Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime nodded. "Do you want my help?" She offered. "It'll only take a minute." She said softly.
Minehime watched him, but knew a broken nose wouldn't even slow Masamune down. Returning to the party, she rejoined Daihachi, smiling and laughing along with everyone.
The party went on without a hitch, everyone having a wonderful time. Everyone slowly left one after the other, soon Daihachi offered Minehime to return home for some alone time.
They returned home, where they spent the whole night 'consummating' their marriage. The entire Hold could hear them almost, Daihachi proving once again that his Beast Blood enabled him to pretty much anything with sheer force and near unlimited stamina.
They made love many times that night, and when the both of them had finished for the last time, they spent the remaining early hours of the morning in each others embrace.
Minehime rested her chin on his ribcage, hand rested across his chest as she looked up at him. "You should try." She suggested, gently caressing his cheek. "I'm not going anywhere."
"Well." She shifted and propped herself up, crawling closer and kissing him. "You've never been with anyone either... Maybe this times different; I'm here now."
She rested her head on his shoulder, slowly dozing off beside him. That night was the first night his sleep wasn't plagued by unpleasant dreams, even if he didn't sleep too soundly.
He was a little restless but slept rather well considering how he normally slept. He woke in the morning before Minehime did and carefully removed himself, redressing and starting to make food.
Minehime stirred and awoke when she smelled food cooking, getting up from the bed and wrapping herself in the blanket to cover herself - not wanting to dirty her wedding dress. "Hey.." She said trough a yawn.
"Starving, and I'll let you know when you're too rough~" She purred. "Can I borrow something until I can get my own clothes?" She asked.
"Thanks." She headed to the bedroom, rifling through the dresser and pulling on the clean clothes. Heading back to the kitchen, she sat down at the table with Daihachi, a soft grin on her face. "Food looks awesome."
"Well she did a wonderful job." She said with, digging into her food with a soft noise of happiness.
He smiled softly and thanked her again, enjoying his new life with her.
Masamune moved down to the cells and stood before Irohahime's prison. "I sent a courier to seek out every known mage in Skyrim and give a letter asking for a cure of your Vampirism. With any luck, I should get a response in a week or so."
Irohahime shot to her feet when she heard the words "cure Vampirism", her glowing red eyes wide with rage. "No! I'd rather be sentenced to the block!" She snarled at him.
"As much as I'm sure you enjoy being a Daedra's whore, I'm doing what I should have done years ago." He told her flatly, "You're going to be cured and I'm finding the vampires that turned you and butchering them. I've alreasy sent Vigilants to find Molag Bal's shrine and destroy it."
"No!" Irohahime flew forward, grabbing through the bars and trying to grab Masamune, but he was just out of reach. Smoke rose from her skin as she gripped the bars, her sharp teeth bared at her father.
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