Missing Parts(lady/moon)

“Good.And really?”he raised a eyebrow, looking amused that he was having another person show up that he’d probably be attracted to. It was almost like loki was setting him up for something. “That’s saddening.. Everyone should be a little flexible.”he smirked raising a eyebrow. “Does he care if we flirt?”He mused.

Myka nodded.”Yes. Do.”She muttered swallowing hard before looking at him with wide teary eyes, still not totally in control. “...Can we watch that...star wars...you spoke of earlier?”She said a quiet fraility to the words, shaken from the emotional ending to the spar. Shaken and still trying to recover. Looking down at his hand she hesitated for a moment before slipping her hand into his, “Ice cream is good......why is there so many different flavors?Do you really need that many?”She said following him upstairs, staring at the freezer open mouthed when he showed her. Having no idea what to do, with so many choices. And it was indeed a tony thing, at one time in his life he’d lived on ice cream and coffee....or coffee flavored ice cream. “Is there...just plain chocolate?”She said looking at the cartons of ice cream.

Elena blushed slightly at that, leaning over to kiss him slightly. “That is good, because you are all we need to be happy.”She said before sighing.“I know, so do I. It’s hard, but we always had someone to tell...she had no one.”She shuddered at the thought of that, the pain of that, of not having anyone to talk to. “She’ll be good for him. As long as he doesn’t let her push him away...”Tilting her head she looked amused as he locked the alcohol away before grinning as alex ran into the room. “We could go to the park. Run around, it’s late enough in the year that it’ll still be light out for hours....and we could invite the others.”She said knowing that myka and steve probably wouldn’t go, but having a feeling that after the day’s emotional upsets, they could all use a little innocence, a little carefree moments of being with alex. "Hawk!Play now. I sleep, time to play now!"Alex grinned as he grabbed fistfuls of clint's pants tugging a little to get his attention.
Loki chuckled. "Vahlmr, flirt? he's got a stick shoved up his ass so far it pokes his brain. no he doesn't flirt, or smile, or have fun. ever." he admitted. and suddenly it made sense. Loki wasn't setting up Tony, he was setting up Vahlmr! he was such an asshole, but it was oh so amusing.

"course we can! i'll even explain the parts that don't make sense." he promised her, not about to admit that he'd needed Bruce to explain parts of the movie. he'd made Bruce do it because he didn't trust tony to tell the truth. granted, it was a movie so there wasn't much 'truth' to it but that wasn't the point. he smiled as he helped her to her feet. "i honestly have no idea if Tony always had it or if he just decided to spend the money so he could have it. but with as many people as live int he tower right now i'm not going to complain about never running out of Ice-cream. or having such a great selection. hell, i actually remember the day you could buy Ice-cream from the grocer." he admitted with a grin. "we used to have it all the time in the military. but it was usually just one flavor. Vanilla, orange, coffee, stuff like that. this Ben and Jerrie's ice-cream, where you get chocolate chunks and cookie dough and fruit and stuff is just killer!" he admitted with a grin as he popped open the freezer. "oh, and Alex is not to know of this freezer so never mention it in front of him." he warned as he dug through the freezer. "just plain chocolate." he stated, offering her a pint sized tub of ice-cream. because while they got galleons, they also got 'single serve' too for those nights where you just want to gorge. he himself got out a bowl and scooped out a scoop of Vanilla bean, a scoop of Strawberry, a scoop of Chocolate, a scoop of Coffee and a scoop of cookies and cream. because he was still amazed by ice-cream. it had only been out for a few years before he'd been frozen after all. before that, you had to go to a soda shop.

hr smiled at her, kissing her forehead before grimacing as they started talking about the horrors the poor woman had suffered. "she never had a chance... but i really think Steve can get to her." he admitted. "he can keep her stable. she responds to him." he admitted. "besides... you are aware that he's even more stubborn than i am right? the only way she's pushing him away is if she pushes him off the tower. and even then that might not stop him." he admitted, looking amused. "i just hope she can handle him." he admitted with a chuckle. "the park is a good idea." he agreed with a smile. "there's a lot of good parks in the area, i researched them." he admitted, swelling with pride at himself. "would he like a W-A-T-E-R park?" he asked with a grin. it was still warm enough to play in the park, and it wouldn't be overly crowded with it closer to the evening than the morning.
“...that has to be a painful stick. Someone should help him remove it.”Tony said grinning at that, looking pleased with the idea as soon as he realized what loki was doing. He was giving him someone new to play with!This was going to be such fun.

“Okay. I am sure you will get tired of explaining things, but you can tell me anyways.”She smiled looking amused as she walked with him, before laughing. “Tony stark, spending money simply because he can?No, I would never believe it.”She snickered, because even with sleeping for so long, tony stark had still made a impression, had left her with a thought of the billionaire and his lifestyle. “That’s how it was when I was a child....I loved ice cream when I was little.”She smiled quietly before smirking. “No telling Alex. Got it.”She agreed before looking at the tub of ice cream and taking it. Before pausing, eyeing what he was eating. “Noooo...it’s the waffles all over again! I am going to go over there, away from your weirdness.”She teased him as she headed for the living room, her laughter trailing after her, for a moment the emotional damage forgotten.

“I don’t know if that should be worrying, or amusing. Her responding to him. I mean, she is his best friend’s kid.”Elena said sounding thoughtful on that before snickering. “You are a stubborn bastard...there is no name for him if he’s even more stubbon....and probably not. I mean, would falling off the tower even kill him?”She said sounding really thoughtful on that, for a moment the shield agent showing through, her training kicking in before smiling. “Really?We’ll have to try them.”She said looking amused and happy he had done the research. Leaning in to kiss him, simply because she could had he had taken to being a parent so well. “Ew!No mama, no kissing!”Alex said looking up at the two. “Hm, Yes. I think he would.”She smiled. “Like what?Mama!Like what?” “Going to the park sweetheart.” “Unka tony and Lo?” “we can ask them if you want." "Yes!"
Loki smirked. "my thoughts exactly." he admitted with a chuckle before looking up as Jarvis informed them that Alex wanted them to go to the Waterpark with him. "i'll get my Swimming Cloth." he agreed with a smirk. "come along Tony. you don't have to get wet, but we already know you can't say no to Alex."

he grinned a little. "i know right? Tony is like, the epitome of self restraint and frugality." he agreed with a snigger. "a person never, ever grows out of a love of ice-cream." he stated with a smile as he scooped himself up some ice-cream. "there is nothing wrong with the way i eat my freaking waffle!" he complained, sulking. "and i'll have you know that this is the perfect blend of ice-cream! every flavor accents another!" he complained, deciding to forgo the hot fudge he usually poured all over the top of it. "it's not weird!" he whined as he settled into the couch. "Jarvis? will you make the TV work?" he asked hopefully as he realized he'd forgotten how to work the remote again. or rather, remotes. one for the dish, one for the TV, one for the DVD player and one for the surround sound. it made Steve's head spin.

there was a pause and then. "oh my god your right, she IS!" he stated, looking astonished. "i'd forgotten that." he admitted, blinking a little. "well that's going to be awkward..." he muttered. "i wonder if Steve even realizes that?" he muttered softly. "no kissing!?" Clint asked, looking over-dramatically upset. "but, Little Man! we have to practice kissing! so we can give you the best kisses ever! here i'll show you!" and with that he scooped the boy up and kissed him all over the face before letting the boy back down. "there! see! the best kisses!" he teased with a grin. "Jar? will you tell Loki and Tony that Alex wants them to accompany us?" he asked with a grin as he let Elena pack the snacks while he got his and Alex's bathing suits. he had considered getting Elena's, but he would probobly suffer if he did that. Elena could be mean when she wanted to be.
“I can to. A two year old can’t boss me around.”He whined though he did head for his bedroom smiling slightly as he changed into his swim trunks and a band t-shirt. While he didn’t want to get into the water, he’d be ready to do so, simply because he knew the other’s were right, he’d try if alex asked him to.

“He is. There’s a picture of him next to those words in the dictionary.”she snickered before smiling. “It’s not a waffle anymore when you make them.”She teased.”I’ll take your word for it. I’ll try it next time.”She said looking amused as she settled onto the couch next to him, tucking her legs up under him as she started to eat.”Of course, captain.”Jarvis said, making Myka jump as the tv flipped on and started to play the movie. Starting at the beginning of course, with the phantom menace. Tensing at the surround sound, that was lower then normal with jarvis taking in account to their hypersensitive hearing, she tensed shifting closer to the man next to her. Looking around her, and even knowing it wouldn’t hurt her, she had enough emotional upset for the day to be feeling disturbed at all the tech that tony had to simply watch tv.

“Hm, not yet. But it really is going to be awkward, if she starts caring for him, cause you know, she’ll wonder if she’s just a connection to his lost best friend, and not for herself.”She pointed out before smiling at Clint’s over dramatics. “No!”Alex demanded yelping as he was picked up, giggling as he was kissed. “No. Mama gives best kisses.”Alex decided leaning against his mother before following clint as he went to get their stuff.

“Hey, so we’re going to the water park?”Tony smiled as he walked into the apartment, looking relaxed and easy with the idea of getting in the water, even if he wasn’t sure he was goign to get anywhere near it. “Unka tony!Unka lo!”Alex grinned happily as he ran for them, grabbing one leg each, hugging onto them like it’d been months since he’d seen them instead of just a day. “Yea.”Elena smiled having changed into her own swimsuit, with jeans and a tank top pulled over it.
Steve rolled his eyes. "you people just have no appreciation for the culinary arts." he scoffed, sulking. "you can taste if you want." he offered her his piled high bowl, which he had indeed coated in hot fudge. at least he'd stayed away from all the other fixings this time. usually he threw gummy bears, sprinkles, glazed strawberries and other such things on there too. he really was going to rot his teeth out of his head. "it's alright." he promised her. "Tony's just overboard on everything." he assured her. "the speakers freaked me out too." he admitted, indicating the small speakers that the surround sound was coming out of. "you get used to them though because Tony refuses to turn them off." he admitted with a sigh.

he nodded a little. "he won't love her for a reason like that of course. he's much too noble for that." he admitted with a chuckle. "Yes!" he declared, laughing as he scooped Alex up. "that's why i need to practice kissing! so i get as good as mommy, and who better to teach me than mommy herself?" he asked with a lopsided smirk. "lets see. do you want the Hulk swimming trunks, or the Spiderman?" he asked the other. the Iron Man trunks where waiting to be washed. "or the GI Joe ones?" he asked. once Alex chose a pair he helped the boy into them and into a shirt of the boys choice and then climbed into his own, normal blue pair of trunks. "Little Man." Loki stated with amusement. "i saw you this morning." he admitted with a grin. "there's no need to be so excited you know. you'll see me every morning. and more so." he assured the other. he wondered if Alex was suffering from separation anxiety? he hoped Vahlmr got here soon. "well, lets go." Loki chirped, wearing what rather looked like a dress that came down to his knees. hiding his body from the world. for now. when they got to the park he was the first with his 'shirt' off, leaving him only in the silky blue loincloth like thing. the mothers of the waterpark immidiatly began to swoon, unable to help themselves. Clint, Tony, and loki all in one place. the only think that was missing was Captain Rogers.
“No, not now.Maybe later.”Myka said smiling a little as she looked at the ice cream he was holding before sighing, “Well...I guess they are something normal people have these days...It’ll be okay.”She muttered even as she shifted, snuggling into the couch on her side, nibbling at her ice cream, but despite her desire to watch the movie and eat her ice cream, when he looked over, she was soundly asleep, the ice cream in her bowl starting to melt, trusting him to make sure she was okay.

“Oh. Yes. Learn kisses from mama.”Alex agreed before making a face, thinking. “Hulk.”He decided before smiling as they got changed. “But you went away, then came back.”Alex frowned up at the man he was holding onto. “We’ll always come back, little iron.”Tony said ruffling the child’s hair, looking at clint, the look on his face saying it all. He was thinking like Loki was, the child was suffering from seperation anxiety. When they got there Elena let out a quiet whistle, smirking a little. “Hm, I feel like I should be taking pictures. All we need is Thor and Steve to complete the mother’s hottest men calendar.”She smirked looking over towards the mothers swooning. “Swim!Unka tony!”Alex demanded tugging on the man’s hand, “Okay, hold on.We’re coming.”Tony said looking a little worried but still stripping his shirt off.He really is unable to say no, even if it was something he really had a true absolute fear of doing.
he smiled as he stuffed another spoonful into his mouth, grinning impishly. honestly, while it was delicious, he mostly only did stuff like that because it got very amusing reactions out of Clint and Tony. it was just a small bit of revenge against them for teasing him. he smiled as he realized she was asleep and very carefully slipped the bowl out of her hand and adjusted her so she would be more comfortable and not get a crick in her neck before returning to the movie.

he snorted at the boys 'order' and flashed a wink at Elena before sagely dressing the other in the Hulk pants. "yes, always." Loki assured the little boy, stroking the childs hair before looking up at Elena with a worried expression. even Loki was amazed when they stepped into the waterpark. "Alex, wait a minute." Steve ordered, holding up some sunscrean. "you don't want to get sunburns do you?" he asked with a smile as he started smearing it onto the boy, Loki snorting. "Clint, you're putting way too much on." the God complained, sliding Clint out of the way and fixing Clint's horrible attempts. "now, Little Iron. Tony can't go too deep into the water alright?" Loki demanded. "you see that thing on his chest? he can't let it get too wet." he 'explained' lying simply to save Tony the panic attack. "how about i show you how to use the diving board?" he asked as he slipped the swim wings onto Alex's arms and leading the boy away, leaving Tony free to avoid the water all he wanted. "...doesn't he interact with the water?" Clint asked, sounding amused. "i do." Loki stated where he was laying on a chair. "but my clones don't." he admitted, making Clint do a double take. "...that's seriously creepy you know that?"
“No. Sunburn hurts.”Alex said pausing but keeping a hold of tony’s hand, as if he knew the man would run away if given the chance. Elena bit her lip to keep from laughing at the sight of clint slathering alex in sunscreen, about to interrupt when loki did. Alex looked up at the god looking serious as he craned his neck to look at tony, “Unka tony, stay here. Don’t get wet.”Alex said sounding seriously as he patted the man’s leg before nodding, “I want to do the divin’ board.”Alex said letting the clone lead him away. “He does.”Tony said before jumping a little look at the man next to him,”You are fairly creepy sometimes.Though I think I am going to go watch alex jump. Someone’s got to tell him out to do the perfect cannon ball.”Tony snickered as he headed for the pool, though he simply settled for sitting on the edge of the pool, feet in the water. Elena frowned watching the man, sensing something off, something saddening about the billionaire’s attitude with alex, but not understanding what it was. “Is it just me, or is he really good with Alex?”She muttered, curious but not so curious to ask a man who was obviously pained. Wondering if they were making it worse, by letting alex cling to his hero, wondering if she needed to try to convince alex to leave him alone. Glancing at clint she smirked as she settled into a chair next to loki. "Go play. I'm going to lay here and watch."She said ,looking amused as she raised the camera, knowing he'd understand she wanted pictures of him and alex together, something that she had thought she'd never get a chance to have
Loki Clone chuckled and let Alex drag him off and Clint snickered a little. "have fun. i'm going to lay here and pretend i can turn colors." Loki admitted, quite happy to simply lay there and soak int he glorious sun. he never had to worry about sunburns. course, he couldn't tan either. "He's very good with Alex because he had a shitty childhood." Clint explained softly. "Howard stark wasn't abusive per say but he was extremely negligent and he only wanted Tony around when Tony was being smart. Tony never had the chance to be a kid." he admitted. "he adores Alex too, because while Alex does care that he's Iron Man, he also loves Tony because he's Tony." he admitted, Loki looking at Clint curiously. "Tony wants kids of course, but he's so scared he's going to be just like his father. which is why he hates being left alone with Alex, he's scared he's going to hurt, neglect, or push Alex in the wrong direction. which is ridiculous but..." Clint shrugged before he beamed at her and took off, howling in glee as he cannon-ball into the water, splattering Loki who glared at him as the water froze to his skin. he had to pick it off like it was a scab or a chink of wax or something. didn't have any other affect though, thankfully, and no one else seamed to notice. though many of them did realize there where two Loki's.
“I think I’ll join you in that sunbathing for awhile.”Elena snickered a little as she watched them, before wincing. “Damn. How is it all of us in the tower are emotionally damaged somehow?”She muttered shaking her head at the ide aof tony feeling that he was only valued because he was smart. Well...at least that made some sense of some of the things the man did. Like never telling his team he paid for things, or made them things, because he didn’t want to be recognized for it, he just needed to take care of them. “It is fairly stupid, but it’ll just take time to show him he’s okay.”She smiled amused because alex really did see tony as tony. Tony who was such a kid himself sometimes. Grinning as she watched loki get splashed she smiled as she settled back.

Later Elena smiled as she dried off, looking at the billionaire in amusement. “Here. Hand him off, I’ll dry him off.”She muttered amused that even if he hadn’t gotten in the water, it was tony who’d ended up with her limp son falling asleep on him, clinging as the day started to wind down. “No its okay. Just give me a towel.”Tony said, and despite his reservations about kids, he was gentle and easy with wrapping the toddler up in the towel and climbing into the car, both billionaire and toddler looking ready to pass out, it’d been a fun few hours at the water park, but tony hadn’t gotten nearly enough sleep to keep up with the boy. “...it amazes me. I’ve fought longer battles and not felt this tired.”He pouted a little, looking at clint and elena as they got into the car.”I blame you two. This energy level is not natural.”
Loki smiled. "just lucky i guess." he admitted. "i'm going to try and get Tony to talk to the therapist Thor is bringing in. if you don't mind, i'd like Alex to speak to him too. i think Alex has a few issues that he really needs help with." Loki admitted, watching her. "Vahlmr is really good with kids. and i think it would help Alex." he admitted. "you and Clint could even talk to him. i know you both have your issues too." he admitted. "i certainly need the help." he admitted with a sigh. "honestly i think the entire Tower does." he admitted with a sigh before he chuckled as he watched the Loki Clone and Clint take turns launching Alex into the air.

Clint was grinning as he watched Tony and Alex, running a towel through his own hair as he shook his head. "i know right!?" Clint asked, sounding just as exaughsted. "i swear he sucks the energy right out of us." Loki snorted. "it's the lack of adrenaline." the God stated simply. "in battle your heart is pumping and you're running with adrenaline coursing through your system which prevents the 'crash and burn'. there is no adrenaline when handling children so you actually feel the tired settling in." "....no one wants your truth Loki. aren't you supposed to be a god of lies?" "hmmm, only when the lie hurts more. in this case, it's the truth that causes the most chaos." he admitted with a chuckle. "but unfortunately, Alex is a perfectly normal two year old. you should have seen mine at that age. there was no controlling them at all." he admitted with a chuckle. "remind me to tell you about the time Jormungandr blew up half the palace." he paused. "oh! Thor's back." he stated, sounding rather delighted. "he;ll have Vahlmr with him."
“I think that’s a good idea.”Elena agreed before nodding, “Clint overheard you at the spar. We’ve already discussed it. We think he does need to talk to someone. He’s clingy, anxious when we’re not with him....”She sighed quietly before nodding. “We probably all could use some time with him.”She smiled slightly.

“...Ah, but how do you explain me going for days without sleep in the lab, and being fine, but tired with him?I think clint’s right. He’s sucking energy out of us.”Tony smiled before raising a eyebrow. “Your son blew up the palace?”He snickered a little. “Hm, I think I’m glad alex can’t do that.”Elena snickered before climbing out of the car ,helping tony up so alex wasn’t to disturbed though he clung tighter to the billionaire as he was moved. “Well, lets go see them.”Elena said looking interested in meeting vahlmr, and wondering just how the assassin was going to respond to even more new people.

Myka shifted, cuddling down into the couch and the blanket she was wrapped in, before tensing, going still as she sensed others in the room, cracking a eye but relaxed slightly as she saw steve talking to thor and vahlmr, sitting up slowly, not wanting to draw attention to herself until she figured out who they were
he nodded a little. "yes. it's almost as if he has separation anxiety, or abandonment issues. it's probobly from being kidnapped. such a thing is very traumatizing." Loki admitted. "add in that you have a new man in your life, Alex is going to be even more off kilter." he admitted. "when he's settled down more, you should sit him down and have him contribute to the decision of 'adding Clint' tot he family. and when he's a little older, you might tell him that Clint is his biological dad." he paused. "i might be wrong too, better ask Vahlmr." he admitted with a smile. "i think human children are wired differently than my babies are. though i'd probobly be attacked for calling them that." he admitted with a snicker.

"...i think your all being overly dramatic, i'm not tired at all." Loki admitted with a smirk. "...you had you're clone doing all the work!" "the Clone is me. it's not like i send it off without a mind. my mind, my magid, my body. it's still me, it's just made out of magic instead of flesh." Loki admitted. "it actually takes a great deal more effort than when i'm just myself." Loki admitted, examining his fingernails as if bored. which didn't fool anyone for a second and it certainly didn't fool Clint. "yeah well, you're a god so you don't count." he stated with a grumble as he gently lifted Alex out of the seat. "i'll go put him to bed." he promised Elena, giving her a kiss. "you tell me about Vahlmr when you get back." he ordered as he headed off with Alex.

Steve had been up the second Thor and the stranger had tried to enter the room. "she's asleep at the moment but she's still rather frightened. not that i can blame her. it would be better if you came back while she's awake. i don't want her to wake up with strangers in the room. she trusts me to protect her and i'm sorry but i don't know who you are or why you are here so you're not talking to her until she's awake." Steve stated sternly, the tall, blond man watching Steve intently with eyes that looked like glowing emeralds. "That sounds perfectly fine. i am only here to help." the man admitted, tilting his head at the other. "Loki shows affections towards so few people that when he himself asked for my assistance i could not say no." the man admitted, Steve looking shocked. "you know Loki?" "oh yes. it was actually my idea to send him here. i have been his psychologist since he was brought back to Asgard." the man admitted. "You're a SHRINK!?" Steve demanded, stunned. and it was hard to imagine the man, tall, strong and sexy was a master of the mind of all things.
Elena winced a little, “That was our thoughts to.”She said looking upset, twisting her hands together, anxious that she’d screwed up, that even if she was happy, by accepting clint back into her life, she was messing up her son. “You think I should have talked to him sooner, about clint being here with us?”She said sounding anxious watching her boys before sighing quietly. “...I...I don’t know what to do anymore, Loki.”She said sighing quietly, she had been alone so long, to afraid to try to add someone else to her life besides alex, that to find herself juggling both lover and child distressing. “Probably. I promise not to tell them.”She snickered a little.

“You are such a liar.”Tony rolled his eyes looking amused. “I will. I’ll be down in a few.”She smiled watching Clint go before heading up to the penthouse with Loki and Tony.

Thor paused, tilting his head, his features serious as he considered that. “No, you are right, Steve. She does not need more people crowding her.”Thor said quietly stepping back, resting a hand on vahlmr’s arm, “We shall wait in tony’s penthouse until she wakes, or the others get home.” “....I’m awake.”Myka said from behind them, bolting to her feet as the elevator opened, twisting to defend herself against the newest threat, looking confused to suddenly be confronted by friends, off kilter and trying to calm down. “...what do you all want?”Myka said sounding anxious back away from all of them, feeling pinned between the asgardians and steve coming in from the balcony where the asgardians had arrived, and the returning group coming in from the elevator.
Loki nodded. "i think he doesn't truly understand yet. he thinks this is a fun and exciting adventure, but you'll want to speak to him soon about it." he admitted. "no one really knows what they're doing." he admitted with a smile. "particularly not in a situation like this. it's very unusual, having a father whose a superhero and uncles who are varying stages of 'not really a whole human'. this is one of those times where you have to learn as you go and trust the people around you to help as much as they can." he admitted with a smile. "

Steve relaxed when Thor agreed with him and he smiled as Vahlmr nodded. "i do not know what a penthouse is, but i imagine it will be a suitable area." Vahlmr assured him. he watched curiously as Myka alerted them that she was awake and then reacted to the people coming in. "it would be best if we gave her an escape route." Vahlmr informed them all. "we just wanted to see the sexy god Loki called in to talk to Alex..." Bruce explained, Loki snorting as he strode across the room, jabbing Vahlmr in the chest. "you where wrong!" he stated with a sniff and a toss of his hair before he turned on his heal and left... through a wall. without leaving a park. just walked right through the wall. Vahlmr looked mildly amused. "still dramatic." he muttered. "and i was not wrong, he is simply in denial." the man stated, watching as everyone evacuated the elevator, giving Elena her escape route. "Miss Barnes was it?" Vahlmr asked, studying her from a distance. "my name is Vahlmr. i was Loki's psychologist." he introduced himself. "i am here because Loki believes that i might be able to help you, and others currently residing in the tower." he admitted. "i want you to know right now, that i cannot force you to see me, or talk to me, but i will be here, at any time you might need me. even if it's just for a mindless chat." he assured her.
Elena smiled slightly stepping back towards the elevator. “I’m gonna go see if Clint got alex to bed.”She muttered realizing they were overwhelming myka with people, stepping back and leaving to give them room and space, not wanting to bring on another breakdown.Tony frowned a little as he crossed the room, tilting his head slightly to look at Vahlmr,”What were you wrong about?”He asked curiously before going quiet as he watched myka. Before sighing, and heading for the kitchen wanting to get something to eat and wanted to not make myka feel like they were just all there to watch her.

Myka watched everyone, turning to look at Vahlmr as he watched her. “...You wont?I don’t have to talk to you?”She asked her voice trembling a little. She’d never been given choices in her life, not like she was being given here. And the choices were starting to overwhelm her. Eyes searching for steve, not even realizing she was doing it, but she’d adopted him as her touchstone, the person that reassured her everything was okay. There was going to be problems if they ever had to be separated before she got a handle on herself.
Vahlmr studied tony. "i told Loki he would be a valuable part of a community if he just opened his heart a little." he admitted simply. "that is why i sent him here. through his entire life, it is here that he has expressed the most emotions. good, or bad." he admitted. "Loki does not want to admit that he has found freinds in all of you, especially when his own people hate him so." he turned to Myka. "that is not how true healing works." Vahlmr stated simply. "to heal, you first must accept that you want to be healed." he admitted as Steve moved over to her when he realized she was drowning. "hey, it's alright." he assured her. "Vahlmr seams like a nice guy." he admitted with a smile. "if you want to talk to him, i'll be right outside the door waiting for you, okay?" he asked softly. "and if your not ready to talk, then you won't have to. we just want what's best for you." he promised her

Clint had indeed gotten Alex to bed. not that it was all that hard, the boy was exaughsted after all that fun. "you're back soon. did something happen?" he asked as he dug through he fridge for a snack for himself. "i can't beleive this! Cap through out all my chocolate!" he complained, sulking as he dug deeper into the fridge in the search for his goodies. they weren't there, but it wasn't Steve. Loki had a late night craving and ate it all. because he was a dick that way.
Tony snickered at that. “He’s a stubborn pain in the ass.”he snorted amused that loki didn’t want to admit that he’d found people to care for. “....I need help.I...I don’t know this world. This world is not mine.”Myka trembled a little swallowing hard as steve moved over to her, looking up at him, nodding quietly, “O-okay.”She said wtaching him go before looking at Vahlmr. “I’m drowning in this world. They are kind!What do I do with kindness. This is not my world. Not mine. It can’t be.”She screamed quietly, that hissing kind of rage that said the only reason it wasn’t louder, was because she was afraid she would never stop.

Elena nodded a little, “Myka was asleep when we came in. And freaked out with all the new people when we woke her up.I figured it was better to leave.”Elena smiled slightly before smiling a little. “Cap’s not mean enough to take all your chocolate.”She said as she settled onto the bar stool at the kitchen island, watching him with quiet eyes, biting her lip. “I’m worried about alex.”She muttered, seeking comfort because she was feeling lost with so much change in her life.
Vahlmr nodded. "he truly is. but it's more that he does not beleive he deserves such kindness, particularly after what happened here on Midgaurd." the Vanir admitted before he looked at Myka. "no. this world is not yours. but then, neither is it Mister Rogers. or Loki's. yet they have found peace, and even happiness here." he assured her. "just because you where not born to this place, does not mean that you cannot accept it as your new home." he offered her a small, understanding smile. "sometimes, the most painful things, can become our greatest strength." he admitted softly as Steve gently took her hand in both of his and held it gently, offering her comfort while she had a small breakdown. "you can find a place in this world, you just need a little help overcoming your past first." he admitted.

he nodded. "yeah i can see that." he admitted. "i was like that too for a while, remember?" it was a week after they'd been partnered and he'd been captured by the enemy. they'd done some pretty nasty stuff to him, and he had to take a whole month off because everything and everyone frightened him. but then, that's what happened when big tough assassins where tortured and raped repeatedly for three straight days. and he'd had training against that sort of thing. "she'll be alright, Cap is with her." he decided with a smile. "he is mean enough if he thinks it's best for Alex." he admitted. "but your right, my money's on Loki. he's always stealing my stuff. the little over-dramatic asshole." he paused and stood up, looking over at her before he sighed, closed the fridge and moved over to her, pulling her into his arms. "yeah. me too. but that's why Loki brought in the... uh, guy. to help Alex, and Myka... maybe even me a little bit." he admitted with a smile. "Alex will be alright, it's just been a long, long week and he's trying to adjust as best as he can. he's a kid, kids are very strong."
Myka stared at the other, sinking down onto the couch, wrapping a arm around her waist, closing her eyes as she tried, tried to work through this, curling her hand around Steve’s, trembling. “....I don’t know where to start...the longer...the longer I’m awake...the more I start to remember...I’ve never been awake this long.”She said looking away before swallowing, tense and anxious, rubbing a hand over her face. “...I’m going to get some sleep...I want to start planning tomorrow. We have to get fury to back off.”she swallowed looking up at steve, smiling a little before moving away. She’d accepted she needed help, but she was so not ready to do this.

“I know. I think we’ve all been there.”She said quietly, wrapping a arm around his waist, leaning into him, offering comfort because there was nothing else to do. “Hm, he is. It’s quite amusing really, to watch him hover over her like a overprotective bitch with a puppy.”She snickered a little before grinning. “He might, but loki’s more likely.”She pointed out before sighing, leaning into his arms, resting her head on his chest, “I know...it’s just....”She stopped trying to word it without making it hurt, make him feel bad for something that wasn’t his fault. “...I don’t want to screw up, Clint. I’ve been the only one there for him for so long, what if I messed him up by doing it?By not trying to fit into the world again?I don’t know....I don’t want to ruin him.”She muttered hands tight on his shirt as she hugged him against her.
Steve winced as he realized that she'd probobly had memories that had been blocked due to the being frozen too soon. he himself had missing memories for a week after being unfrozen. she was probobly just starting to remember all the things she'd been forced to do... ouch. "the memories will hurt." Vahlmr admitted. "but they are a part of who you are. you can learn from them if you accept them." he admitted. "trying to hide them away again, will only make them worse." he reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace. "this is a Talisman against bad dreams." he stated, holding out the metal and gem pendant threaded onto a black leather cord. "it will keep the bad dreams away while you sleep. good rest is important for a whole mind. and the trauma of your memories will be lessened." he explained. "wear it, and when you are ready to talk, i will be there to listen." he assured her.

he nodded as he wrapped his arms around her a little more tightly. "...i dare you to call him that to his face." he teased with a grin. "yeah, Loki does love to steal my candy stash." he grumbled before he stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. "listen to me." he ordered. "Alex could never, ever be ;ruined' because of you. you gave him what every little boy needs. love, adoration, attention. no matter what world you live in, that will always be what makes a good, whole, functioning adult." he promised her. "yes he has a few traumas right now, all people go through them. you giving him the love and affection he needs right now is healing a great deal of it. he loves you, and you love him, and that is better than any medicine, any amount of money. you have raised a healthy, happy, polite little boy and he will continue to be so under your love and guidance."
Myka swallowed hard looking up at vahlmr, nodding slightly. “I will try....They’re unfocused....I...I attacked Cap earlier, and I didn’t fully why, I just didn’t want to be pinned.”She shuddered before looking at the talisman, before nodding. “Thank you.I will wear it.”She said looking it over before slipping it on, wanting to just sleep well. No matter what. Even if it meant trusting them to help her do that.

“I will. Tomorrow. When he’s hovering, I’ll tell him.”She snickered a little before wincing at the command in his voice, before relaxing, leaning into him. “We’ll be okay.”She muttered relaxing, trusting him to not lie to her about something this important.”Come on, let’s go to bed.”She muttered nudging him towards the bedroom, just wanting to be held.

In the morning Elena smirked a little as she watched Steve fret a little when Myka didn’t appear right away from breakfast. Looking amused as tony shuffled into the room, searching for coffee without really paying attention to anyone. “I told you he’s missing his puppy.”Elena muttered in clint’s hear tilting her head towards steve as he worked on making breakfast with alex’s help, the little boy perched on a stool next to him to ‘help’ make eggs, mostly just supervising. “Morning Tony.”Elena smiled at the billionaire eyes widening with laughter when she saw his coffee mug. The white mug had three different lines one it, set up like a beaker that said ‘not enough to talk to people’, ‘almost enough coffee drank’ and ‘okay, it’s safe to talk.’. Someone knew tony needed coffee to function. “Not enough drank...”tony muttered as he slumped into the chair next to clint, sipping his coffee.
Vahlmr nodded. "the body remembers, even if the mind does not." he admitted. "you reacted because your body knew it had to react." he offered her a smile. "the memories will be painful, but your soldier will help you, if you let him."

Clint smiled as he kissed her and he just carried her to bed, not wanting to let her go.

"...you're so cruel." he whispered back, snickering. "he's so amusing, he really is." he admitted before watching Tony walk in, Loki grinning as he saw Tony pick up the Coffee mug that he had bought for Tony. or well... sort of anyway. Clint snickered as he watched Tony slump and shook his head as Loki chuckled and made himself his nastiness, sipping on the petrol tasting 'tea'. "Eggs are done." Steve declared as he set the plate down, about three dozen eggs waiting to be eaten. he'd probobly have to make more once Thor, Vahlmr and Myka got up though. there was bacon laid out too, and sausages, both patty and link. there was a huge mound of french toast that Alex had helped make by dipping the bread in the eggs mixture. "you where a great help Alex, go wash your hands alright? if you touch raw food you should always wash your hands after, or you'll get sick." Steve warned, helping Alex off the stool and sending him to the kitchen sink where he showed Alex how to make sure his hands where all the way clean.
“I know, but the puppy’s missing. He’s upset.”She muttered back smiling watching loki and tony. “What puppy?”Tony muttered as he woke up a bit, eyeing the two sitting next to him. “...”Elena bit her lip, turning her head to make sure myka wasn’t around before grinning. “Steve’s puppy.”She said primly, before elbowing Clint.”See, there I said it. I’m braver then you.”She snickered a little. Alex looked up at the man standing next to him before nodding, “OKay.”He said letting steve help him down before going to the sink and washing up. Before climbing up in the captain’s lap when he sat down, while iron man was still his favorite, he’d taken to choosing one a avenger a day that he followed more, cuddled more. Today just happened to be cap’s day.
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