Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Ah, here's the proud groom! Let's begin the ceremony." Maramal started. "It was Mara that first gave birth to all of creation and pledged to watch over us as her children. It is from her love of us that we first learned to love one another. It is from this love that we learn that a life lived alone is no life at all. We gather here today, under Mara's loving gaze, to bear witness to the union of two souls in eternal companionship. May they journey forth together in this life and the next, in prosperity and poverty, and in joy and hardship. Do you agree to be bound together, in love, now and forever?" Most of the ceremony was a blur, Minehime spacing in and out on Maramal's speech as she kept her eye glued to Daihachi.
"I do, now and forever." Minehime said, giving Daihachi's hand a squeeze.
Maramal turned to look at Daihachi, a warm smile on his face. "And do you agree to be bound together, in love, now and forever?"
"Then under the authority of Mara, the Divine of Love, I declare this couple to be wed. And as seeing as you both have provided your own rings.." He seemed slightly confused that the two had come to the temple with their own rings, but continued anyway. "May they protect each of you in your new life together."
Daihachi smiled apologetically at Maramal before turning to Minehime and pulling her close, kissing her lovingly. Okane squealed with joy as the other guests clapped happily.
Minehime kissed Daihachi back, closing her eyes and holding lightly onto his armor.
As the wedding concluded, the elderly priestess, who had been standing in the very back of the room turned and headed for the door, the stench of death following her as she left the building.
"I have every right to witness a marriage under the eyes of Mara." The elderly woman spoke calmly, her gravely voice steady as she continued on her way toward the main gates.
Masamune ground his teeth and used Ice Form, freezing her in place. He moved closer and fought the urge to vomit, "I'm not stupid, I know it's you, Irohahime."
The elderly woman stared Masamune straight in the eye, before her visage was replaced with Irohahime's. She was still as young as the day she turned sixteen, her unmarred skin and red eyes were those of her mother- she looked exactly how Megohime had when she was young. "I have a right to see her marry."
Irohahime struggled in her ice prison, using a fire spell to melt the ice, but Masamune had been faster then her spell. "Your prisons cannot hold me father." She said, sweeping the ice from her clothing; she didn't look panicked just yet.
He slammed the cell door closed and locked it. "I am not your father. And if you truly believe you cannot be contained, then please; touch the bars."
Irohahime looked to the bars, her shoulders going stiff. Silver. The bars were either made of solid silver, or plated with them. A look of rage slowly grew on her face and she stepped close to the bars, but didn't touch them. "You better hope this silver isn't the only thing you have prepared." She hissed out at him.
He didn't back down or look even remotely intimidated. He leaned closer, his eye still a slit, "I had this cell prepared just for you. If you look closely at the walls, you'll see I've had nullification runes etched into the stone. You can't even cast Flames if you wanted to."
In the blink of an eye, Irohahime's hand shot out and slipped through the bars, her fist colliding with Masamune's nose, crunching under her fist. Though she was reluctant to touch the bars, she could still reach through them with ease, and the runes carved in the wall did nothing to dampen her vampiric strength. "I don't need to cast Flames." She hissed.
Masamune hissed and held his nose before using Unrelenting Force with every ounce of strength in his lungs, sending her smacking into the far wall.
Irohahime cried out in pain as she slammed into the wall hard enough to almost crack the stone, falling to the ground and wheezing. Struggling to her hands and knees, she glared up at her father, holding her ribs.
Ths wedding ceremony was over by then and the attendants had moved to Mistveil keep to eat and drink their fill. When Masamune came in, Minehime moved over, her smile fading into a look of concern. "Tou-san, your nose, what happened?" She asked, setting down her drink and looking him over.
He had managed to get the bleeding to stop by the time he got back and he made a face, "I was going out to get you a wedding gift but some thugs got the jump on me. Knocked me down and broke my nose, made off with your gift...I wasn't able to catch them, they hit me pretty good."
Minehime scowled and took his arm, leading him to an open chair. "Don't worry about the present, here, have a drink- do you want some ice for your nose? I'll call for a healer." She said, sitting beside him.
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