Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime held onto Daihachi, taking deep breaths to calm down, tears still dripping down her face. Refusing both the food and drinks, she mumbled a soft 'not hungry'.
"Dad.." Minehime croaked out softly. "Mom wouldn't want you to drown yourself in booze.." She said softly, but it wasn't meant in a mean way, her concern was apparent.
Minehime didn't feel like fighting with her father, her chest feeling like a mammoth was stepping on her. Resting her head against Daihachi's chest, she turned her gaze away from her father, holding onto Daihachi tightly.
Minehime nodded, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand. "Yeah, I just need to breathe for a second.."
He nodded and looked to Akihime, who seemed to agree as she sat beside Masamune to keep him from overdoing his drinking. Daihachi walked out with Minehime and laughed softly, "Guess it's my turn to comfort you." He joked light heartedly.
She snorted out a soft laugh, sniffling. "I didn't plan on crying this much, sorry." She said. "It was nice seeing her again."
"It's fine...I don't think less of you for it." He told her, "And I imagine it would be...she passed so suddenly. I don't blame you for getting so worked up."
Minehime squeezed his hand tightly, nodding. "It's still hard, y'know? I don't think it gets easy.."
"It really doesn't..." He replied softly, lowering his gaze, "You're always asking yourself if there was anything you could have done...if you could have had the opportunity to at least have a final moment with them..." He paused and took a breath, "If there was a way to take some regret back before you lost them..."
She nodded, sharing similar feelings about her mother as Daihachi did with his father.
The two of them sat and talked well into the night, and when it was time to retire, they went their separate ways, Minehime going to care for Masamune.
Masamune was stumbling a bit, Akihime trying to keep him stable. "Masamune-sama, you drank way too much...!"
"It's fine," He slurred, "I feel great!"
"I can take him from here," It was Minehime, looking tired and ready for rest. "Is there somewhere we may retire for the night?" She asked, moving to her father and gently taking his hand, resting her other hand on his shoulder.
"I have a room prepared for the both of you upstairs in the guest area. Oume will show you where." Akihime said kindly. Oume bowed politely.
"Right this way." She said and headed down the hall and up the stairs.
Minehime supported her father, helping him down the hallway and up the stairs to their bedroom. Opening the door, she looked back to Oume, bowing her head slightly. "Thanks." She said, then helped Masamune inside.
Minehime helped him get his boots off, setting them on the floor, and covering him with a blanket. "Sleep well, Tou-san." She said, kissing his cheek and moving to her bed.
"I know, Tou-san.." Minehime whispered back, a soft frown on her face.

((Can I bring them back to Riften, or you wanna do anything??))
((Nope!! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ))

The three of them stayed two more days in Solitude before returning home to Riften. Minehime would busy herself at the forge just outside the outpost, keeping herself busy while Daihachi did his own thing.
((Oh...haha ok...!))

Akihime was sad to see them leave, Okane too, but they understood and hoped to see them again soon. Daihachi kept busy with hunting and taking care of the requests they had that had somehow piled up in the three days they were gone. Masamune was back in Mistveil doing his usual duties of running a Hold.
Minehime was at the forge for most of the day, working nonstop until she had finished what she was working on. Heading into the outpost, she wiped the soot from her face, moving over to Daihachi. "Hey, you got a minute?" She asked.
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