Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Seeing Daisuke treat his mother in such a way was too much for Irohahime to bear. Collapsing into a heap on the floor, she covered her face in shame at what she had done to Daisuke. "Please fix him." She whispered just loud enough for Akihime to hear. "Please give me Daisuke back.." She wept.
Akihime moved back to Irohahime and knelt before her, "Thank you, Irohahime-dono...we'll get Daisuke back, I promise.." She said gently, "It will take time...I need an ingredient delivered directly from Cyrodiil...but we'll help him."
Irohahime nodded, but couldn't speak any longer, her shame overwhelming her and bringing her to tears. She hadn't planned for Daisuke to get this far gone, she never wanted him to behave in such a way, she only wanted her beloved to live as long as she did, but I'm the end, he was nothing more than a rabid dog.
For the next few days, Akihime spent her time trying to get Daisuke to calm down while they waited for the ingredient she would need. She kept Irohahime company as well, talking with her and helping her relax.
Irohahime didn't speak much at all during the days she waited for Akihime's ingridients, her hunger growing with her uneasiness, sitting in the farthest corner she could get too.
When the bloodgrass finally arrived, Akihime went to quick work of making the cure; mixing it with garlic, nightshade, a small vial of blood and vampire dust. Daisuke thrashed and cursed, being held down by four guards while Akihime forced the foul liquid down his throat.
Irohahime sat stiffly in the corner as she listened to Daisuke scream and choke on the cure, screaming for her and cursing his mother. She felt like she had been dipped in molten steel, trembling more and more every time she heard him thrash.
After a while, his screaming and thrashing slowing to a stop. The guards laid him in bed and left, Akihime watching him quietly before leaving as well. Once it was locked, she moved to Irohahime's cell and held out the vial of left over blood. "Here...it's Argonian. I hope you don't mind.." She said softly, "To repay your kindness.."
Irohahime moved over and took the blood, looking at Akihime with hungry eyes. "Thank you.." She whispered, moving back to her dark corner to drink the vial and lick it clean.
"He needs to rest now, but he should be back to normal when he wakes." She said gently, "After that I think Masamune said he would...help you, as well.."
"He's trying to destroy me." Was all that came from the darkened room, Irohahime refusing to leave the corner of her cell.

((Ready to cure her~?))
"Daisuke-sama..?" Irohahime appeared at her cell door, a soft frown on her face, brows furrowed. "Are you doing well?"
Irohahime recoiled when he addressed her more formally, feeling her heart break as her eyes met his face. He no longer looked as young as the day she had met him, instead he now had to face of a thrift year-old, though still incredibly handsome. "I... We.."
He blinked in confusion and looked when the prison doors opened. "Masamune-sama!"
"I see you're back to normal. You gave your mom a heart attack."
"Okaa-sama is here? What's going on?" Daisuke asked. He looked down, "I remember...I remember Mitsunari-sama telling me I was disavowed from the Imperial Army...and that I had shamed Okaa-sama and Otou-sama for doing so...but after that..." He shook his head, "I don't remember."
"Lucky you." Masamune said, "You've been under a vampire's spell for over a decade." Daisuke looked up quickly before looking to Irohahime's cell.
"Irohahime-dono...? Is that...true...?"
Irohahime's glowing eyes dropped to the floor and she felt her slightly pointed ears burn with shame. "D-Daisuke-sama... Please.. I'm so sorry." She whispered, feeling tears in her eyes. "Please forgive me..!"
Daisuke lowered his gaze and Masamune opened his cell, letting him out.
"You wanna speak to her before we send her off?" Masamune asked. Daisuke looked up, frowning.
"Where is she going?"
"Morthal. We're having her cured of her Vampirism." Masamune answered. Daisuke frowned more.
"I would like to speak with her privately, please." He requested. Masamune nodded.
"Five minutes." He replied and left with the guard to wait. Daisuke moved to the bars of Irohahime's cell and frowned gently.
"Why...?" He asked softly, "Please tell me why you did it...?" He asked. His tone held more confusion than anything, there was no hate or anger; just the need to know the truth.
Irohahime couldn't bring herself to look into Daisuke's eyes. "You left with me willingly at first.. I promise you I didn't trick you into coming with me... But then you became so horribly depressed after you had been disavowed... You hardly ate, or left your shrines, all you did was pray all day." Her voice broke and it was clear her worry for him was real. "I didn't want you to suffer any longer so I fed you my blood." A tear fell from her eye. "Please don't hate me, Daisuke-sama... I just couldn't bare to see you suffer and I couldn't bare the thought of losing you."
He stood silently for a moment, thinking about her response.
"Thank you for caring for me, Irohahime..." He said gently, "I love you, I truly do...with all my heart. But unfortunately, I trust you a little less." He reached through the bars and held her hand gently.
"When this is done, we'll return home and live our lives as the Nine intended." He told her gently, "And we'll work on gaining that trust back."
Irohahime slowly sunk the her knees, holding Daisuke's hand to her forehead as more tears fell from her eyes. "Thank you, Daisuke-sama..!"
Irohahime nodded, obeying her husband and wiping the tears from her face. "I promise to never deceive you again, my husband." She whispered.
He knelt down and carefully pulled her hand closer, kissing the tips of her fingers through the bars, "I truly hope so, Iroh-chan...I want to trust you, again..."
She nodded, wiping her tears from her face and looking up, turning her head when she heard the door to the jail open, her father coming in.
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