Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine, I uh.." She ran her fingers through her hair. "I've been trying to figure out a way to ask you this, but I couldn't come up with anything good.." Carefully unwrapping the dirty cloth she had in her hand, revealing a silver ring- no a steel ring. Taking in a breath, she picked up the smooth, shiny ring, holding it carefully. "Will you marry me?"
"If I got an Amulet of Mara, my father would know before I even left the temple." She said, cheeks flushed hot. "I know it's really... Odd, and probably weird and not romantic at all, but.." She pulled out her Skyforge dagger to show him. "I made it out of my dagger, I thought since I've used this to protect you before... I can use it now..." She trailed off, her face growing more and more red. Her blade indeed was a bit shorter, almost by an inch, but it was still perfectly usable.
Minehime nodded. "I snagged a couple pairs of your gloves, did some estimates.." She took his hand and slid the ring on his finger; it fit perfectly.
The ring was definitely Minehime's work, nicely polished, and even had some traditional Nordic carvings: a wolf and a dragon. "So is that a yes?" She asked.
He pulled her close and cupped her cheek, "Yes...a thousand times yes. I will walk into battle with you hand in hand." He said before kissing her gently.
"Ok, ok, I'll take over here." She said, sitting down at the desk and shuffling through the papers, heart pounding.
Minehime's heart was still racing, a grin still plastered on her face as she worked, barely able to focus on her work.
He spent hours working the metal and detailing it to perfection, sweat dripping from his brow. Wiping his forehead, he grinned at his handywork before heading inside.
Minehime was still rifling through her papers when he came inside, but when she heard the door close, she looked up.
Daihachi moved over and presented the ring to her; finely crafted steel with bits of gold etched into the engravings; which were nordic knots framing the Sanada crest that sat behind the Date crest. "Sorry it isn't as fancy as what you made.."
She set down her papers and gently took the ring from his hand, looking it over before slipping it onto her finger and looking up at Daihachi. "It's perfect." She said softly, leaning over the desk to kiss him, eyes sparkling. "It's perfect."
"I love it." She said, laughing happily. "And I love you." She kissed him again. "But we will have to tell my father sooner or later."
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