Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

He felt his face scrunch up as his eyes burned with tears. He carefully pulled her close and held her, apologizing softly into her hair for not coming home sooner.
She held onto him, sobbing loudly into his chest, her entire body shaking. She held onto him so tightly, her finger nails turned white, not letting go until she had cried herself into exhaustion and she fell asleep once more, half on his lap and half on the bed.
Minehime still had a few tears that would fall from her eyes as she slept, keeping a tight hold on Daihachi still.
Minehime slept for a while longer before she awoke again, and when she did guards notified Masamune.
Masamune came in like a Daedra out of Oblivion, moving to his daughter quickly, "Yunkliin. Nii fen kos pah vahzah. Zu'u los het."

(("Hatchling. It will be all right. I am here."))
"Nii los ni bek, dii kiir los nusaan..!" Her tears were almost endless, falling down her tear-stained cheeks from her swollen eyes.

(("It is not alright, my child is gone..!"))
"Mu fen rein ko fin saan fah pah tiid. Nuz koraav hi ko daar faaz ahraan Zu'u." He said gently, holding her against him.

(("We will cry over the loss for all time. But seeing you in this pain hurts me."))
"Zu'u los krosis, Zu'u lost ni mul ganog wah jaaril dii kul, ahrk Zu'u los ni mul ganog nu wah jaaril hi.." She rested her forehead against his shoulder, closing her eyes.

(("I am sorry, I was not strong enough to protect my son, and I am not strong enough now to protect you.."))
He shook his head, "I don't need protecting. I'm gonna die a warriors death or in my bed. Either way is alright with me." He told her, "But you need to be strong, not for me, but for him..." He nudged his head to Daihachi, who still looked broken and hollow.
Minehime nodded, already knowing the state Daihachi was in. "Will you help me stand, I don't want to rip out my stitches.."
Minehime shook her head, holding onto her father'a shoulder to keep from falling while standing. "No, you haven't slept at all, have you? Rest." She said, moving closer.
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