Missing Parts(lady/moon)

Clint grinned as he headed for them, grinning as he watched Alex barrel through the 'crowds' to slam into him. "ooopmph." he grunted as he was literally, plowed straight into. he grinned down at the excited chatter and swung Alex up into the air and onto his shoulders. "i noticed." he admitted with a grin at Elena. "i've got everything set up." he admitted. "and told Tony too so he won't yell at me later for it." he admitted with a laugh. "so, where to Little Man?" he asked, smiling at her as he handed her something. it was a Bank Card. "here. this is yours. it connects directly to my account. you can't take out more than a thousand at a time though, Jarvis insisted." he wrinkled his nose. "some sort of fail safe so people can't steal my money." he admitted. "anything larger than that, i have to be there to sign off on it. it's supposed to keep people from buying houses in Tahiti under my name..." he shrugged. "never had a problem with it before now, but when i moved into the Tower Jarvis said i was a security risk and started 'laying down the law' on me... bossy computer."

"Tony! i've used Jarvis to hire a construction team for four hours to make over my level of the house." Clint warned as he came in, grabbed a burned cupcake and ran back out so he could get to the Zoo faster. well at least Jarvis would have run complete background checks on everyone coming in. "...oh my god this is horrible!" he squealed at the burned cupcake, Loki rolling his eyes. "...first attempt... Salt looks a horrific amount like Sugar." he explained with a smile. "hmm, sex would be great." Loki admitted with chuckle. "but masturbation will tide me over for now." "leaving." Steve stated as he turned heal and left, making Loki snicker. "i'll have more cupcakes in a matter of twenty minutes." he promised Tony as he mixed and measured... magically. he was just standing there reading the book and the whisks, spoons, measuring cups and ingredients did as they where instructed without a single hand to help them.
Elena smiled looking amused as Alex settled onto Clint’s shoulders.”Hm, he plows into everyone. Be prepared. It hurts like a b-bad thing when he runs face first into your legs and nails you in the crotch.”She snickered a little looking amused though before smiling. “Good. And does tony yell at you alot?Cause I can see Cap, but not tony.”She snickered a little before smiling. “Hawks!And wolves!”Alex demanded tugging on clint’s hair a little. “Yea, okay. We’ll go see them.”Elena smiled as they walked before looking startled as she was handed the bank card. “Well, you might not have, but Tony’s rich enough that he’s probably been carelessly spending money without noticing. I mean, if someone stole a few thousand here and there when he’s that rich, he probably didn’t care. Good thing computer’s bossy.”She smiled a little as Alex watched the birds, biting her lip a little. Feeling vaguely awkward at accepting the card, even if she wanted him in her life, and in alex’s, it still felt weird accepting his money. Even if she knew she was being stupid, she’d struggled for so long to have what they needed, to suddenly find herself with this, it was hard to not feel awkward. “Thanks Hawk.”She smiled pocketing the card, looking content to just be with her family.

“ookkkayyy then.”Tony said watching as he grabbed the cupcake, trying hard to not twitch at the idea of the people being there. Even if Jarvis was making sure everything was okay. Grinning at Clint’s squeal. “That’s what you get for stealing my cupcakes.”he said looking amused as he sipped his coffee watching loki cook, snickering as Steve left. “To much for your virgin ears cap?”He teased watching him go before watching loki again, raising a eyebrow. “...if it’s cooking by itself, how did you mix up salt and sugar?”
he grinned a little. "i imagine so." he admitted with a snicker. "i'll just start wearing a cup." he decided with a chuckle. "yeah Tony yells at me all the time. 'Clint stop turning off the hot water! Clint stop eating all my gourmet cookies! Clint stop putting your red shirt in with my whites!' he's always mad at me for some reason or another." he admitted with a chuckle. "Alright Little Man we'll go see the Hawks again." he agreed with a chuckle. "yeah probobly." Clint agreed. "i can't see Tony caring about it either." he admitted with a shrug. "i told you, i'm going to take care of him." he admitted with a smile. "if there's an emergency, you're going to need that." he admitted. "and you'll need it for groceries, and clothes, and for when he starts school. hair cuts and doctors visits and everything else." he admitted. "and of course, we need you in good health too so you'll need clothes and food and doctor visits too." he admitted with a smile. "Jarvis has been doing this thing called 'investing' too, and he's apparently making me a lot of money, so we won't run out anytime soon." he admitted with a nod.

"hmm?" Loki asked, looking at him. "because magic can't 'see'. i'm paying close attention to what's going in where." he explained. "it's not complicated when you can spread your awareness between five different illusions. something like this is simple for someone with my training." he admitted, reaching out and sticking his finger in a pile of salt, or sugar. "blech, salt..." Loki muttered, that pile dropping back into the 'sugar bowl' it had been found in and turning to the other which Loki also tasted before he measured and poured into the bowl. "Magic is all about awareness. magic cannot do something on it's own, it has to be guided." he explained. "it's something you have to train from a very, very young age to do." he admitted. "and even then, some are better at it then others." he admitted, turning to face Tony. "unfortunately, i doubt you could learn magic. you get too focused on a singular thing. which is utterly perfect for technology, but bad for something like magic, when you have to pay attention to three, sometimes three hundred different variables at the same time." he admitted with a shrug. "but then, i could never do what you do." he admitted with a lopsided grin. "i can barely get my phone to work."
“Remind me to not let you do my laundry.”She teased loooking amused as they looked at the animals, before offering a small shy smile. “I know you did. But it’s still...”She huffed out a sigh before smiling. “I’ve been doing it so long alone, it’s...weird having someone else here.”She smiled a little before wincing a little at the idea of how expensive everything was going to be, and feeling only relief and happiness that she had clint, that she would have help. “Well, if you insist.”She said looking amused before shaking her head in amusement. “It amuses me that you have no idea what investing is, and are allowing Tony Stark’s AI to control everything. It’s like the prequel to ‘I,robot’ or the ‘terminator’”She snickered. “Mama, hungry.” “Hm?What do you want, kiddo?”She said tilting her head back to smile up at the boy perched on clint’s shoulders. “Ice cream.” “Well, ask Clint if he knows any place to get some. We’ll get some on our way back to the tower.” It wasn’t home yet, but she had a feeling it would be. “hawk, ice cream?”

“Ah. Well, that makes sense.”Tony said looking thoughtful as he considered that before laughing. “Yea, I can see having that many illusions would be hard. I feel confused sometimes using all my computer holograms all at once.”He smiled before snickering at loki’s mistake, before sulking. “Damn. It would have been so cool to be billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, genius, sorcerer. Epic really.”Tony snickered before smirking, waggling his eyebrows a little. “Hmm, but you enjoy me focusing on one thing sometimes.”he said, and okay, maybe the alcohol and chocolate was making him a little punch drunk. Raising a eyebrow he frowned a little. “Do you need a new phone?I know you have a basic starkphone, but I can redo it, if you want it to be simpler...”
he chuckled a little. "i wouldn't do it to your clothes." he promised with a grin. "you just don't want me to manhandle your bras and sniff your panties." he teased with a snicker. "yeah... it must have been really hard for you." he admitted, looking slightly upset. "i really should have shot Fury somewhere a little less painful and a little more permanent." he admitted with a sigh. "it's best if i just do what Jarvis tells me to." he admitted with a smile. "besides, Jarvis would never try to kill us." he admitted with a smile. "he loves us too much." he paused. "he might try to kill Tony." "...Ice-cream for lunch?" he asked, looking surprised. "is that allowed?" he asked, astonished before he realized what time it was. "this isn't lunch. it's a snack right? ice-cream for snack is alright..." he muttered, trying to remember what he could about his own childhood. "i think i need a parenting manual. i know a great place for Ice-cream." he admitted, hsi eyes shining suddenly as he glanced at her. "they have adult ice-cream too." he admitted with a grin as he led the way through the Zoo, pausing to get a Frizbee, a ball, and a stuffed animal of Alex's choice before they left.

Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "yes indeed." he agreed. "what i do, almost constantly, is monitor about a hundred different screens all at once." he admitted even as the timer on the oven was set and the cupcakes where slid into the oven on their own. he was still cooking while talking, it was rather impressive. especially since most people couldn't whip up two different kinds of frosting while talking and setting a timer. "it would have been very cool. however, you could easily become a technomancer with the right kind of training." he admitted. "i don't know anything about it myself, but i can have Thor get you some books." he promised. "besides. i'm never focused on 'just one thing'. when i'm focused on you, i'm also focused on your pupil dilation, the tone and octave of your voice, the speed of of your heartbeat, the sound and speed of blood flowing through your veins... you can thank me later by the way, i healed your liver, kidneys, and left arterial lobe." he admitted with a smirk before he paused and blinked at tony. "oh... well. no that's alright. i'm getting used to it... i can add a contact now!"
“....It disturbs me I don’t know if your serious about sniffing my things or not.”Elena stared at him, teasing him back before sighing quietly. “It was...lonely more then anything. I mean...I’m 25...I was young. And alone. But you’re here now, and you definitely don’t want to go shooting fury to death, though I’m fairly certain whatever he’s got planned next, isn’t going to be pretty. It’s not your fault Clint, you didn’t know I was alive. “she muttered not wanting him to be upset before giggling a little.”I thought he liked tony?Why kill him?”She giggled before smiling a little, looking amused at his surprise. “It’s 11 am. It’ll be a snack until we get lunch.”She said agreeing amused at his questions before smirking. “Ask Jarvis. I’m sure he can tell you some good parenting manuals...I have a few to. I mean, I got some when I found out I was pregnant, and just kept building from there to know stuff...”She rambled a bit before flushing looking amused at the idea of adult anything. “Hmm, good ice cream.”She smiled amused as she took the bag of alex’s things, amused as alex clung to the wolf he’d gotten. Stepping into the ice cream parlor she looked up at Alex.”What do you want kiddo?” “Chocolate.” “Okay. One chocolate baby cone, and hmm.. A tiramisu brandy cone...what do you want clint?”She asked digging in her pocket for her bank card, looking a little giddy at having spare money to splurge on something as simple as really good ice cream instead of the cheap stuff.

Tony smirked looking a little impressed that Loki had kept cooking despite talking to him before raising a eyebrow, looking interested in that. “Really? I would totally blow you for some techno books.”Tony said smirking a little, because now he was just mentioning sex to see if he could make the other uncomfortable, yes he was a little drunk and his more bisexual tendencies came out when he wasnt totally in control, but he was totally over the top excited at the idea of being a technomancer, whatever that was. “....Well. Thank you for that. Now that I’m not drinking as much, it’s great to have functioning body parts again.”he said looking vaguely disturbed at the damage loki had fixed before smiling, biting the inside of his lip to not laugh out loud at how proud loki sounded at that technical feat. “Well, okay. And good. Maybe trying calling that contact sometime, you should just play with the phone, it gets easier the more you use it.”
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "nah, i only sniff the panties i steal." he admitted with a chuckle. "yeah. i was pretty lonely too." he admitted with a sigh. "i couldn't..." he stopped talking after that, not wanting to have an emotional moment with the little man on his shoulders. "Tony annoys everyone." he admitted with a grin. "Jarvis more than anyone else." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'll just stop by the bookstore and buy your parenting manuals." he decided with a smile as he looked at the ice-cream selection. "yes i'll have a cone, one scoop Vanilla, one scoop caramel swirl, one scoop cookies and cream and can i have that dipped?" he asked the man who nodded and went about making the Ice-cream. Clint had always been 'lets make something simple more difficult' kind of guy. "you wanna lick Little Man?" he asked, lifting his ice-cream cone so that he could have a lick.

Loki chuckled a little. "i won't make you blow me." he promised with a chuckle. "but i have to wait for Thor to come back." he admitted. "so it might take a few days for you to get the books." he admitted. "as for what a Technomancer is. it is a type of sorcerer that van literally 'meld' mentally with various kinds of technology. your internet for example. you will also be able to control various technological things, no lock will work against you, and even thumb print safes will open for you. you can literally see what a video surveillance camera did, even without it's videotape. they are exceedingly rare in the nine realms because it takes a combination of magic and technology, which few people have. you have the capability of wielding magic, you just don't have the mind set for sorcery." he admitted. "a man if your mindset, might very well be able to use technomancy, so i'll let you have to books so you can try." he admitted with a smile. "you didn't even know your body parts where failing." he pointed out before he blinked at Tony. "well... i don't actually have anyone in the phone. i just figured out how to add them." he admitted with a shrug. "i don't really have anyone to call and stuff, so..." he shrugged. trying not to sound as lonely as he felt. but he was always lonely. no one liked him on asgaurd. no one liked him on jotunheim. no one liked him on midgaurd...
“We’ll talk. Later.”She muttered smiling, looking up at alex, knowing why he’d stopped before snickering. “I can see that. That poor AI.”She smiled before rolling her eyes as she realized what he ordered. “So complicated. You’d think you were a complicated man or something.”She teased smiling as Alex nodded excitedly, leaning over to lick the cone, “Hmmm.Good.”the boy decided even as he started eating his own cone. Elena smirked a little as they walked, glancing up at Alex, watching him eat his ice cream and wondering if she should warn clint he was about to get a headfull of chocolate ice cream. Smirking she snickered to herself, enjoying the sight of son and father, and the learning experience it would be at having a two year old as she reached up and took the cone from him, even as a bit dropped into Clint’s hair. “Okay, there you go.”Elena said smiling as she licked the melting ice cream away before giving it back to alex, snickering quietly as they headed into the tower. “You have ice cream in your hair.”She informed him looking so relaxed and happy.

“Damn. Well, I guess I can wait. But I’m not good at waiting. Horrible really.”He sulked before perking up, looking thoughtful. “That’s fairly cool. I mean, imagine what I could do....I could improve on Jarvis’ system if I can be that interconnected and imagine the searching for villains and all and...”he stopped the rambling looking pleased with the idea. “I didn’t, but I knew I drank to much. It’s reasonable to assume my liver took a beating.”he pointed out before tilting his head, “Okay. Well, we’re going to fix that. Cause we’re going to call Clint right now, and see how his date is going, and why he’s bringing strange people that I don’t want to sleep with into my tower. Then you can add my number to, though I don’t know why you’d want to call me, cause you see me all the time and...Okay. Call clint.”He said giving loki the other’s number, having every intention of being annoying, simply because he wanted loki to smile.
He hesitated and then nodded before he chuckled. "i honestly didn't know that a computer could actually get annoyed, but he can." he admitted with a chuckle. "i AM a complicated Man." he stated with a sniff. "i am the most complicated man you will ever meet." he admitted with a grin. he looked confused when she took the ice-cream away from him and blinked as he realized that he was dripping. "...yay." he grumbled, though he looked amused. "i needed a shower anyway." he admitted with a sigh, pausing as his phone rang. "oh... hold on..." he muttered, rooting around in various pockets for his phone. "hello?.... Loki?"

Loki chuckled a little. "you're drunk, aren't you?" he asked with a smirk. "you can do amazing things with Technomancy, or so i'm told." he admitted with a nod before he groaned a little but did as he was ordered and pulled out his phone. "okay... uhm..." he frowned at his phone, sticking his tongue out as he focused, pushing in the buttons, saving it to his phone and then calling the number from his contacts list as he'd secretly made Jarvis show him a few dozen times so he could somewhat remember it from time to time. "yes, this is Loki. Tony made me call you." "Why?" was Clint's demand. "i'm not entirely sure. i think he's drunk... but i know how to work my phone... sort of." "...joy for you." "the men aren't finished with your room yet." "they aren't?" "no. so don't go up yet. you wanted it to be a surprise right?" "yeah i did... oh, and sorry about breaking your ribs." "pssh. you punch like a mortal." "hey, don't be dragging my ethnicity into this!" "i do what i want!" Loki stated, grinning as he hung up, Clint making up curses as he hung up as well. "that doorknobbing Bumblebee!" he shook hsi head and shoved his phone back into his pants. "the surprise isn't done yet and Tony's D-R-U-N-K so...." he paused as he felt something very, very cold land on his head and slide down and he closed his eyes so that half melted chocolate wouldn't flow into his eyes. the entire scoop of ice-cream had been dropped on his head. "...yep... that was cold..." he muttered with a sigh as he held up his own half finished ice-cream cone for the boy to have so he wouldn't be upset about his own ice-cream.
“Which is a good thing. I can’t deal with more complicated then you, barton.”She rolled her eyes before snickering. “It’s just another joy of having kids. You get used to showering more then after workouts and first thing in the morning.”She snickered looking amused before frowning as his phone rang, looking confused.

“I am not. It’d take more then some amazing little cupcake....well no, I’ve known some amazing cupcakes that wanted to have sex with me and they were beautiful and you know cupcake is another name for a girl here, so that wasn’t as weird as it sounded and...as I was saying, it’d take more then this to get me drunk....what did you do to them?Stronger then normal alcohol?”Tony frowned before grinning. “He needs to figure out his phone clint. And you’re on a date. I wanted to know how its going.”Tony grinned looking amused snickering as loki warned the man about his room not being done. “You like him, don’t pretend you dont.”Tony teased loki looking amused as they hung up.

“...bumblebee?”Elena raised a eyebrow before looking startled. “It’s 11 in the morning. Is he really?”she said looking concerned over that before her eyes widened, hearing the sniffles even as chocolate ran down Clint’s face. “Yea, well, it’s called ice cream for a reason. Come here, Alex.”Elena smiled lifting alex off clint’s shoulders, perching him on her hip to let him eat the cone and have him close so she could help him eat it, knowing he wasn’t licking it fast enough to not have it melt. Glancing at clint she smiled. “We can go hang out on Tony’s floor. I’m sure he’d let you burrow his shower, and even if he’s D-R-U-N-K me and alex can stay in the living room. He’s not a violent drunk or anything, we can just wait until your surprise is done...”She said looking curious about what the surprise was, “All done mama!”Alex smiled happily as they reached the tower, smiling as he finished off clint’s ice cream.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "your drunk." he stated with a chuckle. "i think when i healed you i accidentally took away your alcohol tolerance... or you where half drunk still when you came home... of course, being that i'm doing this magically i might have enhanced the alcohol..." he paused and then. "oops... i did enhance the alcohol... sorry Tony... that was entirely not my intention... actually, that's very interesting... i'm going to have to experiment with that later." he admitted with a chuckle as he let Tony babble at the phone for a moment as Clint rolled his eyes and told him that his 'Kid bonding time' was going great. "...i find him tolerable." Loki admitted with a shrug.

"well i couldn't exactly use the word i wanted." he pointed out with a smile. "and i think Loki accidentally enhanced his alcohol cupcakes. Tony only had two of them and he's as drunk as a skunk." he admitted, looking like he wanted to laugh before looking horrified as the child sniffled, praying to gods he didn't beleive in that Alex wasn't going to cry. "we'll pop in a movie. Loki has this thing for Disney movies, he ordered a whole bunch of them on the TV so we have tons of kid friendly movies." he admitted with a grin. "i'll take a quick shower and then Alex can have a bath." he examined the sticky fingers. "...maybe we should bathe him now actually. he's covered in Ice-Cream." he admitted. looking amused before he blinked as Jarvis informed him that the 'renovations where complete'. "great timing Jarvis!" he grinned at her. "well. shall we go see?" he asked with a grin as he led the way to the elevator. the living room looked the same, so did the kitchen. but Alex's room was... wow. it had been split into two levels. one was a play area with a TV, a toy chest, and even a couch. the upper level was his bed. and Elena's room too had been made over. it was like a dream room, along with her bathroom, which had a massive bathtub which could easily fit three, and two separate showers. Clint let them explore while he headed into his own, now empty room for his own shower.

(Alex's Room Pics 1 2 3 4 5)
(Elena's room Pics 12 3)
“That sucks. It was like my super power, and I don’t have many of those. I know. I’m on a team of the super enhanced, my tolerance for alcohol was amazing, I can nearly out drink Thor you know?”He said before squinting a little at loki frowning. “What?You’re going to experiment on me?You can’t do that. If I’m this drunk on accident, with two cupcakes, I dont want to know what more would do.”He said pouting a little before smiling. “Good. You need people. Everyone needs people to like, even if you don’t think so.” Yea.Definitely drunk if he was advocating being nice to everyone and having friends.

“True.And that’s so adorable and a little scary actually. Does this mean he’s going to be drunker then normal?I mean, if loki’s going to be feeding him, is he doing it on purpose? Cause a drunk tony is probably a easy tony.”She said snickering a little before smiling as alex calmed with the offered ice cream and ate it. “That’s fairly amusing. You guys should have movie night, avengers doing disney.”She teased looking amused before smirking at Alex’s sticky fingers. “Yea. We better wash him up.”She smiled before pausing as they were told things were done, nodding a little hesitantly not sure what to think about what he’d done, wondering what it was before stepping in, looking startled even more as she saw what he had indeed had done. Laughing quietly as alex giggled happily and tried to go and touch everything right away. “Hey, hey no not yet Alex. You need cleaned up first.”She ordered offering Clint a small smile as he left watching him go before heading to clean up alex. When she was done she settled the boy into the bedroom, watching him explore, making sure he was okay for a moment before stepping out in the hallway to meet Clint as he walked out of his bedroom, a hand wrapping around the chain holding his dogtags, dragging the taller man down for a kiss before pulling back”Thank you.”She whispered flushing brightly before scampering back, heading back to check on Alex, to embarassed at her surely over reaction to the amazing rooms, to stay in the room with him.
Loki snorted a little. "well, you're pretty amazing anyway. like Batman." he admitted with a smile. "you made your own superpower. that's rather impressive you know." he admitted before he chuckled. "oh, i won't experiment on you." he assured Tony. "i'll do it to Banner, we could use a bit of fun." yeah, Bruce couldn't drink either, as soon as he got more than a little tipsy, he was big, green and mean. "i need no one but you." Loki assured Tony with an affectionate chuckle. not about to admit that he really did like being here. in this place, with these people. they hated him of course, everyone did, but they weren't mean to him at any rate. and Clint even went around pranking him back!

"yeah probobly." Clint admitted with a chuckle. "and i doubt it's on purpose. Thor told me that there are rules Loki has to follow. which includes no spelling or drugging Tony into bed. it has to be completely willing without outside influences. or Loki's life is forfeit." he admitted. "so even though Tony is easier, Loki won't do anything because it's against the rules or something." he admitted before he grinned. "watching Disney with the Avengers, every little boys dream." he agreed with a chuckle before grinning as he walked into the room, humming happily as he watched how happy Alex was with his new room. "so how do you mmmph." he was shocked by the kiss to say the least, but he had to grin brightly as he realized there was hope for them yet. "you're... uh... welcome." he muttered, grinning as he headed off to his own room, whistling happily as he fished out his shoes from under the couch. this time, he could leave the door open for Alex as he considered what to make for lunch. he couldn't cook much, but he could make the boxed mac n cheese with hot dogs. kids liked things like that right? of course they did. and he had some sandwich meat. he could make himself and Elena some fancy sandwiches. he was done by the time Elena resurfaced and he handed her a plate filled with a triple Decker sandwich, topped with a toothpick. "Hey little Man, are you hungry?" he asked, handing the boy the mac-n-cheese with hot dog triangles and a sliced apple.
"I am so much better then batman.I'm richer,marter and I don't sound like I've inhaled to much butaine."which was a gas that made your voice gone deeper much like helium made it go high."we could.he already knows I test his limits with the electronic shock. He needs a new test."drunk said wisely before looking startled."you should want someone else.I'm horriblr at anything close to inter+personal skills."

"Poor loki.though that sounds amusing and awesome. I doubt its very often tony's the one sitting back and being courted."she snickered before sighing quietly. Content. Happy to be with him. When she emerged both her and alex were still damp,obviously she'd gotten just as wet as alex in the process of getting him bathed. Pausing in the doorway to watch him she smirked a little as alex climbed up into one of the chairs nodding eagerly."yes."the boy smiled at his father trying to see what he was cooking."mama! He made cheesy noodles."alex said dxcitedly as he started to eat,mac and cheese was one of his favorites."so I see."elena smiled as she sat doen starting to eat,glancing up at clint then looking at her sandwich,mbarassed had having given into the urge to kiss him,having not wanted to rush,but seeing him change his place into a place for all.three of them had overwhelmed her hesitation."....you think I'm to skinny?is that why you're feeding me so much..?"she teased because it'd been a common complaint that he was afraid she'd get sick easier since she was so small.though she was no where near as skinny as she'd been,despite running after alex and working out,she still looked like a woman who hsd a child recently,even more curvy and full figured then she'd been.
he chuckled a little. "this is true... although, Ben Aflack in leather is some kind of sexy." he admitted with a chuckle. "i think we'll refrain from pissing off the big green guy." he stated with a snort. "i have no desire to heal your broken bones." he pointed out. "i don't want someone whose nice to people." Loki stated with a scoff. "i want you." he stated even as the cupcakes came out of the oven and a blast of super chilled air had the cupcakes cold so the frosting could be placed immidiatly. which it did all by itself even as a block of dark chocolate hovered waiting for it's turn to be shaved. "perhaps you aught to go take a nap Tony? you're very drunk right now."

"yeah, no. Tony doesn't 'court'. he goes out, he gets laid, he comes back and pretends to be ashamed of himself. that's about it. this whole courting thing is very new to him. i'm counting down the days until he tries to kill Loki for making him 'Feel' things." Clint admitted with a chuckle. he looked quite pleased with himself to have made something Alex clearly liked and gave her a beaming grin. this fatherhood thing was a piece of cake! of course... he hadn't witnessed a toddler tantrum yet. "yes. too skinny." Clint stated, scowling a little. "not as bad as before. but still too skinny." he admitted with a shake of his head. "a hard wind would knock you over." that was one good thing about Clint, he liked a full bodied woman. honestly, he thought she looked smoking hot with all those curves, but he wasn't about to admit that. "so what do you think of you're room Little Man?" he asked with a grin as he munched on his own pile of apple slices and sandwich. he had two sandwiches, both triple deckers. Alex even had his own indoor sandbox now. an indoor swing, all kinds of amazing things that Clint thought every child needed.
"Nothing makes up for him being that bad of a batman."tony huffed before making a face."he gets mad at me but he hasn't beaten me yet.its kinda cool really."he said turning head to watch the cupcakes before frowning."but you just finished more." "Go to sleep tony."natasha ordered as she glided into the room looking at the sulking billionaire as he slouched out of the room,listening to the scary god and the equally scary assassin.

"Pretends to be ashamed of himself?really?"she snickered at that mental image but was ewually pleased that this was a new experience.maybe he'd settle down some."just remember how you're feeling right this moment,when hr starts kicking and screaming later."she warned looking amused and pleased he was so happy to be a father before smiling wider as alex started to tell them everything about his room,and it was obvious this was the coolest thing to ever happen.having all this stuff and room to play and everything! Elena smiled slightly."you better stop buying things for now...he'll expect new things all the time if you don't."
Loki chuckled a little and shrugged. "personally, i think his Bruce Wayne was pretty much a crap fest." he admitted with a chuckle. "...Tony, lets not tempt fate, okay?" he asked with a smile. "i did finish more. but they aren't for you until i have the alcohol thing figured out." he admitted, smirking as he watched Tony sulk off before he turned his attention to Natasha and ever so innocently. "cupcake?" he hoped he had the process correct. the cupcake he was offering her was supposed to taste like alcohol, but not have any actual alcohol in it. he wasn't going to test it on Tony though.

"oh yes. pretends." he admitted. "which is funny because usually he's quite smug, but if he struts, Cap gets mad at him for 'sullying the virtues of proper women'. so he pretends to be ashamed so Cap won't be mad at him." he admitted with a smirk before he frowned, confused. "why would he be kicking and screaming?" he asked, confused before he smirked a little as Alex babbled. "i reached my spending limit for the month on that." he admitted with a chuckle. "it's essentials only after this. of course, my ideas for essentials and Jarvis's are entirely different. we do need to take both of you clothes shopping, Alex doesn't have any smart clothes and you don't have enough shoes. before i forget... when was the last time either of you went to the doctor? that's going to be a yearly thing from now on." he warned. "Bruce insists."
“It was. And okay, no tempting fate.”he smiled as he left. Natasha eyed the cupcake before taking it, biting into it slowly, eyes widening. “No wonder tony’s drunk off his ass. Which of his alcohols did you put in here?”she asked looking amused.

“...that’s really funny. Has Cap figured it out yet?”she snickered at the idea before laughing quietly. “Because he’s two. Something’s bound to upset him, and he’ll kick and scream.”She shrugged looking amused before smiling. “Good. Cause this was alot.”She muttered before raising a eyebrow at that. “I’m sure Jarvis and Tony’s ‘essentials’ consist of different things to. Jarvis seems to smart to think alcohol, spending money on lots of toys, and everything is a good use of money.”She said tilting her head, wondering if despite his reluctance to be around the boy, Tony would totally be that uncle that spoiled him. “I have plenty of shoes.”She protested, not about to admit to owning exactly two pairs. “And I got alex clothes.”She said looking vaguely upset with the idea of him thinking she hadn’t provided for him before frowning thoughtfully. “He went a few months ago for a ear infection. And I went for my physical after he was born.”She shrugged before sighing quietly. “Well if Bruce insists.”She said sounding amused though.

When tony finally emerged from his bedroom he had the phone pined against his shoulder, and tapping away on a stark pad. “I don’t care pepper. I know they’re not- Okay, well, would it make you feel better if I just paid them like a dollar?I mean, he’s part of my team. Which means that crap like this, doesn’t fly for me. I don’t care what they write about me, hell I encourage it- Shut up, just because you’ve seen my ass on youtube, doesn’t mean I sent it myself- anyways, just get this cleaned up. They’re bad enough as it is, I don’t need him blowing up.”Tony growled sounding annoyed with his CEO even as he turned the tablet towards Loki so he could see the question. Has Clint seen the news yet?
"Baileys Irish cream and Kahlua. i accidentally enhanced the alcohol, didn't know i could do that. i need to find a way to keep the alcohol down. are you drunk? tipsy? nothing at all? here, eat another." well at least he wasn't hiding the fact that he was making her into a guinea pig.

"not yet." he admitted with a chuckle. "well... this is true." he agreed with a smile. "we should consider a P-E-T at some point. it will teach him responsibility and stuff... a F-I-S-H maybe? or a L-I-Z-A-R-D.? also, thank god he can't spell." he grinned. "i was thinking of essentials as Pizza Rolls and Ice-Cream but sure, that's a good point too." he admitted with a chuckle. "besides, he has enough new playthings to last him a while i should think. i got him all sorts of smart toys. like this massive floor puzzle!" he admitted with a grin. "and there's learning to read workbooks and stuff. Jarvis helped me get toys that would encourage imagination and intelligence." he looked pleased by that. "yes, he has a lot of clothes." Clint agreed. "but i am a high profile superhero. he needs at least two suits. and some 'church' clothes." he pointed out. "in case i have to take him with me to some high profile event that i can't hide from. and you have two shoes. i have more shoes than you do... hell, Bruce has more shoes than you do!" he looked worried. "ear infection? he's alright now though?" he asked, trying to peer into Alex's ear while the boy ignored them and ate his 'cheesy noodles'.

Loki was watching Tony curiously, looking confused before he shook his head. "no. he's not touched the TV yet." he admitted. "i think he's playing int he sandbox with the kid." he turned to a TV, watching it flicker on, curious about what could have Tony in such a snit.
Natasha rolled her eyes before smirking.”You do know I am russian yes?I could drink my own weight in alcohol and not feel a thing. Me and Tony are well matched that way.”Natasha snickered a little before settling in to be used as a guinea pig, the cupcakes were good enough to put up with being experimented on.

“A F-I-S-H would be good. Or something else. We could take him with us, and let him choose.”She pointed out before snickering. “I know. Almost sad he’s going to figure out how to spell soon enough.”She said looking sad at the idea of her boy growing up, but also excited, wanting to see her son grow up to. “Ahhh, well..we can’t live on those. Don’t tell me you’re still only eating that. That’s horrible.”She whined a little before smiling. “I saw. He’s in love with it all. You did well.”She said looking amused at his words, pleased he was happy with what he had done before sighing softly, “Oh...well. I hadn’t thought of that.”She winced a little, rubbing a hand over her face, making a face at him. “Bruce has more shoes then me because he keeps going green and mean. And you don’t count. You always had more shoes then I did.”She said before rolling her eyes as Alex squirmed away from Clint as he looked in his ear. “Of course. Was miserable for a few days since his ears hurt, but he’s okay.”She said amused that he thought he could see into the other’s ear before smirking a little. “Don’t worry. He’s okay.”she promised. “Mama, all done. Can I go play?” “Go ahead.”She smiled helping Alex down, smiling as he ran for his room.

Tony nodded a little. “J?Keep the tv off the news for Clint for now.”He ordered the AI, before smirking. “The kid’s name’s alex you know.”he pointed out before wincing at the news as he saw a picture of clint, elena and alex at the zoo, ‘....sources close to the avenger say despite her claim, he doubts that the boy is his son... Unlike teammate tony stark, this is the first time that a woman has tried to get close to hawkeye this way, but as the avengers fame grows, it surely wont be the last...but we all, the avengers and his friends. Are hopeful he figures out to get rid of the...woman....’her the anchor paused, as if the ‘source’ had said a ruder word to describe Elena. “before it is to late and he is stuck with her and the brat.’ And so you have it. Straight from avengers tower, on the status of the world’s best archer.”
he nodded a little. "he is. he's a smart kid. we'll have to start using code again." he agreed with a chuckle. "well... no. Tony orders me other food and stuff too." he promised. "and i can make mac n cheese now. and sandwiches." he admitted with a grin. "i haven't starved at any rate." he mused. and no. Bruce has more shoes on principle. he has a tennies, a dress shoes, a pair of boots, two pairs of sandles and a set of slippers." he pointed out. "he goes through more pants and shirts than he does shoes because he can kick them off ." he admitted with a smile. "your a girl, you're supposed to like shoes." he pointed out. "well. as long as he's not hurt anymore." he decided with a smile. "i'll come play with you Little Man." he decided, grinning at Elena. "i'll take care of the dishes later." he promised.

"the Kid is of no matter to me." Loki stated with a sniff before he focused on the TV. "...excuse me a moment." he ordered, taking a step and vanishing. only to reappear in front of the woman. there was only a glimps of him before the image was cut back to the normal station. he grabbed her by the front of her shirt and took a step back, reappearing next to Tony, dropping her in front of the Iron Man. "we Avengers have questions for you Miss Reporter." Loki stated simply. "especially considering that anyone 'close' to us, is actually quite happy that Clint and Elena have managed to find each other again. so, tell us now. and we won't have to get... mean."
“we always did do good code together.”She said with a little smirk, snickering a little. “Well, as long as you haven’t starved.”She looked amused before making a face. “I have the shoes I need. Don’t worry.”She said making a face, protesting simply because she knew that he would insist on buying her things, and it made her vaguely uncomfortable. “Okay!”Alex called back smiling happily as they settled in to play as Elena settled onto the couch, simply to read, because it was such a rare occassion she could just read while alex was up. After awhile she sighed getting up, “Alex. Time for bed.”She called. “No!Don’t wanna.”Alex sulked looking up as she walked into the bedroom, smiling slightly at the sight of her boys playing in the sand. “Come on Alex. We’ll clean you up, and to bed.” “No!” “Yes.”Elena said simply picking him up, ignoring as he tried to squirm away as she stepped into the bathroom to clean the sand off. Tilting her head a little at Jarvis' request for Clint to go upstairs.

Tony looked startled as he disappeared before sighing, rubbing a hand over his face as he looked at the woman sitting on the floor in front of him. “You know, this wasn’t what I had planned. I was going to enjoy browbeating her with SI’s legal team to tell us.”He said simply, tilting his head. “Now, where in the world did you hear this shit?” “I don’t have to tell you. You know there’s a legal protection from reporters having to tell on their sources.” “Yea.....we’re not really big on the laws here. He’s a asgardian prince, and I have a thunder god, not to mention mean and green, the scary lady, and not to mention Clint himself in the tower. We don’t play by anyone’s rules.”Tony said staring at her for a long moment before realizing was going to simply not answer, trusting them to not torture her, which was true. They might bend the rules but he couldn’t do outright torture. Huffing out a sigh he smirked. “J?Tell Clint I need him up here. Now.”He said, and while he hadn’t wanted to tell the man, simply because he knew it’d upset both him and elena, but he knew clint needed to know, before the reporters pounced on them on their next date. That was the last thing the shaken couple needed."Yes Sir."
he grinned. "used to drive Coulson mad when we'd have entire conversations without a single word between us." he agreed with a snicker. "nah, no starving for me." he admitted. "and you don't have all the shoes you need. arguing with me is pointless. Jarvis? what is Elena's shoe size?" there was a pause and then a reply. "good. make sure she has at least two fancy high heals, a plain set, two tennis shoes and a few pairs of boots in her size and... uh... colors?" he smirked at her. "arguing is pointless when i have a super smart robot man on my side." he admitted with a grin as he followed Alex. it wasn't often he won an argument with Elena. in fact, this was only the third time in their history that he had won. "...is this a famed Temper Tantrum or is this just a snit?" he asked, looking amused before he paused as Jarvis called for him.

"Stark Industries can't do much to her. she's just a silly twit who was doing as her bosses ordered." he stated simply. "but... i am not covered by earth governments. i can do as i please so long as Thor doesn't complain. and what he doesn't know..." Loki smirked at her. "what shall i do to you first? you've made a living on that pretty face of yours. perhaps, a rash?" he asked, stroking her face. anywhere he touched made her itch horribly, though there wasn't a physical mark, and the sensation of itching faded after only a few seconds. "or maybe i'll place something right here." he pressed a hand to her stomach. "and make you give birth to something... odd. since you seam so content to be on the news, perhaps we'll give you a story all your own. 'Woman gives birth to puppy' sounds like a very interesting story, don't you think Tony?" wow, Loki WAS cruel. "what's going o here then?" Clint demanded, looking curious. "Loki, are you kidnapping women for experiments again? look, i keep telling you, it doesn't matter what spell you use, you can't make a woman into a fully functioning Hermaphrodite."
“I know. It was great.”She grinned at him before frowning at him as Jarvis replied with the right size before sighing. “Fine. Just this once, you can win.”she rolled her eyes before smirking. “A snit. He doesn’t like bedtime.”She smiled as she cleaned up the boy, watching Clint go. Looking worried even as she settled Alex into bed, and despite his protests, was asleep within moments. Sighing quietly to herself she tried to not worry as she settled back on the couch, flipping on the tv, flipping through the channels before pausing as she saw something that was fimiliar to her. Frowning at the sight of her and clint and hearing most of the words before Jarvis flipped it off. “Sorry ms. Michaels, Sir asked me to not allow you to see that, I did not realize that they had already made it onto the gossip commercials on ION tv.”Jarvis said, indeed he did sound sorry. “No...it’s okay.”Elena sighed as she settled back into the dark of the living room, letting her thoughts tear her apart. While she was usually fairly good at keeping her depression at bay, sometimes it was just to much. And hearing that news report being gossiped about as if it was the newest big thing was to much.

“So?SI can still lean on the legal department. It would have been fun.”Tony sulked before smirking at loki.”True. And Thor is very fond of clint. Wants him to be happy....would probably look the other way...”tony said smirking a little as the woman started scratching, her skin red under her nails before she slumped, eyes widening at Loki’s words, scrambling to get up. “No!No don’t-Mr. Stark...” “Oh no. You know what I want.”Tony said looking perfectly content to watch this before smirking at clint at the man came in. “He is.. We’re doing a experiment on how long it takes journalists to mind their own business when reporting things that are potentially harmful to them when the people who they're talking about are deadly when pissed.” “Harmful?I didn’t do anything but report what the email told me! It was a valid source!” “No it wasn’t, as my email isn’t Anthony.Stark@starkindustries.com. You should have known that wasn’t me. I never use my real name. Idiot.”Tony rolled his eyes as he played on the tablet, already digging through the woman’s email after he’d been given a clue on where to look.,
he grinned. "Yes! Score!" he stated with a laugh. "that's Three for me, and... three hundred or something for you?" he asked. "i'm catching up!" he chirped with a grin. "well. i used to hate bedtime too." he admitted. "he'll grow out of it i think. i did." he admitted with a smile before he examined the woman who Loki was tormenting. "this is about what now?" Clint demanded, Loki sighing as he shook his head. "worry about it later." Loki demanded. "now, hold still Quim, i wish to see how many babies i can fit inside of you. perhaps triplets. a puppy. something with tentacles of course... what else? perhaps something with feathers?" he mused, Clint snorting a little. "can you really do that Loki?" he asked, sounding curious. "of course i can. i've done it before. where do you think Centaur came from? or Fauna?" "...those are real?" "they used to be, until the christian armies decided they where a sin and culled them all." "...ouch. so what did this poor woman do?" "...she told lies about your relationship with Elena." Clint was instantly tense and his eyes went cold as he studied her. "...quadruplets. something... insect like." he ordered. "my relashionship with Elena is private, and your lucky i'm letting Loki deal with you. i'd just have started breaking your bones." he stated, looking at Tony. "Shields involved with this somehow. i know it. fix them or i'll kill them." he warned, voice a snarled as he turned on his heal and stalked out to tell Elena what was happening.
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