Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Daihachi's eyes flashed and he beared his elongated canines, "Do you really think this is a wise idea; attacking a Jarl's Thane and son-in-law?" He snarled, "You'll be lucky if only half of you gets sent to jail while the others are executed."
"That may be, but we will see to it that the Jarl pays for his crimes of harboring such a beast." Two Stendarr's Vigilants yanked Daihachi to his feet and moved him toward the basement, where the heavy smell of silver was in the air, more than like another Vigilant with some sort of Silver weapon.
"Daihachi!" Minehime could hardly stand by and watch as they started to drag Daihachi toward the basement stairs, lurching forward after them, but when she did, a Vigilant moved to stop her, a knife in hand. A look of shock crossed her face as she ran into the Vigilant member, mouth open partially and a soft grunt coming from her. The Vigilant removed his blade from her stomach, only to plunge it in again and again, Minehime only giving a blank look of shock as she stumbled back against the kitchen table, blood spilling from the wounds in her swollen belly, slipping on her own blood as she sunk to the floor.
"Minehime!!" The smell of his wife's blood drove him into a frenzy, losing control even with his Ring of Hircine. He transformed into his Beast form and threw the Vigilants restraining him into the walls with all his strength, ripping them to shreds and eating their hearts straight from their chests. The other Vigilants attacked him but he was much faster; ripping their throats out and mauling them.
Minehime could only manage to watch her husband transform, sitting in a growing pool of blood; she was going into shock. Slowly moving her gaze from Daihachi to her wounds, she carefully placed her hands over two of the stab wounds, but there were at least three more that still oozed blood.
The loud sounds of Daihachi's frenzy alerted the guards, and when they entered they had no idea who's side to be on before they spotted Minehime. "Get her to Mistveil now!!" The female guard barked before she rushed to deal with the rest of the Vigilants with more guards, trying to stay out of Daihachi's strike range.
A man and a woman guard rushed to Minehime's side, carefully helping her to her feet and helping her out of Honeyside as quickly as they could without causing her more pain. Bursting through the doors with Minehime between them, they called for another guard to fetch Kojurou, taking Minehime to the court wizards room, where they laid her on a bed. The only problem being they were currently in the middle of finding a replacement for the late court wizard Wylandriah.
Kojurou rushed in as soon as hengot the summons, "What's happened?" He asked firmly. He knew if Masamune found out - which he would - he would have every single perwon responsible butchered like cattle.
"We don't know." The female guard answered as she grabbed a handful of clean cloths to press over Minehime's wounds.
"Daihachi-dono was in his beast form, he might have-"
"Idiot, these are stab wounds, not claw marks." The woman guard snapped.
Jin followed Kojurou into the room a moment later, moving over to Minehime quickly, and taking over caring for her wounds.
"All we know is there were intruders in Honeyside, more than likely Vigilants of Stendarr."
"Vigilants?" Kojurou repeated. He thought back and remembered when Masamune hired the Vigilants to hunt down the coven of vampires that turned Irohahime and frowned. They must have discovered about Daihachi at some point after. This wouldn't sit well with his Lord at all.
"Do you need help, Jin?" He asked gently, "I need to get to Daihachi-san."
Jin frowned heavily and looked up at Kojurou, nodding. "I need Irohahime-dono." She requested tearing open her shirt enough to expose her stomach, wiping away the blood.
Minehime groaned weakly, her vision blurring in and out of focus as she looked around. Jin worked quickly to clean out the wounds, but she noticed something that made her heart stop. She had seen this before many years ago when she herself had given birth; it was amniotic fluid leaking through the stab wounds, and from her trousers.
"Irohahime-dono!" Kojurou burst through the court wizard's old quarters where Irohahime liked using the alchemy station, "It's Minehime-dono...! She's been hurt, she needs help!"
((That's where they are right now, but that's ok!))

Irohahime stopped what she was doing and looked to Kojurou with a nod, seeing the panicked look in his eyes and grabbing anything she might think she'd need before hurrying after him.
Irohahime nodded. "I can take care of it." She said, heading in and leaving Kojurou to find Daihachi. Moving into the room, Jin moved aside a bit to give Irohahime room to let her work. Tears filled her eyes at the sight of her sister. "Jin-dono... Please give her this.." She handed a small bottle to Jin, who uncorked it and carefully poured it into Minehime's mouth. "That should help her... She won't be conscious and won't feel any pain."
The guards watched nervously as Jin and Irohahime did their best to help Minehime. Thank the Nine Masamune was out celebrating, otherwise this would have been much worse.
((Now once we calm down Dai enough, we need Masa to come in like we planned~))

Irohahime worked on healing her younger sister for what seemed like hours, but it had only been about thirty minutes. "Jin-dono.. I need you to find Kojurou." She looked up with somber eyes and the woman nodded, standing and leaving to find her husband without even wiping the blood from her hands.
Kojurou was still in Honeyside, keeping Daihachi calm and stable so he wouldn't transform again.
"Is she alright?!" Daihachi snapped, "Why can't I see her!?"
"Jin and Irohahime are hard at work-"
"You let that Daedra whore near my wife?!" Daihachi's eyes flashed and Kojurou rose his hands defensively.
"She's been cured and she's earning Masamune-sama's trust back. She hasn't done any harm to anyone since. She's helping save both Minehime-dono and the baby."
"Kojurou-sama." Jin entered the open doorway quickly, a soft frown on her face. "Irohahime-dono is calling for your assistance." She said, glancing to Daihachi, then back to her husband.
"Let. Me. See. Her." Daihachi growled. Kojurou sighed heavily, he needed to leave and couldn't keep Daihachi under control from Mistveil.
"Please stay calm while we work." Kojurou requested before leaving with Jin. Daihachi followed, heart pounding in his ears.
Jin lead the two back to Mistveil, where Irohahime was dressing herself in clothes healers would wear when they needed to operate. Tying the white gown over her clothes to protect herself from the blood, she had her hair tied back, and was preparing many different tools. "Katakura-dono.. I need a second pair of hands, but Jin-dono... Her prosthetic might create an infection, please?" She offered him the same clothing covering to him, a nervous frown on her face.
Kojurou nodded and dressed appropriately, "Just tell me what you need me to do." He said politely. Daihachi watched from a distance, his blood still pumping.
"Is she gonna be ok?" He asked, voice strained.
Irohahime only glanced at Daihachi, a soft frown on her face before moving to go to work on Minehime. "We need to remove the child, she's bleeding internally, and I can't get to it unless the child is out of the way, plus-" She stopped, a dark look crossing her face before she picked up a blade. "I need you to hold open the insision I'm going to make so I can remove the baby."
Kojurou nodded and Daihachi clenched his fists tight, grinding his teeth. "Answer me!!"
"Daihachi-san..." Shigenaga appeared, gently grabbing Daihachi's arm, "Why don't we go to the Bee and Barb? Please, if you're here, Irohahime-dono can't focus."
"But, Shige-!"
"Please...for Minehime-dono..." Shigenaga pleaded. Daihachi lowered his gaze and left with Shigenaga. Daisuke had heard the commotion and hid as Daihachi passed before going in to see what was going on. He stood silently, watching from the door.
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