Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Time's up."
"Masamune-sama, I have a request." Daisuke stood, turning to Masamune. The Jarl rose an eyebrow.
"What's up?"
"When she's cured, I wish to bring her home where we can continue to live in peace." Daisuke said. Masamune scowled softly and crossed his arms.
"If home means back to Riften jail." He replied. Daisuke clenched his fists.
"Then let us buy property and prove we can be trusted!" He demanded. Masamune inched forward and glared.
"Daisuke-sama... Please, don't be upset." Irohahime said softly from her place on the ground. "As long as I can still see you, I'm content.."
Daisuke looked to her and frowned, "But-"
"Outta the way, kid." Masamune pushed passed him and opened the cell, the guards moving and placing special shackles around her neck and wrists. They led her away and Daisuke watched before moving after them.
"Wait!" He called and they stopped. Daisuke moved before Irohahime and kissed her gently, holding her hands tightly in his.
Irohahime made a soft noise and returned his kiss, pulling away slowly. Her heart ached to know even after all of her deception, Daisuke still loved her. "I'll be back. I promise."
Irohahime followed until they reached the doors that lead outside of the prison. "It's daytime." She looked to Masamune nervously, not moving an inch.
Irohahime moved forward once she was protected from the sun somewhat, flinching as she went outside and followed the guards to the carriage.
Getting into the carriage, Irohahime sat inside as far as she could from the end of the cart and away from the sun. She sat silently, not fighting or trying to escape, keeping her hood pulled over her eyes.
The trip to Morthal was very quiet and very uncomfortable, but they made it there without much trouble. A Redguard mage was waiting for them, looking a little annoyed to be kept waiting. "Do you have the Soul Gem?" The mage asked. Masamune pulled a Black Soul Gem from his pouch, it resonated with the energies of a human soul. Falion nodded and led them into the marshes where they would begin.
Irohahime grew more and more nervous with every step closer she took into the marsh, and soon, the chain Masamune held grew taught as she slowed down. Her eyes were wide with fear, fists clenched tightly as she stared at the stone pillars just ahead of them.
Masamune looked back at her with a small scowl, "Don't tell me the big bad vampire is scared of a couple rocks." He said. The guards forced her forward, Masamune tugging her to stand between the Summoning Stones.
Irohahime stood between the stone pillars, glancing to her father with scared eyes, for the first time in years, looking like a scared sixteen year-old rather than a vampire.
Masamune only glared lightly at her, daring her to make a break for it like he knew she wanted to. Falion stood beside Irohahime outside the Summoning Stones, raising his hands to the sky. "I call upon Oblivion Realms, the home of those who are not our ancestors. Answer my plea! As in death there is new life, in Oblivion there is a beginning for that which has ended. I call forth that power! Accept the soul that we offer!" He held up the Black Soul Gem and the energies seemed to resonate harder, life beating from the stone as if he were holding a living heart, "As the sun ends the night, end the darkness of this soul, return life to the creature you see before you!" He recited, the Soul Gem beginning to fracture and crack. Masamune kept a tight hold on the chain; she wasn't going to bail out now.
Irohahime felt sick as he started his chant, her skin growing hotter and hotter as he continued, and about halfway through, she collapsed to her knees, vomitting up a black tar-like substance onto the stone beneath her. Suddenly the black soul gem Falion held shattered and Irohahime collapsed to the ground, vomiting once more, before falling still.
One of the guard moved to help her but Masamune stopped her, shaking his head. Falion looked to Masamune and nodded.
"The ritual is complete." He said. Masamune furrowed his brow slightly.
"Did it work?" He asked. The wizard nodded, crossing his arms loosely over his chest.
"She is human again. Just like the rest of us." He replied, "This is the first time I have done this ritual, as I've told you. She may be unconscious for a time, she may wake up within the hour. But she has had the grip Molag Bal held on her removed."
Irohahime's icy pale skin was slowly turning a soft shade of peach, black goo oozing from her mouth as she lay unconscious on the ground. Her hood had fallen off her head when she fell, and the sun shone on her face, but nothing happened.
She was warm, her flesh holding heat for the first time in an long time, and it was a bit hard to tell, but her curved ears and sharp features were slowly fading away. The scent of death was still present on her, but it was fading quickly. She was his little girl again.
He paid for a the whole inn, so he could have a room and the guard could as well. The innkeeper was thrilled to see so much money, but the patrons were a little annoyed. Masamune took her to his room and laid her in bed, unlocking the chains and tossing them into his pack.
Irohahime slept for almost an hour before she opened her eyes. They were still red, the same red eyes she had inherited from her mother, and they were no longer glowing. Her skin was warm and had color, and her ears were no longer slightly pointed.
Masamune was out in the dining area, drinking a warm tankard of mead. He didn't sleep, didn't want to. Morthal made him uncomfortable, since they were sided with Mitsunari and the Empire.
Masamune could feel eyes on him, but when he looked around, all the other patrons were either minding their own business, or gone. Irohahime watched her father with half lidded eyes, still a bit groggy and out of sorts.
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