Missing Parts(lady/moon)

Clint had also shoved his fist in his mouth to keep from laughing as Loki held the 'throne' over the peons. he really was too good at that.... Bruce was smiling as he watched Alex, sipping at a cup of tea as Steve grinned and made gentle, teasing remarks about Tony going soft and how Alex was simply too cute to resist wasn't he? he had left Alex examine his shield too and let him hit the metal shield with a tiny hammer so he could see how it worked. "oh Lord don't call him that!" Clint complained, still struggling not to laugh as he swept Alex up and tossed him into the air a few times before plopping the boy on his shoulders. "oh you should have SEEN it!" he whispered with a laugh. "it was amazing! Loki had them all terrified!" he admitted with bright laughter. "i don't think they're going to bother us for DAYS!" he gasped, snickering as Loki chuckled as he followed them in. "i enjoyed myself greatly." he admitted, moving over to Tony and stealing the man's Stark Tablet. "how do i make the news come on?" he demanded, nearly dropping it when Jarvis just did it for Loki, who settled down to watch the reporters, a different set, explained what had happened at Stark Tower and warning that 'Loki was not a being to cross'. they also informed the world that 'some' are seeking legal actions against the Asgaurdian god. Loki knew that wouldn't happen. A: because he was a foreign prince and thus had diplomatic immunity. and 2: there was no law against what he'd done. he hadn't actually hurt anyone, he'd just rendered them frightened and silent. and the silence would wear off in a matter of two or three days. they had nothing on Loki.
“Shut up. I can still kick your...butt...for m,aking fun of me, spangles.”Tony said rolling his eyes even if he didn’t look to annoyed with it. “Why not?I’m his favorite.”Tony said,”Besides, he’s dressed more like me then you.” “Which I’m sure Clint’s going to try and change.”Elena snickered rolling her eyes a little before smiling. “Good.” “If only they knew you were baking and doing nice things, they’d know you were just a big softie.”Tony teased looking up at loki before rolling his eyes as Loki stole the starkpad, nearly wetting himself laughing at the man’s startlement as jarvis flipped on the news. “Well, at least they’ll be to busy trying to get legal to do something, instead of writing stuff.” Elena smiled watching as alex chattered happily to clint, amused that he was telling clint everything tony had told him about the iron man suit, even though he stuttered over some words and didn’t understand any of it, he was still excited. "So. Now that we have that out of the way, what else are we doing today?"Elena said though there was worry in her eyes, worrying about how shield was going to react to being outted as hiding things on live tv.
Steve smirked. "you can't. because if you do Alex will think bullying is okay and that violence is the way to solve problems and you wouldn't want that would you?" Steve asked, looking highly, highly amused. "oh yes, very much going to change that soon. unfortunately, i don't have any Hawk memorabilia or clothes. apparently because i'm not brightly colored and don't have superpowers, i'm not as exciting to the children of the world. which is just not fair." he complained, though he looked amused. "my only consolation is that Natasha is just as ignored as me... well, until you hit the teenage boys, then all of us are ignored." he admitted with a snicker. teasing Natasha because he could, and it was funny. "i bake only to prove my capabilities as a mate." Loki stated firmly. "and i have no doubt there will be police officers here trying to cause problems soon." he admitted with a shrug, smirking as Clint sighed and listened to Alex babble. "he really is a very good father." Loki muttered to Elena with a smile. "you should be pleased that he is so willing to help raise your son." Clint looked over at them. "well. going outside isn't going to be the best idea at the moment. so... swimming in Tony's amazing indoor pool?" he suggested, glancing up at the child on his shoulders. "do you know how to swim little man?"
“....”Tony twitched staring at the good captain.”You play dirty, spangles, you’re not supposed to do that. What happened to be being as wholesome as apple pie?”He grumbled. “Well, you’re not ignored by teenage girls...or any girls...I’m fairly certain all girls enjoy staring at the avengers.”Natasha rolled her eyes a little looking amused though. “...You’re capable of something. I’m not sure what, but I gotta admit, that show downstairs was pretty awesome.”Tony smirked a little. Elena swallowed hard, flushing as she looked at Loki, her shoulders tense,”I know. And believe me, I am.”She muttered trying not to detour her thoughts into the past. It wasn’t clint dammit, she shouldn’t let anything drag her back into that. “I do!Swim!Yes!” “Uh...yea. Have fun with that guys.”Tony said even as he straightened, stripping off the gauntlets, making it obvious that he wasn’t going to be going with them. “No!Unka tony, swim!” “I’m sorry kiddo. But no.” “please?” Tony stared up at the two year old on clint’s shoulders before huffing out a sigh and simply walking away. “....Anyone willing to put money on him actually showing up?”Elena snickered a little before heading for the elevator. “Come on, boys, lets go get changed. Swimming is good.”She smiled as they all seperated to get their suits.

But despite her willingness to bet on it, she wasn’t really surprised that when they got downstairs to the pool tony was laid out on one of the beach chairs, swimtrunks riding low on his hips and stark tablet firmly in his grip as he worked.
Steve smirked. "i grew up in Brooklyn tony, if course i know how to fight dirty." he admitted with a snicker. "yeah, no. Tony and Cap there get all the girls attention." Clint pointed out with a snicker. "and grown women's attention too for that matter." he admitted with a chuckle. "i am... capable, of many things." Loki purred with a smirk as he studied tony before he looked at Elena, his head tilted. "don't be so upset Lady Lancaster." he stated softly. "no one will fault you for feeling the pain. you where betrayed, pure and simple. it is alright to be angry, to be ashamed, and to be hurt." he admitted, smiling at her "i of all people would know that best. Clint might not have done it himself, but he was still used as a tool to hurt you. that is going to take a great amount of time to overcome, for the both of you." he admitted. "talk to him. it will help." he admitted.

Loki was in the room as well, wearing what looked like a black loincloth with long strips hanging down in the front and back. he didn't go into the water either, he settled down onto a lounging chair with a book in hand, written in a language no mortal knew. Clint wanted to snicker, he knew exactly what loki was doing, sitting in that spot with all that flesh exposed. he was teasing Tony. he himself was wearing normal bathing suits. though he had caved and let Alex wear the Iron Man swimming trunks. it was Steve who caught the most attention... he was practically wearing a one piece wearing long shorts and a wife beater, and he looked rather horrified by what Natasha and Elena where wearing, let alone Bruce, Tony and Loki! "...right... twenty first century... i'm in the twenty first century..." he muttered to himself, eyes closed as he tried to get a grip before finally pulling off the wife beater and tossing it onto a chair. he could adapt!... plus... the ladies where very nice to look at... actually, so where the men. ...crap, now he was having another 'sexually confused' moment. Clint was struggling not to laugh at the poor captain as he hung close to alex to make sure he really could swim.
Tony looked up from what he was working on, smirking as he looked at steve. “Steve, I’m taking you shopping. You could get iron man shorts and you can match the kid.”Tony teased a little snickering as steve pulled off the wife beater.”I’m very impressed. Adaptable.”he teased. “Mama!Come swim.”Alex demanded looking up at his mother as she helped him into his floaties, pressing a kiss to his forehead.”I am, don’t worry.”She said smiling as she slipped into the pool, looking amused as alex set about proving he could indeed swim to clint. Blushing slightly as she slipped into the pool, like steve, reminding herself that being this undressed was okay for swimming, even if she was feeling self conscious with what weight she had gained, and the slight stretch marks along her sides from being pregnant. But all in all, she knew she looked good, it was just embarassing to be near natasha who looked like she just stepped off the runaway, and to be near a man who she still wanted, and looked as good as clint did.

Tony short a look at the man laying in the chair next to him, “Aren’t you going in the water? I have a excuse. You don’t.”Tony said and while he had built the tower after afghanistan, and put in the pool, he’d never actually been it in. It drove him a little insane to consider putting his whole body into the still pool of water. But looking at the jotun more then half naked next to him, he wanted to so totally see that slender body dripping wet.
Steve shook his head a little. "thanks but no thanks, i don't think i could wear the things you do." he admitted with a smile. "of course i'm adaptable. i have to be or i'd go insane." he pointed out. "besides, i'm pretty young yet." he admitted with a shrug. Clint felt like laughign as Alex's 'swim' was proven to be more of a assisted floating Flail, but at least the kid wouldn't drown. he turned to say something to Elena and froze, his eyes fixed on her intently and pupils going wide as he swallowed thickly. even Natasha had never gotten such a reaction before... though, she had always known he didn't like her that way and never would. he found Natasha attractive, he found Elena sown right orgasm inducing.

"i can't." Loki stated simply. "i... interact, with the water." he explained before realizing that Tony wasn't going to just leave it at that he sighed and moved over to the empty Hot tub, crouched, and slid his fingers in it. immidiatly the water gauge reported that the water was just above freezing, and Loki's skin turned blue at the fingertips and slowly crept up his arm until he removed his hand from the water, the blue vanishing slowly and the water temp hovered, before starting to rise again. "....holy shi...nanigans..." Bruce stated, stunned. "that happens every time you get into the water?" "hmmm, mostly. there are things i can do to prevent it from happening, but not in a swimming pool." he admitted as he sat back down and returned to his book.
“Come on, you’d look amazing in a tux. That ass....”Tony smirked leering a little at the sexually confused captain. Just because he refused to accept that he was bisexual, didn’t mean it stopped him from flirting with everything with a pulse. “You are young. It kinda makes me jealous, old man. And no laughing at...the kid Clint. It’s unkind.”Tony teased looking amused as alex swam and ignored the adults. Elena flushed brightly at clint’s reaction, arms self consciously crossing in front of her stomach, hiding. “...Uh...hey. We’re capable of watching Alex if you two want to talk...”Natasha muttered leaning close to clint, whispering in his ear looking amused as she scooped up alex, the two starting to play with the blow up ball she’d brought down for him.

“Really?”Tony raised a eyebrow at the man’s words before looking at it, staring a little wide eyed. “That’s...that’s awesome. I wonder if it’s all liquids. I mean, what happens if you get in the shower?”Tony said his blueprints and tablet ignored in favor of questioning the epicness of loki turning blue and what he could do to water. Before wincing. Realizing he was being impolite. While he usually didn’t notice, he was trying really hard to not be his nosey self with his teammates. “Sorry.”he muttered picking up the tablet again, not about to admit why he had issues with water.
Steve blanched in shock at being flirted with. which he did no matter the gender. he was still unused to being 'sexy'. part of him was always going to be that little runt of a boy, sickly and small. "that's not nice Tony!" Bruce chastised, glancing at Steve. "relax. he's not going to molest you." "i know. he has a god for that." Steve admitted as he slipped into the water. "just... not used to people being so... open yet." he admitted, as red as a stop sign he was. Clint just shook his head. "she's not ready yet and i'm still too..." he shrugged. "thanks though." he muttered, smiling at Natasha. "i'm sorry... by the way. i know this is probobly hard for you... i just..." he sighed and shook his head. "never mind. i'm no good at this emotional stuff..."

Loki nodded. "it's most liquids that i touch with my bare skin." he admitted. "if it's in a glass or a can it doesn't interact with me." he admitted. "the shower goes cold and i turn blue." Loki admitted, sounding amused, having completely disregarded the others apology "Baths are much easier for me. i can use the special herb blends that keeps my body from interacting with the water around me. Thor has the same problem actually. he nearly electrocuted himself to death when he tried to take an earth shower with Mjölnir." he admitted with a snicker. "i just about died with laughter." he admitted as he looked over at Tony, his head tilted. "you've never seen me yet, have you? when i'm all...blue." he studied Tony. "if your nice to me, i'll let you see me in traditional Jotun garb as well."
Tony grinned looking amused, before wincing a little. “It wasn’t, but it was amusing.”He muttered before staring at the good captain. “Now that, was just unkind. I’m going to set you up on a date if your not careful, cap.”Tony whined a little. “I know. But you two still need to talk sometime....and if you’re going to talk, why not be half undressed.”Natasha teased a little before nodding.”It is...but it is good to see you happy, clint.”She muttered smiling as they settled in to playing with the toddler.

“....I don’t even want to know why he’d consider showering with his hammer. But that is fairly funny actually.”he snickered at that mental image before wincing, remembering that it’d probably been in the tower. That would have been horrible to clean up. “No, I haven’t. And I’m always nice, loki.”he rolled his eyes looking amused.

After awhile Elena smiled a little as she scooped alex up, moving to the edge of the pool.”Come on kiddo. You’re falling asleep.” “Am not.” “Are to. Just a nap, okay?” “No!I dont wanna!I wanna play!No!” “Alex.Stop.”Elena winced as he wrapped his hands in her hair tugging on it as he tried to get her to drop him, not wanting to get out. “Alex!Stop pulling my hair.”She scolded lightly gently untangling his hands even as she got out, before smiling at the others.”I’ll see you guys later.”She said smiling a little as tony wrapped a towel around them both so they weren’t dripping everywhere, heading for clint’s floor, ignoring the whining toddler who wanted to stay with his new family and play.
Steve looked curious. "i wouldn't mind going on a date." Steve admitted, well aware that if he agreed, Tony would drop it, annoyed that he wasn't gettign under Steve's skin. plus, if he agreed, Tony might actually set him up ona date with a proper person... Steve still wasn't sure if he wanted it to be a boy or a girl though... maybe he better talk to someone?

"he wasn't sure it was safe. i was bound and gagged of course but even then, i'm still quite dangerous." he admitted with a chuckle. "and your rarely nice." he admitted with a grin. "but that's what so thrilling. i can't imagine what you would be like if you had me tied down, completely at your mercy." he teased with a snicker.

"hey Alex, listen to your mother." Clint ordered. "you'll have more fun later if you take your nap now you know." he pointed out, hoping to reason with the two year old as he followed Elena out of the pool, drying himself quickly. "maybe if i read him a story? i did make sure to get some children's books." he admitted. "then you can take a nap too. you look incredibly tired."
“...Yes!You agreed. I’m setting you up with someone now.”Tony grinned in that wickedly amused way of his that said Steve might have made a mistake, but was going to like the results. Tony dropped it though, content to think of who to set him up with now.

“....Dammit Loki.”He growled shifting to get comfortable as the swimsuits became nearly unbearably tight, his eye twitching a little. “Doesn’t think like go against your rules of courting or something?”He grumbled, wishing he wouldn’t look like a coward if he simply ran away to get away from the sexual tension before...”Rogers!I have your date. Take loki out.”

“No!I don’t want to!”Alex howled in elena’s year, quickly devolving into a two year old tantrum as they headed upstairs. “Maybe.”Elena offered Clint a small smile. “No!I;m not napping!Neither is mama!” “Alex, stop. Please.”Elena muttered before stepping into Clint’s rooms, shifting to let Clint take him. “I’m going to get a glass of warm milk, it sometimes helps him sleep, if you get him changed and read a book.”She smiled as she headed for the kitchen. “No!Mama!Go swimming!”
Steve looked startled and then horrified as he realized he'd been tricked by Tony into agreeing. "...save me?" he pleaded to Natasha with hsi big boy scout eyes.

"nope. so long as you allow it." he admitted with a chuckle. "so long as i don't try to bed you against your will. which includes while you are under the influence of, well, anything. i'm mostly fine." he admitted. "as long as i don't insult you, hurt your feelings, damage you in any way including magically, emotionally, mentally, or physically. and i don't go against your wishes. you CAN lay down ground rules you know... didn't Thor tell you that?" he asked, looking confused. "if you don't want me to flirt or make sexual advances, just say so." he stated simply. "this is your party after all." "i'll date Loki over the worlds dead body!" Steve declared. "not if he was the last sentient, living thing in the nine realms and all of the universes in existence!" "...well doesn't that make me feel wonderful." Loki mused, looking close to laughing.

"Clint grimaced as Alex howled and tried to think about how his father had handled him. he took the boy and pondered and then sat the boy down firmly on a tiny chair built just for him. "Alexander Lancaster!" Clint growled, his voice firm but not angry. "you will cease that attitude right this instant or you will spend the rest of nap time nose first in a corner! how do you think Iron Man would think of you, watching you throw a temper tantrum over such a simple thing as a nap!?" he demanded before he knelt in front of the little boy, studying him,. "you know. it makes mummy very sad when you get like this." he explained softly. "it makes her hurt when you scream, and yank on her hair, and fuss and fight." he admitted. "she does everything she can to make sure you grow up healthy and strong, naps are a part of that. and so is eating healthy meals. you need a nap so that you can play properly later. i know you want to stay and have fun, but how can you have fun if you're too grouchy from being tired?" he asked, offering the boy a smile. "now. if you come and lay in bed like a good boy, i'll read you two books of your choice for nap, and i'll tell you a story about the Avengers before bed. what say you?" it wasn't bribing! honestly...
“He might have....I don’t know. The flowers kinda freaked me out enough to not listen, reindeer.”Tony said looking at the other, frowning slightly. Because it was true, he’d been freaking out to much about loki’s attraction to him, and his strenuous denial of being attracted right back to really listen. “No, it’s okay. Flirting’s fine. Even if you’re making it hard to be in the same room with you.”Tony muttered blushing ever so slightly at the admittance that he wasn’t as bothered by the flirting as he pretended. Grinning at steve’s words he smirked. “Don’t worry about it. He told me the same thing when I offered to go on a date with him, just so he could figure out the new age dating thing.”He looked amused before smirking, stretching. “I’m heading upstairs.”he said.

Alex’s eyes went wide at Clint’s words, looking up at him.”Bad things?”He sniffled a little at the question on what iron man would think, slumping slightly. “Okay. Naps import...good.”The boy stuttered before nodding. “Okay.”He said getting up, letting clint get him changed out of his swimsuit before settling into the bed. Sleeping before elena even appeared in the doorway. Exhausted now that he wasn’t protesting. “...What in the world did you do?”Elena muttered quietly as she watched clint sitting on the edge of the bed, a book in his lap, alex cuddled up against his hip.
Loki blinked a little, looking concerned. "you did not like the flowers?" he asked, looking quite unhappy about that. "i will endeavor to correct that mistake." he assured Tony. completely misunderstanding what Tony was saying. "well, alright then." he chirped, looking quite pleased. "i do enjoy flirting with you." he admitted. "it is pleasant to be able to spar with a person whose wit matches my own." he admitted with a smile. "well... i still think you should set him up with someone nice, despite his terrible attitude..." there was a pause. "actually... does he like men, or women?" he asked before he smirked and followed Tony with his eyes before he followed, humming to himself.

"there's a good boy." Clint praised, smiling at him as he kissed the boys forehead and helped him get dry and change. "i asked him how Iron Man would feel about him throwing such terrible tantrums and told him how his temper tantrums made you feel bad and then explained that naps where important to keep him healthy and happy." he shrugged. "it was the only thing i could think of." he admitted. "i think it worked." he admitted with a chuckle. "he didn't even make it all the way through Turtle Time." he admitted with a shake of his head. "you alright?"
Tony groaned looking over at the look on loki’s face, slumping into the seat.”Flowers are fine. Weird, but fine. I’m just not usually receiving them.”Ahhh, so it was the whole effort courting thing that was weirding him out, and not just being attracted to loki. “I will. And he doesn’t know. We’ll figure it out I guess.”Tony snickered because he was so already planning on setting the good captain up with both genders, pausing only long enough to let Loki onto the elevator before taking it up to the penthouse. Not sure why he was being followed but not protesting loki’s presence.

“....You know Tony throws worse tantrums right?”She snickered a little at the idea before smiling. “well,hopefully that’ll cut down on the number of tantrums we go through.”She said sipping the glass of milk she was holding before smiling.”I can see that. He was tired.”She said before nodding.”Fine.”She said waving him out of the room, quietly shutting the door behind them, heading for the living room.
Loki frowned, wondering if Tony wasn't just trying to placate him before he decided it didn't matter. "oh! i see..." he muttered, suddenly understanding. "i suppose you could set him up with some twins. a boy and a girl and see which he likes more." he mused with a smirk. "plus, i'll have the added bonus of watching him have a coronary." he admitted, grinning as he followed tony, glancing at the man. "i thought i might explain to you this... courting business. properly i mean. i would not want you to feel uncomfortable." he admitted, looking a little concerned. "i know that some,er, humans in the past who have been courted in such a manner has been under the misconception that they are int he 'woman's role'... which, i assure you, is very untrue." he assured the other. "it is all about status really. being that i am the Second Prince, willingly or not, the task falls to me to do the courting, because i need to prove to my intended that i can provide for them because i will bringing them up the social ladder. it will fall to me to protect them from social and political blunders or attacks... does that make sense?"

he chuckled a little. "hush, the Little Man doesn't know that." he pointed out with a chuckle. "i hope so... it won't work when he's older, but it seams to have done the trick this time." he admitted with a smile as he gently tucked the little boy in. "Elena? you know i can still tell when your lying... whats wrong?" he asked softly, taking her hand gently. "what is it?"
“...Oh gods. That would be awesome. I know some awesome pair of twins.”Tony’s smirk was definitely wicked before nodding, “That would be nice. Now that I’m not freaking out over flowers, or cupcakes, or knives...explain.”He said simply as he walked around to the bar, pouring himself a glass before looking over at him. “You want some?”He smirked a little remembering the first time he offered loki a drink before settling onto a bar stool, looking thought. “Well...yes. Sort of like if I was getting married here. I mean... Anyone I married would have to deal with the fallout of actually being married to me...”he said looking thoughtful about that, it made more sense as he thought about it.

“I know.He’ll figure it out soon enough.”She smiled because while he was kind, she’d been watching the news for to long to know Tony Stark was totally incapable of not throwing a tantrum over something on a regular basis. Biting her lip as he took her hand she settled onto the couch, tucking her legs up under her, sipping the milk, avoiding looking at him.”Not fair.”She grumbled, even if she could read him just as well as he read her. Some things just couldn’t be forgotten. “....Loki said I should talk to you....everyone seems to think a heart to heart would help...even you do.”She muttered, fidgeting.
Loki snickered a little and nodded. "good. Twins are always entertaining." he admitted with a chuckle before he nodded and studied Tony as he explained. "yes, precisely. normally, during this period you would be under extreme scrutiny from the entire Asgaurdian populace unless you where at least a noble. it is expected of me to... enhance, the bloodlines by marrying someone of strong blood. which usually means nobility. being that you are a very proud warrior, you have proven your skills and bloodline, but because you are human there are a great many who would not think you a proper mate for the Second Prince of Asgaurd... then again, being that i'm a Jotun, i'm not proper for any of them so..." he shrugged. "this is a period of time where i discover what i can about you to see if we are properly compatible, while you decide if you can handle being the mate of a Prince." he admitted. "i suppose being on earth changes the dynamics of th courtship process a very different thing." he admitted. "i suppose, since i am not exactly ever welcome back amidst the aeser, i don't really need to court you in such a manner..." he admitted. "but i like to ply you with gifts and flirt with you." he admitted.

he smiled a little and nodded. "Tony handles him well at least." he admitted. "which is great because i'd hate to have to beat him up for making Alex upset." he admitted with a shake of his head. "sorry. but it's not like you can't always tell when i'm trying to hide something." he admitted as he sat down and sighed. "...yeah..." he admitted, biting his lip. "i really do think it would help... it will help me for sure... i just... there are things that i think you should know." he admitted. "do you want me to start or do you want to wait a few days?"
“Well, I’m under intense scrutiny from the human population. I guess I should be glad I only have one thunder god inspecting me for his baby brother, instead of a whole other race.”He said sounding thoughtful about that before smirking. “There’s nothing proper about you loki, especially if you’re going to be in my bed.”Tony leered at the man, well at least he wasn’t screaming protests about loki eventually ending back in bed with him. “And the gifts confuse me. Really. I’ve never done...this before. I mean. Not even pepper. I tried to give her strawberries once. It wasn’t pretty.”he said shying away, because he knew that the world knew just how spectacularly wrong he’d gone with his gift giving to pepper, but he also knew loki wasn’t aware of it, at least not what had gotten her walking out on him, so he was willing to bend the truth a little to hide just how much that wound still hurt.

“He does. Better then I thought he would.”Elena snickered a little before smiling. “And he’s enjoying the fact he has another fan....and I wouldn’t count on ever convincing him to not call Alex little iron.”She pointed out before smiling. “I know.”She muttered shuddering a little, staring at the floor. “Go ahead. Alex is asleep, probably will be for a few hours. We might as well...at least start this conversation...”she said biting her lip, because even if they started, she was sure they’d be taking breaks, needing breathing room from the emotions that would probably drown them.
he nodded a little. "actually. i'm the one whose under scrutiny. Thor takes your honor very seriously." Loki admitted with a smile. "we are both his brothers, but i am the Suitor and i can very easily rui any chance at ever having a lover again... in the Asgaurdian sense anyway. one wrong move from me, and it's your reputation that's shattered." he admitted. "that's why there are some very specific rules in place to keep me on the 'straight and narrow'." he admitted with a smile. "and i know you've never done this before." he admitted. "Pepper is allergic to strawberries." he pointed out. "besides, Pepper never could have handled you. no woman likes to be out shone." he admitted with a chuckle. "you are VERY high maintenance and don't try to deny it. she could never have kept up with you." he admitted as he shook his head. "besides, it's not like your expected to give gifts back." he pointed out with a smile. "in fact, it's quite common for the Courted, you, to not really do anything but enjoy themselves and learn what needs to be learned to survive the politics of the Aeser." he admitted. "but, considering i never have any intention of going back to Asgaurd, i don't much give a damn whether you learn about that boring crap or not."

he smiled a little and nodded. "yeah. he's a good guy, he's just really, really damaged." he admitted. "he's enjoying seducing my own son away from me, that's what he's enjoying." he complained with a pout. "and i suppose i wouldn't mind him being called Little Iron, there's worse 'superheroes' he could be into." he admitted with a chuckle before he sighed and closed his eyes, wondering where to start. "i blamed myself you know." he admitted softly. "at that time, when you died, and i saw the flames go up... i was convinced it was my fault... i tried to kill myself six times in the next three months... the last time? i succeeded..." he admitted. "dead for three minutes." he admitted. "the only reason i lived is because Natasha refused to stop beating on my chest..." he admitted. "i swore i saw you, you know." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "you where so... you." he admitted with a smile. "you told me to get up off my ass and live. you called me all those nasty names your fond of..." he shook his head. "i decided to live, for your sake, but i swore i wouldn't enjoy it." he continued talking, it was cathartic. he spoke about how he tried to kill every emotional attachment he had. pushing down any sense of pleasure. he admitted sleeping with Natasha when he just couldn't stand life anymore. the sex reconnected him, kept him going. "i nearly killed myself that night... when you suddenly came back." he admitted, looking up at her. eyes shining with tears. "i was so sure... so certain that you had hurt me so deeply on purpose... and it still hurts to look at you sometimes... because i died for you, and i lived for you... and your still here..." he admitted, choking on a sob. "and how fucked up is that?"
“Hm, I think my reputation was shattered years ago, Loki.”He teased a little sipping his drink before wincing. “I know that. And I knew that then. How do you think I remembered she was allergic?”He muttered before smiling a little. “I know I am.”He said not even bothering to protest, he knew just how high maintenance he could be. “And she could have. I mean, I’m not that shining. Well....at least, not in the sense I’m amazing. My suit’s shiny, at least according to the brat.”He grumbled though there was a vague smile tugging at his lips. “...I know I’m not. But I still feel weird sitting back and just taking gifts. Feels like I should be giving you something....I mean, I can make about anything...”

“That he does.”She smiled at his complaining, before grinning. “Never, ever tell tony that. You’ll never hear the end.”She teased before flinching, staring down at her hands, starting to cry silently as she curled up, not touching him, because she couldn’t bear to touch him when she’d caused him so much pain.”I...I’m sorry. I am so sorry, Clint. I didn’t mean to leave....I hadn’t done it on purpose.”She shuddered burying her face in her hands as she cried, “Not fucked up. It still hurts to look at you to sometimes. To hear you.”She swallowed shifting, struggling to not cry, to get control before she told him her half. Sitting in silence for a few long moments, staring down at her hands. “I didn’t...didn’t know who I was. Didn’t know anything for those first couple months after everything went to hell. I stayed in budapest...a older woman found me, took me in, gave me a place to stay when my condition became obvious. But even as I grew more pregnant....I didn’t know who I was clint. I didn’t know who you were. I could...I could almost touch the memory, I knew I was missing someone, but it just wasn’t there.”She shuddered hunching her shoulders. “I was 3 months pregnant the first time I reached out to shield. I’d remembered enough to know they were involved...that I was part of them. And was told that I was disvowed and no longer welcome as my partner had been reassigned and had no desire to work with me anymore.”She shuddered, her shoulders tense and aching.

“I tried after that....every doctor’s appointment...I tried to get to you, I knew you were the father, I needed to let you know that the child was okay, even if you didn’t want me. It was...the turn downs just got worse every time.”She swallowed hard, knowing she was going to inflict worse harm, especially with what the reporter had just written about them, but...”That last time. The doctor let me call from the delivery room. And finally, finally they got ‘you’ on the phone with me. And told me that you never wanted to hear from me again, and that you doubted a child of a whore could be yours, and would I please just stop calling.’....”She trailed off, shuddering.
Loki chuckled a little and shrugged. "a valid point." he admitted. "well, in your defense, you where probobly overly frazzled about Dying to really remember that she was allergic." he mused with a grin. "i'm rather low maintenance in case you where wondering. very content to amuse myself if your busy with something i assure you." he promised, looking mildly amused. "you love the Brat." he teased with a grin. "especially as the more he likes you, the more it annoys Clint." he stated with a snicker. "well. you are the Courted. you make the rules. if you want to return the gifts, do so." he stated simply. "it's against the rules for me to ask for something in particular... but, i have been wondering about voice activated phones and pads." he admitted. "so many buttons Tony!" he complained with a sigh. "nothing in Asgaurd is so complex as the everyday items here... i got trapped in the Elevator the other day. apparently Emergency Stop is not something you want to push..." there was a pause. "i was curious about it, alright!?"

he snickered a little. "don't i know it!" he admitted with a grin before he started in on his story, struggling not to cry, struggling to keep himself from breaking down. "i know it wasn't you! i know! i just..." he shuddered hard. "well... as long as i'm not the only one." he whispered, offering her a trembling smile. "oh god..." now he was the one who was openly weeping, hating himself, hating shield, hating the fucked up world they had been forced into. Clint wished his father was here. Carl Barton was not a man to mess with, even Fury had been somewhat scared of the man. he wrapped his arms around her, letting her cry on him and crying on her in return, whispering apologies to her that he had been used to hurt her so badly. "i can't believe how far Fury went..." he whispered. "there was a Will you know." he admitted, staring at her hands. "at the time i thought it was real... everything was to go to me save for a few things, which was supposed to go to remaining freinds and family... honestly? i don't think you where supposed to survive..." emotions choked him, horror mixed with rage. "i'm certain they meant to kill you... and then i'd never have had Alex... excuse me a moment." Clint whispered, moving into the bathroom where sicked up. the thought of never meeting Alex, of never even having Alex was too hard to bare. that Shield had almost made that true was even harder.
"Good.cause I really don't think ae could handle two high maintenance people in a relationship.I have enough issues remembering what day it is much less remembering I have someone I should be looking after "tony snickered before perking up."I do make the rules don't I?well I'll do something then."he said before snickerin at the others words."why didn't you just ask jarvis to let you out?"he said highly amused thst loki had hit the emergency button before smiling."you want to come down to the lab with me?we can talk while I work since you seem to enjoy that "he said enjoying the idea of doing something for loki.

"You're not.I promise."she muttered leaning into him more as he helf her, clinging to him."...what?I didn't...I mean ..."she frowned before shaking her head."I hate them...how dare they do this..."she muttered sounding more sad then angry before startling a little as he got up feeling sick herself even as she watched him go. After a few minutes she got up and followed him."clint?"she muttered knocking on the door
he chuckled a little and nodded. "yes well... we don't have dates ourselves." he admitted. "when you live as long as we do, birthdays and anniversaries just don't matter much." he admitted with a smile. "we usually have a ten year birthday, a fifty year birthday and then a hundred year birthday but... after that it's just sort of... boring. oh, some will use it as an excuse to get drunk but..." he shrugged. "who needs an excuse really?" he asked with a chuckle before he nodded before flushing a little. "...well it was my first few days here and... well..." he shrugged. "i didn't know what he was and he scared me a little bit." he admitted. "i didn't want him to see me so helpless... besides, it wasn't all that hard to escape, i just had to displace myself to my room." he pointed out. "sure, i like watching you work... oh... let me get dressed first." he ordered, glancing down at himself. "my swimming cloth isn't very good for running around dangerous metal wires in." he pointed out with a chuckle, waving his hand down his body, covering himself in his usual attire. leather pants, silk shirt and his hair tied back into a ponytail.

he shook his head. "i wish you had let me shoot that fucker." he whispered before heading off to be sick. "...i'm alright." he promised her through the door as the toilet flushed and the sound of running water started. "you can come in if you want, i'm not naked or anything." he promised, mouth full of toothpaste and toothbrush. well that hadn't changed, he still brushed his teeth every time he vomited. "we'll have to get revenge." he muttered once he'd rinsed and spit. "we can't let them get away with that! with THIS!" he complained, wrapping his arms tightly around her. "i won't lose you again.."
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