Missing Parts(lady/moon)

Loki snickered a little and shook his head. "you are many things. mostly though, you're just Tony." he admitted with a grin. "no need to pretend to be someone else for the public face in front of me." he admitted. "to them? the people out there? your a superhero, a scapegoat, an idol, someone to be watched. in here? you are Tony, a great freind who worries overly much about Clint and Steve, a man who can't figure out how to wash his own socks." he smirked. "and has an unhealthy obsession with the colors red and gold." he admitted before he shrugged. "we can't really self moderate." he explained. "we are either always cold, or we find ways to warm up. like a snake. the more warmth we absorb, the longer we can stave off the bitter cold our own bodies produce." he admitted. "many Jotun spend two to three hours a day, or more, simply soaking in... uhm... Hot springs." he admitted, faltering for a moment to find the right word. "they are all over Jotunhiem if you know where to find them. they come from deep inside the planet, Lava that melts ice and snow on top of Lava pockets. some of them are so hot they could boil a humans skin right off." he admitted. "we tend to avoid those ones."

Clint's eyes snapped open and he stared at her, standing up he moved over and grabbed her by the arm. "what the hell did you just say!?" he demanded, looking enraged. "i thought you where DEAD, and you're SORRY that you seduced me!? You let me think you where dead for THREE YEARS!" Clint screamed, rage building. "THREE YEARS and all of a sudden you're here without warning! no indication that you where even alive! and you had no intention of doing so either!" he snarled, pacing like a caged animal. "you would have left last night, perfectly content with me thinking you where still dead! you never had any intent to tell me that you where you and you DARE come back here and tell me to my face that youre fucking SORRY!?" he paused, startled as he realized he'd grabbed her by the throat at some point and was shaking her. Loki was there too, prying his fingers off her throat and Clint backed up, releasing her as soon as he realized what he was doing, looking shocked, feeling stunned that he had actually done that...
“Well, you do make a interesting point. No reason to pretend in my own house.”He snickered a little before laughing, “Steve can wash his own socks, just because you two have this weird thing going on about the laundry, doesn’t mean he can’t do it. And my obsession with red and gold isn’t unhealthy!It’s nice.”He made a face before tilting his head. “Interesting. I would have never considered that....I kinda wanna visit now...”he said looking interested in jotunhiem’s climate before bolting to his feet already heading for the living room.

“I’m so-Clint!No, you told me to stay away!I tried to-Clint!”She went to her toes struggling to breath as his hand tightened around her throat, trying to keep from choking as she grabbed at his wrist, knowing it was futile, he’d always been stronger then her, even when she had been in better shape. “Clint, let her go.”Tony growled wrapping a arm around elena’s waist and dragging her back as Loki pried his fingers off, shifting to put the woman behind him as he faced off against his friend. “Now. I think time out is in order. Or, we can finish this discussion with the us in the room, so you two can go different ways in peace.”Tony’s eyes were dark and worried as he turned a little to watch them both. “No....I...I should go.”Elena whispered sounding defeated, so hurt. “You said you tried.What do you mean?”Natasha said as she crossed smoothly and lethally acrossed the living room looking down at the smaller woman. Having never really met her before budapest, at least not to spend alot of time with her, she still wanted to kill her for upsetting Clint. Elena frowned in confusion, edging towards the elevator. “I called shield...after...just after.”She muttered before looking up.
Loki snorted. "you're version of doing the laundry is to cram as many clothes as can possibly fit into the washing machine." he stated. "which does NOT make clean clothes. and washing clothes in soapy water spinning in a circle certainly doesn't sound very clean either!" he grumbled. "and it is too unhealthy. you painted your entire room in that color. it's blinding and it kills brain cells." he admitted. "and you can't visit Jotunhiem it's -103 on a good day. on bad days it can get as low as -240. if you could manage to survive that, then you have to contend with the 13% oxygen drop." he pointed out. "it would be worse than trying to breath on your own on the top of the tallest earth mountain." he admitted with a yawn before he too bolted out into the living room.

Clint looked more than a little stunned as he let her go, staring at his hand as if he wasn't sure how it had gotten there. it wasn't as if he'd always had a hand, right? "i... i..." Clint looked up, confused for a moment as if he'd forgotten where he was and what he was doing. he looked up at Elena, looking shattered all over again before he simply turned and walked away, not interested in listening to her lies and Loki sighed. "...i'll go after him and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." he groaned, sounding as if he was bestowing upon them a great favor. hiding the fact that he was really rather worried about Clint. "After what?" Steve demanded, having walked in just after all the mess and drama. "After what, Miss Micheals? clearly something has happened to lead Clint to think you where dead. clearly you think something completely different. you need to tell us what happened."
“I’d hate to waste water not washing everything I could....and it does to. I promise washing clothes works.”Tony snickered before grinning. “Its tasteful....and when were you in my bedroom?”he smirked before looking thoughtful.”...I wonder if my suit could work in that....”he muttered looking extremely thoughtful as he considered the weather conditions.

Tony nodded a little. “And no more fighting. You don’t need more broken ribs.”Tony muttered looking vaguely amused that loki sounded like he was doing a great favor before focusing on the woman in front of him. Stepping backwards not about to crowd the former shield agent between all the avengers, knowing she was feeling crowded with the way she was eyeing natasha and steve as they got closer to her. “After Budapest. We had a mission that went wrong.” Natasha tilted her head watching the woman, nodding. “You were killed. Well, we thought you were. The explosion leveled Greshum’s palace, we hadn’t realized the target had wired the place on a dead man’s switch.When you killed him, it blew up in your face.” “I...I know. I didn’t...remember for a long time.”Elena hedged a little, there was more to that time, the silence, but she couldn’t tell them, not trusting any of them enough to share what had happened in those months after. Not yet. “When I did start remembering who I was...it was in pieces. I reached out to shield...and they told me Clint didn’t want to talk to me. So...I came here. I remembered he liked New York. I thought...maybe on chance, I’d run into him...I just...I just wanted one more chance.”She muttered looking so defeated, for nearly 2 years she’d been living in new york, just on the off chance that she could run into clint. Which was a long shot, she knew that, in a city of 6 million, but she’d found him...and now she wanted to leave. To get away from these people who were glaring at her for daring to return.
Loki smirked. "i was in your bedroom when i was carefully turning all of your clothes pink about twenty minutes ago." he admitted.

Loki snorted. "i'll fight if i damn well please." he stated simply, shoving his nose in the air and stalking out. "Budapest. yeah Clint's mentioned that before." Steve admitted, crossing his arms and frowning. "he's a very private man, and as much as he pretends and hides it, i know he's... emotionally stunted at best..." Steve admitted. he grinned at the surprised looks he was getting. "what? i was a Captain of an army, i have to notice those kinds of things. it's important to know when, or if someone is going to snap and forget whose freind and whose foe... Clint? he's clearly crossed that snapping point. he lost sight of who he was for a moment, and this, who was safe and who wasn't. he wouldn't have attacked... Elena, was it? otherwise." he admitted before focusing intently on Elena. "...so..." Steve muttered, shaking his head. "it makes sense now." he mused. "Shield told you he didn't want to see you anymore. and Shield told Clint you where dead. right?" he asked both Natasha and Elena. "that means that Shield wanted to keep you two separated. but why?" Natasha knew of course. Clint had told her his plans while in Budapest. how he was going to 'retire' and join the RED ledgers. (Retired, Extremely Dangerous) and marry Elena. Shield, and Fury especially wouldn't have wanted to lose one of their best agents just because he thought he had feelings for someone. they had probobly seen the chance and exploited it. they might even have set the whole thing up themselves.
Natasha raised a eyebrow at steve's observation, having not thought he was good at reading his men that well."I think I have to apologize captain, you are better at rrading peoplr then I thought."the shield agent smiled before watching elena,looking at the confused look on her face."tony.see that she gets a room. I'm going to-" "I can't stay here."elena interrupted. "You are. Until we figure out exactly what happened,and what clint wants your not leaving."natasha said simply watching the woman's face,knowing exactly what had happened. And needing to talk to clint before she told the others ehat shield had donr. Tony had enough trust issues without them carefully saying this. "Yea...that's about right. But...we were together.I mean...likr together together. Fraternation between agents id against the rules. They probably just seperated it so we didn't get each other killed for real..."elena sighed quietly watching as natasha glided silently out of the room."I need to make a private phone call." "Out on the balcony."tony said though he looked curious as to ehat could be so important,he let her go,silently watching her make her call as he spoke to steve."what do you think?"

"Clint?"natasha said as she walked into the gym,looking amused and worried though as she neared clint and loki, wondering just how pissed clint was going to be.
Steve chuckled a little. "i can't read women all that well." he admitted. "you don't express emotions the same way men seam to." he admitted. "lack of practice i think." he admitted as he watched what was going on. "i'm sorry Elena. but it would be better, and safer for everyone involved if we keep you close at hand. clearly this whole thing has just been a lack of proper communication, or a misunderstanding. Clint just needs to calm down long enough for us to explain that, and then we can all have a much calmer conversation." he promised her. "we'll get everything sorted out." Steve promised the girl, watching her leave into the Balcony. "....i think Fury's going to die a painful death Via Clint. i think Natasha knows the real reason why this happened, and i think Clint's going to be suicidal in a matter of days if we don't sort this out fast." he admitted simply.

Clint wasn't pissed at all. Loki was laying on the floor, panting hard and covered in even more injuries than before and Clint was sitting on the edge of a table, staring at the ring in his hand. the engagement ring he had intended to present to Elena. the Ring Natasha had only seen once by accident. usually, Clint kept it locked in a hidden compartment underneath one of his dresser drawers. now he was staring at it as if contemplating whether to throw it out the window or smash it to pieces with a hammer.

(this is the Ring)
“Depths. Women communicate on to many depths, cap.”Tony snickered a little before smirking.”Though, in your case it’s just not enough practice.”He teased watching Elena. “...Well. I guess I can stay. I mean, since I have no choice.”Elena scowled a little as she talked on the phone, staring out over the city. “Yes, I think you’re right. On both, Clint suicidal and Fury’s death....she’s still hiding something.”Tony sulked looking annoyed as he watched the woman hang up, watching her watch the city. To curious about her to simply leave things alone.

“...Stark’s going to be pissed when he sees how hurt Loki is.”Natasha said simply rolling her eyes at the two before moving over and sitting down next to clint, looking at the ring, for a moment not realizing what it was before her mind made the connection.”Clint. I talked to her, I don’t think she’s lying. She didn’t know you thought she was dead. She thought you didn’t want to see her. Someone told her so.”She said gently, calmly waiting for his reaction.

(omg, i love the ring!XD)
Steve snorted a little. "i don't have much to do with girls usually. Natasha's the first one i've had long encounters with. i'm just glad i haven't accidentally insulted her. i'm told women have to be spoken to carefully because they'll take any excuse to punish you... but considering it was Bucky who said that, i'm not sure how much truth i'm going to hold it to." he admitted with a shake of his head. "yeah, Elena's definitely hiding something, and so is Natasha. but, i'm sure we'll find out eventually." he admitted.

"Good!" Loki chirped. looking pleased. "he's not hurt that bad. some of those 'injuries' are illusions." Clint admitted simply, Loki smirking. "i barely touched him." he promised before he looked at her, his eyes seamed to stutter before they went blank yet again. every person had a breaking point. it seamed Clint might have reached his. "...Someone." he muttered as he stood up and headed for the door. "yes. Someone..." he agreed, his tone as cold as the frosty arctic tundra. he headed out, grabbed a gun, and set out into the city. it wasn't hard to guess where he was going. Shield Headquarters. where he was, no doubt, going to do something stupid. no one paid him any attention save for one Agent Maria Hill. who called Tony and warned him that Clint was acting strange. by the time the avengers got there, both Hill and Fury where kneeling, and Cling had the gun pressed against Fury's head. Clint was babbling about how he had given up everything after Elena had died, how he had given up his joy, given up his happiness, given up his life. he muttered about how Fury had destroyed his reason for living, and eradicated any chance he had at a nice normal, or even a happy life. "Tell me why i should let you live you one eyed son of a bitch... tell me why i shouldn't splatter your brains all over the wall!?"
“....You need to go on dates, my friend.”Tony snickered looking amused at the good captain.

“...You playing Tony is going to be great entertainment in the days that come.”Natasha said shaking her head a little looking amused before nodding.”yes.”She said simply getting up. Watching him go for a moment, and trying not to worry. Even though she was ready to go the moment Maria had called. Fury swallowed hard, carefully not moving to much, but knowing Clint was one moment away from blowing his brains out. “You know the rules clint. You were going to get both of you killed, even if you had gone through with your plan. I couldn’t allow that when the world still needed you both.” “....:Clint?”Elena stepped quietly into the room, moving as silently as she always did, as well trained as he was, in fact he’d been the one who’d given her her final lessons as a agent, taught her to be the best. “”Clint...Let them go. Please. They’re not worth killing. We’ll work this out okay?”Elena said holding her hands out, showing she was unarmed as she eased closer to Clint, though she wasn’t sure if they could work it out, or if SHIELD would allow them to simply allow them to live in peace, even if he was a avengers, and she was technically no longer a agent of shield. She had a feeling things wouldn’t be simple, even if they could be together again, but she could keep him from killing them. Maybe.”Clint?”
Loki smirked. "it's a lot of fun too." he agreed with a chuckle before he hesitated as he watched Clint leave. "...shouldn't we go after him?"

"Shut up!" Clint snarled, smacking Fury with the tip of the gun, the sight cutting into the man's skin, making him bleed. but he hadn't pulled the trigger yet. "You had No Right to make me think she was DEAD! she was ALL I HAD!" he raged. "All i ever wanted was her! you think i wouldn't have eagerly risen up to protect the world!? do you know how close i came to eating my own gun you stupid fucker?!" Clint demanded, digging the gun into Fury's head, trembling violently. "what would you have done then, huh!? What would you have done then!?" he paused when Elena spoke and turned to look at her with those dead eyes. "...not worth killing? he's not worth killing!? he made me think you where DEAD Elena! i thought you where dead..." he was trembling harder still as tears finally started to flow. "i didn't get to say goodbye, or even tell you that i loved you and he made you disappear as if you where nothing but garbage and i can't allow that!" he hissed. "i can't let him get away with that! i was DEAD inside for so long and GOD it HURTS..." he stated, gripping his chest. "it HURTS to know i HATED you for leaving me... when it was HIS fault!" he paused and then, finally, dropped his hand so the gun was aimed to the floor, sobs spilling out of him. "you where dead.... you where dead and he made me beleive that..." but he didn't look ready to kill Fury anymore... he just looked broken now. that line had finally been crossed.
“In a moment. It’s going to be bad.”Natasha said even as she got up to go after him, willing to stand aside because she was pissed at fury to.

Fury winced focusing on the man in front of him,not saying anything because he knew it would just make it worse. His eyes shifting slightly to look at the woman stepping side. Wanting to curse, because now it was going to be impossible to separate them again. Elena flinched as he looked at her, “I know. And he is, but his death will separate us again, you know they wont let you go if you kill him....don’t. Please. He’s not worth the cost of killing.”She said her own eyes filled with tears as she watched him, but not getting any closer. “I’m so sorry, Clint. I am. I didn’t want to leave you. I came back to new york, hoping, I would see you....I came to Stark because I wanted to know if you were okay. Even gone, I couldn’t leave you alone.”She whispered refusing to flinch at his words, ‘loved’. Wondering if there was anything left of what they once were, and wondering if they could even get back to what they had been, or if to much pain and time had past. Moving closer her hands closed over his, gently easing the gun away from him, sliding it into the waistband of her jeans, not the safest place for it at the small of her back, but a make-do hold as she got him out of here.”Let’s get you home, okay?”She muttered hesitating, reaching out to gently touch his hair.
Clint stared at her before he laughed bitterly. "you think they'll let us stay together?! look at the lengths they went to keep us apart! they fucking BLEW YOU UP!" he gasped. "no. we'll never be together. Fury won't allow it. if i shoot him now though, all that will happen is i'll go to a psych ward. because i'm crazy aren't i!? i've been crazy since you died. i just didn't know it, but i know it now..." he paused as he realized something. "good god, you're afraid of me." he whispered, sounding utterly horrified by that. "...don't leave me... please don't leave me. i'm sorry. i'm so sorry..." Clint pleaded, gripping Elena tightly. she was going to have bruises, but he didn't seam to realize how hard he was holding her. "i don't have a home. i'm homeless...." Clint whispered. "loki blew up my house you know..." he whispered before flinching away when she tried to touch him, staring at her as if she had come out of nowhere and was a stranger to boot. "...were'd my Gun go? i want to shoot him before we leave..." he complained, Maria Hill had now gotten to her feet and she glanced at Elena, a single hand movement letting Elena know exactly what the woman was going to do. quick as an adder she struck, driving a tiny little needle into his neck. it drove Clint into an immediate Frenzy, moving to attack Hill. but it was state of the art, fast acting, and he got no more than two steps before he collapsed. "i suggest you take him home." Hill commented simply. "Stark and Rogers are waiting outside for you i beleive. they can carry him. Sir. we need to get you to the medical bay. he hit you rather hard, you might have a concussion." Maria warned Fury.
“I’m not a agent anymore, and you know I’m alive now Clint. You can stay with me. Do you think Rogers’ and Stark’d let them pull the same trick twice?”She said watching him, sensing that if shield tried to again, the whole team would rebel, and not just Natasha. Bruce had been right on the helipad, they were a time bomb, waiting to go off. Swallowing hard as he looked at her, “I’m not going anywhere.”She muttered starting a little as he gripped her tightly, not protesting how tight he was holding, wanting held to much to protest. “Well, it might not be home, but Stark does have a whole floor for you, and I’ve been ordered to not leave there. So we’ll go there.”She muttered before smiling. “It’s my gun now.”She muttered opening her mouth to tell Maria to not do it, before sighing. Turning bright eyes towards Fury, “We’ll have words later. Maybe. Just...leave us alone for now. I don’t think any of your team is happy with you.”She said simply, waiting until Fury and Maria were gone before steppign into the hall, looking vaguely amused at the sight of not only Tony and Steve waiting for her, but Natasha. “Well, I have my avengers escort....I feel like the world’s ending or something.”She muttered looking amused as she let them get clint back to the tower.

When Clint woke he was back in his own rooms in Stark tower, back in the nest Tony had built for him. Which had its own private small balcony that went outside, where Elena was waiting for him, overlooking the city even as she kept a eye on him. “Clint?”Elena said quietly as she saw him stirring, stepping back inside. “How do you feel?”
Clint shook his head. "no...Steve's a good guy... he won't let them fuck with me..." Clint agreed. "and Stark is always trying to find ways to piss them off... he'd do it on principle...." he muttered as he watched her. "...okay. i like the Tower." he agreed softly. "but... but it's my gun! i had it first!" Clint complained, rather like a petulant child. Maria just shrugged. "sorry, but he needs to sleep this off and he'd never sleep on his own." she stated. "he'll wake up feeling much better." she assured Elena. "we're definitely not happy." Steve snarled, glaring at Fury. "and we're definitely going to be having words with you." he warned before he smiled at Elena. "well, the worlds not ending just yet. Loki's still an ass after all." he admitted as he carefully piggy backed Clint back to the tower.

Clint blinked awake rather slowly. sluggish even. "...Elena?" he asked hopefully, blinking at her. "i was worried you'd been a dream." he admitted. "...i feel... slow... what happened?" he asked, blinking slowly, still a bit doped up. "i remember... oh man, Fury's going to be so pissed at me... i can't beleive i tried to shoot him..." he groaned, closing his eyes. "i'm so tired..." he groaned. "Hill must've drugged me... god i hate her... uptight bitch." he groaned, struggling to roll over onto his side. "are you real?" he asked her. "you're really real? i've not gone insane, right?"
"You're team has your back clint.they'll help."she said wuietly amused that captain america and iron man were going to be so pissed."but you always share good weapons with me.its mine."she decided amused that even after all this timr had past he still sulked over his weapons."we'll talk later."fury nodded looking as calm as he ever did at having his team glaring at him as he left. "Hm.true loki is a ass. Though he has a nice ass."elena mused as they headed for home. "I have a nicer one."tony groused making a face though his annoyance couldn't drown out the worry in his eyes as they settled clint into his room.

"Yea its me.I'm real."she said as she sat doen on the edge of the bed,eyes sad as she watched him.smirking a liytle."hes got bigger things to worry about then being mad at you.I think your team"s plotting his demise as we speak."she smiled quietly before sighing"yea...she thought you needed to sleep it off and put you down before I could stop her..."she said quietly tilting her head."you are indane,but I promise I'm real.otherwise I wouldn't be this bruised."she teased him a little tilting her head to shoe him the darkening bruises where he'd choked her and the bruises where he'd hugged her to tightly.all in all iy was amazing he hadn't broken anything holding onto her that tightly.
Clint nodded. "yeah... yeah, they're good people. i like them. kinda...." he admitted. which was saying a lot considering Clint was pretty much emotionless about everything and everyone most of the time. "but... it's my Gun and i need it." he complained, shaking his head. "uh, why are we talking about Loki's ass?" Steve demanded, looking rather uncomfortable. "

Clint sighed, relaxing as he realized she was 'real'. he wasn't entirely sure this wasn't just a dream, but he could pretend for now. "that's alright. i'll spike her tea with LSD later." he decided with a smile. "and Fury's demise is a fun thing." he agreed with a node. "a very fun thing." he blinked at her before realizing. "bruises? did someone hit you?" he paused for a moment and then. "...oh yeah. i tried to strangle you... sorry... did i hurt you badly?" he asked, gently stroking her throat before leaning in and kissing her neck. making it 'better'.
“I don’t care. It’s mine now.”Elena snickered a little sighing softly as he went down. She was so not looking for to him waking up. “Because Tony gets so twitchy when it’s mentioned. It’s quite amusing really.”she added looking amused at how uncomfortable steve was

“....I’m so glad I’m not the one who drugged you.I so want a front row seat to watch her trip out.”She snickered a little before sighing, “I’m fairly certain it’s going to be elaborate and over the top since Stark’s involved.”She snickered a little before wincing. “No. Mostly just bruises.”She muttered tensing as his fingers stroked over her skin, tensing even more as his lips brushed her skin. As much of a shut down as if she’d gotten up and moved away from him. While she’d been okay with a one night stand-well she hadn’t been but she’d thought that was all she could have. Now that they were in this weird odd between space, she had no idea how to act. Not when there were things she couldn’t tell him, not until she trusted him again, even if she wanted to, she needed to relearn again, it’d been a long time since she’d trusted anyone. Even knowing he would be pissed when he found out she couldn’t force herself to tell him, needing to figure out a few things before then.”It’s okay. You were pissed with me, so I can understand the choking.”She muttered looking vaguely amused though, staying still as he kissed her neck.
Clint snorted. "i'd probobly forgive you if it was you." he pointed out. "you've dosed me before after all." he admitted before he smirked. "i want to see all of Shields computers and screens start to show porn. that would be epic..." he admitted before touching her, puling back all of sudden as if burned, staring at her. "oh my god, you really are real!" he gasped, more than a little startled. "even in my dreams you never smell right..." he looked panicked all of a sudden, as if the fact that he wasn't dreaming was a bad thing. "i'm still sorry... where did these ones come from?" he asked, looking baffled as he examined the marks on her arms before he winced. "oh... i uh... guess i'm stronger than i thought i was." he admitted, pulling away frmo her and laying back down, staring at the ceiling for a moment before finally. "so where do we go from here? i'm... i don't think i could just... resume what we had last time. i'm not the same person and..." and it still hurt and he didn't trust her yet. didn't know if he could still love her the way he once had.
“I have, but only when you went for DAYS without sleeping. It was for your own good.”She said primly, before smirking. “That would be...Jarvis?Will you express that desire to Tony please?”she said snickering a little as the AI responded, looking delighted with the AI. She’d heard about the computer that ran tony’s house, but ‘meeting’ him was a whole new experience. Startling as he pulled away she nodded a little, “....You’re going to make me self conscious. I mean, I smell to you!”She scowled a little though it was playful before wincing. “You hugged me. And you’ve always been stronger then me, Hawk.”She muttered before wincing at her reverting to calling him what she always had. Her sharp eyed hawk. Watching him for a moment before looking out the window, swallowing hard.”...I don’t think we can. I’m not the same either and there are...things... That have changed. Some things that will change everything... I mean...they’re important but I can’t tell you yet, cause I don’t trust you, I mean I do, I always do but we’ve changed, and we don’t know each other anymore and....”She stopped standing abruptly. “I should go.”She said looking anxious because despite her need to leave, to escape the overwhelming need to get away from this emotional bomb, because she knew they had changed, they couldn’t be what they once were, but maybe they could be something. “... We could be friends. I mean...we could try getting to know each other again. We were friends before we were more...”She said even as she neared the door, stopping.

Tony looked up from the tablet he was using as he perched on the barstool, glancing at Loki. “Don’t you have someone else to be bothering?I mean I’m trying to get some work done.”He grumbled, though the fact that he was working at his bar, instead of the workshop said that he wasn’t as adverse to company as he usually was, though he looked tired. He’d been up nearly 48 hours, driving a body that needed rest to the breaking point, but he was determined to figure out what Fury was hiding, and that need was driving him to stay awake when he really should just sleep.
he snorted. "i don't need that much sleep!" he complained. "it wasn't for my own good, you just didn't want to put up with me anymore." he complained, sulking before he smiled a little as Jarvis responded. he absolutely loved how Jarvis could make a hot cup of coffee as soon as he woke up... in his own room. so he could wake up in peace. "well, yes. you've always had a distinct smell... like roses and lilies, only a little... more somehow." he admitted with a smile before he grimaced. "i'm sorry. i didn't realize i was gripping you that hard... i was so scared you where nothing but a hallucination." he admitted with a shake of his head even as he smiled when she called him Hawk. he had missed that. and it was a sign that not everything had changed. "hey... i understand." Clint promised before he looked panicked, reaching out for her. "don't leave!... please... don't leave me..." he pleaded, looking so terrified that she was going to leave, and not come back. "...i think." Clint whispered as she paused. "that no matter what happens, we will always be freinds." he promised her with a smile. "we just... have to get over this bump, that's all. trust has been broken for both of us, but it can be rebuilt." he promised her. "it might take time, but i think, that whats broken, can be rebuilt even stronger." he admitted with a smile.

"nope." Loki admitted. "this is an intervention." Loki admitted, taking the tablet away from Tony and walking away. "come along Peon. you will take a shower, you will eat the hot soup someone... steve i hope, made for us, and then you will take at least a three hour nap before resuming your work." he ordered. "until then, i have ordered Jarvis to lock down all of your tools. so, you can either sulk, whine, throw a tantrum and waste precious hours doing so when you know i will win, or you can do as i told you and be back to work much sooner. what say you?"
“...Yes it was. You needed to not be bothering me for your own health.”Elena smirked a little looking amused as she studied him, tilting her head slightly. “Huh. You always smell like gun oil and clover to me.”She mused before sighing, looking down at her arms. “It’s not that bad. I mean, it looks bad, but you could have done worse, you know that.”She shrugged a little before pausing, letting him stop her from leaving, staying on the edge of the bed, but still looking anxious. “Well...we’ll just give it a go then.”She said offering him a hesitant smile, before frowning.”Do you need anything?”She said worried about him, it was a good thing she’d always mothered him something horrible, otherwise he might question the subtle change in how she responded to things these days.

“I do not need a intervention!”Tony sputtered looking annoyed as he watched the other leave before huffing a sigh, getting up and following the other.”With your luck, it’s probably clint who cooked.”he snickered a little before sulking, “I’m working on something important. I want to know what Michaels’ been up to since she left shield, and what fury knows about everything.”he sulked but was already heading for his bedroom to follow the jotun’s instructions.
he huffed and offered her a small sulk. "clover? really?" he asked, looking a little surprised. "clover has a smell?" he was SUCH a man. "yeah, i know... doesn't make me feel any better about it though." he pointed out with a small sigh before he offered her a smile. "yeah. we can make this work. even if we don't become... a couple, we can at least stay freinds, right?" he asked hopefully. "i don't think i could stand to lose you again..." he paused as she asked him if he needed anything and he shook his head. "no. i'm alright. just.. i'm just shaken. that's all." he promised her. "i never expected to be able to see you again." he admitted with a smile. "i know you probobly have to get going so people don't worry about you... but will you stay? just... just fora few hours?" he asked hopefully. "so we can talk and stuff?"

"you do too you drunken insomniac nymphomaniac.... with possible bi-polar!" he stated with a sniff, clearly it was 'lets mock Tony day'. "Barton had better not have cooked." he grumbled. "besides, it wouldn't LOOK edible if HE had cooked. now eat." Loki demanded. "i won't know if it's safe unless you survive." he shook his head. "Jarvis?" Loki demanded, looking up at the nearest camera. "resume Tony's job for him so he'll stop looking like death warmed over."
“....You are such a male.”Elena huffed making a face at him before smiling a little, looking amused at him. “Yea, we’ll be friends.Always.”She muttered leaning forward, elbows resting on her knees, absently playing with the arrowhead, a nervous habit years old as she tried to relax. “Well I did know you were alive, and I’m still feel shaken. No wonder you’re feeling off.”She said offering him a small smile, before her gaze skittered away, not meeting his eyes. Because while there was someone she needed to get back to, it probably wasn’t what he was thinking. It was...a knot in her stomach as she considered telling him. Smiling as she shifted to lean back on the headboard, “A few hours then.”She said settling in to just talking, just pleased to be talking with him again, chattering happily about anything and everything for the next few hours, before nibbling on her lip looking thoughtful. “....I own a a bookstore over in brooklyn... I know it’s not the most interesting thing in the world, but if you wanted....come have lunch with me tomorrow. That way, you can see me for awhile, and we can just talk. The shop’s busy, but not constantly. It’d be fun just....being normal.”She offered hesitantly, blushing ever so slightly. Not sure about this, but knowing she had to figure it out.

“I hate you.”Tony scowled at the man rolling his eyes as he got the food out. “That’s true. Barton’s food never looks good.”Tony smirked looking amused as he heated up the soup, humming pleased as he realized it was indeed steve’s homemade soup, settling at the table to eat hurriedly. Now that he wasn’t actively working, his energy was starting to flag, and he was starting to fall asleep. “I will do that, Loki.”Jarvis said even as the AI kept working on shield’s files, as he’d been doing the work really, with Tony just obsessively watching and waiting to figure out what was going on. Stumbling to his feet after he eat, he yawned. "Night Loki."He muttered as he headed for his room for his nap, not really aware that it was still the middle of the afternoon, or that he was actually listening to Loki's demands he take care of himself. Maybe loki would have more luck then anyone ever had in forcing tony stark to take care of himself.
he smiled a little. "yeah, i know." he admitted with a chuckle. "i can't imagine it was better for you. thinking you where dead, i at least didn't feel betrayed." he admitted. "it must have hurt you terribly to have no reason for me leaving..." he frowned. "are you sure i can't kill Fury? i could move to Zimbabwe after. i like Zimbabwe and there's a chieftain there who owes me a favor." he admitted with a grin before he smiled as she agreed to stay for just a few hours, chattering away about nothing of importance and telling her about the time that Thor nearly blew up the entire tower when the TV turned on 'all by itself' and thus 'was possessed'... according to Thor anyway. he let her get up to leave this time, much more calm now that he was certain she wasn't going to simply vanish. "i'd like that. i'll be there... unless something happens and the world needs saving again." he admitted. "...or i'm arrested for holding a Gun to the Shields major Domo..." he smirked. "but i'll make sure to call you if that happens." he promised. "normal is pretty rare..." he mused with a smile. "it might be fun to be normal for a little while."

Loki smirked. "i hate you too Stark, now do as i command." he ordered. "Banner can cook." he mused. "but Rogers food is the best." he admitted with a nod. "Thank you Jarvis." Loki stated with a smile. Jarvis was the only person who Loki was always nice to... or rather, he was ever nice to. "Good night Stark. have pleasant dreams." he stated as he watched the other leave with a sigh, glancing up at a Camera. "this is between us right?" he asked with a smile. he knew Jarvis would never tell that Loki was mothering Tony because Loki was teaching Jarvis something that only an AI could do... implement magic. Tony might be able to learn some magic too, but most humans did not have the proper way of mind to learn how to do it. it was a mental art that had to begine when a child was first learning cognition. as in, from the time they started to babble and crawl.
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