it entertained Alex. "i truly enjoyed that Movie." Loki admitted. "shall we watch another?" being as 'split attention' as Loki was, he'd had no trouble paying attention to the movie and to Alex at the same time.

the team nodded at Tony's decisions, not bothering to argue. why should they? Steve certainly didn't care, he had an ever growing bad feeling. "yeah, me too." Bruce admitted, shaking his head. "i have a bad feeling about all of this." he admitted, startled when Steve responded that he did too through the comm. "this is a little too easy..." Bruce muttered, wary and nervous and turning slightly green on occasion. "yeah... i'm seeing this." he whispered, stunned. "as far as i know they where never able to properly replicate it. but that WAS seventy years ago, i'm not sure how close they might have gotten now." Steve admitted through the Comm. "did you find something? i'll be there as soon as we finish tying up this group of bad guys we found taking naps." Bruce had to snort at that. "they're defrosting her..." Bruce muttered. "if we stop the process we could kill her." he warned, examining the equipment. "this is all very impressive. they practically replicated the accident that froze Steve. right down tot he adrenaline levels." Bruce admitted. "help me look, i want her medical records and their studies." he ordered. being the genetic scientist that he was, he was insanely curious about what was happening here. he himself had tried to replicate the Serum.... he ended up with the big green guy instead. "here!" Bruce chirped, looking delighted as he pawed through files upon files and froze as he found her medical files. "...oh dear..." he looked up at Tony. "go distract Steve." he ordered. "he's not going to be happy at all about this..."
"You're courting tony.I think you're right about you being the bad influence."elena teased him a little before smirking."well at least I won't have to worry about him protecting himself.though I think I'll leave explaining this to clint to you."she teased before nodding."yes.a very very idea."natasha agreed grinning as alex was throughfully distracted by the frogs and the movie."it was.and jarvis?play lion king would you?" "Of course,lena."the ai responded and soon enough they were watching simba and the others.

"It is to easy.."tony said trying to not let it shoe how sick with worry he was feeling. This was going to be so bad."okay...well either were both delusional or shes real.."tony muttered before responding to steve."damn...well I think they've figured it out...or at least something close.just get down here when you can.there's no hurry."tony reassured the captain before nodding."I know.and if we rush it we could kill her to...though I wonder if its portable or not...we brought the jet.we could get her back to the tower.."tony said and mostly because he wanted his own tech,and wanted to see how this frosted woman worked. The engineer in him taking over."maybe that's where they got the idea.they must have suspected he didn't die in the ice when she survived it.even if its a different version of the serum,it would have raised supicions..."tony muttered mostly talking to himself as he looked over some of the files before pausing,glancing at bruce."what?what is it?"he wanted to know before wincing nodding."right.okay.I'll go keep the good captain busy while you take care of the Popsicle."he said because thr look on bruce's face was enough to send him looking for steve without waiting to figure out why bruce wanted him distracted.knowing it wouldn't last long,because steve knew they'd found something,but hoping to buy time."cap?hawk?where are you guys?I'm coming to help finish up cleanul."tony said over to comm even as he headed to meet up with them.praying steve wouldn't curse them both for trying to distract him from the assassin
Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "no doubt." he agreed with a grin. "oh, it will be a long while before he can do anything impressive." Loki admitted. "we'll have to find his Dominant element first. Water, Fire, Plant, Wind, Metal, Animal, Ice... the possibilities are endless really." he admitted. "some people, like myself, have two dominant elements. and of course, being on earth, you have to add a few more elements to the equation, including technology and poison." he admitted as he helped Alex make another hopping frog. "Lion King?" Loki asked curiously before looking delighted. "oh it's a Disney! i do so adore Disney." Loki admitted with a grin as he watched Alex sing along to the music.

Bruce chuckled a little. "there's no chance of both of us being Delusional Tony." he stated softly. "They figured out the Serum? that's not good. destroy anything you can find but keep the research for Bruce." Steve ordered. "we can't let Fury or Hydra get their hands on this or we'll have a hell of a time trying to contain armies that are full of people like me." even the Hulk winced at that. "it has to be a different version. she doesn't have the same kind of muscle as Steve does." Bruce admitted. "Steve's muscles are... altered, they hold more oxygen and produce a lot less Lactic acid. they also have a much higher oxygenation rate... her muscles are almost normal. there's a few... discrepancies, but i'll have to run my own tests to see how the Serum has effected her." he admitted. "i would imagine it being portable, they'd need to move her at a moment's notice if they where discovered." Bruce admitted. "it would be much better if we could wake her up in the Tower... it's a little sneaky, but she might very well think that we are her handlers if she wakes up around us. it'll give us an advantage at least, and it's not like we're going to take advantage of her." "Tony? everything fine on your end then?" Steve asked. "do we have the Winter Soldier yet?" "No, not yet. she's on ice." Bruce explained through the Comm. "it's portable. i'm going to take her to the Jet to finish de-thawing. she should wake up by tomorrow if i've calculated the rate correctly." Bruce admitted. he gathered up all the research he could find in the room and then wheeled the gurney she was laying on out the front door to the Jet. "i have everything i need. you can go ahead and start exploding things." "not just yet. we're holding interrogations." Clint admitted. once they knew everything they wanted from the men, they blew up the labs and headed home. the Winter Soldier safely strapped in the Jet so her capsule wouldn't get damaged or something. Bruce was reading through the massive amounts of information. "this is amazing..." he muttered, glancing at Tony. "they got very, very close to replicating the Serum. with this information, and access to Steve's blood, i could very well create a 'temporary' Serum. i could make the more permanent one too, but i really don't want to give someone unlimited access to Steve's power." Steve just nodded and examined the woman. "...she looks just like Bucky." Steve admitted, frowning. "did you find out her identity?" "...yes. but... lets wait until we have her safe in the Tower." Bruce ordered before turning back to the massive amounts of genetic and scientific information. he'd given Tony a lot of the more technological stuff, like how they'd built the capsule and how they had created the Serum in the first place.
“But that’s still really cool. Alex, what do you say?” “Thank you, lo.”Alex said smiling up at the man, the ki part of his name, a little to hard for the toddler. “Well, considering he’s living in Stark tower, he might end up with tech.”Natasha said smiling slightly. “So does he. This is his favorite.”Elena smiled watching the two boys, calm and relaxed, letting loki and natasha’s non worry about what was going on on the mission, relax her.

“Oh gods, don’t say that.”Tony groaned at the idea of fighting against some super soldiers, he had a hard enough time sparring with Steve, he didn’t want to consider really fighting him. “Well, she is female to. It’s not like she has the structure to bulk up like Capsicle did. But it probably is different considering two different researchers worked on it. You know even if two people are looking at the same notes, they’ll end up with different results.’Tony pointed out before nodding.”True. And that is sneaky, but I like it. It helps she’s probably used to waking up to a lot of different people.”Tony mused as he walked, before wincing a little at steve’s words.”We’re good. Just discussing defrosting the popsicle. Bruce is boring me.”Tony snickered, not about to admit bruce ordered him to go distract the good captain. For once, tony was actually riding in the quinjet instead of flying on his own, settled back in a seat-without the suit on, having taken it off so he could read- reading the paperwork, before wincing a little. “yea, no more permanent super soldiers. Two are enough.”Tony muttered before glancing at bruce as Steve spoke, raising a silent eyebrow as he considered that. And what research he was reading. “Uh...I’ve figured out how they created her. At least in part.”Tony said clearing his throat, willing steve to pay attention to him and not the woman who looked like his best friend. “Red skull kept recreating the serum he used on himself, tweaking it here and there, to see if he could get different results....then he had the idea, if he couldn’t create a super soldier right out, he might be able to breed one. He injected one man, one woman, and made them...well...you know....and they had her, a baby that already had traces of the doctored serum in her system. Then when she was 16, injected her with two different strands. Pretty much, they kept trying and fucking around, and in the process actually figured out part of the one Eiskine gave you, because she had such a strong reaction to it with four different versions.”Tony shuddered a little, so hoping he wasn’t right about who her father was, but really not thinking they could be that lucky.
Loki smiled a little and ruffled the boys hair. "no. i doubt he will be technology. Technomancy is extremely rare, and requires a different sort of thinking. with the ease that Alex picked up the proper meditation he will be a powerful illusionist at the very least. he has a very cool feeling too, he'll probobly be water, ice, dirt, plant or something along that line." he admitted with a grin. "just as a warning, i am having books brought in so Ton can see if he's capable of Technomancy." he warned. "so if you come across him staring at a wire, all purple faced, you'll know why."

"sorry." Bruce muttered, looking amused. "but it's true you know." he admitted with a chuckle. "that's true. who knows what process they've gone through to get her to this state." he mused before nodding. "exactly. she'll hopefully be calm and be willing to listen to us. she might even be willing to join us. she could probobly use a friendly environment. i can't imagine why Hydra must have put her through." Bruce admitted with a sigh. he settled into the Quinjet with the Popsicle and scowled a little as he took the papers Tony had been reading. "...holy shit..." he muttered. "your right Tony. that's exactly what they did. she was basically born to be a guinea pig... this is sick." Bruce complained, shaking his head. "she's probobly been through a few dozen different transformations as the continuously adapted the Serum. there could be extreme side effects to this, we'll have to monitor her very closely so we can negate anything that might cause her damage or pain. we might even have to create an entirely new Serum to stabilize the strands already inside of her." Bruce admitted. "poor kid... sixteen and already a test subject..." Steve muttered as they landed, just as the credits for the Lion King began to scroll down the TV screen downstairs.
Alex looked up at the other’s ruffling his hair, pouting a little but not protesting having his hair messed up. “Huh. Well, that’s good. It’ll be interesting.”Elena said before snickering, amused that tony was going to try. “Ahhh, okay. Though I doubt the weidest thing anyone’s ever run across Tony Stark doing.”She snickered. “Loki, Sir has requested your presence in the lab.”Jarvis said.Elena smiled a little, waving a hand. "Go. Don't worry, Clint'll be up here soon enough."She said quietly, because she knew both natasha and loki took their guard duty serious, but now that clint was back, she knew they were safe for the moment.

“Well, I would bet on being disoriented and confused for a few hours until she really wakes up. If as Clint said and it was really her in Moscow, she was awake 8 months ago, and put back under again. That can’t be a good emotional grid for stability if she was constantly being moved while asleep and being pulled back awake.”Tony mused a little before nodding. “Yea. A guinea pig that was born in 1945.”Tony said eyeing the other man, as if trying to decide if what he had guessed was true or not before pointing to the notes, showing Bruce a passage. “While they started when she was 16, she’s had four since then, and it’s closer to Cap’s age now. They estimate she’s about 24, body and emotionally wise, though how you can gauge that when she’s probably never been awake long enough to figure out herself, I don’t know.”Tony shuddered just creepied him out a lot to consider just how many body functions and emotional grids the girl had had to deal with as her body transformed around her, not to mention being put on ice for more then she’d been awake.

Glad though that the woman in front of them, was definitely a adult, no matter what her records said. Because if he’d been confronted with a teenager, he would have totally lost it. A 24 year old was bad enough, but at least they had their own super soldier to help with the changes, who would understand. “We might have to. But with her own system being what it is, and having the notes and steve’s blood on hand, we shouldn’t have trouble replicating and stablizing if we have to.”Tony muttered looking bemused as he got up off the seat, helping bruce get her inside. “What’s her name?I feel weird about talking about her, without knowing her name.”Tony whined looking down at the woman who indeed had a name....Myka Barnes. Oh yea, steve was going to freak. “Hey, J?Can you have Loki meet us down in the lab?”He called as they got to the elevator, inspiration hitting him.
Loki grinned at him. "yes, very interesting." he agreed, smirking a little. Jarvis was already working on illusions. the computer was finding illusions a much, much easier task. soon Jarvis would be able to combine the two to create a fully corporeal body. once he had mastered that, Loki could get started on teaching Jarvis conjuration and transmogrification. "you got it Jarvis." Loki stated as he stood up and took three steps before vanishing from sight.

Steve nodded. "it took me several hours to make sense of things when i first woke up. i couldn't even understand what people where saying." he admitted. "talking softly and gently will help." he admitted. "she'll probobly have a splitting headache so yelling will hurt and probobly frighten her." "we can do that." Bruce agreed. "she'll hurt all over. painkillers would be good too." Steve admitted. "the freezing will have frozen her mentally and physically. her body and her mind will be at the same age. somewhere between sixteen and thirty i would guess." Bruce admitted. "i can run a test to see what her physical age is." he assured them. "as for mentally... she's probobly going to need a psychologist to say the least." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Her name is Myka." Bruce explained after a brief hesitation. "holy SHIT Loki, don't DO that!" Bruce complained as Loki appeared from nothing right in front of them. "sorry." Loki stated in a rather offhanded manner. he wasn't sorry in the least the little asshole. "stasis?" he asked, looking surprised as he studied the woman. "my... she was very badly preserved..." he muttered. "i can fix that." he assured them. "or are you trying to wake her up? either way she has a lot of tissue damage. extended nerve damage on the surface layers." he admitted, examining her with his magic.
“I’ll get the painkillers.”Tony muttered as he walked out for a moment before returning, the syringe’s in hand, setting them on the lab table, knowing better then to think that she’d be aware enough to be able to swallow them. Startling a little when Loki appeared, he offered a small huff, rolling his eyes. “Yes. The froze Myka so she wouldn’t age. She’s been given a version of the serum like Steve’s. I was thinking, since you are a frost giant, you might be able to help with the waking up, and any damage caused by the ice.”he said having guessed that the ice had done damage all on its own. “Can you sense anything else?”Tony asked after a moment, watching, feeling sick and disgusted that this had been done to a girl who’d never had a chance.”....and how long do you think we have till Fury realizes his super assassin is MIA?”

Elena looked up as Clint came in, looking relieved to see that he was okay, stepping up to hug him, “Everything okay?”She muttered sounding anxious though, because well, duh, there was a assassin after her. Jumping a little when Alex wormed his way between them, hugging both their legs and wanting attention. “Hawk!Lo made me frogs.”Alex said his voice muffled against clint’s thigh, whiny and tired. “I’ll talk to you later clint.”Natasha muttered as she left the family alone, knowing she could see the other’s to get debriefed, letting clint tell elena whatever she wanted to know. “bye Tasha.”Elena smiled tiredly, resting her head on Clint’s shoulder, looking down at Alex.”You want bed, kiddo?” “No.”Alex whined clinging to clint’s pantleg.
Steve nodded a little, grinning at Tony's forethought. "Myka, hmm?" he asked, running his hand up and down her body, examining her. "well the aging process was indeed stopped. she's around twenty five physically. i can't give you an exact date, but her aging process is twice as slow as most humans from what i can tell here. much like your Rogers." Loki admitted. "her cellular structure is... interesting." Loki admitted, frowning as he stared blankly at nothing. "oh dear that is a problem. her cells are sort of self destructing. it would have been years before any of your human scientists had discovered this unless they make it a habit of studying her cellular structure." he admitted, voice going sort of vague. it was fascinating, the more focused on one thing Loki got, the more spaced out he seamed to get. "i think i can fix that problem, but the problem that caused the cellular degeneration i can't fix. it looks as if two different strands of... something, a virus maybe, are fighting for dominance in her body..." Loki admitted, voice airy and breathless, staring off at nothing. he looked, and sounded well and truly doped. "you'll have to stabilize that." Loki informed them as he slowly started coming back to his senses, looking sluggish and slightly confused. "other than what i was able to heal, there's nothing wrong with her. she'll need painkillers when she wakes up, i can't heal that much nerve damage." he admitted, blinking slowly. "i've been able to stop the cellular degeneration for at least a month. if you haven't solved the problem by then, then i can do it again... i want brownies. who else wants brownies?" Steve was staring at Loki as if he'd never seen the man before. "...does he always get like that after using magic?" he asked Tony. not that Tony would be able to answer, Loki had never gotten like that in front of him before.

"everything's fine. we have the Winter soldier here, she's on Ice at the moment and has some sort of super serum pumping through her system...it's... it's pretty bad." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Well! Frogs huh!?" Clint asked, smirking, wondering if he'd be turned into paste if he called Loki 'lo'. "thanks for keeping an eye on things Natasha." he stated with a smile before smiling down at the little boy. "well. how about i let you stay up for another ten minutes, and then i read you a bedtime story before your mummy tucks you in?" he offered the little boy. bribery and compromise was the answer to everything. "so what did you guys get up to while we where gone?" Clint asked, not wanting to talk about Myka in front of Alex. at least not the bad stuff.
“Yea.Myka.”Tony said watching the other, and refusing to be jealous of loki touching her. She was frozen for god’s sake, not even aware they were there. This was stupid. Totally. Tilting his head a little he slumped slightly.”Well, at least we wont be having a teenager around.”He mused before nodding. “Hm, the people she works for have been using her as a guinea pig to test different versions of the serum that affected Steve. As far as we can tell she was born with two, and injected with six more.”Tony supplied wincing a little as he watched loki, concern tightening his features. “We’ll figure out how to fix it, if you can stablize her enough to not kill her in the meantime.”Tony said moving forward, resting a hand under loki’s arm looking worried, ready to catch him if he fell. “We’ll have pain killers ready. Her own body should heal it, given time and being unfrozen.”He said glancing at steve, because it was true. Steve hadn’t had help along, but the serum in a matter of days had healed the damage from the ice. While Myka’s was worse, considering it was the serum attacking her, it should also heal her, at least the notes said she’d had a healing ability close to steve’s. A vicious cycle, it was healing her and hurting her all at once. “I’ll go with you to get brownies.”Tony reassured before shrugging a little. “I’m never seen him like this before...but I’m going to get him some food and put him to bed, if you wanted to stay down here....I mean, you don’t have to, and bruce said it’d be tomorrow before she wakes, but I don’t think she should be left alone.”Tony said tilting his head a little as he headed for the door.

Elena frowned a little looking worried about that before laughing. “Hopping frogs.”Alex beamed looking up at him. “Welcome.”Natasha said over her shoulder as she left. Elena laughed softly, ruffling alex’s hair as the boy looked thoughtful.”I think that would be best,alex.” “Okay.”Alex said looking amused as he dragged clint towards his room so he could get ready for bed, and to show the man his frogs. “We watched movies, and made frogs and sang to lion king!”Alex said smiling happily as he let Elena get him into his pj’s, wrapping his arms around clint’s legs, calming now that his favorite archer was home, “Night, Hawk.”he mutered tiredly before climbing into bed, letting elena tuck him in.
Loki and Steve both nodded. teenagers where the worst, they really where. "...my god." Loki muttered, looking horrified. "that's... that's BAD! don't these people know what they're DOING!? you can't test a serum on someone whose already pumped full of serum!" he shook his head. "never mind. it doesn't matter. it's just the two that are fighting for dominance. get rid of one, or neutralize it and the problem should be fixed." Loki admitted. "it's science though, so i can't do anything about it." he admitted before blinking at Tony. "huh, pain killers. yeah, good idea." he agreed with a grin. "i like brownies." Loki agreed, Steve looking at Loki like the god had gone insane... maybe he had. "i'm going to stay." Steve admitted. "i don't like the thought of her waking up alone." he admitted. "and Bruce is going to get started on the blood work right away, you know he is." "Blood Magic. i didn't know you humans practiced such things. very dangerous you know." Loki stated. "even i don't mess with Blood magic. too uncontrollable." he admitted as he let Tony lead him away. he ate a dozen cupcakes and fell asleep right there at the kitchen table.

he smiled a little. "Hopping frogs?! really?" he asked, amused as he let the other drag him around. "the lion king huh? i love the lion king. whose your favorite character?" he asked with a grin as he let the boy chatter. "goodnight Little Man." he chirped, watching Elena tuck him in before leading the way into the living room and slumping into a chair. "...god Elena..." he whispered. "that poor girl. that poor child!... she was born as a guinea pig. and was experimented on by the time she turned sixteen." he admitted, gritting his teeth. "they'd wake her up, send her off to kill, and then freeze her again it's... it's horrible!" he whispered, looking at her. looking horrified. "i think Shield was involved..."
“It is. And no, probably not. They didn’t care what it did to her, only that they wanted to see how it affected her.”Tony sighed softly, before nodding.”We’ll get it worked out.”Tony said knowing it was possible, knew that they just had to neutralize the most, to give Myka’s body a chance to heal itself. “I know bruce is. Don’t worry steve, we’ll take care of her. And keep her away from fury.”Tony’s features tightened as he considered that, because he doubted the director wasn’t aware of just how twisted Hydra’s pet assassin was. Knowing they’d have to talk to Coulson at least, they’d need help hiding this, but they had time. “This was definitely uncontrollable.”he agreed with the god before looking at Steve.”Have Jarvis get us if you need someone.”he said smiling as he left. Looking amused though as watched loki eat the cupcakes. Smiling even wider as he hustled the man to loki’s bed, watching him for a moment before sighing, giving into the need to be wtih him, stripping down to just his jeans and climbing into bed with him, snuggling close as he went to sleep.

“Yes!They were amazing. Lo makes amazin’ animals.”Alex said before nodding. “Simba. I love simba. Mama bought me a toy simba, and the book.I like the book.”He said smiling as he settled down to sleep. Elena was quiet as she gently shut the door, before watching clint for a moment before climbing into the chair with him, glad that the recliner was more then big enough for them both, curling up against him, much like she used to after a mission. Simply giving him the comfort of her presence. “I can’t imagine having a child simply to do that....I can’t imagine watching alex....”She trailed off her voice a heartbroken angry whisper, and despite everything, wanting to take care of the assassin. Swallowing hard, “If...if shield was involved, you will find out. And deal with it. She was a child, and deserves protected, even if she isn’t a child anymore.”Elena sighed quietly, frowning a little. “...Do we know anything about her, as a person?Beyond what they did to her I mean?”

In the morning Myka stirred a little, shivering in the cool air of the lab, her jaw going tense, hands flexing, curling, clumsily groping at her clothes, as if searching for a weapon that was usually there. And she was. While she was disoriented and out of it, like always, she had done this enough to have muscle memory of waking up before, of needing to be armed before someone came at her again. “C-cold.”She stuttered already moving to push off the table, even if in all likelyhood she would fall, but she was to much a assassin, the utter helplessness of being cold and disoriented making her move, to ward of the the medical staff she assumed was waiting for her to wake. So.That was how they did it. Used her body’s weakness against her, put the new serum in her system even as she woke up from the serum, unable to defend herself from being used again.
"Clint chuckled as he listened to the boy. "well well, that is impressive! a Simba toy! very cool." he stated with a chuckle before he settled down into the chair, looking up at Elena. "they just... they hurt her so badly..." he whispered, shuddering. "i looked at her and all i could see was Alex laying there, hurting..." he shuddered hard and shook his head. "i think Bruce knows something, but he wouldn't say what it was." he admitted with a shake of his head. "they didn't keep personality profiles, they didn't care. they just used her body for experiments." he admitted with a sigh, shaking his head. "i'm going to take some Melatonin and go to sleep." he admitted with a sigh. "...will you sleep with me tonight? i... i don't want to be alone." code word 'i think i'm going to have nightmares'.

"Shh, it's alright." Steve whispered as she moved, gently supporting her and wrapping a heavy blanket around her, soaked in the heat of a dryer. once she was awake, he knew they had to get her warmed up as quickly as possible. it would lessen the pain and wake her up faster. "My name is Steve Rogers, i won't let anyone hurt you. your safe here." he promised her. "can you tell me your name? whats the last thing you remember?"
“Poor girl.We’ll take care of her Clint, we wont let them have her back.”She muttered, tears in her voice at the idea of alex, or any child being this badly used. Even not seeing Myka, she knew the girl hat to hurt. To be broken. And wondering how anyone’s sanity would be. “Well, we’ll just have to wait until he wants to share, or tony demands to know.”She snickered tiredly, because she knew tony wouldn’t go for secrets, at least not about this. “Of course.I was going to ask anyways.I’ve missed sleeping with someone.”She said smiling at him, nuzzling her face against his shoulder, not about to let him sleep alone before getting up.”Go. I’ll get changed and meet you in bed.”She smiled before heading for her bedroom, changing into a pair of pj’s, before heading to his room, climbing into bed. Praying that for once, his sleep was going to be peaceful, but knowing they probably weren’t’ that lucky.

Myka shuddered as he touched her, cringing, before nearly melting into the bed again, letting him fully support her as soon as the warm blanket touched her, because she’d never been given more warmth once she was awake, always just warmed enough to wake and left to deal with it on her own.Relaxing even more when he didn’t try to stab her with a needle or anything, her teeth chattering a little as she looked up at him supiciously still,trying to decide what was going on, the look cynical and world weary, and painful to see on a 25 year old. “Myka Barnes. A-and moscow.Someone fucking up my mission....”She said her voice holding a touch of a Brooklyn slur, surely they hadn’t been that complete in setting it up so if she ever did run into Steve, he wouldn’t want to hurt her. Not only using his best friend as the genetic donor, but raising her in Brooklyn so she’d hold that Brooklyn twang when she spoke. They’d suspected he had survived the crashing the plane enough to raise their assassin to be the one person he couldn’t hurt. Flinching a little at the memory of moscow, so she did remember clint and natasha messing with her-even if she’d gotten the job she’d been sent on done, they’d messed up her ewll thought out plan. And she shivered, expecting to be punished for it.Frowning slightly as she looked around the room, distracted from his presence by the absence of another's. "...where's...dr. Knight?He...he's always here for my exam when I wake..."she frowned sounding anxious and nervous about that 'exam', and maybe, just maybe a tad relieved he wasn't there. While she was good at hiding her emotions and everything, on first waking she was stripped of all her shields to protect herself with, because she was hurting and disoriented enough to not be able to be emotionally on guard.
he nodded a little. "we'll have to. Steve isn't about to let her go, ever. apparently she looks a lot like his dead freind Bucky." he admitted. "i doubt she'll willingly share anything. she's been raised worse than i was." though he'd had a very loving mother and father, after they'd died all he knew was the next mission. Myka hadn't even had loving parents... at least, he didn't think she had. "...thanks Ela." he whispered softly, calling her that age old nickname that he had called her after missions and after training. she was correct, he slept fitfully, and woke sobbing at one point, begging them not to hurt Alex, begging Fury not to kill his son, and woke in a rage a second time, blind with rage and sleep he completely tore apart his own pillow as if trying to dismember someone with his own hands. at least during those kinds of nightmares, he never attacked a living soul. not even a bug. so Elena was perfectly safe. Alex too.

he smiled as she sagged in relief as he gently tucked dryer warmed wool socks onto her feet. "...Barnes?!" he demanded, shocked before he paused. "oh... yeah. er, sorry about that." he stated sheepishly. "we sort of have the agents responsible for that here so... don't pick fights with them." he ordered. "...Dr. Knight is dead." he explained, Clint had made sure of it. "You have a new Doctor now, but he's down in the labs. some of the Serum you where exposed to is reacting badly with the others, he's finding a way to..." there was a pause. "actually i have no idea what he's doing. he started talking and it was full of smart people words and i sort of started to tune him out." he admitted, sounding very sheepish. "now. i have some painkillers here. do you want some? they're in needles but i think i could find some pills for you if your coherent enough."
Ella sighed softly, resting her head against his. “You’re welcome, Clint.”She muttered. And while she knew she wasn’t in danger, she got up,, tried to take care of him as he cried, as he raged, and the last time as dawn appeared, she winced a little as she rested a hand on the side of his face, resting a hand against his cheek,”Shush Clint, you’re safe. I’m here.”Elena said, her voice a odd mix between worried lover and soothing mother, trying to take care of him even when he couldn’t see that she was there, like always, she’d been able to talk to him during his nightmares, but he never seemed to hear her, to know it was her.

Myka started a little as she looked up at him, frowning. “Yes.It was a common name where I grew up.”She said sounding defensive and confused at his reaction before shrugging. “No reason to. I still completed what I was sent to do, even if they interferred.”She said studying him, working to focus on what he was saying, looking around the lab before huffing out a pained laugh.”I told Shield they’d eventually lose their best weapon if they kept trying me out with that. Its like a basic Molotov cocktail, eventually you reach a point where it’s to explosive to function even as a basic weapon.”She muttered, trust a assassin to describe medical stuff in terms of weapons. Looking vaguely amused at his words, “I tune my doctor’s out to.”She shrugged looking around, before nodding. “...Pills would be preferable.”She said studying him, waiting until he turned to find them before sliding off the table, and grabbing the wrench Tony had carelessly left laying on one of the tables, holding it as a weapon even as she eased towards the door, keeping a eye on him. Not wanting to hurt a man who’d been kind, but knowing that something wasn’t right. Her handlers had never been...kind. While she was up and moving, obvious that she was used to functioning despite what had to be excruciating pain as her body healed and destroyed itself, steve had the advantage. Because no matter how strong, or muscle the serum had given her...she was still female. Steve easily had 50 pounds on her, and those pounds were solid muscle.
Clint never heard her while in the throes of his nightmares, but her touch... he could always feel her touch, stroking him out of terror, out of rage. and once she touched him he would know the nightmare wasn't real, and struggle free and blinked at the streaming dawn coming in through his massive windows. because he hated closed in spaces and windows made the world seam so much bigger. "morning." he croaked, wincing at the sound of his own voice. hoars from screaming in the night and he was so very glad his room was sound proofed. the last thing he needed was Alex having nightmares of his own for witnessing Clint's.

he nodded. "sorry, it's just... a guy i knew had the same last name, and you look so much like him that it was a shock." he admitted. "...wait... Shield's weapon? no that's not right. i think you must be confused. the agents who fucked up your mission are with shield." he stated, sounding confused before his tone turned hard. "oh that fucking bastard." he growled. "anyway Bruce can fix you." Steve promised as he turned to get the pills, blinking as she was out of bed in a flash. "Myka. please, calm down." Steve ordered gently. "you're not with the people you where with... you, have new handlers now. no more Shield, no more Hydra." he promised her, making no move to go after her. he knew how frightening it must be to wake up and have everything be different. "please. we only want to help you." he promised, slowly coming towards her. "i promise, we're not going to hurt you. i'll explain everything, i will, but your hurting yourself. please, get back in bed. i have another warm blanket for you, and some warm slippers and there's a hot shower waiting for you when your head clears enough that you won't collapse." bribery, but if it worked then Steve would be ever so grateful.
Elena winced a little at the sound of Clint’s voice, lowering her head a little to press a kiss to his temple, shifting to hold him, gently wrapping her arms around him. “I checked on Alex, he’s sleeping fine. And jarvis promised to let us know if anything changes.”She promised, her thoughts following his even as as gently stroked his hair, “You’re okay, Clint.”She muttered.

“Oh.Yes, I’ve met people like that. Especially moving around so much.’She said shrugging, brushing it off, not thinking anything of it because she’d met alot of people by the same name before before shrugging. “Shield, hydra, CIA,,,,all the same names for the ghosts.”She shrugged studying him, tensing a little at his curse, raising a eyebrow a little before nodding. “Good. Cause this freezing, pain thing hurts.”She grumbled even if she was able to function, she didn’t want to be in constant pain. It made concentrating hard. Watching him with wide blue eyes she looked around her, raising the wrench a little, stepping back carefully as he took a step closer to her. “No.”She scowled a little looking confused and determined to leave until she could get her head cleared, but the way her hand trembled, the wrench shaking a little in her hold showed that no matter how hard she tried, how much of a super soldier she was, she was still human enough to need rest, to be crashing under the weight of everything that had been done.

Meanwhile tony frowned as he sat at the kitchen table looking at the tablet in his hands. “Is he in danger, J?” “No. Given her current status, Ms. Barnes is highly unlikely to overwhelm the Captain.”Jarvis supplied. “Hey as-Loki. Good morning.”Tony said smiling a little at the man as he walked in, showing no signs that he’d actually past the night in the god’s bed. Even if he wanted to be with him, he was still uncomfortable with his attraction and the courting. And despite watching the tablet, his hands were actually working on Loki’s present, the phone slowly starting to take shape.
he smiled a little. "good." he croaked, slowly sitting up, running a trembling hand through his hair. "...that last one was rough... i haven't dreamed about..." he swallowed thickly as he closed his eyes. "Losing myself in a long time..." Losing himself was the only way he could explain what Loki had done to him, turning his brain inside out until he hadn't known what up and down was. leaving only Him in charge. it had been himself, but... not. "yeah. i'm okay." he promised, shaking his head. "thanks for helping me..." the nightmares where always so much worse when he was alone. and not even Natasha could sooth him the way Elena could.

he nodded a little. "yeah... all the same." he whispered, voice strained. "and here i thought we where the good guys..." he whispered. "yeah, i know. it's like your skin is being pealed off. like a hundred thousand paper-cuts are opening across every inch of your body all at the same time." he agreed. "i only had to do it once, but it was enough to know it really sucks." Steve admitted before watching her watch him. "hey. it's alright." Steve whispered, stopping and then. "how about i leave?" he offered. "this place is big, and not everyone here is going to be nice if you threaten them with a big metal thing... i'm not entirely sure what that is." he admitted. "i'll leave and you can get in bed and curl up in the warm blankets and wait for Doctor Bruce." he offered. "you can see here that the Door locks from the inside, you can even lock me out if you want." he just wanted her to calm down.

Loki staggered into the room, yawning as he sat down. "morning." he slurred, too sleepy to fully articulate, as he always was before he had a second cup of disgusting 'not tea'. he sat down and with a wave of his hand, had that nasty little patch of moss seeping in boiling water inside of a teacup. "so, thanks for last night. it's so hard to focus on just the one thing." he grumbled, shaking his head. "but i had to pay close attention to what i was doing and only to what i was doing." he admitted. "it gets so bad that once i stop my attention just sort of goes everywhere and no where all at once.." he admitted, blinking at Tony. "that doesn't make any sense at all to you does it?" he asked with a shake of his head. "in any case, for future reference, i'd be careful about what you tell me to do when i'm like that. i won't hesitate, i'll just do it. which is great for sex but if you tell me to take a flying leap?... yeah, right out the window." he admitted, shaking his head. "Thor can attest to that one, he's done it before. not that he meant to, he was quite horrified by what happened." Loki admitted, sounding amused. "just thought you should know."
“I’m sorry...do you want to talk about it?”she muttered softly, gently stroking his hair, watching him. “You’re welcome. Always. You know that I’d always be here with you if I had the choice. Always. Forever.Even if we aren’t...aren’t together, but just friends, I will always come for you Clint. I wont leave you alone.”She said quietly bending down, resting her head against his, shuddering a little, upset she couldn’t help him better.

“There is no good or bad, just a different perspective.”She intoned, as if she was qouting someone. And she was. Fury. Swallowing hard as she looked at him she nodded.”yea..that’s a adept description of it...”She swallowed before glancing towards the door behind her, before nodding, scooting around the bed a little to let him at the door without putting him at her back. “...I think it’s a wrench.”She supplied looking down in bemusement at what she was holding, “Go.”She ordered sounding anxious and upset, watching him go before hurrying as quickly as she could to lock the door, then climbing into bed. Moaning to herself as she sank into the warmth, drifting off cocooned in it.

Tony snickered a little, a sleepy loki was always amusing when he couldn’t talk. “welcome. And thank you for doing it. It’ll be easier figuring out how to help her now that we know exactly what to look for.”Tony said tilting his head a little before grinning, “No, it does. I’ve felt like that a few times when I’ve done a week down in the lab with a suit.”he snickered before nodding. “Okay, no ordering you around unless for sex like that. Got it.”Tony said blushing ever so slightly, glancing up at bruce as the man shuffled into the room. “Myka’s awake and threatening Cap..”he said simply, looking amused more then worried, trusting the good captain to take care of himself before looking harder at bruce. “Are you ready to tell me what you didn’t want to tell Steve?”He asked curious and worried.
he smiled a little and shook his head. "no. yes... i don't know." he admitted with a sigh. "Loki took my brain and made me kill you." he explained softly. "then he turned me on Alex..." he admitted, shaking his head. "that one was the worst..." he admitted, taking her hand. "you always make things better." he admitted with a smile. "your touch always seams to sooth me." he admitted with a sigh. "i'm going to take a shower and get like, three gallons of Coffee." he decided as he laid there. "want me to see if captain amazing will make us breakfast?"

he snorted. "that's bullshit. i've looked into the face of Evil." he stated, his tone hard. "the bastard who said that is trying to make excuses for himself." he stated sternly before he offered her a smile and slowly backed out of the room. never removing his eyes on her, taking her as the threat she was. he knew turning his back to her would only piss her off. "...must be Tony's." Steve decided. "remind me to hit him later." he ordered before he was out of the room and watching the door slam shut with a sigh of relief. no one had been hurt, good.

Loki nodded as he drained the teacup in one slow gulp. making it look somehow erotic as he tipped his head back and his neck bobbed as he swallowed before he refilled the cup. "it needed to be done. she'd have been damaged beyond proper fixing in a matter of a month." he admitted. "it would have been like one of your auto immune diseases. only by the time they might have noticed she would already have been too close to dying to save." he admitted. "i certainly wasn't about to allow that." he admitted with a shake of his head. "yes i know. Jarvis warned me." Bruce admitted. "Steve's been kicked out and she's asleep now." Bruce admitted. "i'll see to her when she wakes up. i'm going to need blood samples from her to fix the problem." he admitted before he hesitated. "this whole project, the Winter Soldier Project was funded by Shield." Bruce finally admitted with a sigh. "Doctor Knight is one of Shields men. a scientist. Shield did this to her using Hydra as a cover." he admitted. "and worse... she's James 'Bucky' Barnes daughter..."
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