Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Irohahime carefully opened up Minehime's belly at the very bottom, cutting just through the flesh to expose the layer of muscle underneath. As carefully as she could, she seperated the muscles with her hands, rather than cut through them to get to her uterus. "I need you too hold her open." She said, keeping the muscles parted for Kojurou until he could take over. Minehime didn't stir once, almost like she had died, but it was clear she was alive by her chest still rising and falling as she breathed.
Kojurou did as she asked, holding open the incision as well as the muscles so Irohahime could work. He prayed to the Divines that Minehime's child would live, never wanting any mother to go through the grief of losing an offspring. He glanced solemnly to Jin, wondering what would happen if they had lost Shigenaga, before returning his attention to the operation.
Irohahime next cut open Minehime's womb, slowly extracting the child as to not harm Minehime in the process. When she removed the child, it didn't move and it didn't cry, covered in blood, and it had two stab wounds to its small chest. Irohahime stood frozen for a moment before she numbly called to Jin, who she handed the dead child to, then cut the umbilical cord and went to work on fixing her up. Jin held the small baby boy carefully, moving out of the way and over to carefully swaddle him in a clean cloth, cleaning off his face carefully.

((Time for Masa~?))
"Why is everyone crowded in-" Kojurou froze stock still at the sound of Masamune's voice. The Jarl had just come back from celebrating the soon-to-be birth of his grandchild, but what he came back to was something he didn't ever want to see.
"Masamune-sama, please remain calm." Kojurou said slowly, carefully moving towards Masamune. The Jarl started shouting in Dovahzul, the Keep shaking and rumbling.
"Masamune-sama, please!"
"Who did this?!" Masamune shouted, body shaking and his eye a slit. Kojurou frowned softly and lowered his head.
"It was the Vigilants, my Lord. They discovered Daihachi-san's Lycanthropy and attempted to murder the both of them. They...they took the life of Minehime-dono's unborn son." He explained. Masamune growled before Shouting a stream of Fire Breath at the ceiling.
"Otou-sama, please!" Irohahime called out, a concerned look on her face as she worked on sewing up all the wounds. "Minehime's still alive, but not for long if you bring the keep down on us..!" She said, her voice holding sympathy. Jin gently covered the child's face with the blanket, placing its lifeless body in a basket carefully so it would be safe.
Masamune stopped, breathing heavily. Kojurou removed the bloody clothes and cleaned his hands.
"I am so sorry, Masamune-sama."
"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to the mother and father that lost their infant child." Masamune said, voice strained. He clenched his jaw and turned to the door.
"I need to cool off. Come get me when Mini wakes up."
Irohahime looked to Kojurou, giving him a slight nod, Masamune didn't need to see Minehime cut open like that. After Masamune left, it took Irohahime another hour to make sure she hadn't missed anything before she sewed her closed. "Do you want to get Daihachi..? He'll want to see them both.." She said quietly.
Kojurou nodded and headed off to get Daihachi. Daisuke moved slowly towards his wife and gently touched her back.
"Are you alright, Iroh-chan...?" He asked softly, "You're more pale than normal.."
Irohahime stood over her sister, staring down at her unconscious face. "No... I never thought the first child I'd deliver would be my sisters murdered child." She whispered, hands shaking. "She needs to be cleaned.." She muttered and moved to fetch a bucket of water and a clean cloth.
Daisuke stayed with her, helping her if he could. He felt terrible for his brother and sister-in-law's loss, and knew that if he had lost a child like that, he would be as equally torn as Daihachi and Masamune.
"What are you doing here?" Daisuke turned and frowned at his younger brother.
"Just helping Iroh-chan..." He answered and stepped away. Daihachi moved closer hesitantly and made a noise of sorrow as he looked upon Minehime.
Irohahime had just started to bathe Minehime with a wet cloth, keeping her covered with a blanket while Daisuke was in the room, gently scrubbing the blood from her hands and legs.
Irohahime stopped what she was doing and turned to look at Daihachi, a frown on her face and her eyes bloodshot from crying. "She'll be fine... Mini was always tough.." Was all she said. "I'll give you some room.." She said quietly, setting the rag in the bucket and leaving the room.
Daisuke left with her, leaving Daihachi alone with Minehime. He sat beside her and gently took her hand, fighting tears, "I'm so sorry, Minim..." He whispered.
Minehime was pale from blood loss, but rested peacefully, her face completely relaxed. Then Daihachi spotted the bundle wrapped up and put in the basket: their child.
He stared and bit his lip. Dare he look? He stood slowly and moved to the basket, gently removing the blanket from the infant's face. He broke down after that, the tears flowing freely down his cheeks. "What did my child do to deserve such a fate? Answer me, Divines...! What did he do...?!"
Daihachi reviewed no answer, only the sound of Minehime's breathing and his crying. The baby was less than a month away from being born, and even then, he had tiny whisps of brown hair.
Daihachi would spend the remainder of the night alone, and when morning broke, Minehime would awaken, though still dazed.
Daihachi was sitting beside her again but he was nothing more than a shell. His eyes were puffy and his cheeks were stained as he just stared at the ground. He didn't look up when she stirred.
Minehime stared at Daihachi through half lidded eyes for a few moments before she slowly reached out and cupped his cheek. She was still very much out of sorts, but she was still aware enough to know what had happened. Tears fell down her face as she watched her husband, unmoving and with broken eyes.
Neither of them had to speak, they didn't need words to communicate to one another. Minehime began to cry aloud, holding onto Daihachi's hand tightly, not bothering to muffle her sobs as she grieved for her lost child.
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