Missing Parts(lady/moon)

Steve smiled at her. "i'm sorry." he muttered sheepishly. "i know this sucks, but it needs to be done. i don't want our baby to be born without a face or something, you know?" he asked, gnawing on his lip again. he'd been doing it almost constantly in the last two weeks. bed enough that the sores lasted for hours now. "i'm here because i want to be, and because i need to be. even if there is something wrong, a baby doctor wouldn't have a clue how to try and fix it." he admitted. "besides, i don't like leaving you in the hands of a stranger." he grumbled. "besides. you can't fight like this. a hard enough blow to the stomach could hurt both you and the fetus." he admitted. "it's better not to." he admitted.

Loki looked up from where he was sitting with Elena, sipping on his nasty moss tea. "Elena's having an emotional problem." Loki explained to Tony, well aware that it would probobly chase the billionaire out of the room. "it's normal to feel like this Elena. there's a lot of painful history for both of you, and seeing Myka and myself are pregnant, it brings that history straight to the forefront of your minds." Loki stated calmly. "you need to talk to Clint about it." he admitted. "if your upset, i can't imagine how he's feeling."
“....Steve!That’s horrible!”Myka scowled looking anxious at the idea of the baby without a face or something, despite the anger, it was easy to see that it was hiding alot of fear. She was converting that fear into anger, and even though she knew it wasn’t fair, she was still lashing out. Shoulders slumping a little, she nodded. “I know....Don’t. You’re hurting yourself.”She said gently touching his cheek, looking anxious as he chewed on his lip, hating that she always managed to upset him enough to hurt himself. Scared he’d realize she wasn’t worth the worry or anxiety to be with, watching him hurt himself scared her badly. Turning to look at bruce she sighed softly, “..Well.Okay. I guess that makes sense.”She muttered before swallowing hard, “Me either. Strangers are weird.”She grumbled even as she stepped into the car with them, settling in her seat, bullying steve into the backseat with her while bruce drove, simply curling up at his side, leaning into him, a silent apology for being a bitch. “I know it’s better not to.”She sighed quietly, relaxing as they made their way through the city, relaxing more when they got out of downtown, relaxing at the idea of her doctor not being in the center of everything.

“...Well. I have things to work on. Later.Come find me when you’re done.”tony said indeed turning on his heel and heading back to the lab. Elena stared after him, shaking her head. “You know, somedays I think he’s come a long way, then he runs away.”she snickered a little before looking at loki, rubbing the heels of her hands against her face trying to calm before nodding jerkily. “Can I bring Alex up?The boys were playing with the lizards and making a puzzle today. I’ll just go steal clint and bring alex up here if that’s okay....”She said not wanting alex to be with them, just in case something went spectacularly wrong and they ended up fighting or something.
he grimaced. "i know! but i keep dreaming about it." he admitted with a grimace. he was scared too, it was obvious. he was terrified his genes where going to ruin his offspring. "sorry." he muttered, releasing his lip, only to start chewing on it again. he didn't want some stranger near his Myka. he didn't, but he needed to. he hated that she was scared and hated even more that he was the reason why she had to be upset. "i don't want strangers." Steve grumbled as he settled into the back seat and cuddled her. "it's a smaller hospital." he explained to her. "Tony thought it might be better for you if we had the exams outside of the busy city." he admitted as Bruce drove.

Loki chuckled a little as Tony fled. "i will." he promised the man. "it makes it easy to handle him though. he's very predictable." he admitted with a chuckle. "of course you can." he promised her. "i'll teach him how to turn into a girl." Loki teased. he'd said that ten times now, but it never happened. though, that was probobly because Alex, being young and a boy, was still in the 'girls are gross' stage of life. Loki had no doubt that there was going to be a fight. Clint was under the impression that Elena wanted to leave him, that she didn't want to marry him, that she doesn't want want him to be Alex's father anymore. it was a silly thought of course, but that didn't stop Clint from thinking it.
“You’re having horrible dreams. I’m going to dream about it now.”She muttered grimacing, looking just up as upset as him, though she did refrain from chewing on her lip. “...It’s a good thing you don’t want strangers. I might be offended to share our bed if you did.”She huffed a little, because while she was still horrible with the whole touching and sexual moments thing, she was totally okay with snuggling into him to sleep, trusting him to take care of her, casual touches were good. It was when things turned to sex(and even without being in ‘heat’, she was still aware of the utterly gorgeous super soldier next to her) that she got awkward. The fact she was attracted to him and equally scared of it, drove her insane. “...Good idea. Makes sense.”She muttered smiling a little as she tried to relax, swallowing hard as they got to the smallish hospital, the parking lot and hospital quiet as they headed inside. “Ms. Barnes?Mr. Rogers?I’m Alicia Johnson”the female doctor smiled as she greeted them as they walked into the office, the older woman smiling kindly. “Y-yes.”Myka stuttered a little, wrapping her arms around her waist, holding herself, feeling anxious despite the closed down office, and the kind doctor smiling at her. “Come on through then. We’ll just start the exam okay?”Alicia smiled showing them to a exam room, tilting her head as she looked at the two men, wondering if they were staying there or not for the exam, but not sure how to ask, having no previous exprience of how to deal with two guys and a girl in the exam.

“Probably a good thing he’s predictable, since he makes things blow up so often.”She snickered a little before her eye twitched a little. “No you wont. He doesn’t want to be a girl.”She snickered a little before getting up and gathering alex and his toys from where he was playing while Clint started making dinner, before returning him to loki’s care before stepping into the kitchen, looking at the archer as he cooked.”...Are we having eggs for dinner?”She said quietly, sounding anxious, but not sure how to bring up what she wanted to talk about, so she was asking about food, and hoping inspiration would hit her.
he shuddered. "i always have horrible dreams." he admitted. "i dream that i got my legs cut off. and i dream about Hydra, and i watched that Fucking documentary and read those books about what can go wrong with pregnancies and now it's all i can think about. i've burned the book though so you can't read it. one of us should get a good nights sleep." he grumbled as he let her snuggle. honestly, he hadn't really contemplated sex since he'd fucked her. he was too freaked out by the fact that he was going to be a father and his lover was still scared of him in a sexual sense. "it's nice to meet you." Steve stated as he examined her, as if trying to decide if she was a threat or not. "do you want me to stay or leave?" Bruce asked Myka. Steve didn't even offer, he just sat next to her at the bed.

Loki chuckled and nodded. "it's fun when he starts playing with explosives." he admitted with a grin. "not now. but wait until he's a teen. he'll be touching his own boobies all the time." he teased with a smirk. "nope." Clint admitted, sounding extremely pleased with himself. "i learned how to make strogonoff." he admitted. he wanted to prove he could be a good father and a good husband, so he'd been doing all sorts of ridiculous things, like learning how to mop the floor. that had been a hell of a mess. he hadn't swept first and he had put in way too much soap.
“....Urgh. You are horrible. I’m going to dream about you getting cut up now.”Myka whined pressing her face against his shoulder, shuddering at the idea before laughing quietly. “Oh. Well. Good. I don’t want to read it if it was that bad.”she muttered smiling a little. Myka swallowed hard as she absently tapped her fingers against her leg, looking anxious and upset as she studied the doctor, turning to look at bruce, swallowing hard. “stay.”She said quietly as she settled back, resting against steve’s chest as Alicia started her exam, a full physical, simply to see how mother and child where doing, though it was obvious after a few minutes Myka was wound tighter tehen a spring. Ready to lash out, even if she knew she couldn’t. Alicia frowned slightly, looking worried about the woman’s reaction, wondering how she could make her comfortable, flicking a look at the two men with her as she tugged the ultrasound over. “Lift your shirt up, Myka. We can see the baby now.” “O-okay.”Myka said sounding worried, her lip nearly bloody as she bit it, lifting her shirt up, jumping as the goo landed on her stomach, turning her head as she looked at the machine, watching the image starting to come in focus, eyes widening even more as she heard the rapid, fluttery sound, not realizing it was a heartbeat.

“”...That’s so wrong!Loki!”She whined looking bemused at the idea of alex as a girl, shaking her head in annoyance with the mental image. Looking startled as she walked closer, leaning over to look over clint’s shoulder, leaning against him. “It looks good. Really.”She smiled resting her head against his shoulder, sighing quietly, wrapping a arm around his waist. “Can we talk...?I mean, after you finish cooking...I thought we could head out to the balcony...enjoy the weather...”She said looking nervous, because she had noticed the ridiculous things he was doing, and had taken them totally different then what he had meant them as.They were just having a miscommunication about everything
he grimaced. "sorry." he muttered. "yeah, you don't want to read it and i don't wanna talk about it." he admitted before he took her hand and gently kissed the knuckles. "it will be alright." he promised softly. Bruce just nodded and moved over to stand by the door just to make sure no one else could come in. his eyes where already a glowing emerald green, showing that he would Hulk out in a second if someone dared to try and do anything improper. "....oh my god." Steve gasped as he stared at the screen. "that's the baby..." he whispered, sounding so awestruck it was almost funny. "look! it has a hand..." he muttered, touching the screen. it was actually a foot, but Steve didn't know that.

Loki just snickered at her. "Clint smiled a little. "i think i ruined it..." he admitted as he stared at the mess in the pan. "i think we're going to have to have Mac N Cheese again tonight..." as soon as she asked if they could talk he went stiff, as if dreading it. "i don't think i want to have this conversation." he admitted, his voice distant, almost hard. "i know you want to leave... i won't let you take Alex from me. i hope you know that..."
“I know. You’ll take care of me.”She muttered trusting him, tilting her head as she studied bruce for a moment, looking slightly amazed that he was being so kind and protective. Turning her head to look at the screen she nodded, “Yea. It is.”She said squinting a little, trying to make the vision appear better, trying to see their baby better. “A foot actually.”Alicia smiled as she paused the picture, printing it off before handing the picture to Steve. “here. You seem fine, I haven’t seen anything wrong.”She paused, looking slightly worried, not sure they’d apperciate tony telling her things, but well he had. “Mr. Stark said there was some complications, so I would like to see you in a few weeks okay? Unless you feel badly, then I want to see you right away. But a few weeks okay?”Alicia said studying myka, her heart hurting to see the woman so distressed. “Okay. I can do that. A few weeks is okay.”Myka said nodding eagerly, just wanting out of the room, feeling anxious and choked, claustrophobic despite her two best guys being in the room with her.

“Oh. Well, it was a nice attempt.”She smiled before laughing. “Hm, Loki’ll probably feed him. We can have whatever we want.”She muttered before going tense to, flinching a little at the tone of his voice, reacting to the tone, instead of the words. “What?No I don’t.”She frowned even as she headed for the balcony, snagging a mike’s hard lemonade, sipping it slowly as she settled on balcony, watching the city.”I wouldn’t take alex from you.”She said looking hurt at the thought he thought she would. Yea, this conversation was going to bruise them both.
he smiled at her a little. "oh. it's a foot?" he asked, wrinkling his nose. "are all baby's that hard to see?" yes. it wasn't the baby really, just the quality of the equipment. there where high end machines that could work better, but the hospital they where at couldn't afford them. and even then, the Fetus was too little. it was too soon to even tell the gender. "i'll make sure she comes in if there's a problem." Bruce assured the woman. "i don't know much about babies, but i am her Primary doctor. i'll be keeping a close eye on her." he promised. "come on. let's get you home." Steve promised as he helped her to her feet, Bruce smiling as he took the pictures and gave Alicia a small bow. "thank you for doing this. Myka has had an extremely hard life." he admitted. "you're swift attention and secrecy might very well save her in the future." he admitted, offering Alicia a smile before he headed out after Steve. "so! how about we stop at a Krispy Kreme and order a few hundred doughnuts?" he offered with a grin, Steve perking up. he adored Krispy Kream.

he grimaced a little. "true. Loki will feed him." he muttered softly before he abandoned his burnt and mangled cooking attempt and followed her out, picking up his favorite rum and a glass with ice in it. he poured himself a shot and sipped it as he watched her. "good..." he muttered, sounding rather defeated now. "i won't stop you, you know that right? if you want to leave... i won't stop you." he sounded so torn up. and suddenly the Alex thing made sense. he thought she wanted to leave. he thought she didn't want him after all. that was why he had been doing all those odd things, like trying to work the vacuum cleaner and do the laundry. he was trying to prove he could take care of Alex without her there when she did leave. it did prove what a good father he was at least, putting in so much effort for Alex's sake. and it showed just how much Shield had fucked him over that his first thoughts where that she was going to leave.
"It is.and on this equipment,I'm surprised we shaw that much.this is a older machine,so the pictures are sometimes fuzzy."alicia smiled a little. "...if you make up a list,wr can pay to have better stuff.I know we're being demanding by asking for after hours visits.wr can at least get what you need."myka said looking anxious, anxious to make sure the baby was okay,which for her,translated into getting better things. "I don't"alicia paused at the look the woman was givinf her before nodding."I'll see what I can fo."she promised before smiling at bruce."good. Mr.stark has my contact information,not only for the hospital but for my cell phone and house.if you have a question don't hesitate to call,not matter how stupid it might seem."she paused looking at myka who was clinging to steve,offering bruce a small smile"you're welcome...I'll try to not make it harder."alicia smiled laughing as myka perked up at the mention of doughnuts. "Yes.lets go. I want a chocolate bear claw.hurry up,cap. Not moving fast enough."thr freaked out and stressed woman hussled towards the door. Eager to not only get away from the stranger,but to get food.

Elena frowned at him,her face collapsing a little,a soft bruised look in her eyes."do...do you want mr to leave?is that why you've been doing stuff?so I'll be okay leaving alex here?"she frowned at him anger filling her eyes as she took a sip of her drink,"I'm sorry!I'm sorry I tucked everything up by not trying harder. I know yourr pussed about not being around when I was pregnant!I'm sorry I didn't fight harder.I was horrible!I didn't know ehat to do clint. Font make me leave because I was a fucking wreck, useless to do anything."she said her tone trailing off from anger into defeat.
Bruce nodded. "Tony won't mind. in fact he has some newly developed machinery that could use some proper field testing. i'll have him send some stuff over." Bruce promised. giving Alicia no chance to argue about it. he paused and then grinned. "did you give it to him or did he already know the information?" he asked, looking amused. "she'll relax. you came very highly recommended." he admitted. "she'll start to trust you as time goes on." he assured the woman before chuckling as Steve rolled his eyes. "why are you yelling at me and not Bruce? he's the one dragging his feet?" Cap playfully pouted as he sped up, leading her back to the car. they where first in line when Bruce went in to get the doughnuts. no one was going to stop an Avenger from getting their Doughnuts. Bruce got about a hundred doughnuts, making the people in line, and the people making the doughnuts wince, but Bruce soothed ruffled feathers by sheepishly apologizing and blaming it on Tony and pregnant Loki.

Clint scowled. "no i don't want you to leave!" he complained as he held his hands out to her. "you've been acting so weird! i thought... i thought you didn't want me anymore." he admitted with a choked sob. "i thought you where going to leave me. i don't want you to go. please don't go." he pleaded, clinging to her. "i need you. please don't leave me."
“Well, I would love to test out some new Stark tech.”Alicia said looking eager at the idea, because while they were a good hospital. They’d never been able to afford the newest or best stark tech, so this was going to be great. Smirking a little at Bruce she smiled. “He had it, but asked if it would be okay if he shared.”She smiled a little having found it oddly endearing that he’d invaded her privacy, then asked if it was okay if he shared. It was adorable, and that wasn’t something she’d ever considered tony stark. “Because it’s your fault I’m here, so you get yelled at.”Myka said even though she sounded amused, grinning as they got their doughnuts. Wincing a little as she looked at the other’s, she sighed.”sorry guys.”She said staying at cap’s side, even as she smiled at everyone, before heading back to the tower. Looking amused and happy as she walked back into her and steve’s apartment, settling on the couch, a whole box of doughnuts to herself, starting to eat as she looked up at steve. Relaxed more now that they were at home. “....That wasn’t so bad...”

“Oh-I-”Elena stuttered looking to surprised, and out of sorts to figure out what he was saying before moving over to him, shuddering a little as she walked into his arms, pressing her face against his chest. “I’m not going anywhere...I..I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was acting that weird...I...its hard seeing the other’s pregnant.”She muttered clinging to him.Hating herself a little bit for letting him even think of that.
Bruce chuckled. "technically, most of it is my technology." he admitted with a grin. "but i let Tony mass produce it and claim it because i don't want to be bothered." he admitted. "Tony's weird like that. you'll get used to it. he'll probobly call you to make sure she and the baby really are fine. he seams to think she and Steve can't be trusted for an accurate report." he admitted, looking amused. "we'll see you in two weeks." he stated before heading out and chuckling as he got the Doughnuts. "no it wasn't. she was a nice woman. didn't chatter too much and kept the touching to a minimal. Tony really found a fer good doctor." he admitted with a nod.

he clung to her tightly, weeping against her. "i'm sorry. i'm so sorry. it's just.. i shouldn't have thought it but... i was jsut..." he made another choked sound and shook his head. "i think i need to start seeing that psychologist..." he muttered, too exaughsted to be emotional now. "i thought you didn't want to handle the Drama anymore. all those people. the Avengers... i could understand you not wanting to deal with it, but it still hurt and..." he shook his head. "i'm sorry..."
“Well, whoever’s it is, it’ll be good to have.”Alicia smiled at him before laughing. “I’m sure I will. And I doubt anyone’s reports are enough for Mr. Stark.”She pointed out watching them go in amusement. “He did. Even if we’re not going to tell him he’s amazing for finding her. I have no desire to inflate his ego even more.”Myka smiled laughing a little as she chowed down on the doughnuts, eventually leaning back with a quiet little sigh, looking up at steve with amusement, quiet contentment in her face. Looking full and happy, her stomach rounding out ever so slightly from both gaining weight, and from being stuffed. Biting her lip a little as she considered her boyfriend, looking slightly nervous. Because while she hadn’t initiated sex, the woman was aware of her shortcomings, and felt bad for steve. And well...she was trying so hard to be comfortable, because it hurt her heart to consider him leaving her. “...Goodnight bruce.I think I’m going to get a shower.”She said as she got up, bending to kiss steve’s cheek before heading for the bedroom.

Elena gently stroked his hair, clinging to him, curling her body around him, closing her eyes. “We probably should both do so...”She said quietly, shuddering harder, trying so hard to not cry. “No...it’s not...that. I mean it is, but not....I’ve been...”She stuttered to a stop, closing her eyes. “I had a breakdown Clint. When I was pregnant.... I totally lost my mind clint, I couldn’t function...barely got out of bed....and now they’re having babies, and you were so happy to see pictures of me pregnant, and all I could remember was how utterly miserable and scared I was...”She trailed off staring at the floor, looking anxious and trying to voice the emotions she’d been trying to sort out over the last few days.
Bruce chuckled and nodded. "you have a point." he agreed. "we'll make sure your hospital is kipped out with the best. we'll probobly be bringing Loki here as well and we might come here for other issues. Alex for example. i don't do pediatrics and there are things i just won't do." he admitted. "Tony's due for a Prostate check and i am not putting my hand there. no siree." he stated firmly. "goodnight Myka. i'll be up in a bit." Steve promised. "i'm going to get all the chocolate bear claws and wrap them up for you. you'll probobly want some later." he admitted with a smile. "you should get some sleep too. you've been up all night." he admitted as he started gathering up her favorite doughnuts so he could stash them in their shared rooms.

he shook his head as he clung to her. "i'm sorry... i'm so sorry." he muttered. "i didn't mean to make you feel so bad." he whispered. "i know i wasn't there. but that can't be helped." he admitted, stroking her hair. "we are stronger because of our past, not despite it." he promised her. "i will hold onto you with everything i have. i don't need to see you pregnant to know i love you, and that i want to spend the rest of my life with you." he promised her. "come on... lets go cuddle on the hammock. i need physical reassurance." he admitted. he had always been extremely cuddly.
“Okay.And make sure Tony can’t find them. I have no doubt he’d eat them if he could find them.”Myka pointed out snickering a little, huffing quietly as she headed up to shower and indeed, when he made it upstairs, the woman was cuddled up in their bed, fast asleep, looking as peaceful as she ever did. In the morning Myka bit her lip, looking nervous as she stared at the bathroom door, running her fingers through her hair. Pausing long enough to listen for the shower she swallowed hard before stepping inside, stripping down, smirking at Steve’s startled squeak when he realized she was there. “Morning.”She said studying him for a long moment, eyes trailing over his body, looking so adorably nervous and jittery, and dammit, she so shouldn’t have listened to tony’s advice, but maybe it’d be okay. “feel like company?”she smiled at him, looking more at ease then she had ever at being naked with someone.

“I know, which is why I didn’t say anything. I figured I could get it worked out...but I’m sorry I made you worry.”she sighed, shifting, resting her head against his chest, enjoying the man petting her before nodding, “I wont let you go, Clint. Never doubt that. Me and alex are here to stay, and I love you.”She cuddled him more before nodding, shifting away from him, even though she kept her hands on him, unable to not touch him, reassuring herself as much as she was him. “I could go for some cuddles.”She smiled heading inside.

In the morning Tony smirked a little looking at the boy cuddling in the bed next to him, yawning. Blinking slightly as he turned his head to look at loki.”...I don’t know what disturbs me more, that alex’s is in bed with us, or that Myka asked for sex advice yesterday.”he muttered, snickering sleepily, though he did look slightly worried. For both myka, and for the fact neither clint or elena had come around to collect the boy yet. Not that he didn’t love having alex around, but it was still worrying.
he grinned. "i'll make sure Tony won't find them." he promised with a chuckle. he smiled as he found her sleeping and gently tucked her in properly before slipping in himself. in the morning he was shocked to find her in his shower and he reacted like the good boy-scout he was. he flushed hard, dropped his washcloth and clapped his hands to his crotch to hide. "i...i..i..." he was so cute sometimes. "c..c..company!?" he managed to squeak. "i...i've never... uh. been naked in front of a girl before..." he admitted, flushing even harder. it was kind of funny that he was more upset about being naked than she was. probobly made her feel a lot better about it too, not that he'd know that.

he shook his head. "i'm sorry i upset you too." he murmured softly. "i guess it's just..." he shook his head. "never mind. it's nothing. i was just stupid." he wasn't about to admit that the last comment Fury had ever said to him had been 'she'll leave you in the end Barton' and somehow it had stuck in his head. "yes, Cuddling is good." he agreed. he hadn't meant to fall asleep.

Loki smiled as he looked up from the book on quantum mechanics he'd been reading. "...Myka asked for sex advice?" he asked, looking worried. "that's not good..." he muttered, shaking his head. "in any case. i checked on Clint and Elena. they had a bit of a meltdown last night. they where crying all over each other and then fell asleep in the hammock. i figured i'd best let them sleep and try to let them work things out." he admitted. "did you sleep well?" he asked with a smile, his head tilted. "and did you finish bothering that poor doctor yet?"
Myka giggled a little flushing at his reaction, tilting her head slightly.”Uh-huh....I can go if you want me to...”She bit her lip shifting a little, looking bemused that he was more upset about this then she was, even if she knew it wasn’t true. “...You do realize I know you’re not the innocent virgin you’re acting like right?”She teased biting her lip, looking anxious, because despite everything, she wanted to please him, and she knew he’d had dates, had sex, had more sex then tony would ever believe him to have. He wasn’t innocent, but it just made her nervous, because she didn’t want to fail. Trying not to be to nervous she reached out, tugging at the washcloth, gentle fingers hesitatingly brushing against his cock, remembering tony’s advice. Taking her time, looking all blushing and quiet as she looked down.

“Not stupid, just as scarred as I am. It’s okay.”She muttered nuzzling her face against his chest as they cuddled into the hammock, clinging to him just needing him as she slept. In the morning elena groaned, stretching a little before shifting snuggling back into clint with a smile. “You okay?”She muttered turning her head to look at him, worriedly.

“Uh-huh. She was worried because she finally figured out just how much sex the Captain’s been indulging in before they got together.”he said before sighing. “I told her to take her time, do what she wanted...maybe join him in the shower, cause that was like the most innocent way I could think of to get naked. She was so worried, I just wanted her to calm down.”Tony said sounding a little anxious himself, because he was so, so worried he’d messed up in giving advice. “Ah. Well, yes. Better to let him stay.And I did.”Tony yawned before frowning. “I wasn’t bothering her!I was just making sure the appointment went well, and that I knew about all the equipment she needed.”
he shook his head. "no. you don't have to leave." he promised her. "it's just. i'm just... uhm..." he flushed hard and bit his lip. "yes, i know. i had sex with Peggy and some other girls. but it was always in the dark. and when we did it... we weren't. uh, you didn't..." he sighed and shut up. he didn't really care if she looked. but he was going to see his birthmark. the one that everyone laughed at. a medium brown marking in the shape of a heart right on the side of his dick. he gasped as she stroked him and he genty caught her hands, looking at her. "only if you want to." he promised softly. "if you have to stop. then do so. i won't get mad if you get scared." he promised her softly before letting her go again to do as she wanted.

he smiled a little. "yeah. i'm okay." he promised softly. "a bit upset that i thought so little of you, but i'm alright. i wasn't thinking right. i plead temporary insanity." he admitted sheepishly. "...we fell asleep. i hope Loki's not mad..."

Loki grimaced a little. "yeah Cap was a bit of a whore when he was in the army. every chance he could he got laid." Loki agreed. "wow Tony. that was very good advice." Loki admitted, pretending to be shocked. "i'm impressed, i really am." he teased with a chuckle. "you where on the phone with her for three hours Tony. that's pestering." he teased with a chuckle. "what do you want for breakfast? i can make something for you." he offered.
“Oh. Well, I’ll stay then.”Myka said relaxing at his reassurance, smiling quietly, nervously, before tilting her head back to look at him, tilting her head slightly. Oh. Well, I guess I can understand that.”She said, though she was totally at a loss on what he was talking about. Startling a little as he caught her hands, looking up at him. “O-okay. I can do that.”She nodded a little jerkily, nervous and worried about doing things right, as her fingers gently explored him, a small smirk tweaking her lips up when she saw the heart, gently tracing it, taking her time, just enjoying touching him, and while she was nervous, she weasn’t freaked out. Biting her lip as she thought about the advice tony had given her, closing her hand around him more, stroking him slowly, moving closer, resting her head against his shoulder, closing her eyes as she stroked him, totally concentrating on the man with her, wanting to please him.

“...Well, if it makes you feel better, I didn’t give you alot to work with. I was to busy freaking out.”She muttered before laughing quietly. “Temporary insanity is a good answer.”She muttered before wincing, “Me to. But I bet tony’s loving having alex around. More time to make sure he’s still the favorite.”She snickered as she moved to get out of bed and go get their son.

“Hm he was, though considering he had a brand new oversexed body, it’s not really surprising he was a whore.... And his girlfriend was totally freaking out. It was slightly adorable and worrying all at once.”Tony snickered a little before pouting. “Shut up. Don’t be so surprised.”he sulked before twitching a little. “That is not pestering1I was making sure sex and everything myka’d want to do was okay. And it is, so it was research, not pestering.”he pouted before smiling. “Pancakes.” “I want pancakes to, uncle lo.”Alex muttered sleepily, starting to wake up
he smiled sheepishly at her before he relaxed a little and studied her, his head tilted before he sighed and closed his eyes, tipping his head back and letting his mouth fall open so he could pant. he twitched a little when she touched that birthmark. he'd been teased relentlessly all through school for having such a feminine birthmark. he'd even tried to burn it off with a cigarette when he was younger. it clearly hadn't worked. "oh my god Myka." he moaned, shuddering. "that feels amazing." he muttered. he was already as hard as a rock and starting to leak.

he smiled a little at her and kissed her forehead a little. "yeah. we both went temporarily insane." he agreed softly, nuzzling her neck. "oh, bugger off." he complained, looking amused. "Tony is just a phase, Alex will grow out of it." he promised with a smile as he nibbled on the others neck with a chuckle as he stood up and stretched. "come on. lets see if someone has made breakfast. i think my cooking skills have more than failed." he admitted with a grimace.

Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "not surprising at all." he agreed with a chuckle. "well, so long as she doesn't push herself too hard." he admitted. "Steve won't push her, i know that for a fact." he admitted with a smile. "i am surprised." he teased with a chuckle before snorting. "you where pestering." he stated, giving Tony a kiss before heading into the kitchen to make pancakes. he wasn't about to cook anything for Steve, he was just gross. and Elena could make something for herself and Clint and Bruce was too busy to eat apparently. Maria and Phil where still toadying up to Fury, so they wouldn't hear from them for a while so he didn't have to worry about feeding anyone but Alex, himself, and tony.
Myka turned her head a little as he let his head fall back, making sure he was okay before smirking a little, turning her head back into his neck, cuddling against his chest, letting him block most of the water from hitting her, tucking her head under his chin, turning her head down a little, watching her hand stroke over him.”You know, this is such a good mark for you....wholesome as apple pie indeed.”She teased a little, though it wasn’t the biting tease of the kids in school, it was just a quiet wonder that he had a heart on his dick. Stroking her hand slowly, exploring, thumb brushing over the tip, gathering the moisture before stroking down again. “....really?”She said sounding eager to know she was doing okay.

Elena shuddered, whining a little as he nuzzled her neck, closing her eyes. “Uh-huh. I’m fairly certain living with him, isn’t going to make the phase any shorter. Did you see how he followed tony down to the lab, AND tony LET him?He doesn’t let most people down there.Even the team, with great reluctance. But he was okay with a kid.”She teased because she knew tony had let him down there simply because alex wanted to see the suit. Stretching she nodded. “Breakfast sounds amazing.”She smiled before rolling out of the hammock, heading for the elevator. “Let’s go see alex.”she grinned as they headed up to the penthouse. “Morning!Anyone up?”Elena called as she stepped inside.

“He wont let her, and he’ll stop her if he thinks she’s pushing herself to much.It’s okay.”Tony said before pouting. “You shouldn’t be. And I was not. Making sure Myka was really okay and that the doctor had everything she needs, is not pestering.”Tony grumbled. “Mama!Mama’s here!”Alex called when he heard her and clint coming in, nearly kneeing tony in the groin as he scrambled out of the bed to go see his parents.
he offered her a trembling sort of smile. he wasn't sure his facial muscles where working properly. his face went red from forehead to neck as she commented on his birthmark and he glanced away, rather bothered by the comments. but they weren't mean, rather, she seamed to like it. so he bent down and gave her a small kiss. "uuuhnng... yes, really." he moaned, his hips thrusting a little. "i love being teased." he breathed out, feeling the curling edge of his orgasm starting. he did love to be teased too. the longer it took him to reach orgasm, the better it was. he was usually too impatient to do it himself though, so her hands where like heaven.

he chuckled a little and shook his head. "i assure you, he will grow out of it." he promised with a smirk. "he's already starting to adore Loki just as much, and Jor too. by the time he hits his preteens, all of us will be rather old news to him." he admitted with a smile. "besides, Tony adores Alex." he admitted. "as long as Tony isn't working on anything dangerous down there, i don't see a problem with him being in the Lab." he admitted. "Alex knows to keep tiny fingers to himself." he admitted as he stood up and stretched, leading the way to getting dressed and then heading up to find Alex.

"exactly." Loki agreed before flashing Tony a grin. "you can argue about it all you want Love. but we both know the truth." he teased as he slipped out of bed and stretched. "we're going to have to start wearing groin protection." he mused, shaking his head. "morning you two, i'm making pancakes for Alex. would you like some?" Loki offered as he started pulling out the ingredients. there where blueberries, strawberries, bananas and chocolate chips for fillings. he himself adored strawberries and they where always around. and hell befall the person who dared eat the last of the strawberries before Loki did.
Myka smiled softly, before tensing as he glanced away, tense and anxious for a moment before he kissed her, relaxing as she realized he wasn’t angry with her for the comment, kissing him back before smiling as he thrust against her hand. “Well then, I think I can tease you.”She said smiling softly before turning her attention to drawing things out, her hands clumsy and eager on his cock, one hand sliding over his stomach, simply enjoying touching him, turning slightly to look down at him, biting her lip a little, before a wicked, little smirk twisted her lips, looking nervous but...well. Maybe. Leaning down she licked a wet line along his cock, rolling her eyes to look up at him before straightening again, returning to simply giving a hand job, to nervous to consider a blow job. A hand job was pushing her lips. Leaning up to look at him she dragged him down for a kiss, fingers tightening around him, wanting to see him come, needing a little bit of control in sex. Because she’d never had it before.

“Hm, that’s true. Though Tony’s not above giving gifts for affection.”She pointed out, snickering a little before nodding. “And he makes sure he’s not working on anything dangerous when he’s down there. The dangerous part of that is we’re going to get some robotic toy or something Alex cons him into making.”she snickered.

“Yea, I think we are.Go make breakfast. I’m showering first.”Tony yawned as he stumbled towards the bathroom. “Morning.”Elena smiled wincing a little as alex pelted into her thighs with all the wayward energy of a two year old, who didn’t know how to slow down or hold back. “Pancakes sound amazing.”Elena smiled as she picked up alex settling him in her lap as she sat at the table. “Were you good for uncle loki and tony last night?” “Yep, mama. We had fun!”
he smiled a little as he shuddered. "god, Myka." he moaned, shuddering as she resumed her attentions. he moaned again, biting his lip as if trying to keep the noises in and gasped, hard, hands flying to the wall as she licked him, tossing his head back so hard he conked it against the shower wall. not that he cared. he moaned again as he kissed her, and shuddered hard as he came, breath hitching as he fought back the urge to scream in pleasure, spilling his seed all over the shower and watching with hooded eyes as the water washed it all away. "ohmygod..." he muttered. "g..gimme a sec... think i had a heart attack." he breathed, his cock still twitching even though it was limp. "that was amazing." he admitted, once he got his bearings back. "thank you." he smiled at her. "would you like me to return the favor?" he offered. "it's alright if your not ready for me to touch you." he assured her.

he chuckled a little. "Tony's already given Alex a ton of stuff. i'm putting my foot down until Christmas at the very least." he admitted with a chuckle. "unless his birthday comes first of course." he admitted with a smile as he headed into the room, smirking a little as he watched Alex and Elena interact. Alex was doing so much better. "good because that's what your getting." he teased as he piled in some chocolate chips for Alex. as well as a few pieces of Banana. "so did you guys get everything sorted?" Loki asked and Clint hesitated before nodding. "yeah, i think so." he admitted with a smile. "we where both just over reacting. i think." Clint admitted, shaking his head. "
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