Missing Parts(lady/moon)

Elena’s eyes shuttered for a moment thinking about how very hurt she’d been when she’d woken, shocked back into her own memories after having forgotten for months, only to have ‘him’ not want her anywhere near him. It had been emotionally shattering. “It was...hard. But I survived.”She muttered before raising a eyebrow, staring at him. “...I’ve been gone to long. I can’t figure out if you’re kidding about Zimbabwe or not.”She snickered a little smiling as they chattered. Giggling in delight with the idea of the god, and tony’s way overreaction at the destroyed tech. “Well, I’m sure that if you do get arrested, I’ll hear Stark howling about it without the use of a phone, not to mention the rest of your team.I’ll see you tomorrow.Normal is always good.”She smiled leaning down to kiss his cheek before she left.

“You are welcome Loki.”Jarvis responded, quiet for a moment before offering a quiet agreement. “Of course sir. I would rather have someone who can corral Sir into resting, then let them laugh at you for being kind.Goodnight Sir.”Jarvis said, sounding pleased because it wasn’t niceness at all, but the need to know, to use magic that kept Jarvis from informing tony of something that would definitely entertain the man, Loki being nice.

The next afternoon Elena smiled a little as she heard the bell of the door opening downstairs, leaning over the edge of the balcony to grin down at Clint. Despite a bookshop owner being so very different from being a SHIELD agent, the woman looked in her element, and completely at ease surrounded in the quiet and peace of the old books, not only did she sell new books, she collected old books, and antiques .”Hey, no saving the world today?”She smiled before pulling back and walking downstairs to see him, holding a stack of books in her arms, and though most of her outfit was blocked, the dark jeans and soft dark purple sweater, along with a little more makeup then usual, showed that she’d taken care to dress with him coming in for lunch in mind. “I hope you still like lasanga. I have leftovers from dinner last night.”She smiled setting the books down on the counter, rambling a little nervously.
he smiled a little. "yeah. you survived, but if i wasn't very happy about it i can't imagine how shattered you must have been." he admitted with a sigh. "i'm only half joking... i won't actually kill Fury, but there IS a chieftain." he admitted with a smile. "i saved his village from a bunch of terrorists who wanted to take his women and other female villagers and sell them as slaves, so i'm a big deal down in Zimbabwe." he admitted happily. "true enough, tony does have a set of lungs on him." he admitted with a nod before he gave her hand a squeeze. "be careful on your way home... and... thanks, for giving us another chance."

Loki smiled a little. "don't forget about lessons in the morning Jarvis. you've almost mastered the art of physical interaction." much like a ghost, Jarvis could, with enough concentration, affect the physical world. move a cup, tap on a keyboard, small things that where getting more and more impressive the more Jarvis practiced. once Jarvis got that mastered, they could work on illusions. creating false images. combining the two was how Loki managed to create copies of himself. copies that could fight... and fuck. soon, Jarvis would be 'walking' about with his own body.

Clint looked around the bookstore, incredibly impressed as he examined the massive selection, unaware of the woman looking down at him. "hey, nope, no dastardly villains today." he admitted with a grin as he moved forward and carefully took the books from her, giving her a helping hand. "this is a really impressive place. i knew you loved books but this is impressive." he admitted with a smile. "i still like Lasagna." he promised with a smile, which was a lie. after she'd 'died' he hadn't touched the food, or even looked at it. and the one time Natasha had tried to bring some home, he'd thrown it out the window. but he wasn't about to tell her that. "so do you own this place?" he asked curiously with a cocked head.
“We might have to travel to zimbawe sometime.”She snickered a little laughing at the idea of tony yelling. “It’s amazing you get any sleep with him in the tower, really.”She snickered at the idea of tony yelling during sex, before offering him a small smile. “I’m always careful. And...you’re welcome.”She smiled at him as she left.

“I wont. I am indeed looking forward to being able to take Sir’s tools from him when it needs done.”Jarvis said sounding pleased with the idea.

Elena smiled watching him look around for a long moment before grinning. “Well, I think I’m very glad there’s no dastardly villians.”She smiled looking amused as he took the books from her, cracking her fingers as he easily held them, pouting slightly.”You make that look so easy.”she grumbled at the taller man, amused as he easily held them.”Just set them on the table over there, they’re my afternoon project.”She said looking amused before blushing at his praise.”Thanks. And a love of books was all...I remembered for a long time. When I was recovering, I was bed bound for a few months...”She muttered, and it hadn’t just because she’d had a building dropped on her. “So all I had was reading...after that. I didn’t want excitement. I just wanted peace. A bookstore is that. And thanks, I was trying for impressive.If you think this is good, you should see upstairs. The really old books are up there.”She said before brightening, pleased that she hadn’t messed up their lunch by getting him something he didn’t like. “Good.Come on, we’re eating upstairs.”She said walking up the stairs with him, showing him the quiet niche of books that covered centuries, along with a quiet little nook just for her with a small table, their lunch waiting for them.”I do.”She said blushing slightly not about to admit she was still paying the bookstore off, but she was doing okay, not drowning in debt. “I wanted...I never had a place of my own with Shield. I needed something that was mine when...when everything went to hell.”She said smiling slightly, because it was mostly true, but the real answer more then wanting a place, she’d needed a place, a solid place to stay.

Tony glanced up at the god as he worked on his armor,rolling his eyes as he saw him,"hold on pepper.I had a annoyance walk intobthe lab.I'll get back to you in a few."he said hanging up the phone before frowning at loki."I rested I ate and I've even not looked at the stuff I pulled up on michaels' yet.I should get a ptize,not you complaining..."he eyed the god for a moment."or are you just botred since your new best friend found someone new to hang out with?"tony snarked,looking curious about loki and clint's relationship .....not that he'd ever admit being curious or vaguely jealous
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "yeah, me too." he admitted with a chuckle. "well, i am an assassin." he pointed out with a small chuckle. "i lift things heavier than this every morning to keep in shape." he admitted. "you should see what the Good captain does for a morning workout." he admitted with a wrinkled nose. "he makes me look like an amateur, the showoff." he admitted as he set the books down where she insisted. "i can think of worse things to be passionate about." he admitted as he examined a book on one of the shelves. he'd always had a love for crime novels. he hadn't touched a book since she had 'died'. "upstairs?" he asked curiously. "really old books?" he asked, looking curious simply because she seamed so delighted by it. "...is it alright to eat in here?" he asked, looking worried. "i mean... there's a lot of books and..." he fidgeted, clearly a little worried about having dinner surrounded by books would affect the books. which was kind of sweet. "do you live here too?" he asked, looking surprised. "i didn't know you could live in a bookstore. that's really kind of awesome." he admitted with a grin.

Loki smirked. "better an annoyance than a sin against nature Stark." Loki stated simply as he leaned himself against the table. "i don't give a damn what you do and don't do." he stated simply. "i am bored actually." he admitted, examining his nails. "Barton went on a date, Rogers is being stupid, Banner is almost as boring as Rogers is." he looked at Tony. "i demand you entertain me. Jarvis is ignoring me too before you suggest that." there was a pause and then. "what DID you find out about the good miss Micheals anwyay?" ah, so he was down there because he was curious about the woman himself.
“I hate you. I trained to, but I was never that good!And these I’m always afraid I’ll drop them or something.”She sulked even if the amused laughter in her eyes said she was only teasing, because she’d spent the last few years carrying around something more precious then books, so her skills for balancing things had vastly improved from the klutz she’d once been. Eyes widening a little at the thought of someone making clint look like a amateur she was looking thoughtful, wondering exactly what the super soldier was capable of. Not out of any desire to put that endurance to the sex test, but because she was a agent once, and couldn’t help but be interested in the capabilities of someone who was working with Clint.Looking amused as he looked at the novels, “There’s a whole crime section over by the windows if you want something before leaving.”She smiled quietly, before nodding.”Yea upstairs. And yes, old. I collect first editions of books and medieval books and...pretty much anything and everything book related.”She shrugged as she smiled, amused at his words, “It is. I’d never put the books in danger. They’re all behind glass, so even if something freaky happens, the food can’t hurt them.”She smiled a little as she put the lasagna onto plates settlign at the table, and giving him a plate. “I do. Upstairs. The two bottom floors are the store, the third is a apartment.and it really is awesome. Anytime I can’t sleep, I come down here and get a book to read.”she said blushing and wincing a little at the admittance, because she hadn’t felt comfortable enough inviting him to the apartment, and it hurt her heart to know he’d know the reason she hadn’t trusted him up there....well, at least knew she hadn’t trusted him, not the reason she didn’t really want him up there yet.

“I am not the sin against nature in this room, loki.”Tony rolled his eyes as he went back to working on the iron man gaunlet, before snickering. “Well, I guess I should be glad you’re not terrorizing the city or stalking barton on his date if you’re bored.”He mused before opening his mouth to tell jarvis to before raising a eyebrow.”What did you do to Jarvis?”He asked interested before grinning, amused that loki had sought him out to find out what he knew about Elena before grinning, opening the folder on his computer to show loki everything.”Lots of stuff, but the most important one, is this.”he said dragging a picture to the forefront, A slightly younger Elena with a two year old perched on her hip, and while it was obvious that the child was her’s, and he had guessed who the father was, it wasn’t obvious until you saw the stormy grey blue eyes that you knew for sure who’s child she was holding.
he laughed a little and shook his head. "i'm the one who trained you, don't forget. you where better than you thought you where." he promised her. "and i doubt you've 'let yourself go' as the saying goes." he admitted with a smile. "really? i have a few bucks i could spend." he agreed, already examining the windows curiously even as he followed her up the stairs, whistling in amazement. "now this is cool." he admitted as he looked over at the books in glass cases when his breath caught in his throat. "you.... you have Hannibal lector! First addition!? Signed?!" he managed to squeak, looking like he wanted to hump the glass case. the Hannibal books where one of his favorites. "oh my god you have Hannibal rising too!" he gasped, nearly bouncing up and down. "that's amazing!" he admitted before moving back to the table, wondering where hi common, run of the mill Hannibal series was. probobly in storage somewhere. "that does sound pretty awesome." he agreed with a grin. "is this part of the bookstore open to the public?" he wondered, examining the glass cases. "it's like an amazing book filled museum... course, you'd have to worry about thieves too i suppose." at least he didn't look into the apartment thing, he fully understood she wasn't comfortable with him in her living space.

Loki smirked. "of course you are. a smart human, it should be impossible." he stated simply. simultaneously complimenting, and insulting Tony. "i can't terrorize the city, i can't get fifty feet away from you." he pointed out. "and while i could torment Clint, he's with that Girl and i like her even less than i like him." he pointed out before he smirked. "i insulted him i think." actually, he'd given Jarvis his new lesson and the computer was hard at work, manipulating the TV, making it change channels, alter the volume, and yes, change position. he was practicing in an unused room so no one would know what he was doing. "...is that..." he couldn't beleive it, he just couldn't beleive it! "...do we tell Clint?!" he demanded, looking up at Tony. he was an evil man, but even he wasn't so cruel as to torment Clint about a kid... not like this.
“Hm, like I could forget you kicking my ass all over the helicarrier.”She rolled her eyes looking amused though, before shrugging.”I practice a few times a week. It’s relaxing.”She smiled before grinning. “Yea.”She said amused as he looked at the windows before pausing as he saw the hannibal books, flushing hard as she looked anywhere but him. “I have all of them actually. Red Dragon, Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal and Hannibal Rising....I met Thomas Harris’” -the author- “A few months back, and convinced him to sell me the first editions signed.”She said starting to eat, not about to tell him she’d had a pure moment of reaction on meeting him, that her knowing clint had loved the books had made her spent more then was probably appropriate to get the books for her collection. “You going to hump the cases there?Cause if you are, I can let you have some privacy.”She teased the exicted man, looking vaguely interested in the answer, blushing slightly at the words, before nodding. “It is. Kinda. I have to be here, and upstairs if someone wants to come up. I don’t mind selling some of these, or letting others see them, I just don’t trust them to not walk off with them.”She said looking amused and a little relieved he didn’t press her about her apartment before smiling, tilting her head a little. “....I bought the hannibals for you...I mean...not for you since I didn’t think I’d see you again....but because you would have wanted them....if you want, you could take them...”She offered quietly, looking shy and embarassed, absently playing with the arrowhead on her necklace as she ate, content and happy in his company. Not trying to figure out the tough problems of their relationship, for the moment, just looking to find a way to be friends again.

“I know, but you could be terrorizing Clint or something.”He said sounding vaguely annoyed that loki actually liked clint before frowning, glancing up at loki. “You are such a liar. You like him.”He smiled a little though it annoyed him, it pleased him to to see loki making friends...not that he’d ever admit it, or loki would admit to liking any of them. “...you insulted my AI....it scares me a little that you did. I’ve said alot of rude things to him.”he said looking thoughtful at the idea before nodding, looking at the hologram in front of him, pulling up even more pictures to inspect, and it was obvious she hadn’t known they were being taken, but the was obviously clint’s. The shape of his eyes, the coloring, the determined look on his face...yea it was all clint. “Yes. When he gets back, I’ll talk to him.”Tony said, prepared to take the fallout of telling the man, but if elena hadn’t told him, someone had to, and soon. At least...he thought so. "I need someone else's opinion. I'm not good with this kind of thing....J?Can you get Steve down here." "Right away sir."Jarvis answered, sounding a little surly though at having his practice interrupted. "What did you do to my AI, loki?"Tony scowled at the AI's tone then looking at loki as they waited for steve, trusting the good captain to make the right call in determining Clint's mental state in this.
he chuckled a little. "i practice everyday... i'm not on active Duty now that i'm an Avenger so the days tend to get a little long." he admitted with a shake of his head before he looked at her, almost as if he wanted to start humping HER. "....you... met... Thomas... Harris..." he looked like he was going to pass out he was so excited. it would have been hard for the other Avengers to connect his him to the him they always saw. even Natasha had never seen him so excited about something. but this was a side of him that Elena had once been familiar with. a passionate, loving Clint who loved life. it was a side of himself he had tried, and failed to kill... now he was glad he had failed. "i might hump the case..." he admitted, examining it. "nah, i'd probobly damage myself, too many sharp corners." he admitted with a chuckle. "i can understand needing to be here. too many people would love to walk off with a collection like this. especially since many of these books are over five hundred dollars." he admitted with a smile before he blinked at her. "oh..." he was more than a little stunned and he finally shook his head. "i can't take them. you've seen the people i live with, they'd get damaged or destroyed or 'borrowed'." he shook his head. "they're much safer here..." he assured her. "just promise to let me come drool on them from time to time?"
he pleaded looking hopeful.

Loki snorted a little. "unfortunately, he would happily 'pop a cap in my ass' if i tried such a thing." he admitted with a smirk. "i like nothing about the people or the places i am forced to interact with." he stated with a sniff. "i did insult your AI. it was a difficult, and enjoyable undertaking." he lied with a smirk. "for a computer, it is exceptionally thick skinned." he admitted as he examined the tiny toddler. "lets see. three years ago she died... he must not have known she was pregnant at the time so she couldn't have been more than a month or two along. around seven to nine months of pregnancy the little sprog must be about a year and a half, possibly two to two and a half... it's a cute little thing to be sure. good genetics." Loki admitted as he examined the tiny creature. "i called it a 'good for nothing scrap heap with flawed coding." Loki lied with a smirk. "it did not take the insult well." he admitted as Steve walked in. "what's up?" "Clint has a child." Loki stated bluntly and Steve paused and stared at them. "...i'm sorry... repeat that?" "Clint has a child." "...." "we ned to know if we need to tell him or not..." "...no. don't tell him. not yet anyway." Steve ordered. "they only just met again, give Elena a few weeks to regain her trust in him. if he hasn't found out in... two months or so, we'll.... I[/i] Will tell him. telling him now would shatter any chance they have of trusting each other, and it will damage our relationship with him too."
Elena flushed brightly at the look he was giving her, swallowing hard. “I did.Even had dinner with him. It seems he’s partial to having dinner with beautiful women who want to beg him for things.”She snickered looking amused as she watched him practically hyperventilate, flushing brighter as she remembered exactly what this kind of excitement usually lead to. Biting her lip a little she smiled as he inspected the case, rolling her eyes.”Yea, definitely to many sharp edges.”She smiled before flushing brighter at his words. “I-I just needed something. I lost the ones you’d given me, and I didn’t want to go to SHIELD to get what I left there...so I replaced most of my collection...Though Hannibal was the last.”She muttered blushing because she realized that if she’d simply had the balls to risk running into him, this whole coverup with shield would have been over sooner, but it was okay. They had a second chance again. Grinning at his words she nodded.”Of course. Since you drooling over them here, means you have to come visit me.”She teased looking amused.”And you’re right, I wouldn’t trust the people you’re living with either. They’d get used in a lab expriement or something equally nefarious with Stark.”She snickered relaxed, content in his company, and trying really really hard not to think about him humping things. Cause while she’d been the one to bring it up, she so didn’t want to think about it yet.

Tony grinned listening to the man, before frowning at him.”...You are such a bastard.Be nice to jarvis.”he ordered before smiling as he inspected the toddler himself, nodding. “Probably about 2 now.”Tony said looking at the toddler before laughing. “It is cute. Not that we’re ever telling clint or elena that. They might think I find them cute or something, and that’d just be scarring.”He snorted amused before looking at steve. “Clint Barton has a kid.”Tony repeated showing him the picture before smirking a little. “We’re failing at the social norms. We need to know waht to do.”he said before huffing out a sigh. “But shouldn’t we tell him?I mean, he’s going to be pissed if he finds out we knew and didn’t say anything. And shouldn’t she have told him?I mean, yes its awkward, but he should know.”Tony said digging his heels in about telling clint simply because he was worried about how the archer would react the longer time past and no one told him.
he was nearly salivating now. "if i where to wear a wig and a dress do you think he'd have dinner with me?" he asked hopefully. "i'd even let him get to second base!" he stated, laughter dancing in his eyes. "he'd get a hell of a shock though i suppose." he blinked, looking surprised. "you left everything you had at Shield Headquarters? do you want me to make Steve go and get your things?" he asked, looking concerned. "i'm so sorry i never looked more into what had happened..." he admitted with a sigh. "if i had just..." he shook his head. "oh yes, i'll visit everyday, just to Drool over... books." he teased with a chuckle. "Loki would probobly turn them into something foul." Clint admitted with a shake of his head. "can you beleive that bastard is actually getting along with us?" he asked, looking vaguely disturbed. "he pretends to hate it here, but honestly, i think he loves living on earth, pestering me into insanity." he admitted, scraping his empty plate and blinking in shock as he realized his plate was empty. "oh...."

Loki smirked. "i refuse. and besides, he started it. he called me a smurf!" he complained. "well... aren't all babies supposed to be cute?" he asked curiously. "besides, Clint is cute... sort of." he admitted with a shrug. "no we shouldn't tell him. Elena is a single mother, she has to focus on what's good for her child, not what's nice for her. she needs to know that Clint can be a good father, and a stable partner before she can tell him. and he needs time to readjust himself to her being alive, and open up the parts of him he tried to brutally kill when he thought she was dead." Steve explained. "we'll of course, be honest with him if he finds out we knew, and tell him we wanted Elena to have the chance to come clean herself so we didn't break any trust. he'll be a bit miffed, but he'll forgive us after a few days of sulking." Steve explained. "i promise, if she doesn't tell him then we will. but not for a few weeks at least. they need time to trust each other again."
“....I could just introduce you, you know. I did get his number as he collects books, and wanted me to keep a eye out for some for him.”She stared at him, laughing quietly at his idea of a date before wincing. Nodding a little. “I did...I couldn’t...didn’t want to go get them.”She muttered shrugging a little before sighing. “If you want to have him get the books and the jewelry I left there, it’d be nice, but don’t if it’d be a bother to him.”She said before wincing at his sigh, “No. Clint, don’t blame yourself...you were on the comm with me, and saw the dead man’s switch blow. It’s...it was a miracle it really didn’t kill me...and even then, it left me memory-less for months.”She said shuddering a little because it had been truly freaky watching her stomach curve out with her son, and have no idea who the father was, or who she was. Giggling a little at his words she let the mood go, grinning. “Just the books huh?”she smirked a little before laughing. “He’s a god of mischief. Of course he’s enjoying the tower. You five have to be the biggest mischief makers in the city.”She teased before smiling, amused as she finished her own food. “So glad I can still cook what you like.”She teased though looking a little sad, not ready for him to go, even if their lunch was over.

“You are a smurf.Sometimes anyways.”Tony smirked before shrugging.”They’re supposed to be, but not all kids are.”He said before looking at loki, raising a eyebrow. “Is there something you want to tell me about finding Clint cute?I mean, you do let him beat on you fairly often.”Tony scowled a little before looking at Steve, sighing quietly. “Fine. We’ll not tell him. But if this blows up in our faces, remember I tried to tell him.”Tony sulked because he had a bad feeling about this, but was willing to let steve’s good sense overrule him.
he grinned impishly at her. "you'll help me learn how to walk in heals right?" he asked with a grin. "i understand." he admitted softly. "besides, Steve would love a chance to do something useful, he's a good guy like that. it's still in the room you had right? 20406?" it was amazing that Clint remembered that. "....it was horrible... listening to you scream before it just... went still and silent.." he shuddered violently. "well, i might drool over your amazing cooking too." he agreed with an impish grin. not willing to cross that line into flirting just yet. "...good point." he muttered with a sigh. "unfortunately, i'm pretty sure he's been doing something to Jarvis." he admitted with a scowl. "i hope he's not gearing up for a big prank... i HATE those..." he admitted before he smiled at her. "considering i still can't cook." he admitted, hesitating before. "would you... maybe... like to go for a walk with me?" he asked hopefully.

"...i'm going to turn you into a slug." Loki threatened his eyes narrowed. "and then i'm going to use you for fish bait." he blinked a little. "there are ugly children?" he asked, looking astonished. "i didn't know it was possible... of course. my children where all gorgeous and perfect." he admitted with a smile. "if it blows up in our faces, punished or not, i'm getting the hell out of here." Loki admitted with a shake of his head. "we'll make Steve deal with it." "...gee thanks. it won't blow up."
“Oh yes. You’d look good in heels.”She snickered a little before nodding. “Yea, it should be. And yea, 20406.”She said looking startled that he’d remembered, flinching slightly. “I’m sorry.”She muttered before swallowing hard laughing, glad taht despite the edge of sexual tension there, they weren’t crossing that line into outright flirting yet. Willing to just be with him. “Well, I’m sure I can have food here for you to.”She said smiling raising a eyebrow. “...I think I’m very glad I live all the way here in brooklyn, where pranks wont cause me any harm.”She snickered at the idea before smiling at him.”Yea. Let me go grab a jacket and the keys for the shop. I’ll meet you downstairs.”She smiled before scampering upstairs, pausing only long enough to talk to the babysitter and grab her sunglasses and jacket before heading back downstairs, stopping herself from running down them. Refusing to act like a teenager going on her first date. Swallowing hard she smiled as she pulled the jacket on, locking the door behind them as they walked downstairs.”So, where did yo uwant to go?”she asked, smiling at him a little.

“It would be more threatening, if I didn’t know you liked me. I mean, everyone likes me. But you like-like me, cause I’m just so amazing at sex like that, that even the gender I’m not attracted to, wants me.”-oh poor tony, and his denial- “There are. And I’ve heard stories about your kids, not quite sure if a horse and wolf are what you’d call perfect.”he teased, the words softened instead of a insult by the teasing smile on his lips. “You’re welcome. And I agree, if it does, Capsicle can handle it.”he smirked before getting up.
he grinned. "i would look good in heals. a little makeup." he agreed with a snicker. "you're not the one who needs to be sorry. don't you ever apologize for that." he ordered softly before he grinned at her. "oh, no don't think you'll get out of it. i'll make sure to invite you tot he tower on a regular basis so you can be pranked too." he promised with a snicker. "alright, i'll see you downstairs." he promised, standing up and looking at the rare books one last time before amusing himself by selecting a few Crime Novels to buy when they returned. "...uh.. go? right, we need a destination.. i hadn't thought that far ahead..." he admitted sheepishly. "uhm. we could go...uh... museum?" he offered, wondering if there was one around there. "oh! the Brooklyn Zoo! lets go there!" he decided happily. "i'll buy you too many stuffed animals like i did when we where in training!" he decided with a smirk. "well... you where in training anyway." he'd always been an agent. his father had been an agent and he'd been raised as one. but he'd been her trainer nearly from the start, and if she was feeling overwhelmed he often did silly things to make her feel better. like winning at every single carnival game just to prove he could do it and annoy the carnies. Clint hated carnies almost as much as he hated clowns.

Loki snorted a little. "i don't like you at all, i just think you have a cute ass and you're sexy... well, you're sexy when your mouth is shut anyway. or full of something." he teased with a smirk. "Denial." he teased as he moved around and pressed his chest into Tony's back. "admit it stark." he whispered, his breath tickling the others ear. "you want me." he purred before he was suddenly gone from Tony's back and sitting innocently on the edge of the desk when Steve glanced at them. as if nothing had happened. "my child is NOT a Wolf. where the hell did you get that idea?" he demanded, looking honestly puzzled. "he is Fenrir, the White Wolf, Marquis of the Royal army. he's called the White Wolf because of his power, and his tenacity." he admitted. "and Sleipnir is known as the Stallion of the Eight legs because of his unique ability to run for days on end, faster than anyone else... he also has a nasty habit of kicking a persons ribs in if they annoy him." he admitted. "they are magical like myself, shapeshifters. they can take any form they desire." he admitted with a smile as he got up as well and followed Tony. "so. shall i show you just what a God can do Tony?" Loki purred, pressing himself much too close to Tony again.
“Noooo.I should get out of it. I suffered through a gay man flirting with me so he could deny he wants the godling. Please, spare me the pranks.”Elena whined looking amused though, pausing at the bottom of the stairs to watch him for a few moments, smiling gently watching him. Smirking at his words, “Me either. We could-Oh!The zoo would be great. I love the zoo. It’s close.”She smiled happily as she directed him down the street, the zoo and park being close had been one of the pluses of moving into brooklyn here, places for a child. Laughing a little at his words. “You always did like winning those stupid games.”She rolled her eyes as they walked, smiling as she paid for their tickets in. “Alone today?”The ticket taker smiled before tilting her head in curiousity at clint, looking around as if looking for the missing child.“Nope. Just a date.Come on.”Elena said tugging Clint’s arm as they walked into the gates, not about to give him time to consider she’d spent enough time here, with someone, for the workers to recognize it was weird that she wasn’t with them.

“Am not.”Tony growled shuddering a little as the other leaned into him, tensing slightly. “I do not....well. Unless you count imagining you as a woman. Then yes.”He growled over his shoulder looking annoyed. “...Norse mythology. And...that’s awesome. I kinda want to meet them both now...”Tony said looking thoughtful and wondering just how else the myths had gotten wrong before turning away from the tool chest he was opening, looking up at the man, side stepping to get away. “Only if you’re going to indulge my kink and be a woman for the night.”So, so deep in denial.
he smirked a little. "Tony's not gay, he's Bi-sexual." he pointed out. "if he was Gay, he wouldn't be able to have sex with girls..." he pointed out. "he just hasn't realized it yet, that's all." he admitted with a smirk. "Tony will submit to Loki's desires." he admitted with a snicker. "and then he'll bitch about it for forever and then give in again. eventually he'll admit he likes men." he admitted with a chuckle. "i do like winning those games." he admitted with a smirk. though he hadn't been to a carnival, zoo, or fun park since. "you come here often?" he asked with a smile. "you must have a Dog right? you should have brought it with." he stated with a smile. "i like dogs... Cats make me sneeze though." he admitted, coming to his own conclusion about the man's comment. he knew she wasn't dating anyone or she would have told him instead of offering to try. "you always did love animals. are the Red pandas still your favorites?" those had been HIS favorites!

"are too." he purred smirking a little as the other tensed. "why should i become a woman Stark? after all, to do so would mean giving up my cock. and being that i am, without a doubt, a male, i find that incredibly unnerving, to say the least." he admitted with a smirk. "it's being very unfair of you to make me give up my most important part of my body." he pointed out with a smirk as he wrapped his arms around Tony, pressing his hips against the others ass with a sigh as he pressed one hand against Tony's crotch, the other holding Tony's chest. "come now. how long has it been since someone touched you Tony? since someone has Worshiped your body?" he asked, breathless in tony's ear, tone seductive. "how long has it been since you've just given in, and let yourself FEEL? i have been having sex for thousands of years tony... can you imagine the levels of pleasure i might be able to afford you?"
“He’s still in denial and being a pain in the ass. I listened to him ramble for a hour Clint, A HOUR, and still didn’t get to the topic I wanted to know about.”Elena whined making a face. “We’ll have to go out to coney island when it gets warmer. I love going out there.”She smiled a little before nodding. “Usually in the evening. It’s quieter. And no, no dog, but I’ve been thinking of getting one.”She said ghosting past who she came with, really, before laughing, easily side stepping the question of who she came with. “Hey, those were YOUR favorites. I loved the snow leopards.”She smiled even though she was walking towards the red panda exhibit, falling back onto years worth of working with him, being with him, just wanting to please him, and as such, she usually let them do what she thought he wanted first. Which was visit the pandas, and hopefully he’d forget about who she came to the zoo with.

“Because you’d make a amazing woman.”Tony hummed looking pleased, amused. Tensing a little as the other wrapped his arms around him, he shuddered, closing his eyes as his hips rocked a little into the other’s hand, showing that despite dragging people home with him, it really had been a long time since he’d given in. Because while he tried, the man hadn’t quite gotten over pepper, and no matter how hard he tried to move on, to screw everything in sight, he usually ended up doing exactly what he’d done to Elena. Talking and drinking, instead of fucking them into the nearest surface. So it was nearly 6 months, since pepper had walked out on him, since he’d had someone touch him, much less had sex. “....You could make me forget?”The billionaire said, his voice quiet and breathy, giving in, because with the god pressed against his back, there was no other choice, even if he knew loki would stop if he asked, he didn’t want to....because more then anything, he wanted to forget the hole pepper had left in his heart, a hole he’d tried to fill with alcohol and sex, and failing so spectacularly. Maybe sex with a god was what he needed.
he chuckled a little. "yes. i noticed." he teased with a grin. "i honestly don't think he was ever going to get around to having sex with you." astonishingly, there wasn't a drop of jealousy there. "he's been pretty messed up since Pep left him." he admitted. "Coney Island?" he asked curiously. "yeah, we should totally go there." he agreed with a grin. somehow, he'd never managed to go there, even with her he'd never made it to Coney Island. "yes, yes they where." he admitted with an impish grin as he paused. there was a sobbing child sitting next to the monkey cage. "hold on..." he muttered, moving over to the little girl, who had a skinned knee and a torn dress. in a matter of a minute, Clint had her calmed down and giggling as he gently cleaned her knee with his carry along first aid kit, which he never left without. he was gentle, soothing, calm, and looked every bit the doting father as he gently bandaged her knee and picked her up. her name was 'mamanda' which he figured meant Miranda. and she was two and a HALF and she had fallen and gotten separated from her mommy. he offered her bad knock Knock jokes and carried her on his shoulders to the 'lost child' area where he waited with her until her mother appeared. showing that he was really very good with children.

Loki snorted. "i make an amazing everything." he purred playfully as his fingers tightened a little more on Tony's cock as his other hand reached up and stroked a pale, pink nipple through the cloth of his clothes. "oh i could do more than just make you forget." he whispered. "i could make you stop thinking all together." he breathed, grinning. "come, Stark. just one little word. one word of consent and i will have you screaming in vliss and pleasure for as long as you can stay awake through it." he whispered. "and when you wake, i will do it again. i will take you, and you will take me, and we will fuck hard and fast, and slow and long until we are both so sullied we cannot even look another int eh eyes." he whispered with a smirk. God of chaos, prankster, evil villain or not... he would not rape someone. molest them a little, sure. but he would never rape them, he needed Tony to tell him it was alright, needed Tony to consent.
“Yea, coney island. You live in the city, you should go there.”She snickered a little looking amused. “Okay...”She stopped her face going a little soft, smiling a little as she watched him help the little girl, following after him. “Hey sweetheart.”She smiled a little talking to her just as gentle and easy as clint was, content to just help the girl as they waited. Smiling pleased as the child’s mother appeared, smiling as they handed her over. Her quiet anxiety twisting her features as she watched him, anxious because she wanted, needed to trust him. And even after seeing him with the girl, she was struggling to trust him. And it helped, seeing him like that, but...swallowing past the anxiety that choked her she bumped her shoulder into his. “Come on. We’ll go see the pandas. Then I really should get back to the shop.”She smiled, and not because she really needed to get to work, but she needed time, the anxious fear of telling him making her actually nauseous at the idea of telling him, but after seeing him with the girl, and her own past experience with how very good he could be, she wanted to trust him. But it was still hard. And she needed time to think.

Tony moaned softly, closing his eyes as he slumped over the workbench, resting his forearms on the table to brace himself, shuddering a little. “Yes.”he muttered quietly letting his head hang, giving in, needing to forget more then anything else. And he knew beyond a doubt, sleeping with loki would do that....if only because it would open a whole new emotional minefield for him to deal with.
he chuckled a little and shrugged. "never really saw the need after..." he cleared his throat and then turned his attention to the little girl. who was indeed Miranda. "Elena? are you alright?" he asked, worried about the expression on her face. "we'll see the clouded leopards too, and then i'll escort you back to the bookstore so i can pay for those Crime Novels that i want." he promised. "and... maybe we could do this again sometime soon? i had a great time." he admitted. "it's nice having you back. even if it's not the same as before. i think... i think we could have something bigger, deeper this time. whether it's as lovers, freinds, or siblings i don't care." he admitted, smiling at her. "just so long as i can keep you." he'd always been good at those heart touching words.

Loki grinned as Tony slumped,as he gave in. "good boy." Loki whispered, slowly lowering the others pants and rubbing thos slender hips, breathing slowly as he ran his fingers up and down Tony's legs and inner thighs. "come." he ordered softly. "to a bedroom. you will get cramps trying to keep this kind of position, and i cannot ride you in here." he admitted, wrapping an arm around Tony's hips as the worls swam and seamed to tighten around them before the world returned, revealing that they where in Tony's room. "i figured you might be more comfortable here." he purred as he laid Tony out, on his back on the bed and slowly stripped him, licking and tasting every inch of flesh he came across.
Elena swallowed hard, offering him a small smile. “I’m fine.Just thinking to hard.”She said looking shaken though, even if she was trying to hide just how shaken. Grinning wider she nodded. “Sounds good to me.”She smiled as they walked towards the exhibits, trying to force herself to be calm, to not be scared out of her mind about telling him. Her smile widening a little, “I would like that. This has been fun.”She smiled stepping closer, bumping her shoulder against his, closing her eyes for a moment, just enjoying his words, even if she was still worried about what was going to be going on as soon as she got the nerve to tell him. Pausing at his side, she offered him a small nervous smile, “...I...I’m trying, Clint. I really am. Want to trust....”She said looking frustrated with herself, simply because no matter how logically she knew she was doing the right thing, relearning how to be with him, and knowing he understood her hesitance, the woman was also so deathly afraid of what he was going to do when he found out, and it left her unsteady and stumbling.

Tony moaned softly as the other touched him, closing his eyes, startling a little at his words.”Hm?Whoever said you were topping?”He muttered wincing a little as he was transported, the world tilting a little weirdly for him for a moment before focusing on the man in front of him, moaning quietly as he laid back on the bed,shivering. “...you’re good at that....”He groaned his mind starting to short out as loki licked him. Refusing to think about the ramifications of sleeping with loki, just focusing on how good it felt, and exactly how much he wanted to forget.
Clint smiled. "well, don't burn anything." he teased with a small worried smile. "hey..." he whispered, gently catching her hand. "it's alright. really it is. it's been hard for both of us, we're both trying to find our feet. i know you have your secrets and did some things you might be ashamed of because i do and have too." he assured her. "we'll go slow, get used to each other again, and then we can start opening up. ok?" he offered her with a smile, wondering if he needed to tell her about Natasha or not? he knew Natasha wouldn't care about him 'leaving' her. he wasn't her only 'fuck buddy'. but did he need to let Elena know? he needed to talk to Bruce... or maybe Steve.

Loki chuckled a little. "i did. i wish for you to be positively limp with pleasure." he admitted with a chuckle as he suckled and kissed and licked and nibbled all the way down tony's body until, entirly without warning, he sucked every centimeter of the others cock into his mouth and with experienced lips, sucked Tony off. "let's see how many times i can make you cum." Loki purred with a smirk as he lowered his head, and did utterly obscene things with his tongue in Tony's ass. he took Tony once, rode Tony once, and let Tony fuck him twice. all in all it was a delightful fuckfest for both men and Loki grinned as he watched Tony after the end of the marathon, his head tilted. "and how do you feel now. or should i wait for morning to ask that?"
“I’m not you. I spent alot of time thinking, no burning circuits over here.”She teased back, relaxing a little before sighing, letting him catch her hand. Nearly slumping in relief and shame that she’d gotten so worked up, shuddering a little.”Okay.Just....bear with me if I freak out again okay? I’m horrible with stress you know.”She muttered before stepping closer, sliding her arms around him, leaning against his chest, just wanting the hug. Relaxing as she just held him before stepping back, smiling sadly as she stepped back.”Let’s get out of here.”She said smiling a little, wanting her own space, to be somewhere that she was comfortable, and more importnatly, she wanted to see their son.

Tony indeed was melting into the bed with boneless pleasure by the end, aond it took a moment for the genius to figure out how to talk, yawning.”Morning.”Tony ordered even as he slung a arm around loki’ swaist, trapping the god with him, not about to let him leave. Snuggling down into the bed, for the first time in a long time, simply falling asleep. But when Loki got up the next morning, tony had already fled the bed, his own issues pushing him to get up, and he was down in the gym with steve, as was his usual course of working out when he was avoiding things. And trying to beat up the good captain when everyone knew steve was more then capable of kicking him around the room if he wanted to, was a good way of working out the confused frustrated energy enough to go down to the lab and get some work done without making them worry about him hurting himself using a torch. Accidently burn himself once, just once, so badly it required medical attention, and all his team did was fuss. Granted he’d been wickedly upset at the time but still...."have you talked to clint since hr got back yesterday?"tony asked panting as he jabbed at steve,working off the frustration and confusion he felt at sleeping with loki....and his genuine curiosity to know hoe clint's date went.trying really hard to not think about if he might have possibly hurt loki's feeling by bolting...yep definitely not thinking about that,no matter how many times he had to tell himself he wasn't thinking about it
he snorted a little and offered her a small pout. "my circuits are fine!" he complained with a roll of his eyes. "i'll bare with you if you panic again." he promised with a chuckle, tensing as she hugged him before relaxing and wrapping his arms around her. holding her felt so good. so right. he hadn't been hugged since she'd 'died'. "yeah." he agreed, letting her pull away and leading her to the bookstore, wondering why his heart hurt. "how much for my books?" he asked, already digging through his wallet so he could buy his selection of books. he also had an idea, a book he had noticed was missing from her collection. one she had loved dearly. he was going to have to talk to Jarvis.

Loki chuckled a little as he smiled. "very well." he purred, giving Tony one last kiss. he knew, without a doubt, that Tony wasn't going to be in the bed with him once he woke up. he was right, and he didn't mind. not in the least. it made leaving a present behind all the easier. with a few 'orders' to Jarvis, and a new lesson to learn. this time he was supposed to move and manipulate the TV remote. then, once Jarvis could do something as complicated as that, they'd move on to illusions.

"Clint? No. he's been holed up in his room talking to Jarvis, but he had this big grin on his face so i think it went well. i'm glad he's stopped trying to kill his emotions." Steve admitted. "it's creepy, when he looks at you with those dead eyes." he admitted with a shake of his head as he let Tony land the hit. it barely hurt, and he was pretty sure Tony had just bruised his fingers. "i know they went to the Zoo. Clint helped a little girl find her mother. Elena practically had a meltdown. it was all caught on camera at the Zoo, Jarvis showed it to me. i honestly don't think she's going to last a full week before she tells him." Steve admitted with a chuckle as he tapped Tony's shoulder... of course, a tap to him was a punch to others, which was why he was wearing padding, heavy padding on his fists.
Elena smiled tilting her head a little."uh 20 for it all."she smiled looking happy though,espite her meltdown to just be able to give hims omething he'd like,even if he was paying for it."bye clint."she smiled watching him go.

"..why is everyone else talking to my ai more thrn I do?"tony whined a little though he did look pleased that clint's date went well before looking curious and reljeved."really?well good.she should tell him soon."tony said looking pleased with the idea that both she'd tell him and that clint had had a good date.growling a little at the "tap" he made a face smiling a little."one day I'm going to put on the suit and clobber you cap. Fighting fair and all that."he snickered a little.
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