Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Irohahime noticed her father was staring at her and quickly closed the door, moving back to the bed and sitting down in the corner.
It was quiet from the room for a short while, before Irohahime spoke up. "Come in." She sat at the edge of the bed nervously, wringing her hands and staring at the floor.
She glanced up at Masamune, looking away quickly when her eyes met his, a heavy frown on her face. "O-Otou-sama.."
"Sick.." She shrugged awkwardly, then looked down at her hands, feeling tears burn at her eyes. "Otou-sama... I'm so sorry.." She looked up at him, crying tears of remorse. "I'm so sorry..!"
"No! Nothing's ok..!" She started to cry more, the weight of her actions taking a toll on her. "I've deceived my husband, I've dishonored my family-" She wiped her tears with the back of her hands. "I've been dreadfully awful..!" She shook her head. "And Kaa-san..!" She started to cry harder, her chest right.
Masamune grimaced when she brought up Megohime, not really knowing how to comfort her for that. "Well...I mean, yeah...not gonna lie, you've been a real bitch for the past 10 years...but you can start making up for it now. And it's better late than never.."
"Otou-sama, I'm so sorry..!" She cried, looking to him with puffy eyes. "I don't know what to do..!"
He hesitated before pulling her close and holding her against him, "We'll get this fixed...you can pray to Stendarr and work hard to have the Nine forgive you...but we will get this sorted."
Irohahime clung to her father like she used to when she was a young girl, nodding and hiding her face in his chest, sniffling.
((This one!))

Eight months had gone by since Minehime wed with Daihachi, and Irohahime had become human again, and within that eight months, Minehime's belly swelled with new life as she came to full term with Daihachi's child. They had found out about her being pregnant at three months, and her father wasn't all too thrilled at first, but soon was as excited as Minehime.

Daihachi was overjoyed to become a father, already having made his child's first sword. He had a crib and bassinet made, willing to do anything to keep their unborn child happy. Masamune gifted Minehime all her old baby stuff and some premade baby boy items he had crafted in hopes he would have a son. You could never be too prepared, he had said.
Minehime had taken a break from going out on adventures, begrudgingly assigning herself to desk duty at the outpost, not wanting to put her unborn child in harms way. She was both excited and nervous for their first child to come, often going to her father for advice on what he and Megohime did while she was pregnant.
No longer able to wear her armor due to her large belly, she wore more comfortable casual clothing as she worked around the Outpost.
Daihachi was always out doing the work the both of them were assigned to, but he didn't mind. It brought in money and it kept him busy; not that he didn't enjoy being home with Mini, but he didn't want his excitement to distract him too much.
Minehime grew restless from only doing desk work, and tried to pick up cooking, but after one meal it was clear she was a much better fighter than a cook, so when Daihachi had free time he helped to teach her some better cooking skills.
Heading home after locking up the outpost, Minehime grabbed some groceries before heading home to make dinner; she had improved quite a bit since Daihachi started helping her, but still most of the cooking was left to Daihachi just in case. On this particular night, Daihachi was running a little late with his last job, so she decided to start dinner for him. Unlocking the front door to their house, she opened the door and brought the groceries inside, closing the door with her foot and moving to the kitchen. She had just set down the groceries when she felt a cold blade pressed to her throat.
"Don't move."
Daihachi was finally able to finish the job and head home, exhausted and drained from the nonsense he went through. He moved into Honeyside and shut the door behind him, "Tadaima...!" He called, tone groggy.
"Okaeri, Morin." Minehime greeted her husband, setting the table, the smell of meat cooking at the fire heavy in the air. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, except for the fact Minehime had used Daihachi's alert name. It didn't seem that anyone was in the house, he didn't see anyone, but of course the smell of cooking meat masked any other scent he might have been able to smell. Minehime looked completely unharmed, her person only dirtied by the mess of dinner, that and her shirt collar was torn.
Daihachi felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and he slowly entered further into the house, "How was your day, Minim?" He asked slowly, "What happened to your shirt?"
"Uneventful, and my shirt? Oh, one of the hounds jumped on me earlier and tore it." She looked up at him briefly as she set down a plate, her eyes showing an uneasiness that her body didn't. Once he had taken five steps inside, was when two people rounded the corner, one with a crossbow aimed at Minehime, the other with silver shackles in hand.
"Don't move, mutt. Wouldn't want her to get hurt now would you?"
Two others rounded the corner as the first one slammed Daihachi roughly to the ground tightening the shackles onto his wrists behind his back.
"Don't worry, as long as you both cooperate, she'll get to live, we tested her with silver and she's still human, of course, we're only sparing her life because she's with child, otherwise we would've slaughtered her too. Taking a Daedra worshipper as a husband." They were Vigilants of Stendarr.
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