Missing Parts(lady/moon)

Loki smiled as he watched the little boy race off and he shook his head a little. "yes, but Fury has known how to override Tony's security for a while now. how? i don't know, but i suspect he has magical assistance of some sort." he admitted, baring his teeth a little. furious. "we're going somewhere where Fury cannot find us." he admitted. "not even Jarvis knows i own the place we're going to." he admitted as he took her and Alex's hands, and took them on a surprisingly long step. they stepped out into the middle of nowhere. a pretty nowhere, but there where no sign at all of other houses. there wasn't even a road connecting the place to the rest of the world. "we're in Wales." Loki explained with a small grin. "come on. lets got get comfortable. there's no TV but there's heat and lights, magically of course." he admitted. "there's no electricity here but we do have indoor plumbing." he promised as he led her up the small flower lined path to the House.

Steve huffed a little. "i don't know what those are." he growled. annoyed by the inane chatter but not snapping because he knew it was Tony's way of coping. "two doors. two windows. Natasha take the North window, Bruce? the South window. Tony you'll go in the Front door and i'll take the back. no chance for escape and we'll have her flanked." he stated, eyes flicking over the pathetic little one room hut. it wouldn't take much effort for Hulk and Natasha to break through the windows and they would stand the best chance of not getting shot... well, surviving getting shot in Hulk's case. "Clint, take the roof, Arrows at ready, if she takes a runner, you'll need to take her down." Steve warned, Clint nodding as he glanced at Tony, who would fly over the roof on his way to the door on the other side of the house. "Go." he ordered, heading for the 'back door'. as soon as he was certain everyone was settled, he gave the 'Go' signal and smashed into the house. "Don't Move!" he ordered, aiming a gun, looking for anyone in the house, whether it was Myka, or Myka and company, or no one at all he wasn't about to take chances.
“That’s disturbing. Really.”Elena said shaking her head, and knowing tony had to be furious knowing fury had a way into his tower that he couldn’t stop before looking releived. “Good...that’s good.”She muttered glad that no one, not even the AI who knew everything, knew where they’d be. “...It’s pretty here. Beautiful really.”she smiled a little looking around her, smiling as Alex ran ahead of them but staying in sight, exploring the flowers and the world. “Well, at least we’re not being totally heathens and living without plumbing.”She snickered a little.

“Spy movies. Seems appropriate to have it playing.”Tony muttered before nodding, as they silently got into place. “Let’s go legolas.”Tony muttered as he dropped clint onto the roof before tensing, bracing as they pushed into the room, wincing as he heard the coughing roar of a handgun and the scream of a knife scraping across the suit’s metal, well at least they had someone. Eyes widening though as he looked past the woman standing in the middle of the room, wondering how to get past her to the shot captain without inducing even more panic, wincing as Natasha neared her, disarming her from the gun, taking her full attention, Myka fighting with natasha in a effort to not hurt her before cursing, realizing what she was going to have to do, realizing the woman didn’t know them. Realizing she was fighting because she had been trained to. Wincing as she got the needle into the woman’s arm, she stumbled a little as the sedatives strong enough to affect her for a bit took effect, glad they’d found a combo that would work but not harm the child she carried. Holding the woman she paused long enough to look around the room, snorting a little. “Well. At least we know she’s still herself.”Natasha muttered shaking her head at the sight of the three downed hydra agents, wondering what in the world had happened. Maybe she wasn’t as lost as they thought.

“Cap?”Tony said moving across the room, wincing as he saw the blood staining the uniform, but while it had to hurt, it wasn’t a life threatening wound.
Loki nodded. "it really is. it also speaks of someone helping the humans when they shouldn't be, it's probobly a Dark Elf or a Fire Giant. filthy creatures." he grumbled before smiling as he watched Alex play. "as if i would live somewhere ugly." he teased. "i had originally planned on this being my home once my sentence was up." he admitted. "of course, that plan was ruined when i realized i actually liked those jerks." he admitted with a chuckle. "so i just kept this place for emergencies." he admitted with a smile. "we'll be safe here." he admitted. when i go to check on Tony and the others, you'll stay here. Myka could still be very dangerous after all." he admitted. "until we're sure she's safe, and sane, us three will live here. we can't risk her hurting Alex." he admitted. "and i'm a hedonist. of course i'm not going to live without plumbing."

Steve blinked a little. "...you'll have to let me borrow them when we get home. Myka loves Spy movies." he admitted. he knew a movie marathon was going to have to wait because he currently had three holes inside of him. he knew nothing vital had been hit, but one of the bullets was still lodged inside of him, preventing healing. he was laying on the floor, coated in his own blood when Myka was 'taken down', grimacing a little. "i'm fine. i need a doctor though." he admitted weakly. "got a bullet in me." "i'm on it." Bruce promised. "i brought my kit." he admitted. "let's get them into the Jet and back to the Tower, i can work on him in the jet, and Alicia is waiting for us as well to check on Myka." he admitted. he was ever so grateful to know that she'd had nothing to do with Myka getting Taken. Loki had questioned Alicia himself. "Clint, you and Tony get Cap to the Jet as gently as possible. Natasha and i will take Myka." Bruce ordered as he carefully picked up side of Myka, carefully picking her up. she hadn't lost any weight, so that was very good. he could only hope Hydra hadn't tried to experiment on her or the baby. who knew what would happen if they had done something so stupid?
“That’s a disturbing thought, that’s loki.”She muttered shuddering at the idea of dark elves and fire giants, before smiling. “Well, you do live at the tower. Sometimes I question if tony just wanted a odd shaped building.”She snickered a little shaking her head before smiling. “Quite a shock wasn’t it?Realizing you liked them?”she teased before nodding. “I know. Even if she remembers who she is, who we are...she wont be safe around us for awhile.”She swallowed hard, because it pained her greatly to consider all that carefully nurtured trust being shattered. Smirking a little at Loki’s words. “Well, of course you’re a hedonist. You’re dating Tony.”

“I will.We’ll make a night of it.”Tony grinned a little pained. “You’re such a boyscout.”Tony muttered as he helped Natasha lay myka down, looking her over, glad to see she wasn’t smaller or broken, still seemed to be pregnant. “Come on, hawkboy, let’s get our esteemed captain out of here.”Tony said helping clint get steve up, balancing him carefully between them, walking. This was so horrible, and between the avengers they got both steve and myka back to the jet. Settling Steve into the medical bed and settling myka onto the other, undoing his suit, setting it aside as he settled in to simply talk to steve as bruce worked, distracting steve, even as they got closer to the tower he winced hearing myka starting to stir wincing as he heard both natasha and clint trying to calm her, her fighting becoming more wild, wanting to hurt them to get away, but they were restrained because they really didn’t want to hurt her, but couldn’t drug her again because the sedatives might effect the baby.

“No!let me go!There was a attack. I have to take care of this. Now.There’s people in the house!You woke me for a reason, let me take care of them!”She demanded trying to get out of natasha and clint’s hold, but despite being a super soldier, the woman unconsciously knew who they were, didn’t want to hurt them, even if she couldn’t remember who they were. “Sir!please!”She demanded. “You cannot, Ms. Barnes, you are pregnant. You knew that the pregnancy would take you out of the fight, until the child was born. Stop.”Natasha ordered with the calm efficiency of a hydra agent, wincing a little as myka calmed and relaxed back into the bed. While she’d wanted her calm, it pained her to see her like this.
Loki smirked a little and chuckled. "hey. i'm keeping you safe." he teased. "you'll just have to deal with me." he admitted with a smile. "i'm pretty sure. Tony was always an attention whore." he admitted with a chuckle. "he just had to have the prettiest building." he admitted with a laugh. "...it was a shock actually." he admitted with a chuckle. "i was all set to hate them for life and have my revenge but... well... Tony has a way of digging deep, and digging fast." he admitted. "and everyone else sort of just, slipped into place." he admitted before he snorted. "most people would think that dating tony would be an act of Masochism." he pointed out as he headed inside. "this would really make a great vacation spot for us." he admitted. "there's plenty of rooms. when things settle down, we might all have to come here for a little while. just to settle our nerves." he admitted. "what would you like for lunch?"

Steve smiled a little. "i am a boyscout. i have the medals to prove it." he admitted, closing his eyes as he gritted his teeth against the pain of being moved around. "you got it Rust Bucket." Clint stated with a snicker as he helped Tony get Clint into the Jet. it took Bruce ten minutes to fish the bullet out, but the other two bullet holes where already closing over. "thanks Bruce." Steve chirped once the Bullet was removed, tensing when Myka started to freak out. "...Good Job Natasha." Steve muttered, watching Myka intently. swallowing thickly. she didn't know him but she would remember eventually. he was sure of it. he sat up carefully and moved over to her, glancing at the ring on her finger. "Miss Barnes." he stated, staring her in the eyes. "do you remember who i am?" he asked showing her the ring on his own finger before taking it off and handing it to her. hoping that it would be enough to jog her memories. or at least keep her calm.
“I’m sure it was. And Tony is...I was prepared to dislike him simply for being...well him. But he does endear himself to you quickly, even if he’s still snarky and insane.”Elena snickered a little before laughing. “It is. And such a obvious one that I wasn’t going ot say it. Simply dealing with his sleeping habits is enough to make me a little twitchy, and I’m not even the one who has to see him all the time.”She snickered a little shaking her head a little before looking around. “Oh...yes. You know, this would be a nice place to escape. Especially for tony when he needs a break form tech. I know it’s rare, but Clint says he can sometimes overdo it and need a break.”She smiled. “Mac and cheese mama!Uncle lo’, pasta!”Alex demanded running back into teh room and looking up at his uncle in what clint called the ‘puppy dog eyes learned from a overly puppy Captain’.

“...Hey!No calling me rust bucket, Katniss.”Tony sulked a little wincing as bruce fished around in steve’s wound. It was disturbing really to watch it, even if he knew Steve would heal it within minutes. Myka tensed looking up at him, studying him for a few moments before her whole frame shuddered. “Captain...”She muttered frowning, her own memories there, just out of reach. “...I wonder if the memory wipe works as well as normal if she’s not coming off ice...”Tony muttered to bruce, tilting his head. Watching the woman, knowing she was holding pieces of the life she’d built, and knowing hydra had tried to take it from her, he was utterly furious and pissed. He was so going to deal with pepper when they got home. But Tony’s theory was right, while they had wiped her memory, had always done it, without the months on ice to go with it, she was remembering more, though it was fragmented and distorted among the memories they’d tried to give her, leaving her not trusting any of them, even if she wanted to. "..I don't know. you need me for something?"Myka said looking confused and lost as she tried to get up again, needing to move, feeling her control starting to slip, the need to lash out, to get away from the others despite the insane desire to trust the blond in front of her, was driving her to a breaking point
Loki smiled a little. "he's easy yo hate from a distance." he admitted. "but when you get in close, and see how much he really does for the people he cares about then everything changes." he admitted with a smile. "and once you realize his snarkiness is just his way of coping with situations he can't really handle, then you realize he is flawless in all ways and mine." Loki admitted with a smirk. "women everywhere cried when they found out Tony was dating me permanently." he admitted with a snicker. "i think Myka needs it more than Tony does at this point." he admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "you want Pasta huh kiddo? you wanna help?" Loki asked with a grin. Loki refused to eat that 'boxed crap' so he made his own mac n cheese using spaghetti noodles and Velveeta. it was extra cheesy and Alex loved to cut up the Velveeta using a kitchen butter knife and then add it to the noodles.

"oh, i'm sorry, would over 'glorified Fire Hydrant' work better for you?" Clint asked, smirking a bit. "maybe 'i have a tiny penis so i built a red and gold robot so people won't notice'. that works better right?" he asked, looking quite pleased when Steve laughed. "yes. it's me. Cap. it's Steve." he murmured to her, feeling hopeful. she hadn't forgotten him. "i don't think the memory wipes work at all but for short term stuff. she was only ever awake long enough to do her job and then she was forced under again." Bruce stated. "that's what the medical files indicated anyway." Bruce admitted. "no. Myka. we don't need anything from you. we came to rescue you." he explained. "you don't remember, probobly but you and i are engaged." Cap explained, picking up her hand and showing her the ring on her finger, as well as their matching Tony made Bracelets. "don't get up, please." he asked gently. "we don't know if your hurt or not. back up a bit, okay guys?" he ordered Nat and Clint, Bruce and Tony.
“For a man who is the least trained of them all, he copes better then most people would.”Elena said tilting her head as she considered that. Tony had gotten into things without shield, without anyone but pepper being there to catch him if he fell, iron man his last best coping mechanism in survival. Laughing at his words she smirked, “I’m sure there were a few men who wept to.”She snickered. “Yes!Yes I wanna help!”Alex giggled happily as he climbed up onto the chair his mother got it for him, giggling happily to be with his mother and uncle, settling in to help him.

“...Just because you’re jealous of utterly amazing I am, and that Elena actually went on a date with me, is no reason to so hateful. I’ll forgive you this time though, since I want your help when I go to SI when we get home.”Tony said wtih a sniff, though he to looked pleased when steve laughed, glad they’d distracted him as bruce dug in his side. “...Good. Means we’re in there, just jumbled up. Well, at least we’ll be able to get her back then.”Tony muttered glad to know that, and pleased to think about the mind wipe being short term, meant that there somewhere, was the woman who knew them, even if she wasn’t aware of it really. “...Oh...”Myka frowned startling badly as he took her hand, jerking back from him as he took her hand before looking at the bracelet, “OKay....wont move.”She said wincing a little as she settled back onto the bed, staring at the silver bracelet on her wrist.”...this does something doesn’t it?I/...I had to undo a bracelet they’d put around it when I woke up yesterday...I didn’t...I didn’t know why, but it seemed important.”She muttered her harsh panting slowing a little as they all backed off, shifting to the far side of the bed as they landed at the tower, alicia waiting for them, already bracing for her to act even more tense and upset then normal, but when they did bring her in, nothing could prepare her for the utter insanity and tense winter soldier. Glancing at the avengers crowded in the spacious lab she swallowed as she examined myka, glad to find that while her heartrate was higher and was suffering from stress, the woman seemed physically okay, wincing as myka bolted off the bed, huddling in the corner between the table and the wall, couching down there as she fought for control, “G-go away!”myka ordered sounding strung out and so aware of just how many people were near her.
Loki chuckled a little. "Tony doesn't cope at all actually. it's taken me a hell of a lot of work to get him to this state." he admitted. "he still can't sleep through the night." Loki admitted. "he reacts just like 'normal' people do, he just hides it better so no one will worry about him." he admitted. "alright Little Man." he chirped, smiling as he watched Alex before he paused, his head cocking to the side. "they're back in the tower." he admitted. "but Tony hasn't given the Okay signal yet." he admitted. "so it's either not safe for me to check on them, or he forgot." he muttered, looking amused.

he snorted. "Elena was only using you to get information on me." he teased with a snicker. "yeah, i'll help you with Shield." he agreed, his eyes flashing. "and make sure that bitch is there as well." he ordered. "Coulson sent me a Text confirming Steve's theory." he admitted. "Pepper spilled the beans... i'm sorry Tony but we can't let this go. she needs to face her fate this time." he admitted. "yes. these Bracelets let us track each other." he explained. "the one you had around it was blocking the signal. it monitors our health too, so that if we get into a fight and get hurt, the others can get to us." Steve explained to her. he hovered next to her as she was examined before he realized he was freaking her out. "alright! out. all of us. out!" he ordered, shooing the others out of the room. "i'll be waiting outside the door." he told Myka. "so no one else can get in. let Alicia finish looking you over. and then Bruce needs to take a look too. Hydra might have done something nasty to your Serum while they had you." he admitted. "he wants to make sure your still stable." he explained, nodding to Alicia before he closed the door and stood guard outside. he wasn't about to let her down again. never ever.
Elena winced, staring at the other.”Now I feel bad for not noticing he was hiding that much.”She muttered frowning a little, though she looked amused as she watched alex and loki make dinner before laughing. “If it was anyone else but tony, I’d say it wasn’t safe yet, but its possible he forgot to....though considering what happened, she might not be safe to be around yet.”Elena sighed quietly.

Tony winced looking away, tensing. “I know...I will. It’s...I knew a month ago it was her, I just didn’t know how to deal with her without knowing how myka was....”he shuddered a little, anxious because he knew confronting pepper was going to be a nasty, brutal talk. Myka relaxed a little as they all left the room, eyeing alicia worriedly before nodding, glancing at steve, even without her memories, she trusted him enough to trust him with her health.. When alicia emerged she looked stressed, but also relieved as she gently shut the door behind her, “Bruce doesn’t think they did anything nasty. He didn’t find anything different yet, we’re of the theory they were afraid of a miscarry enough to not risk messing with her more then they had by trying to wipe her mind.”Alicia sighed tiredly looking at steve, resting a hand on his arm. “She’s stressed and scared, but physically she is in good health steve.”

Tony swallowed hard as he looked at Clint as they walked out of medical, running his fingers through his hair, trying to brace himself. “Come on. I got in contact with Pepper, and she’s at SI in her office. Let’s go get this over with.”he said wanting to deal wtih pepper before the woman realized that myka was back, or he had more time to freak out about what was going to happen. Quiet and brooding as he headed to the woman’s office with clint, knowing better then to think steve was going to leave myka to come with them
Loki smiled. "he's very good at hiding it. if i didn't spend almost 24 hours a day with him, i might not have noticed either." he admitted. "well, if he hasn't signaled by tomorrow, i'll slip a clone in and see how things are going." Loki decided. "poor Steve's probobly..." he shook his head and let Alex tip the misshapen cheese into the pot of noodles. "it will be alright, i'm sure. whatever happens..." he muttered, biting his lip a little, worried about the people in the Tower.

Clint nodded. "can you handle it Tony? if we have to have her killed or arrested?" he asked, looking worried because they both knew that in a world run by fury, no prison would hold Pepper. they would have to kill her or detain her themselves. that actually wasn't a bad idea. "you know. i bet Thor would let us have her detained in Asgaurd or something. then she couldn't cause any problems at all and we wouldn't have to... er... deal with her in a messier manner..." that probobly wasn't helping. "anyway, we'll get her back to the tower before arresting her." he decided, knocking on Pepper's door and making up some bullshit about how Natasha needed to see her right away about press control over the last Hulk incident. once they where in privacy he 'lied' again and told her that Myka had gone missing and that Steve was going insane, which was true enough and kept Pepper from being suspicious until they got her into the Tower, where he immidiatly handcuffed her and informed her that she was in a shit load of trouble.

Steve offered her a gentle smile before he closed the door and looked at Alicia when she finally came out. he nearly sagged with relief at the knowladge that Hydra and Shield hadn't dared to hurt her or experiment on her. "stressed and scared we can handle." he admitted wincing as he rubbed his sore shoulder. one of the bullets had nicked bone, and it ached now while it was healing. "can she be moved? i'd like to take her to her room." he admitted. "she might be more comfortable there, ans seeing her things might help jog some of her memories."
“That’s a little disturbing actually. Maybe he should be the one who’s a spy, not clint and natasha.”She snickered a little shaking her head before nodding.”Steve’s losing his mind. And you know it.”She muttered smiling as alex cheered at putting the cheese in. “Mama!Look, dinner’s done.” “So I see, sweetheart. Come on, let’s eat.”Elena smiled helping him to the table, settlign the boy into her lap, letting him eat, even if she was mostly just picking at her food, to stressed to really eat it.

“I have to. It’s my fault she’s this fucking insane, I wont let anyone else take care of it.”He paused eyeing the man next to him, tilting his head slightly at the other’s words, huffing out a laugh.”You aren’t so good at the comforting thing you know.”He muttered even as they got pepper back to the tower, ignoring the small barbs and character flaws she was picking on as they walked, so used to pepper scolding and growling at them, that she wasn’t even worrying over what they were doing. “What?I didn’t-” “You told fury. I know you did, it’s just taken a month to be in a room without outright killing you that it’s only coming up now.” “Tony why would-” “I was willing to ignore it when you just focused on me, I was a ass, but steve?Myka, hell not to mention clint, elena and alex...you know what? The rest of my team, was off limits pepper!It’s not their fault you hate me for being iron man.”Tony yelled, starting to lose his temper, months-years really, worth of anger and hurt feelings bubbling over the top. Absently raising a hand and touching the necklace, desperately needing loki, even if he wasn’t sure it was safe yet. “Clint, lock her in my bedroom. It’s the most secure room in the building, and Jarvis can keep a eye on her until we can get thor here.”The man said, actually liking the idea of her in asgard, not simply to keep them from killing her, but to keep her away from fury.

“Careful, you might fall over if you get any more relaxed, Cap.”Alicia teased, though it was strained, tightening her hand around his arm, even if she would have no chance to keep him up if he did indeed collapse. “That, we can definitely work with.”She said before her look sharpened, looking at him worried. “You want a painkiller?I know it’s healing, but Bruce said he fished some bone fragments out of your shoulder.”She said looking worried for him to before nodding. “No reason to not move her. Come on, let’s see if she’s up to being alone with you.”Alicia said, warning him gently that myka might not be able to stand it yet. To confused, to scared to really trust any of them. Even if she remembered him, it was...freaking her out a little bit. “Captain?”Myka asked quietly looking up when they walked in, tensing, arms tightening around her pregnant stomach, a little more rounded then when she’d disappeared, protecting the child she carried, even if she wanted to trust them, the need, the fierce need to protect the child she carried(Even from her friends, if they were to believed it was true) kept her from being to trusting.
Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "Tony can't lie to save his life. if you ask him to his face if he's okay he'll stutter and try to change the subject. he's usually pretty slick but once you know his 'tells' he's like a big red neon sign that flashes and states 'i'm being stupid, worry about me'. it's really kind of amazing once you learn how to read him, he's like this massive open book. the electronic kind." he admitted. "every things fine." Loki promised, smiling at her. "i'm sure of it." he admitted before pausing. "Tony's calling for me. i'll be right back." he admitted, kissing her forehead. "eat up little man." he ordered with a grin. "wait until you see the pond. i'll teach you how to fish."

Clint glared at Tony. "this is NOT your fault Tony! how DARE you say it is! you didn't make Pepper thi way! these are her actions and her decisions and if she'd ever loved you at all she never would have asked you to give up something that you need. you are a good man tony, and Iron Man is not just who you are. it's your way of life. don't see her asking Steve to stop being such a christian, or Thor to stop being so loud." he pointed out. "she's a selfish bitch, and you shouldn't blame yourself for that." he informed his freind before he focused on fooling Pepper. it took every ounce of self control he had not to shoot her in the face for picking at Tony like that. "she's not going anywhere near MY bedroom Tony Stark!" Loki complained as he materialized next to his lover. "she'll foul the place up. we'll need to fumigate." he complained. "i have just the place for her i made it in secrete so you wouldn't yell at me." he admitted. "it's in the basement." he admitted, staring at Pepper before smirking as he lifted his shirt and set his hand on his rounded belly. "i gave Tony what you never could. love, happiness, and now i'm going to give him something you wouldn't." he informed her. "you might think he's worthless, but i think he's priceless." he admitted. "the only reason your even still alive is because Tony asked me not to kill you." he admitted, baring his teeth at the woman. "think on that while you rot in Nifelfheim bitch. my daughter will watch you for the rest of your days. you'll learn he real meaning of hard work." Hela had been looking for a new 'secretary' of sorts. Loki had offered Pepper.

Steve smiled at her. "i'm alright." he promised. "i'm just so damn relieved. i've had nightmares for the last month about what they might have been doing to her..." he made a strangled sound before he got himself under control. "painkillers don't work." he admitted. "the only thing you could give me would be too strong to do anything other than make me sleep." he admitted. "i'm used to pain. i'll be fine." he promised. "i know she might not want me in her space. that's perfectly fine. i can hole up in one of the spare rooms until she's fine with me again." he admitted before he smiled a little at her. "we thought you might be more comfortable in your own room." he admitted. "you don't remember, i suppose, but you've been living with us for several months now." he admitted. "Alicia will come with us of course, and anytime you need me to leave, just tell me and i'll go away." he promised. "if you do need me, you can get me by contacting Jarvis." he admitted. "he's the houses AI system." he explained as he led the way to her room, letting her explore at will. "the entire Tower is open to you of course, though the lower levels are usually filled with people who work here." he warned. "is there anything you need? anything i c...can get for you?" he asked, looking so worried about her. so concerned, and so eagerly hopeful to be useful that it would have been adorable if she hadn't been so scared and remembered who he was.
“..He stutters alot. I mean, like alot alot.”Elena said her eyes widening a little as she considered just how many times the billionaire stuttered and quickly changed the subject on things, before snickering. “He should get a sign that says that. Maybe I’ll have alex get him one for his birthday.”She snickered a little before nodding, “Go. Take care of them loki.”She muttered. “Okay, uncle lo’.I wanna fish soon, so hurry!”Alex said smiling at him as he ate. Mother and son settling in peacefully to wait news.

Tony’s shoulders hunched a little as Clint yelled at him, compulsively swallowing hard, because clint’s words had broken through the man’s self hate. Already vulnerable because of what Pepper had done, he was taking the other’s words more seriously then he normally would have. “...Steve’s a little thief who’s figured out he can pick my pockets sometimes. Not overly christian that.”he muttered snickering a little. “...Oh. Well, I wasn’t thinking on that. You’re right. It would need cleaned.” “Tony-” “Shut up. Please.”Tony said rubbing his temple, his head was killing him, though he did smirk as he watched the other two, amused slightly that Pepper was just gaping at loki. “But he can’t-” “Magic, babe. Gotta love it sometimes.”Tony cut her off, before nodding. “Get her out of here loki.”He said waving them away, relaxing as loki disappeared. When he returned Tony offered loki a small smile as he poured him, clint and loki a drink-though loki’s was just milk instead of the hard stuff. “How’s elena and alex?”He asked, determined to not think about pepper, though he was failing, he looked anxious to not do so.

“Okay.And I know, the other’s were worried, but any sleep medication I could give you, wouldn’t help.”She sighed softly before smiling. “I know, but you could use some sleep to steve.”She scolded him lightly, knowing he really hadn’t been sleeping. Myka frowned at that thought, looking between them before it deepened, a slight frown between her eyebrows. “there...there was a drawing...I drew a group for the wall...”She trailed off, not looking sure about that, but almost, remembering their room before getting up. “Thank you.I...I know you said we were...engaged....I am sorry...”She said looking up at him as they walked, though she followed him, she was careful to not get to close, hands loose at her sides, ready to snap up and defend herself if she needed to, listening to him explain things even as she walked around the living area and her bedroom, then the kitchen. Exploring, refinding the place that had been hers before biting her lip, turning to look at him standing at a perfect distance to not worry her, but also hovering over her like a worried mother hen over a chick. It would indeed be adorable if she remembered stuff. “....can you cook?”She frowned a memory surfacing."Cookies?"
Clint gently patted the others shoulder. "i don't want to yell at you Tony. but you need to stop blaming yourself for this kind of shit." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "you saved my life you know. a few times. i hate to see you hating on yourself like that. especially when there's no reason for you to." he admitted. "Tony i hate to tell you this but Steve can pick your pockets any time." he admitted with a smirk. "he's just nice enough not to. besides, he prays every morning and every night and goes to church every Sunday and Wednesday. that's practically obsessively Christian." he pointed out with a smirk. "you got it Love." Loki murmured, kissing Tony. "and maybe later, you and i can go do superhero sex?" he asked playfully, knowing it was going to piss Pepper off. "oh. and remind me to propose to you at some point, since you can't seam to work up the nerve to ask me." he teased, chuckling as he kissed Tony's sputters away and then took Pepper to the bleak expanse of Nifelheim where she would spend the rest of her life working long hours for no benefit processing the souls that came in and waiting on Hela hand and foot. "Elena is anxious, but Alex is quite excited. i'm going to keep them, and myself there until we're certain Myka has settled." he admitted. "i'm going to teach Alex how to fish." Clint pouted a little, but had to admit, he needed to stay here in case Myka went nutto. he'd teach Alex how to play football instead and baseball. and maybe soccer.

he nodded. "sleep medication doesn't do anything. even the strongest stuff doesn't work. i've tried everything, even bull tranquilizers." he admitted. "under Bruce's supervision of course." he assured her. "he's trying to find a painkiller that works with the serum, but he's had to shelf it in favor of monitoring Myka." he admitted. glad that Bruce knew how to prioritize. "you did, yes. you drew a picture of me and my old Team, the Howling Commandos." he admitted to Myka, moving over to his own bedroom and picking up the framed picture. "here. see? you drew this for me." he admitted with a smile. "there's no reason for you to be sorry." he promised her, not touching her. he knew she wouldn't like it if he stroked her hair the way he usually did. "Hydra is to blame here, not you." he promised her gently. "yes, i cook." he agreed, looking delighted. "the first night you where here, i made you cookies." he admitted with a smile. "you fell asleep in the kitchen and i stood over you all night. would you like me to make you some cookies?" he asked curiously.
Tony startled a little at the touch, looking over at him. “You’re being sentimental. It’s kinda creepy and amusing all at once.”Tony said deflecting, like loki said, he’d avoid things he didn’t want to talk about before laughing. “I know, but my ego can’t handle the idea of Cap picking my pockets, so I pretend he can’t do it all the time.”He snickered before nodding. “Cap’s obsessive. Ten bucks says until she’s back though, he’s skipping church.”Tony snickered a little leaning in to kiss loki softly. “Hm, does that mean I get to put on the suit?”He muttered ignoring pepper’s sputtering before laughing slightly. “I was going to ask. Eventually.”He grumbled watching them leave. “Good.”Tony said relaxing at the idea of loki staying with them, though it annoyed him to be away from the three he’d come to accept as his family. They were all his family really, and he hated having any of them gone. Glancing at Clint he tilted his head. “You okay with that?”He said wondering if clint would truly be upset someone else was teaching his son while he was here helping them with this mess.

“Good. No exprimenting.”Alicia said smiling a little.”And we’ll take care of her Steve. Don’t worry.”She smiled at him. “...Your best friend was with you.”Myka said not sounding sure about that before looking at the drawing, her hands curling around the frame, looking down at it, biting her lip. “It’s beautiful....I wasn’t sure you’d like it.”She muttered, it seemed that as long as she wasn’t thinking to hard about it, the memories came easier, though they’d come and go for awhile. Curling her toes into the carpet she looked up at him, biting her lip, not sure if she believed him that she didn’t need to blame herself, but she wanted to. “....I do.”She said smiling, tilting her head a little. “....You’re excited about taking care of me, I’ve never had that before...usually no one wants to take care of me longer then to get me awake, or...”She trailed off a little, not wanting to admit to the rape, if he didn’t already know.”....how long was I gone?”She said frowning down at her stomach, seeing the pregnant curve, looking bemused. Now that would have been a blow to the ego, if they’d had more then sex once. She’d totally forgotten about it, though she assumed it happened, as she knew instinctively they wouldn’t have done a expriement to get her in this condition, so she had sex at some point.
Clint snorted. "it's Elena's fault. she makes me feel feelings and stuff." he admitted. "Alex does too, so it sort of leaks out." he admitted with a snicker. "how do you think i feel? he keeps taking my wallet and my watch and my cellphone." he admitted with a shake of his head. "that's no bet. we both know Myka's more important to him. he'll probobly just double his pray time and pray about Myka a lot." he admitted with a chuckle. "you do get to put on the suit." he agreed with a smirk. "and i know you where. for the record, my answer will be yes." Loki promised tony with a smile. well aware that the man had been fretting about it until Myka had been kidnapped. with her back, Loki didn't want to wait anymore. "i'll be fine. it will be good for Alex to learn how to fish. and i can still teach Alex all the other fun stuff. sports, and how to fight and stuff." he admitted. "it will entertain Alex and keep Loki from freaking out and stuff." Clint agreed with a smile. "besides... i can't wait to hear Alex tell stories about how he made Elena squeal with worms and fish." he admitted with a snicker.

he smiled at her. "i wouldn't dare." he admitted. "besides, even hardcore drugs don't do anything. we tried Pot and some of the other things i can't remember the names of and i didn't do anything but have an elevated heart rate." he admitted. "i know we will take care of her." he admitted with a smile. "yes." he admitted to Myka. "Bucky. i don't know why you where worried really. it was the best present ever. well. other than you agreeing to be my future bride. i proposed to you on my birthday, only to find out you had been planning the same thing." he admitted with a grin. "it was awesome." he admitted. "i like to take care of you." he admitted with a smile before he grimaced. "that's one of the reasons i'm not touching you." he admitted. "it took months for you to trust me to touch you." he admitted with a sigh. "...you where gone a whole month. we looked everywhere. we had every recourse focused on finding you and we just couldn't." he admitted with a shake of his head. "when your vitals reappeared i thought i was dreaming it was too good to be true." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i don't know how i could ever tell you how close i was to crying when i realized you where alive." he admitted. "and when Alicia told me they hadn't hurt you. i..." he shook his head. "i'm sorry. i'm getting emotional..."
“Hm, being in love tends to do that to you.”Tony snickered slightly before laughing. “Good. I want to wear the suit.”Tony smirked looking amsued at the idea before flushing a little. “Well, it’s nice to know the answer before I get to ask.”he said blushing slightly, relaxing as he realized it was okay, now he’d just plan a good proposal, not about to just take this, he was goign to do something romantic and nice. “True. It’ll be good for them.”Tony smiled slightly, rubbing a hand over his face, smirking.”I didn’t think it was possible for elena to be freaked out like that?Really?Worms and fish?”He said the stress and tension breaking, making him laugh as he considered that.

“Well...I don’t know.I’ve never had anyone to get presents for.Maybe I was just nervous about it.”She shrugged a little absently twisting the ring around her finger using her thumb, a nervous tic, reassuring herself that it was still there, before laughing quietly. “Great minds, you know.”She snickered slightly, amused at the story, frowning as she tried to find the memory, swallowing hard as it just made her head ache.Rubbing the heel of her hand against her forehead as she sat at the table she swallowed hard, trying to force the memories hurt. Studying him for a long moment, tilting her head. “...You’d be the first one.”She sighed quietly, blushing as he admitted to liking take care of her, before relaxing, realizing that she wouldn’t have to worry about him touching her. Listening, she tilted her head s lightly, rubbing a hand over her stomach, biting her lip. Feeling horrible that he’d gone through that, more then being trapped by hydra, the thought of him being alone, being that scared, killed her. “It’s okay...I’d be emotional to if I could only remember us....”She said sounding pained and sad, hating that her memories were being used against her, that her memory was the one thing she couldn’t count on, in a body that never failed her. Swallowing hard she stilled her hand on her stomach, before looking up at him. “The child....is yours, right?”She said sounding anxious and worried dabout the answer.Needing it to be his, and not hydra's.
Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "yes. i want you to wear the suit too. fuck me as Iron Man. it'll be hot." he admitted with a grin as he kissed the other before he paused. "oh... CAN you fuck me as Iron man?" he asked curiously. "i mean, can you drop the groin plate?" he asked curiously. "you might have to work on that." he admitted with a smile. "and it's nice telling you. the look on your face was priceless." he teased, giving Tony a kiss. "Elena is a city girl. she's never held, or seen a live fish outside of a tank before, let alone touched one. she's gonna squeal i'm sure of it." Clint admitted with a chuckle.

"true." he agreed. "you have a lot of freinds now." he admitted with a smile. "everyone here adores you." he admitted. "the only person in the tower adored more is Alex, but you won't meet him yet. he's on a vacation with his mother." that was only a little lie. "don't think so hard." he chastised gently. "Vahlmr said that you could hurt yourself, forcing the memories like that." he admitted. "they'll come back in time, the memory wipes are only short term." he admitted before he smiled at her. "i love you. of course i love to take care of you. besides, Tony, Loki, Clint, Elena, Alicia and everyone else in the building likes to take care of you too." he admitted. "and you'll remember us soon enough." he assured her. "yes. the child is mine." he promised her with a smile. "the conception was a little rocky though. we spent hours afterwords, certain we'd raped each other." he admitted with a grimace. "you're being mean about it too." he complained, pouting at her. "you won't let Alicia tell us the gender of the baby so i can't picky up all the colored blankets and clothes and toys and wallpapers and cribs and stuff that i want to." he admitted, smiling. "i think Tony knows the gender though." he admitted with a shake of his head. "he keeps mumbling under his breath about what he needs to make a nursery for us and for himself. his lover, Loki, is expecting too." he admitted. "you and he should have them in the same month or so." he admitted.
“I’m sure I can work something out.Since I’m stuck here, I’ll work on the suit.”Tony snickered a little before kissing loki back, rolling his eyes.”I’m glad you find me amusing.”HE muttered before looking at clint, snickering. “Oh, that is going to be awesome. I wish we’d be there to see it..but I’m sure Alex will be more then happy to tell us about it.”He snickered looking down at loki.”Go. Elena and alex will be worried. And we’re okay here.”he muttered wanting him to stay, but he knew elena would need to know.

“...It is...weird. To think about having people. I never had anyone.”She said frowning slightly, smiling. “Well, then I’ll look forward to their return from vacation.”She smiled pleased with the idea of seeing the boy, before wincing. “I know...I’m trying not to...but I want to know.”She said shrugging a little, before tilting her head studying him for a long moment. “...I’m not sure what to think about how I feel about having so many people wanting to take care of me...”She said staring at the table, before relaxing, huffing a pleased sigh, looking relieved. “Good. I mean....just good.”She said, so relieved that it was him, a man she had a sense she trusted more then anyone else, instead of one of the hydra agents who’s care she’d been under. “Did...”She stopped, not sure how to ask what she wanted to know, it was a odd feeling to know she’d intimately touched the man in front of her, and having no memory of it. Before laughing at his words,”Well, it’s better to be surprised I think...it's my first child, I want to enjoy the experience instead of worrying over whether your happy or not..”She smiled-the real reason she hadn't told him, spilling out her mouth before she thought to hard about it,able to remember the more she didn't try.Smirking at his pouting tilting her head a little..”I’m sure the nurseries will be good, even if he doesn’t know what the gender is.”She said sniffling a yawn.
Loki chuckled a little and winked at him. "very nice. i'll expect it to be ready by next week." Loki ordered. "i've always wanted you to fuck me as Iron Man." he admitted, licking his lips. "so damn sexy." he admitted with a grin. this was loki proving without a doubt that he accepted all parts of Tony. both as Tony Stark, and as Iron Man. "i'll see you soon." he promised, kissing Tony before he left. "no ones hurt." Loki informed Elena as he walked back into the kitchen. "we've gotten Myka back and she's stable. apparently they didn't want to do anything to her for fear of a miscarriage. Pepper has been dealt with and you're going to want to smack Clint when you get home." he admitted with a chuckle. "you ready to go fishing Little Man?"

he smiled a little at her. "yeah. it was a bit weird for me too. growing up i only ever had one freind, who was more of a brother to me than anything else. and then all of a sudden i had the howling commandos... bunch of mother hens they where!" he admitted. "and then to have all the Avengers... it's a bit of a shock to the system." he agreed. "....even if it was not my child in blood, it would always have been mine in soul." he promised her with a smile. "i will love any child you bring into this world, mine or not." he promised her gently. "male or female, or even transgendered. i will love that child till death and beyond." he promised her with a small smile. "just as i will always love you." he admitted. "you're exaughsted. you should get some sleep." he ordered her gently. "i'll be sleeping across the hall." he admitted. "i don't want to crowd you when you're already under so much stress. if you need anything at all, Jarvis can get me for you, okay?"
Tony grinned relaxing totally,even if he wasn't truly aware of the messagw under the words, he knew loki accepted him,iron man and all "I'll get to work then."he snickered watching him go. Elena looked up at the man,relaxing and smiling in relief."good.that's..good."she swallowed to keep the tears down."..and why am I smacking clint?" "Yes!lets go uncle lo'"alex demanded already excited about an adventure that did indeed reduce his mother to girlish squeals and gross outs,and threats against tony never having sex again...all in all a enjoyable time.

Myka smiled tilting her head as she listened to him,just letting his voice sooth her even if she wasn't sure what he was talking about. "Yes but it is a good shock."she smiled quietly. Looking up a little startled at his admittance to loving the child no matter what she seallowed hard,staring down as tears misting her eyes. To overwhelmed by him and the day to do anything else before nodding jerkily at his words,needing away from him before she broke down."you're right.I'll go get some sleep."she agreeded abruptly before leaving the room,disappearing down the hall.

Though they knew she was in the tower,it was two days before anyone saw her. The only reason they weren't freaking out was that jarvis reassured them that she was okay,if a little anxious. And her request for privacy doing no harm as she tried to get her bearings. So for two days she'd been left to her own devices until.."captain? Ms.barnes is need of assistance.she is in her room."the ai announced sounding genuninely concerned about the woman. Myka meanwhile was huddled between the wall and her bed, caught in a nightmare, and begging for her captain,only able to see hydra agents and the house,not her own room at thr tower.
Loki smiled and hugged her, gently brushing away her tears. "oh. he mentioned something about you squealing or something and how he was glad he wouldn't be here because he was sure he'd laugh and thusly face your wrath." Loki teased with a laugh as he taught the boy how to catch, and then clean the fish. he wouldn't let Alex actually hold the knife, but he did let the boy touch the guts and handle the scales and wash the parts Loki had already cleaned. he even did the cooking since Elena refused to touch the fish at all.

he smiled at her. "yeah, i guess it is." he agreed with a smile before he paused. "goodnight Myka." he muttered as he watched her leave.

Clint had actually gone to visit with Elena and Alex on their 'vacation' and had laughed as Elena shrieked about the fishing, which had indeed drawn her wrath but Alex thought it was the best thing ever. Steve was frantic, worrying about Myka, but hourly updates from the AI calmed him enough to be able to sleep so he looked much better by the time Myka needed him. he was there in an instant, gently stroking her hair and speaking to her in his most 'i am Steve, your Lover' Voice. which he'd had to use quite a few times before. he hated using his 'i am Captain America' voice on her, but he would do that too if he had to. he didn't dare pull her into a hug. who knew how she'd react to that?
Elena twitched as she looked over the edge of her book to look at her boys,shaking her head a little."you didn't have to laugh so hard you know."she said still sulking about being laughed at,even if she was finding alwx's fascination with fish amusing,the boy having dragged clint out to fish as soon as he arrived.

Myka shrank further baco from him, the knife in her hand unsteady, not threatening but enough to tell him she wasn't seeing him yet before her fingers spasmed,dropping the knife,hissing as it cut into her thigh. It'd be healed in minutes,but it still hurt.looking up at steve with wide eyes, tears filling them."cap?"she said quietly reaching out to touch his cheek,jumping when she came in contact with skin,having expected him to disappear
Clint snickered a little. "i'm sorry but when he put that fish eye in your hand..." he snickered again. "that was priceless." he admitted with a grin, well aware he was going to be punished for it later. "at least he's having fun, right?" he asked with a smile as he watched Loki sitting in the shade as he and Alex fished. "and it's good for Loki to be off his feet. it's hard on his body to be pregnant like that. the less he's on his feet the better." he sighed. "...i wish Myka would come out of her room though, Cap's been practically insane with worry." he admitted with a sigh before h smiled as he watched Alex real in another fish.

"shhh, Myka, it's alright." he whispered, not too concerned about being stabbed. so long as she didn't get him in the heart, he'd be fine. "i'm here. it's alright. you're safe." he promised, stroking her hair again. "come on. let's get you off the floor." he suggested, helping her to carefully stand up and led her into the kitchen where he started to make her favorite cookies. trying to give her the time and space to calm down and wake up properly.
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