Missing Parts(lady/moon)

he paid her, plus tip because he was pretty sure she wasn't asking a fair price and skipped off, offering her a good night and sweet dreams of lollipops and daffodils. an old joke, but a welcome one.

"well, Clint needed something, and i think Loki just point blank likes Jarvis." he admitted with a shrug. "and honestly, i'm not entirely sure you could beat me with your suit in a full on physical battle." he admitted with a chuckle. "go on, you're all sweaty and gross, go take a shower and do the geek thing." he ordered playfully as he hopped out of the ring. "i have a meeting i have to get to." he admitted with a sigh.

once Tony got to his lap, there was a massive floral arrangement sitting on his desk. Jarvis helpfully pointed out that it was Ivy, Red Tulips, Orange Blossoms, and White Heather. it was really kind of pretty, with the white and the red and the orange offset by the curling green Ivy. Jarvis refused to say more on the matter however, and there was no letter, just a card with a strange symbol. it looked almost like a tribal fire bird of some sort. nothing else.
"Sometime,we're going to put that to the test."tony snickered before making a face."don't make me sound like a geek.I'm awesome.not a geek."tony snickered even as hr dragged himself out of the ring tiredly wiping down and getting a shower before heading for his lab. Staring at the plant he teitched a little at jarvis' words but didn't actually set it on fire or anything. Which, for tony was saying something.the fact that he left it in the little kitchen area of the lab spoke of at least liking it,even if he did glare at it every now and then when he came up for coffee during a short break over thr next few days. He still kept it. So maybe he wasn't as hopeless as everyone thought
Steve snickered a little and shook his head. "you're a geek." he corrected with another snicker before he headed off for his own shower. Loki smiled when Jarvis told him that Tony had kept the plants, but seamed rather baffled by them. well, Loki didn't mind, Thor would explain them next he saw Tony. which was at some during the week. he always stopped in near the end of every month to make sure Loki was behaving himself.

two days later though, Elena got the shock of a lifetime. she'd just come back from a date with Clint, who had to go home early because Thor had finally dropped by, as unexpected as ever and had to go reassure the Thunder God that was was alive. Thor was already down in the lab, explaining to Tony what Flowers meant. "it is an Asgaurdian Courting Gift Friend Tony. each flower has a meaning. you see? here, i will explain. the Ivy means Fidelity, whoever sent these intends to remain loyal to you. the Red Tulip is a declaration of love, they are telling you they love you. letting you know. the white Heather is a symbol of protection, and a desire to see wishes to come true, and the Orange blossoms mean eternity. so together, these flowers basically mean 'i am in love with you, i will be loyal to you and protect you for all eternity, and do everything i can to make all of your dreams come true... although, each interpretation is different slightly, it is the most basic translation." he grinned at Tony. "you have a secret admirer my freind!"

back with Elena, she had walked in to find her bookstore trashed, though the rare books where unharmed some of the other books on the first level where torn to shreds. upstairs, the babysitter was laid flat, completely unconscious from a hard knock to the head that had bled sluggishly at one point... and her precious son was missing.
Tony frowned at the flowers as he stared at them. “....I think your brother has a sick sense of humor.”Tony scowled at the flowers, annoyed with the man for trying to give him flowers, and more then that because he wanted to accept. He was horrible, he didn’t want to to be in a relationship or whatever loki was offering, not to mention he wasn’t attracted to a man.

Elena ran through the bookstore, running up the stairs in a utter panic, staring down at the girl she had babysitting before crouching down next to the 20 year old, gently touching the wound, making sure that she was okay before scrambling up, quickly searching, even if she knew Alexander was gone. Swallowing hard she tugged out her cell phone, barely pausing before dialing. “Clint?Clint, I need you here now. Please. And I need help.And Stark. And Rogers...and I want the avengers, if you would be so kind to bring them with you.”She said, her words sounding sarcastic until you heard the utter panic that was threatening to overcome her under the words, only in control because she knew Alexander needed her to be.
Thor blinked a little and then. "these are from Loki?" he asked, looking astonished. "that can't be right. the only time a Asgaurdian would start courting someone is if.... oh." Thor flushed a little. "well... he's not going to stop, you'll just have to get used to it. Loki is very stubborn you know." he pointed out before looking up as Jarvis told them that Clint was asking for them.

"...Elena?" Clint asked, sounding surprised. "what?...calm down, i'll be right there!" he promised, wondering what was so bad that had her in such a horrible panic. he stayed on the phone with her as he gathered up the Avengers, telling them that there was an emergency and that he couldn't get Elena to calm down so would they please come with him? it took only a matter of minutes for him to arrive and he was upstairs in a flash and gaping as he realized that Elena's... Elena didn't have a sister, the woman was too old to be a daughter, a freind? whoever she was, she had a nasty hit tot he head and Bruce was there in an instant, examining the woman who was sobbing about men in black clothes. "Elena. what's happened? Steve? make some Tea will you?" "right." Steve agreed, moving into the kitchen as Clint tried to get Elena to calm down.
“Yes they are.”Tony scowled before glancing at the other, raising a eyebrow, before flushing, realizing what his friend was about to say. “Yea, well, I’ll tell him to stop.”Tony scowled before frowning looking up as jarvis told him clint needed them, his stomach tight and worried. Not sure why he had a bad idea, but knowing this was going to be bad.

Elena looked up from the floor she was sitting on, moving away as Bruce looked at Sara’s head wincing a little at her words before focusing on clint, not really but she was staying together. At least, a bit. Enough to follow his directions and sit down and try to calm. “A-Alex is gone. Our son’s gone.”She blurted out, not really aware she had said it, to panicked to think about what she was saying, half watching Tony and Natasha searching the apartment for clues and hints, “What?”Natasha twisted looking at her, shock in her face, and anger at not being told.
Thor shrugged. "you can try, but he wont. not when he thinks you have even the slightest of interest in him. and he'll know instantly when your lying, even if it's to yourself. face it Tony. he's going to seduce you, and you will end up being blissfully happy and you and i will become true Brothers." he smirked. "we'll even hold a feast in your honor for taming the hellcat that is Loki." he teased with a snicker before heading up to where the others had gathered.

"Alex?" Clint asked, looking confused before that confusion bloomed into panic. "s...son!?" he demanded, looking shocked. "b..But..." he paused, thinking back. she had been getting sick in the mornings before she died... "oh my GOD!" he breathed, panic being replaced by amazement before it was thusly replaced with utter and complete homicidal fury that was, without a doubt, not aimed at Elena. "someone took my son!" he snarled, shocking the hell out of, well, everyone. Clint hadn't even met the kid and he was already being overly protective. "Shield." Loki stated suddenly as he picked something off the shattered window. a patch of a very familiar uniform. no one but shield used that kind of Fabric, Tony had invented it. "Shield took the child." he stated, handing the fabric to Steve, paying a rather small amount of attention to Tony. he knew the man needed some... space. "...it's always rather astonishing isn't it?" Loki asked suddenly. "how a man can be so ferocious when protecting offspring. even when he didn't know he had them." his eyes flicked to Thor, there was a definite barb there, one meant to, and succeeded in making Thor wince. "right. so... Shield has Clint's kid... who we didn't know existed until now... what do we d..." Bruce was cut off as Clint pulled out a gun, checked it, and strode for the door. "i'm splattering that mother fuckers brains this time and i'll shoot anyone who tries to stop me!"
“Y-yes.”Elena looked startled staring up at the man in front of her, her words for the first time truly sinking in, looking about ready to panic with him knowing before looking startled at his reaction, jumping a little at his yell. Tony moved over to Loki, though careful to keep his hands to himself he took the piece of fabric, frowning fiercely. “Clint. Don’t. You have to know Fury would expect you to go after him right away. Give me a hour. I’ll find him. There’s nothing in shield I can’t hack.No shooting me please, but you’ll be no use to Alex or Elena if you get yourself killed.”Tony said sliding in front of the door, and impressively facing down the assassin despite the man not only being taller then him, but more muscular. “Move, Anthony.”Natasha growled, before offering a small smirk as the billionaire scampered out of the way, amused that he’d face one of them, but not both. “Clint?At least take Steve and Tony with you.”Elena said looking shaken and heartsore, and so scared as she sat on the couch. Because despite being a former agent, she couldn’t go after fury, not when she’d be a liability, another hostage to use against Clint if something went wrong
Clint narrowed his eyes and aimed his gun at Tony, fully ready to shoot the annoying bastard in the arm, maybe the shoulder. somewhere painful, but not life threatening but he paused to let Tony talk. he glanced at Natasha and gave her a nod. "find my son." he demanded of Tony as he strode for the door, pausing to look back at Elena. "...Bruce, you're with Tony. hack Shield and find Alex. Steve, you and Natasha come with me." "i will join you." Loki decided, shrugging at the shocked looks. "i have children of my own, i know how it feels to have them ripped away from you before you even get to know them." again, Thor winced and he tried to hunker out of Loki's sight, no doubt deeply ashamed by whatever Loki was hinting at. he followed Clint straight to Shield Headquarters. he would be a distraction while Tony and Bruce hacked their way to the Location. Loki could then, be there in a flash of a second and back. it would be a little painful, but Loki had always adored children, and the thought of one being stolen like this made his blood boil. "FURY!!!!!" Clint raged, shooting twice into the air, Steve gasping as he moved to stop Clint only to wince and back up as Clint aimed the gun at him. "FURY! YOU GET YOUR LILY LIVERED< COCK SICKING ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT THIS SECOND AND RETURN MY SON!"
Tony winced a little, going a little cross eyed as he talked, watching the gun before nodding. “I can do that. Totally.”Tony gave him a vicious grin as he looked at bruce. “Come on. We’re going back to the tower. J?Will you start searching.”Tony said even as he slipped his helmet on, so he could head back to the tower, silently moving elena back to the tower, not trusting a place that’d already been broken into. Letting her lock up, but within minutes tehy were back at the tower and hacking.

Natasha raised a eyebrow as she guarded Clint’s back, glancing at loki. “Thousand dollars says he shoots the director.”She muttered even as she watched the halls, making sure no one was going to try and shoot clint before they got what they wanted. “Agent Barton. Please calm down, you are helping no one acting like this.”Fury said calmly as he walked down the stairs, not looking at all disturbed at having his agent pull a gun on him.
Bruce nodded a little. "thank you Jarvis." Bruce stated as he carefully helped the Babysitter to her feet. he wasn't about to leave the poor woman alone. not when she'd just been attacked. he sat with her and Elena while Tony did his thing, he wasn't very good at hacking, he'd leave it to Tony.

"...fools bet. i bet you a thousand that he shoots Director Fury in the knee or in the head." he snapped back, watching Clint intently as the man glared at Fury and lowered the gun and shot twice. hitting Fury twice, once in the hip and once in the shoulder, Loki cursing as he realized he'd guessed wrong. "where.is.my.son!?" "you are not even supposed to know of his existence." Agent Hill admitted with a sigh. "we took the boy so we could remove Elena from the equation. she is a security risk to a major extent and she compromises you. it was my actions that led to the kidnapping." "yes, but only because Fury ordered you to." Loki stated, sneering at her. "where is the child?" "what do you care?" Hill demanded of Loki, whose eyes narrowed. "i have children of my own who where forcefully taken from me because someone else decided 'i didn't deserve them'. where is the child?" she hesitated, looking from Loki, who had very deadly looking flames curling around his fingers, to Clint, who had his gun aimed at her. finally she looked at Fury and made the decision. "he's in an apartment in New York." she finally stated with a sigh even as Tony's voice came through the Comm lodged in Loki's ear giving him an address. "i will take the child straight to his mother." Loki assured Clint who nodded. "Fury. we're done." Steve stated, staring at the man. "the Avengers no longer answer to you." he stated, turning on his heal and heading out even as Loki vanished from sight to collect the sobbing child and return it to poor Elena.
“Deal.”Natasha said though she balanced on her toes, ready to intervene if clint really did move to kill him. “Not here.”Fury snarled through gritted teeth as he fell, laying on the ground, pressing his hands against the wounds and glaring at the avengers standing around him. They were all going to be problems now. “Do you live to antagonize dangerous people?”Natasha muttered moments away from attacking hill herself, a hand fisting up to swing at her even as clint moved to shoot her. “I have him.Get back to Elena’s, guys.”Tony crowed over the comm, sounding super relieved himself. “Do not try to contact us. We will be forced to do...unpleasant things.”Natasha said simply watching loki disappear and watching the agents hovering wanting to get near fury before turning and walking away.”Come on Clint. You have somewhere to be.”She said, her voice holding enough command to make him follow, trusting that he’d want to be with alex and elena more then killing fury.

“Alex!”Elena scrambled to her feet as soon as Loki appeared, gathering the sobbing toddler into her arms, cradling him close.”Shh, sweetheart, I have you. You’re home. Mama has you.”She muttered rocking the screaming toddler, wincing as her son found fistfuls of her hair, clinging to his mother even as she tried to calm him, retreating to his bedroom, gently shutting the door. When Natasha winced as they stepped into the apartment, hearing the crying, wondering if it was mother or child, and wondering if clint was ready for this.
Clint's eyes narrowed at fury's statement as Loki sighed, reached into his pocket and pulled out a thousand dollars worth of money and settled it into Natasha's palm. no one had ever bothered to ask where Loki got the money because it was tested, and proved to not be stolen or counterfeit. this wasn't the first bet that Loki had lost to Natasha, or to Clint for that matter. i think he's passively suicidal." Loki admitted as he examined the bleeding fury. "honestly, how did he not take Clint's last threat seriously?" he mused before he vanished, Clint fingering the trigger as he contemplated whether or not he wanted to be tied into the legal system for the next ten years for killing fury... nah. he had a kid to help raise. he turned at Natasha's order, simply because he trusted her, and let her lead the way out. "...i'm sorry Sir." Maria stated as she glanced at him. "i didn't want him to kill you. Medical is on it's way..."

"...i refrained from killing the guards." Loki informed Thor, who sighed. "they where at least attempting to sooth the child. moderate mental scans indicate they didn't want to have anything to do with this. so i decided not to hurt them either." he admitted, not bothered by the screaming sobs in the least. "... i'll give them a little while to calm down." Clint decided. "a stranger in the room won't help... Alex..." Clint muttered, panic overtaking him. "oh my god... i'm a father. holy shit!" he gasped, collapsing to his knees, looking horrified. "i.. i don't know how to be a father!" "relax. being a father is easy." Loki stated calmly. "come. you and i will talk." he decided. "Loki was an amazing father." Thor assured Clint. "he will not steer you wrong." Thor promised the man who shakily followed Loki downstairs into a reading sofa where they had a long 'heart to heart' about a Fathers expectations.
AFter nearly a hour Elena stepped out of the bathroom, offering everyone a shaky smile, looking amused that even tony was back, even if he was playing on a tablet sitting on the couch, he’d come back. The small boy clutching at her shirt though was looking like a tired sleepy baby, looking around him sleepily, to to tired to be truly upset that there was strange people in his house. “Mama?” “It’s okay, sweetheart.Hold on,I’m going to find Hawk, okay?Just rest.”She ordered quietly smiling as Alex rested his head on her shoulder clinging to her. Walking downstairs she paused, tilting her head a little. “Clint?”She said tiredly, wanting him simply because she needed to know they were all okay, and that she was so tired. That was the sucky part of being a single parent, she loved alex, but she felt so very alone sometimes. But now, maybe she could have everything.
Steve offered her a smile. "he's downstairs talking with Loki about raising kids." Steve explained with a smile. "the look on Clint's face was hilarious when Loki started explaining about puberty." Bruce started to snicker and he shook his head as she left. "that was very hilarious." Thor agreed with a bright grin. "Clint looked like he wanted to crawl through the floor and die!" Bruce admitted with a laugh. "i'm over here. being tormented by a demented God who thinks it's FUNNY to tell me all the kinds of mischief toddlers can get into! he won't REALLY eat soap will he!?" Clint demanded, looking horrified. "and, there's a gate over the stairs right? so he won't fall!? and..." "Clint, calm down. remember what i told you." Loki ordered and Clint paused. "Elena is a Mother, and mothers always know best." Clint recited, making Loki grin. "correct. she's been raising him to perfect health and happiness so far, you have nothing to fear. she knows what she is doing." "...ok." Clint muttered, looking relaxed again, staring at her and Alex and swallowing thickly. "...oh my god i think i just popped a boner. you are one hot Milf..." Loki laughed and left as Clint gave himself a brief knock to the head. "sorry... i'm a little Trigger high at the moment." he explained. "i shot Fury and it got me going." he admitted sheepishly, knowing she'd understand the rush of shooting something you just hated.
“...oh god. I would have loved to see that.”Elena snickered a little looking amused at that before smirking a little. “He has.That was a horrible day.”She grumbled making a face before flushing, looking annoyed at the questions. Even if she knew it was a natural reaction to finding he had a son, it still bothered her to think he thought she hadn’t been doing okay, even if she knew that wasn’t what he had meant by asking. Shifting the small toddler on her hip she smiled down at the sleepy boy, looking amused as Alex looked around himself sleepily, “Mama?” “It’s okay sweetheart.They’re friends.”She muttered smiling as the boy went as limp as a ragdoll, starting to sleep. Trusting his mother to be there, she’d tried to put him down so he could get his nap, but he screamed ever time she’d tried. So she was carrying him around. Flushing hard at clint’s words, eyes widening a little, blowing wide as she responded with a similar reaction to him calling her a milf. Nodding a little she smiled,”I know.”She muttered trying really, really hard to not think about the times they’d finished a mission, still high on the rush, and fallen straight into bed. “...I came down to see if you wanted to try and put him down for his nap with me.He’s refusing to let go, and I know we need to talk so...he needs to feel safe. And you make everyone feel safe...not to mention the others”she looked awkward and out of sorts, not sure how to handle him suddenly knowing without her having to to prepare to tell him. Looking amused that the others were being so nice about this. Wondering if they'd known, cause well, she knew tony could never mind his own business, so it really wouldn't surprise her.
"i have it recorded." Bruce admitted with a smirk, which was his way of promising he'd show it to her. "...uh... do kids pass out?" Clint asked, looking a little panicked at how Alex had just suddenly gone limp. "sometimes. it's normal for him to be this tired after the day he's had, he's probobly exaughsted." Loki assured Clint before he made his escape at the Milf comment. not entirely sure what a Milf was, but not about to stick around to find out. "a nap? sure, i can try..." he muttered before his eyes flashed as an idea hit him. "...actually, i do have an idea." he admitted. "wait here!" he ordered, racing upstairs to talk to Loki before racing back down the stairs with a box in his hands. "well... when i was a little kid, i super loved Superheros... and. well, he's in a house full of them!" Clint admitted, smiling. "what if we introduced him to the Avengers and told him they where there to keep him, and you, safe?" he asked, his head tilted. "that would make him feel safe, right?" he asked hopefully, looking at Alex with wistful eyes. "...do you..." he paused, cleared his throat and swallowed hard. "could i... hold him?" he asked hopefully. "i mean... i don't... he's not as fragile as a baby right? i can't hurt him if i hold him wrong, yeah? oh! and... uhm.. i have presents for him. Loki popped them into existence for me. they're soft so he can't chew on them and get hurt, or swallow pieces of them." he admitted as he held out the box. inside was a full collection of Avengers stuffed toys. there was even a Hulk. most importantly, there was a tiny stuffed Alexander with his own superhero costume in the box. "dad made me a... doll." here clint wrinkled his nose. "of myself as a superhero when i was little. i still have it." he admitted, looking sad. "i wish he'd been here to see that come true..." he shook his head. "is it okay for him to have these?"
“Good.”Elena smirked at the idea of seeing the video before smirking at Clint, nodding. “He’s tired and upset, and missed his nap. He’s exhausted.”Elena reassured looking amused at Clint’s words before nodding a little. “Yea. A-...okay.”She said looking bemused as he ran off, before laughing quietly as he returned, “Well, he is isn’t he? He’d like that I’m sure”She smiled before shifting the limp boy, smirking as she watched Clint babble, letting him go for a long moment before smiling.”No, you can’t hurt him.He’ll let you know if he’s uncomfortable.”Elena smirked.”Alex?Sweetheart, I’m going to let Hawk hold you okay?He’s going to protect you for your nap.”She smiled smiling a little as the boy sleepily nodded, letting Elena shift him into Clint’s arms, the boy wrapping his arms around Clint’s neck to stay close, content to hang on like a monkey even as Elena took the box from Clint, directing him to support Alex’s butt and hold him close as she smiled. Looking into the box.”He knows it came true. Your dad would be proud of you.”She reassured smiling, nodding. “It’s fine.He’ll like them. Alex?” “Mama?...toys?”The boy blinked tiredly as he raised his head to look at the toys his mother was holding. “Yea, kiddo. Look, see?Your own set of superheros.”She smiled looking amused as he raised one arm to grab at the hawkeye elena was holding, innocently trusting Clint to hang onto him as he grabbed at the toys. “Mama. Nap.Toys.” “Yea, you can nap with them.Come on you two.”Elena snickered a little looking amused as she directed them towards the stairs, “Careful clint.Don’t fall.”She teased him a little as he moved up to the apartment, directing him to the bedroom, settling down on the bed, snickering a little as Alex refused to be put down, clinging to both his hawkeye toy and the real hawkeye.
Clint nodded. "yeah, kids need naps." he agreed. "i remember having horrible tantrums when i missed nap-times." he admitted with a grin. "once, father got so frustrated with me, he drugged me with chloroform. i woke up at three in the morning to my mother beating him with a stick." he admitted with a snicker before he smiled at Alex. "okay." he muttered as he hesitantly gathered the gangly toddler into his arms, looking amazed. "he's gorgeous." he muttered, stroking the boys hair. "later. i'll let you meet real superheros." Clint promised to Alex with a smile. "after you have a good nap, i'll let you meet some." he promised, staring down at his son with a look of stunned astonishment. he was holding a little him. he had helped make this. "huh?" he asked, looking up at Elena, having momentarily forgotten she was even there as he walked up the stairs, following her. "...that's sickeningly adorable Clint." Bruce commented with a grin since Tony wasn't paying enough attention to make a joke of his own. "oh P.... erm..." he glanced down at the child, immidiatly aware that he'd be in trouble if he said a swearword in front of Alex. "you... go...er, play in traffic!" Bruce and Steve both started to snicker at the lame comeback and Clint rolled his eyes and followed Elena into Alex's room. "Elena?...would you ever have told me?" he asked suddenly. "if i hadn't realized you where alive... would i ever have found out?" the thought made his heart hurt. "i can... help, right? you won't... you won't keep him away from me!?"
“Me to. Alex just gets cranky..”She muttered before snickering at the idea of him being drugged.”I can totally see it. Poor clint.”she teased a little smiling a little at how amazed he looked as Alex clung to him, “Okay.I like ‘heros “The two year old stumbled a little on the longer word, snuggling against clint. “It is fairly adorable. Like I might have to go to the dentist it’s so sweet.”Tony muttered as he looked up from the tablet, smirking a little, his grin widening as he realized the man wouldn’t go cursing in front of the kid. It totally opened him up for a whole new line of jokes at clint’s expense. But for the moment, he was just happy for him...the mocking would start later. Elena looked up at him as she helped him lay Alex down, smiling as clint settled on the bed with them, the narrow bed crowding the small family together, but it was a good together....but it wasn’t enough space to hide just how tense she’d gone.”of course I’m not keeping him away.”She frowned at him before swallowing, realizing he wasn’t going to let her avoid the question. She knew him, he’d just keep bringing it up until she answered. “...I tried. When....when I was in the hospital, in labor I...I was alone Clint. I had no one....”She trailed off, her expression shuttered, showing just how much the next words were going to hurt. “...I had them put shield on the phone, I mean...I figured even if you didn’t want to see me, you should be there for the birth of your son....Now that I know you hadn’t known, I realized it was computer generated but....I talked to ‘you’. And you shut me down. Hard.”She said side stepping what had been actually said, hoping that it was enough, not wanting to hurt him worse."After that, I resigned myself to just being on the edge of your life....find out what I could...when I could..."
he smiled a little and nodded. "good." he stated with a smile as he watched Alex cling to him, still amazed. "shut up Tony. i'll make you suffer." he complained, shooting the 'Iron Man' a glare. "besides, with the stuff you eat you should already be at the dentist." Clint stated. "remind me not to let you babysit without making sure a meal is already prepared." he loved the way Tony got all pale at the thought of babysitting. "...Elena?" he asked softly, looking worried. "...oh my god..." he breathed, rage on his face. "those Bas..." he swallowed hard, glanced at Alex and lowered his voice. "those rotten snakes!" he hissed, reaching over and gently taking her hand. "i'm sorry, i am SO sorry..." he whispered. "i won't leave you alone ever again." he promised. "even if we aren't romantic, i won't let you handle this alone." he promised, hesitating. "can... can i tell Alex that i'm his father, or should we give him time to adjust to me?" he asked, looking down at his son with that awed look on his face again before he looked up at her. "i'm going to teach him how to get away from snatchers." he decided. "i won't let him be kidnapped so easily again..." and he couldn't get the image out of his head, the babysitter laying on the floor, bloody and hurt... what if that had been Elena?! "you won't be on the edge any longer Elena." he promised. "i want you in my life. i want alex in my life, no matter what that means." he promised. "even if i have to take down all of Shield to do it, i will!"
“No you wont. You can’t cuss me out anymore.”Tony hummed looking pleased with the idea, amused before making a face, and paling. “never said I was babysitting.”he said watching them go. “That was mean.”Elena muttered. Jumping a little as the man took her hand, she hesitated a moment before her fingers tightened on his, holding on tight even as Alex snuggled against her stomach, content between his parents to nap. “Good. Cause it’s been lonely. I mean...I’ve had sarah, but she’s only 20...and there’s things I can’t tell her and it’s been so...quiet. Alone, with only me and alex.”She muttered tears filling her eyes as she looked down, shuddering a little, before looking down at Alexander. “Wait.He’s been upset enough as it is. We should wait, and let him get used to having you around. And the other’s. He’s going to find it weird enough to suddenly have a aunt and lots of uncles. Let’s give him time.”She muttered, looking unsure though at it, so not wanting to upset him with the decision, before smiling slightly at the awed look on his face, leaning over to gently stroke his hair at his promise, offering a shy smile. “Good. Cause I want you around to.”She said smiling before gently moving away. “Come on....we better let him sleep. I want to get some sleep myself.”She muttered feeling suddenly exhausted as she got up, careful to make sure she didn’t wake alex up, snickering quietly as the boy just cuddled his hawkeye doll, smiling as she closed the door behind them. “Thanks guys.”She smiled tiredly at the avengers.

“Welcome. Now, I know you have this cute little bookstore and all, but you might consider moving into the tower until this is over.”Tony said looking up at the couple, knowing that this thing with shield wasn’t over, that this was going to be bad. And all he wanted was to protect his friend, which meant more then protecting Clint, meant making sure elena and alex were safe.
Clint smirked. "no. but i can play on your computer and make sure to go to those nasty sites filled with virus's that will take you three months to clear out of your mainframe." he pointed out. "i can then make sure there is never a single drop of liquor in your Tower, in your house, or in your manor for the next three months. and of course, we mustn't forget all the nasty petty pranks i can pull on you, some of which will involve super glue, feathers, and cellophane." he smirked at tony. "and of course you're going to babysit, Uncle Tony." he teased with a smir as he wandered after Elena, Bruce and Steve both snickering at poor Tony. because Clint had, and would again, do every last one of those. granted, the virus infestation had been an accident... but that was beyond the point. "i've been lonely too." he admitted softly. "i have to admit... i didn't handle your death well..." he admitted with a shake of his head. "good point. i don't want to overwhelm him." he agreed. "he's an amazing kid... he looks so much like you." he smiled. "and so much like me too..." he admitted before looking panicky again. "is it alright to leave him alone? what... what if he has a nightmare or something?" he asked as he carefully got up, smiling as Alex snuggled the Hawkeye plushie. "aaw... i'm already his favorite... i should get him a bow and arrow set, the kind with the sticky tips that stick to windows and foreheads."

"will Alex be alright with a move like that though?" Clint asked, looking anxious. "he's already been traumatized... of course, we could tell him it's a vacation... all little boys like vacations right?" he asked, wondering if everything was going to be alright. he'd just gotten Elena back, just found out he had a son... "...i think i need a therapist..." he finally groaned, shaking his head.
“I hate you, barton.”Tony scowled though the emotion didn’t reach his eyes, looking amused even if he wasn’t looking up from the tablet he was playing on. “And I am not. I’m a danger to adults, no need to traumatize a kid.”Tony scowled at his friends. “Well, I didn’t handle anything but taking care of Alex well, so it’s okay.We’ll figure things out.”She sighed softly, before flushing a littlem nodding. “He is. Just wait until he’s awake and aware. He’ll be good for you.”She looked amused before biting her lip, looking amused at his worry. “Baby monitor. I can hear in the living room, and the good captain is in the living room, his hearing will pick up anything.”She pointed out snickering as he cuddled the plushie. “Well, you did hand it to him first. He’s got a thing for Iron man. Half his clothes are red and gold since he refuses to wear anything else.”She pointed out just to tease him, before rolling her eyes at his words. “You better warn tony you’re getting them before Alex sticks one to his forehead.”She giggled a little.

“I...I don’t know. I mean, he’s already upset here at home. He’ll not be comfortable here.”She frowned looking anxious with the idea of moving Alex, but tony was right, she didn’t feel comfortable in the bookstore anymore, even if clint was here, she’d feel better behind every security feature known to man that she was sure the tower had. Nodding at Clint’s words she took a deep breath.”He does. I mean, he’s always liked going places. And the tower’s safe.”She muttered before nodding a little. “We’ll pack most of our things, I mean, if half of its here, and half at the tour, he wont feel so weird without his stuff.”She said still looking worried at the idea, and sad at the idea of leaving the shop, hating that shield had managed to wreck the one place she’d had for herself. Before she smirked a little. “I’m sure Tony knows a few of those.” “I don’t. At least, not in their professonial roles. I know a few from dating them”Tony said looking thoughtful before getting up. “I’m heading back to the tower, I’ll send happy back with the car for you three and whatever stuff you want to bring.”Tony said waving goodbye as he headed out, knowing better then to think clint was leaving elena and alex until they were safely in the tower.
Clint smirked a little. "aaw, i hate you too tony." he chirped playfully before shaking his head. "as if i'd leave you with a child alone." he stated. "Bruce will help you." "i... wait, what!?" Bruce demanded, looking horrified. "i don't know how to take care of a child!" he protested. "this is because i laughed when Loki started in on puberty isn't it!?" "yes, yes it is." Clint teased. he smiled at her. "he babbles a lot?" he asked, eyes sparkling with laughter. "well... alright." he muttered, following her. he hated to leave alex, but they needed to have talks, and they couldn't do that if they where worried about waking the little toddler. "...i don't care if i'm supposed to obey you. he is NOT going to have a thing for Iron man!" he complained, sulking. "why would i warn Tony?" he asked, looking wickedly amused.

"well, we'll tell him we're going to take him to a superhero house, he'll be too excited to care." he decided with a smile. "do you want me to help pack?" he asked anxiously. "do you have someone who can run the store while your gone? i can just see that fuckhead kidnapping you to make the rest of us 'behave'." he grumbled. "nah, i don't have time to talk to a shrink anyway." he stated with a sigh before looking up at Tony. "thanks Tony." he muttered, offering the man a smile. he was well aware that when Tony got home, there would be another present waiting for him from Loki. he knew this, because he had helped Loki decide what to give Tony next. "Elena?... i'm sorry i got you and Alex dragged into all of this..."
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