Missing Parts(lady/moon)

“Good. Really, that’s the best thing for me. Not having to remember anything, beyond showing up for meetings, and the team’s stuff.’He sadi looking thoughtful ebfore wincing a little. “Ah...yea. I can see how that would freak you out a bit. Most humans who DO know he runs the house, still finds him a little freaky.”He said smiling a little before looking down at himself. “Oh.Yea..Changing would be good. Do my clothes to.”He ordered shuddering a little as his clothes changed, heading down to the lab with loki, settling at his work bench, summoning a screen and starting to fiddle with a new phone for loki.

“I know, but it’s not worth going to jail and not seeing Alex over.”She pointed out. “Okay...”She bit her lip before opening the door, smirking a little.”To bad. Some eye candy would have been wort hseeing.”She teased a little stepping into his arms, pressing her face into his chest. Shuddering a little. “I wont lose you again either....”She muttered back, a tinge of guilt to her words, blaming herself for not only not trying hard enough to see him, but for his pain. Shuddering she tightened her grip on the back of his shirt, not about to let go before leaning back to look up at him, biting her lip. Looking unsure and unsteady, as if considering something.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "yes. though i might make an effort to do things for your birthday at least." he admitted with a smile. "now. before i forget. that party we're having tomorrow for Barton and his woman..." it was kind of funny how Loki swapped between calling them by name and calling them by last name and names. as if he wasn't sure if he wanted to like them or not. "it is a surprise right?" he asked curiously. "they don't know?" he asked as he flicked his fingers at Tony, dressing the man in the clothing Tony preferred. he smiled as he watched Tony work before he went to his own little 'thinking space', planning out his next magical experiment.

he sighed a little. "i know... but, you are aware that no court would have faulted me a momentary lapse of sanity? he made me think you where DEAD. i highly doubt a judge would have been too harsh with me." he pointed out. "no i can't shoot him dead because then it would be premeditated." he complained with a sulk. "eye candy?" he asked, blinking down at himself. "oh well go back outside and i'll strip down and let you walk in on me undressed." he decided with a smile as he wrapped his arms around her with a sigh. "what is it? whats wrong?"
“Yes it is. I’m so proud of you for not mentioning it to them.”Tony teased as he settled in to designing the phone, a slight frown on his face. “And no, they’d dont know. Hopefully they just keep talking to each other instead of wondering why the team’s all going shopping today.”Tony snickered because he knew that while they hadn’t gone over the top, the team was going out and getting small things for the couple, things for them instead of stuff for alex.

“I know, but it’s not worth it when you’re planning it.”She pointed out before smirking, “It amuses me that you forget you’re that good looking. It’s like Stark’s got the world’s best men living with him. You. Thor. Cap. Himself. It’s a girl’s dream to walk in on you guys naked.”She teased a little before smirking. “I think I kinda want to....”She muttered in response to his suggestion before flushing a little, raising a hand to touch his cheek, “Nothing...just thinking...”She muttered looking torn before leaning up to kiss him softly, unsure.Despite their talking, sure she was going to be rejected, a fear born from those months she'd felt alex growing in her, and held her newborn son, only to have fury's clint tear her apart.
Loki smirked a little. "i am the god of LIES, Tony. secretes are a sort of lie you know." he pointed out with a chuckle. "i already have Barton's gift." he admitted. "i need to pick up the woman's however." he admitted with a smile. "i do think she's going to like it." he admitted with a chuckle. "i did get something for Alex as well. though i am unsure if i should..." he admitted. "still, he is entering a home here as well." he admitted. "and i don't want him to be upset that his mother and father are getting presents and he isn't."

he nodded and smiled a little. "i'm not used to people flirting with me unfortunately. while i might be sexy, my...attitude of the last years have killed any chance that someone might want to seduce me." he admitted with a chuckle. "besides, you saw us plenty naked at the pool." he teased with a chuckle before he blinked at her. "oh." he breathed before deepening the Kiss, pulling her tight to him and bending slightly so she didn't have to strain to reach him. he gloried in the contact and gasped as he felt unfamiliar lust raging through his body. "wait... oh my god. we can't. Alex might wake up any minute." he panted, eyes burning with desire. "and i really don't want to have to explain the birds and the bees to him just yet." he muttered even as he kissed her neck. "tonight. after he's in bed, i'll let you do whatever you want to me." he whispered, voice full of lust and promise.
“I know, but it’s still amusing.”Tony rolled his eyes as he spun the phone in his hands he’d been working on, looking at the simple clear glass, though it was as high tech as his normal phones with the holograph glass, it was a simple dial phone, with the option of texting, with options to add more as loki wanted to. Studying the blue print for it before starting to craft it. “I’m making something for the kid to. I figured he’s moving in, might as well.”He shrugged, his smirk wide and amused, oh yea, clint was going to kill him for his present, but it was so, so going to be worth it.

“Ah...well. I already knew you were horrible.”She teased looking up at him, smirking. “So I did. And Tony’s right about Cap’s ass. You could bounce a quarter off it.”She snickered, teasing him just as much as she was being truthful. Actually amused at the idea of tony setting steve up with someone. Shuddering as he pulled her against him, hands finding his shoulders as he bent down, holding on as she trembled a little, staring up at him, panting before cursing quietly.”Damn.”She muttered shuddering as his lips brushed her neck.”Hm, there’s so many things.”She muttered squirming back, wincing a little as alex’s voice floated through the air, a demand for attention and to play.
he grinned a little and nodded. "i suppose so. about as amusing as me being the god of both Fire and Ice." he mused, chuckling a little as he wiggled his fingers this way and that, more to himself than anything else.

he chuckled a little and nodded. "i am, terrible, awful even." he admitted before frowning, confused. "...you can't bounce a quarter off of anyone's ass?" he asked, baffled. that was one reason why Bruce was such a great partner. he didn't get jealous easily. oh he'd be pissed if Elena went and slept with someone else, but being Bi-sexual he was more likely to compare asses with Elena than get jealous that she was looking at other men. he delighted in the kiss anyway and chuckled a little as she cursed. "i'll even let you tie me up." he teased as he headed for Alex, picking the boy up and tickling him. "so, have a good nap Little Man? don't you feel much better?" he asked with a grin, knowing if he proved that naps where good, the lesson would stick. "so Little Man, i was thinking." Clint commented. "how about i teach you how to read?" he offered with a smile. "and maybe some math too? how high can you count?" he asked playfully. this would give Elena a chance to calm herself down.
“That is fairly amusing.”Tony snickered as he worked settling in, content just in the god’s company. For once, actually forgetting that there was company in the lab.

“...Urgh.You know, you can, but it’s the whole bedsheet military tight corners thing, it’s a saying. It just means he has a really, really tight ass...I mean...I kinda wanna take a bite out of it...after yours of course.”Elena snickered pleased that they were slipping easily back into their casual observation of good looking people. “I do.”Alex agreed smiling happily as he squealed in laughter, before calming, looking pleased before nodding. “I would like that. I can count to ten!”Alex said pleased. Elena smiled turning to watch them, amused to see the boys so happy with each other.

That evening Elena smiled as she rested her hip against the balcony railing, staring out over the city, watching the lightening streak across the sky as it rained “He down?”She muttered turning to look at clint as he joined her, amused and sad that her son had demanded clint read his bedtime story instead of her. She knew it was stupid, but she was hurt by the boy’s desire, even if she knew it was just because clint was a new part of his life, and wanted attention. Smiling slightly as she looked at him, trying hard to not let her thoughts get to out of control. She’d let herself slip earlier, she wasn’t sure sex would be a good idea, but willing to see where it played out.

“Loki?”Tony muttered as he stood, stretching from the bench he was sitting on, walking over and nudging the almost drowsing god, giving him a almost fond smile. “Time to go to bed.”
he blinked a little. "oh... right. well he does have a sexy ass." he agreed with a nod. "i doubt he'd be into biting though, straight laced guy like that." he admitted with a laugh as he headed off to give Alex some lessons until Dinner, then played with him until bedtime. looking quite harried by the time he joined her on the balcony. "yeah... i know i'm new and exciting and all but he could have let me take a break." he groaned, looking amused. "i can't wait until i'm boring and he starts going to you for things again." he admitted with a chuckle. "god i'm tired." he groaned. "...by the way, remind me to hit Tony later... hard. i had to explain to Alex that 'bastard' was not an appropriate word to use." he admitted with a sigh. "listen... i know i... said you could do anything to me but... i think... i think it's still too soon.. for the both of us..." he admitted, looking anxious and worried. "i... i can't... give you my heart back yet... it still hurts and... and i don't want to have sex with you again until the emotional stuff is settled because i... i don't want to break what we're rebuilding..."

Loki twitched and then blinked slowly, confused as he looked around. "...Lab, right..." Loki muttered. "i must have dozed off, i'm sorry." he muttered with a yawn and a stretch. Loki actually looked rather human when he was half asleep. "did everyone get their shopping done?" he asked, rubbing his eyes as he headed for the stairs with Tony.
“Hm, no he couldn’t. He likes you. Wants to spend time with you.”She smirked a little. “Though if we’re really cruel, we could leave him with Tony, because Iron man’s pretty and you could use a break.”She giggled a little before smiling. “Now you know how I’ve felt. So tired alot.”She smiled a little before her mouth fell open a little. Staring at him. “Yes. You’re going to have to hit him. That’s...urgh.That’s almost as bad as he wanted to know what fucking meant.”She grumbled before looking at him, a bit of desire in her eyes, but most of all, relief. “Oh thank god.I’m glad I’m not the only one who was having second thoughts once I had time to think it over.”She smiled before nodding. “It’s...it still hurts. To much. I mean, yea we could have sex, and enjoy it, but we have alex to think about. We can’t afford to break things...and I really, really want to figure this out clint .I want to be with you.”She smiled stepping away from the balcony railing, stepping into his arms, wrapping a arm around his waist in a hug before stepping back. “we better get some sleep.”She said not looking upset or anything about not having sex, but she truly was relieved that he was thinking about their relationship, about what it would do to them if they rushed things. And they couldn’t do it.

“It’s okay.”Tony smiled looking amused, and the smile that was one his lips was fond as he watched the almost human god of lies. “They did. Everything’s ready, so we’ll have a party. Come on. You need to sleep.”he said tired enough himself to not even realize that he shuffled loki into his bedroom instead of loki’s room, stripping down to his boxers before flopping into bed and pulling the other down with him
he chuckled a little. "i'll do that tomorrow." he agreed. "but Tony can't be left alone with him. they need adult supervision." he pointed out. "Loki would be willing to babysit them i'm sure." he admitted with a grin before he nodded. "it could have been Loki, or Natasha, but they've gotten a good lid on their language since Steve moved in." he admitted. "so it was probobly Tony... My Dad used to have this thing called a swear jar. if someone swore in front of me, they had to pay up. it graduated from a quarter to a twenty when it failed to work properly the first time..." he grinned. "we went to Disneyland that year." he admitted before he sagged in relief that she wasn't mad at him. "hormones aren't thinking for us now. i mean, i want you, a lot, you look so fucking sexy it hurts... but... more than that, i want to look at you, and know that you re, without a doubt, mine before we go back into a physical relationship. and if we can't have that, then i don't want to ruin a good friendship by having sex with you." he admitted as he wrapped his arms tightly around her. "yeah, i'm tired." he admitted with a sigh as he kissed her forehead. jsut as he had always done, and headed into his own room to collapse into his hammock.

Loki nodded a little, sluggish and sleepy he wasn't even aware that he wasn't being led into his ow room. "hmmm, good." he mumbled. "i'll make cupcakes. i'm good at those now. i can make all kinds." he mumbled, not even bothering to undress. he just let himself be pulled into bed and was out like a light. when Tony woke up, Loki was gone, but there was a single red rose laying next to Tony, the thorns all picked off. Loki was actually in the kitchen, reading a book about 'Higher particle transmogrification' which three dozen cupcakes made themselves. chocolate, vanilla, red velvet, marble, strawberry and mudslide cupcakes swirled around him, making themselves, frosting themselves, and decorating themselves while he 'studied'.
“Of course not. He’s never done it before.And he probably would.”Elena said smiling a little before snickering. “Probably tony then.”She agreed before snickering. “I think we should do that. It’d be fairly funny.”She said before smiling, nodding a little. “No they’re not.”She said smiling as he hugged her, “We’ll be okay Clint.”She muttered leaning a gainst him before smiling heading for her own room.

“Good.The cupcakes will be good.”Tony smiled a little looking at the man, sighing quietly. And when he got up he snickered amused, knowing this was going to be fun. Now if they could just avoid telling them just yet.

When it was nearly six that night Tony smiled as he rode the elevator down to Clint’s floor, stepping into the apartment, grinning as Alex ran into his shins. “Hey little iron. You have dinner yet?” “No!” “Good.”Tony smiled before looking up at his parents. “Come on. We’re having dinner upstairs, and unless you two are doing the romantic thing, you’re being ordered to eat with us. Cap’s orders.”He said snickering, willing to put the team leader card to get them upstairs without telling them about the party if he had to. “....did he really?” “Yea.Apparently he’s tired of listening to setting him up with people and thinks you two will distract me.”He said absently petting alex’s head as the boy stood next to him. “Alex, you want to eat with tony?”Elena said smiling, already moving to turn off the stove where she’d been starting dinner, already knowing the answer. “Yes!”
Clint grinned as he watched Tony come in. "evening." he chirped before blinking a little at the order. "Cap is so bossy." he complained as he stood up, too used to following orders to really ignore them. if he was annoyed, sure, but a team dinner was a good idea, and Elena was tired. he thought she might like a break from cooking. "well, you are kind of mean to him Tony." Clint teased with a snicker as he scooped Alex up and dumped him into Tony's arms with a smirk. "Tony's got sitting duty!" he decided, knowing it would freak Tony out, despite the fact that everyone else would be there too.

"SURPRISE!!!" Clint had a knife out, in his hand, crouched and ready to attack when the blast of noise came. he blinked stupidly for a moment which made the people who had scared the crap out of him laugh as he flushed and straightened. "what is this?" "Housewarming party!" Steve admitted with a grin. "we figured you, Elena, and Alex could use a party to help you settle into the Tower." Loki sneered, he refused to take credit for this, so Steve was claiming it was a joint idea. "i made all kinds of food, so come eat!" he ordered with a grin. it was a massive spaghetti dinner, complete with huge piles of garlic bread and cheese sticks. the presents where piled on the counters so they wouldn't get food on them by an overly excited two year old. Clint was still sort of stunned. he hadn't realized just how much he had thought of the people around him as family. if he was a woman he'd have been crying already.
"He is.it really makes me wonder how much of 'the captain' he is in bed."tony snickered."cap is always cap!"alex chirped innocently stepping into the conversation."and I am not. He just sets himself up for so much...he told me I could set him up!"tony protested looking amused though.elena smiled swallowing the laughter that threatened at tony's panicked look as alex clung to him."this isn't a good idea birdbrain.I'll hurt him or something."tony grumbled but settled the squirming boy firmly in his arms as they headed upstairs, not even registering the words,more responding to clint's response as he fell behind him and elena to protect the boy.

Elena flushed looking startled then at tony."you could have warned us." "Its not a surprise party then.come on."tony said rolling his eyes a little as he moved to his seat,not even bothering to try to get alex to let go as he sat down.having a feeling he was stuck with him for the night. Elena swallowed hard,indeed a little misty eyed as she looked around them."thanks."she said for the first time rrally feeling welcomed by them all and not just clint. "No crying.this party is supposed to be fun."natasha smiled at the two as everyone started eating. "....unka tony,there's presents."alex said in a awed voice as he sat in tony's lap to eat, a small plate of his own.while tony was paying attention he was more relying on loki and elena,and the others to tell him if something was wrong. "There are.but you have to eat first."wow.tony stark speaking of restraint,who would have ever thought.
Clint snickered a little. "i doubt he's much of a Captain in bed." he admitted with a grin as he ruffled Alex's hair. "i think he told you that you could so you'd get bored and leave him alone Tony." he pointed out with a chuckle. "you wont hurt him, and he loves you. you're pretty remember?" he asked with a smirk. "...well it was certainly a surprise." he grumbled, shaking his head a little. "there is presents." Loki agreed with a chuckle. "for everyone." he assured the little boy. "aaw, Tony, how cute. you're being responsible!" Clint chirped with a grin as he watched his Family, all of his family eating a wonderful dinner. it was Loki who cleared the Table when everyone was done... a wave of the hand and everything was completely gone. "...Loki?... you can bring those dishes back, right?" "they've been washed and put away." "...good then." Steve muttered, annoyed that Loki kept cleaning things with magic.

it was Loki who presented his gifts first. Elena got some very impressive books. The Hobbit, and all three Lord of the Rings books. each a first edition and signed. all together they where worth more than $1500 dollars. Clint received a very impressive Bow, even the mortals could feel the Magic emanating from it. it came with a matching quiver with a set of a hundred and fifty arrows, that could, with a push of a button, be returned to him unless they where broken. there where even special magical arrows, one that employed ice, one that exploded, one that set fire to whatever it hit. Clint nearly cried again. Alex got three horse toys, a stallion, a mare, and a colt, carved from some sort of wood... only they moved. prancing around and tossing their heads and pretending to graze. it was amazing. Steve got Elena a first edition Pride and Prejudice book. it was also signed and it had been one of the first ever sold and had been passed from his grandmother, to his mother, to him. now he was giving it to Elena. Clint got an authentic WWII U.S. Marine Raider stiletto. Clint collected War memorabilia. it was very impressive. he got Alex a 'superhero kit' that came complete with a Hulk mask and gloves, a Iron man mask, glowing gloves and glowing chest piece. a fake bow and arrow, a tiny foam knife, a Cap Am mask and shield, and a 'dart gun' that shot foam 'darts'. Clint was snickering as he leaned over to whisper to Alex to make sure he didn't shoot anyone in the face. warning that if he hit them in the face he could hurt them. chest was fine of course. he did comment that Tony would make a very nice target.
“Hm, maybe. I bet he is just as bossy though.”Tony snickered a little before smirking a little. “He should have known better. This is to good to pass up.”he snickered a little before twitching.”Yea, pretty.” “Iron man pretty!Shiny.”Alex chimed a little smiling a little as he rested his head against tony’s shoulder. “...Am not. I’m just trying to eat.”Tony frowned at his friend smiling a little though.

Elena’s eyes got wider with each gift she was handed, looking amaed. Looking amused though as Alex refused to move on from the horses, clinging to them before his eyes went wide at the sight of the superhero kit, promptly trying to put everything on and sulking when he couldn’t wear iron man and the hulk all at once. Nodding at Clint’s words the boy looked serious as he settled in to plot the perfect shot. Natasha got Elena a copy of the original princess bride, with clint getting a new set of workout gloves, the hand made durable ones to use with his bow, and tony....tony was so himself. Smiling almost shyly as he handed over the slender silver bracelets, so lightweight that for a moment that you didn’t notice there was so much tech in it to drown in. “I know, I know. Didn’t keep with the themes, but I thought you might apperciate these better.”Tony muttered as Elena stared at him. “As soon as you put it on, it’s not removable, completely waterproof, and all, but it has tech in it to not only be able to give your location to stark servers, and don’t worry, I’m the only one that can trace it, it monitors vitals and makes sure your not dead or anything. Also, it keeps track of the other’s. And alex’s. So it asked, Jarvis can relay it to you.”He said looking self conscious that he’d cared enough about all three of them to allow them total access to jarvis-well, at least to be able to talk to him- simply because it would make them feel better. And that, that knowledge and need to make them feel okay, was what made elena start crying at realizing how much they cared.
Clint smirked a little. "well. he is from the twenties." he admitted with a chuckle. "women back then where sort of... property." he pointed out with a chuckle. "not that Steve would ever treat a woman poorly, but you know what i mean." he admitted with a smile, smirking at Tony. "your a terrible liar." he teased with a snicker.

Loki was trying very hard not to laugh at Alex as the boy struggled to decide which to put on first and shook his head a little as he watched Clint 'manipulate' Alex into getting revenge on Tony. Bruce had gotten Elena a collection of thirty various romance novels that he had been assured she would like, and had gotten Clint a collection of thirty various movies. the little man had gotten a massive bag of marbles and a 'marble track' to go with it. "...wow. Tony this is..." Clint had to swallow hard and he looked up at Tony. "you are so my favorite.." he stated as he picked up the smallest bracelet and slipped it onto Alex's wrist. now the boy could never be kidnapped again. or get lost. "thank you Tony... you have no idea..." he admitted, wiping his eyes before someone noticed he was actually tearing up a little.
Elena smiled from where she was sitting, her legs piled high with books, looking both touched and embarassed at them all getting them something. Finally realizing she wasn’t alone anymore. She had a home. And that went a long way to sooth the hurt in her heart, turning it back to it’s normal dull ache instead of the throbbing pain it had been after her and clint’s talk. Tony swallowed blushing ever so slightly, “One word, about it being shiny or pretty, I might yell.”Tony said though the teasing smile that curled his lips just said he was amused. Alex tilted his head back to look at the man as he sat at tony’s feet, raising his hand to stare at the bracelet he was wearing before twisting, tugging at Tony’s bracelet. “Iron man?” “Oh yea. You can be iron man for the day. I’ll take the day off, kiddo.”Tony said smirking a little, amused that the boy had made the connection between his own bracelet and what tony was wearing. Yelping a little as he got shot with a dart, reeling back as it hit his chest, startlement in his face.

“...That. Was priceless.”Elena giggled rubbing her eyes to keep them from realizing she was crying before swallowing hard, getting up to hug them all. “You didn’t have to, but thank you.”She muttered to each, before settling back next to clint, legs curled up under her, feeling emotionally battered. Her childhood had never had a childhood like this, had a family like this. But this...this was something she had always wanted. A family. And she realized she indeed could have it.
Bruce chuckled as he watched her, highly amused as he watched her practically buried under new books. "it is very shiny, and pretty. very feminine." Clint mused with a snicker even as he clipped the bracelet onto his own wrist. he practically swelled with pride when Alex made the very intelligent realization that Tony's bracelets where not a fashion statement. many adults hadn't even realized that the bracelets where stuffed with more technology than most peoples cell phones. Clint burst into laughter as Alex 'shot' Iron Man. "Good SHOT little man! Good shot!" he declared, laughing brightly. "yes. thank you." Clint agreed, glancing at Alex. "did you tell everyone thank you for the presents they got you Little Man?" he asked with a smile. "remember, you should always thank someone when they give you something, so they know you appreciate it." he smiled at her and took her hand, giving it a comforting squeeze.

"so... who wants a cupcake?" Loki offered, feeling rather backward with all the emotion running around. Clint snorted but reached for the mudslide cupcake while he let Alex pick from one of the less alcoholic choices. that was when something else happened. Jarvis's voice would pipe up and inform them that Agent Phil Coulson and Agent Maria Hill was here to impart vital news. "....uh, Jar? Coulson died..." "...he did? when did that happen?" Loki asked, looking surprised, which made most of the room glare at him. "you stabbed him through the chest!" "...well, yes, but i didn't kill him. i missed the vitals on purpose you know." Loki stated. "why on earth would i kill him? it would only have given you people a martyr to rally around." Loki stated with a scoff. "he was fine, i made sure of it, even put some healing magic to keep him alive until those healers of yours showed up." Steve was gaping at Loki now, and so was Clint and Bruce. "...well.. it worked once." Clint stated suddenly, glancing at Elena. "why not make it work a second time?"
“Well, as long as you’re okay with wearing the feminine bracelet.”Tony rolled his eyes a little looking amused as Alex cuddled into his side, simply for the reason of shooting him. “Are you sure he’s your son, Barton?That was to of a intelligent thought for you.”Tony teased, not realizing the emotional wounds the words would brush against, more just teasing them before smiling. “No. Thank you!Thank you.Thank you.”Alex babbled a little as he bounced around the room and hugged everyone, before bounding into tony’s lap, not giving the billionaire enough time to prepare and a huffing breath leaving him as he got kneed. “I’m okay.”Elena muttered squeezing clint’s hand resting her head on his shoulder.

“Feeling weird to?Me to. We should definitely have cupcakes....you said you go the alcohol fixed?”tony said as he took one of the jack daniels cupcakes, nibbling on it before frowning. “J, he died.”He frowned before looking at loki. “We know. It’s why we came after you, you know. Fury gave us his cards and pissed-”Tony stopped looking at Steve, raising a eyebrow. “His secrets have secrets. Believe me now?”he frowned a little at the thought before looking at elena. “No...surely he’s not that cruel. I mean...he’d already robbed you of me, surely he wouldn’t...”Elena trailed off before swallowing. “Yea...okay. Fury would. Alex, come here.”Elena said smiling slightly as the boy climbed into her lap, putting the rest of the team between her and the elevator, though it bothered her to not protect herself, she was weaponless, and had alex. So she’d let the avengers take care of things, just in case it really was a trick. “Let them in, J.”Tony said as he pushed to his feet, absently stroking a thumb along a bracelet, and while it could summon the suit, he’d also built the bracelets to fold out into a temporary repulsor, a simple weapon for protection until he figured out what was going on.

Subtly nudging clint’s new knives towards steve, glancing around the room, making sure they were all armed except for elena and alex, making sure they were protected, not willing to face coulson-even if he was sure it really was coulson, he wasn’t willing to take chances- unarmed. “Agent.Agent.”He greeted eyeing the two and refusing to show just how shocked he was, and stepping slightly closer to loki, not really aware of the motion, moving to protect loki, even if the man could do alright on his own. Not even recognizign the protective feeling, not only for loki, but for the rest of his team. For a man who'd for so long only had pepper and rhodey, it was shocking to find himself having a team,a family
he chuckled a little. "i rather like it, yes." he admitted. "it brings out my tasteful femininity while giving me an opening to kick peoples butts for trying to make fun of me. it's a win win." he admitted with a grin, there was no way in hell that Clint was feminine in any way. "...Tony. i'm going to say this once... no genetics jokes." Clint ordered, glancing at Elena and setting a hand on her knee to comfort her. "Fury made some... remarks... using my image to really make it hurt." he explained before snickering as he got kneed. "he punched me there the other morning." Clint admitted. "you'd never think a child like him would be so bony, would you?" he asked with another snicker. "yes, the alcohol issue is fixed." he assured the other. "fixed enough that Alex could even have one... if not for the fact that it still tastes like alcohol and he probobly wouldn't like it." Loki admitted. "You came after me because i stabbed a man none of you liked?" "....i liked him." Clint admitted." "i found him creepy." Steve admitted with a shake of his head. "but he was a good guy." "is. he's not dead." Loki stated with a roll of his eyes. "still, at least that comment you made about 'avenging the earth and avenging Phil' makes sense now." Loki muttered. "did i ever tell you how corny that really was?" he asked curiously.

"run if you have to." Steve ordered Elena with a firm tone of voice, Clint nodding. "Alex is first priority." he admitted. "Jarvis will tell you where to go if you have to leave the Tower." he promised. "i have a Safe house, Fury doesn't know about it." he admitted as Steve picked up the knives and did some fancy moves to test the balance of them. not many knew this, but Steve was very, very good with knives. "Good morning." Coulson stated as he examined them. "I'm sorry i haven't been around, but i've been on bed rest for the last several months." "...Months? you weren't hurt that bad!" "he's a human Loki." "...oh yeah..." "Actually, the megalomaniac is correct. they where drugging me to keep me on bed rest." "i can explain that part." Maria explained. "Fury wanted you to think he was dead so that he could control your actions in a much more controlled manner." she explained. "he intended to 'bring Coulson Back' when you had proven to be properly susceptible to his control. it was a surprise even to me to realize he was still alive. but that's not what we're here." "Fury has crossed the line." Coulson explained, holding something out to Steve. "i think you'll recognize the contents." Steve hesitated and then grabbed the folder and peered inside. "Hydra?" "correct. they are still very active in the world. Fury often does what he can to contain them from the inside. this time however... he's hired an assassin in order to take out both Elena Lancaster and her Son." "...he's not lying." Loki said softly. "so either it's true. or it's what he believes is true. either way, this is not something we can simply ignore."
Tony looked startled then shamed as he looked at the two, he rarely felt bad for his actions, but watching the pain flickering over Elena’s face he did. “Sorry.”he muttered breathing slowly, looking at the boy in his lap.”No, you really wouldn’t.I feel like I should be wearing my suit...”He muttered looking amused. “Good. Cause I was drunk for hours the other day for that.”Tony smiled at loki eating the cupcake in eager bites, enjoying it now that he was sure he wasn’t going to be drunk off his ass. “He was sort of a creeper with the cap things.”Elena agreed snickering a little. “...Shut up loki. You said plenty of corny things. ‘I have a army.’ really. Like I wouldn’t have guessed.”Tony rolled his eyes a little.

“I will.”Elena said shifting her hold on Alex, making sure he was secure as she waited. Natasha raised a eyebrow as she watched steve. “I feel the need to teach you knife fighting now. That was vaguely sexy, in a weird sort of way.”Natasha muttered looking amused but serious as she watched Coulson come in. “Most humans would have been dead loki.”Tony pointed out before staring at coulson for a moment. Totally thrown as struggling to think. “That’s....that’s sick, on so many levels. It was bad enough Fury did that to Elena.”Tony scowled at the two agents. “Whichever it is, we can’t ignore it.”Tony said frowning at loki a little, glad they had their own lie detector, but still not liking the idea. “....The winter soldier is a ghost story Phil, something good little spies tell themselves to scare themselves with.”Elena said frowning as she looked over Steve’ shoulder to look at the folder, frowning as she thought about the assassin that stories have been circling about for nearly 70 years. Not even the best could stay active that long. “No. She’s real. Remember that time in Moscow clint?”Natasha’s eyes slid towards clint, remembering their only other mission that had gone nearly as badly as budapest, having had it gone badly because their charge had been to protect a the russian family had gotten killed before they’d even arrived, killed by a ghost that no one had been able to find, but all described as a women that no one would ever forget seeing. Tall, dark haired, and beautiful.
Clint smiled. "it's alright Tony. you didn't know. and you know now." he patted the Iron Man's knee. "Alex wouldn't be comfortable in your lap, the suit is more bony than he is... maybe we need to feed him more?" he asked Elena. "i mean, i know he's healthy, of course he's healthy, but being that bony has to be unnatural somehow... maybe he's going to be a superhero someday 'bony lad!'... wow, that sounded REALLY wrong..." Clint admitted, shaking his head. "i wasn't sure of your mental capabilities and wished to ensure you where, in fact, aware of just wy you where going to lose." Loki stated, teeth flashing in the light as he sank his teath into a blood red cupcake. "yep. i'm creeped out." Steve admitted.

Steve had to flash Natasha a smirk. "i grew up in Brooklyn. i already know how to knife fight." he stated simply. "and throw them, though my aim is terrible.... wait a second, did you just call me..." "Sexy? yes she did." Bruce admitted, looking like he wanted to laugh as Loki sniggered. "most humans didn't have three hundred Sectums of Magic pulsing through their healing system helping heal the wound." Loki stated simply, looking rather bored as he picked at his nails. "...are we sure he's a good guy?" Coulson asked, looking at Loki with a rather wary expression. "nope." Loki stated. "but if i betray you all, Tony would be unhappy with me." Loki admitted, getting another wary look from Coulson. "...yeah. i remember." Clint admitted with a full body shudder "it was only a year ago..." he reminded her, shaking his head. "but, i think the Winter Soldier is a lot like the Dread Pirate Roberts... one starts it, and then when he's too old or too hurt, another takes his place. see? in 1950 the Winter Soldier was reported as being a man." Clint stated simply. "but now, it's reported to be a female. so unless he's an immortal shapeshifter...." there was a pause and he turned to look at Loki who snorted. "it's not me." he assured them. "i'm a sorcerer, not an assassin." "well... we just have to convince the Winter Soldier that she doesn't want to tangle with us." Steve decided. "or we could do the smart thing and double her pay and send her after fury." Loki corrected.
“...He’s not that bony.”Elena smiled a little before making a face at clint, slapping his arm. “That did sound wrong. Don’t make those kinds of jokes about-alex.”She said shaking her head a little. “We didn’t lose. And I agree, cap, creeped out doesnt cover it...though I still kinda wanna see how flexible he is.”

“Well, that’s true...and even hotter I think.”Natasha said looking amused before laughing, “Yes, yes I did.”She smirked at the good captain. “No, but his brother assures us he’ll behave,and like he said, he wants me to be happy. Which means no attacking earth.”Tony rolled his eyes a little before tilting his head. “...It amuses me that you’ve actually watched the princess bride, clint.”Tony snickered a little. “Yea, well, you’re memory sometimes is weird.”Natasha said before looking thoughtful. “Maybe.”Natasha said not really looking sure about that, because while it might be like the dread pirate roberts, with hydra involved she was sure there was worse ideas around. Glancing at Loki she smirked. “Well, wouldn’t magic make you a good assassin?”She teased a little before grinning at loki’s words.”Don’t say that. You’ll get the good captain all bent out of shape before me and clint have a chance to convince her to go after Fury.”Natasha sighed looking at coulson, “You have a location where she is?” In fact, the folder did. A mansion in the southern of france, set up to be a home, but on further looking, was actually cover for a underground lab and base.
Clint grimaced and pouted at her as she smacked him and Loki smirked. "you know those contortionists you people love to watch int he circus?" he asked, looking pleased. "yes. i'm that flexible." he admitted with a smirk, well aware that was going to get Tony's imagination going.

"....yeah, no. stop it." Steve ordered Natasha, looking a little freaked out as Clint snickered. Loki sighed and lifted his shirt, showing the 'tattoo' branding to Coulson. "this prevents me from doing anything." he stated simply. "it's a tether, of sorts and is constantly reading my intentions. if i try to do something 'negative' it will punish me." he stated simply. "same as if i am more than fifty feet away from at least a single member of the Avengers at anytime. if i move out of range it will give me a warning. if i ignore the warning, it drags me through space, quite painfully, to the closest Avenger." he admitted. "i am no threat to you." he shrugged as Coulson nodded, looking much less disturbed. "like you haven't to have recognized the phrase?" he demanded with a smirk. "it was Elena's favorite movie, i learned to love it." he admitted with a chuckle. "no because with this thing around my arm if i used magic to assassinate someone it would hurt like hell and i'd fail." he pointed out with a chuckle. "besides, what's the point of killing someone if people don't know i did it?" "...he IS a bit too dramatic to be an assassin." Bruce admitted with a snicker. "...so. whose all going?" Clint finally asked, frowning as he studied the 'house'.
Tony stared at the man, tilting his head.”Where putting that to the test sometime.”Tony growled. “Don’t talk S-E-X with my son in your lap.”Elena muttered smiling a little as she picked up the boy, rolling her eyes.

“I may or may not have let Pepper watch it in the lab while I worked. Eidetic memory hear. I can recall almost anything I hear with clarity. Even if it is a movie I do not watch.”Yea...totally had watched it willingly, and multiple times.”You’re the one who introduced me to the book you know.”Elena said amused that clint was blaming her for getting him into the movie. “He is to dramatic. Really, the whole speech at the german opera totally ruined his chance at subtlety.”Tony snickered a little before swallowing hard as he considered his team, glancing at steve. “Me, steve, and the assassin twins. Bruce and Loki can stay here with Elena.”Tony said covering his bases for having enough people to protect them all, and not leaving elena and alex without some protection. Trusting loki and bruce to be able to handle things if anything came while they were go. “Besides, Loki can entertain Alex.”Tony added just in case the man was going to protest, looking at the toddler who looked ready to yell, and throw a tantrum because he didn’t understand what was going on, but knew enough to know his mother was upset about something. Elena sighed quietly, pressing a kiss to Alex's hair, hating to be left alone, but also knowing that there was no choice either.
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