Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Yukimura looked a little unsure. "Does Daihachi know you've been seeing me..?" He asked gently, and though he enjoyed his extended time with his wife, this was still considered as a form of Necromancy by most.
She shook her head, "No...to be honest, no one really knows. Only Oume, and she swore to secrecy." She took his hand gently and smiled sadly, "I understand if you would rather not...the wounds are still healing. I'll let you return and speak to you more later."
"Come in! Sorry for the delay!" Akihime called. The door opened and Daihachi moved over quickly, hugging her tight. She grunted in surprise and laughed softly, hugging him back, "I missed you, too, Daihachi...!" She said, smiling brightly.
Minehime was close behind after Daihachi, not even waiting for Daihachi to finish his hug, just hugging Akihime as well. "Obaa-san, I missed you."
"Oh, Minehime! Hello~!" Akihime chirped, "My, look at you! Both of you!" She moved back and looked them both over, "Divines, you both have grown so much since I saw you last. Minehime, you're so beautiful now. You take after your mother in that respect." She said. She smiled sadly, "I am so sorry to hear of her early passing. But take heart in knowing that she loves you and misses you and Masamune-sama so much..."
Minehime smiled sadly. "Thank you.. That means a lot." She said, then shook her head. "You didn't say what our meeting was about, is everything okay?"
"Yeah, is everything alright?" Daihachi asked. Akihime grinned brightly.
"Everything is fine! I just want you to meet someone.." She said and stood, "I will be right back. Make yourselves comfortable." She said as she headed for the door. Daihachi looked confused, sitting down.
"Meet someone?"
Masamune stood against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. A bit later, Akihime returned, hiding something behind her back.
"Morinobu," Daihachi winced at his birthname but turned his gaze to his mother regardless, "I want you to meet..." Akihime looked down over her shoulder and smiled softly before gently pulling her arm forward to reveal a small girl clinging to her, "Your younger sister, Okane." Okane was almost a spitting image of Akihime; her hair was a soft red hue and reached her shoulders, her eyes the same brown that Daihachi and Daisuke inherited from their father. Daihachi sat frozen, not knowing what to do. He stared at Akihime, eyes wide.
"Younger...sister?" He echoed.
Minehime's mouth hung open slightly, and she looked to Daihachi, then to Akihime and Okane. "But.." She squinted at the young girl, who couldn't have been older than eight. She couldn't have been adopted, she looked too much like Akihime. "When did you have her?"
"I had her almost a decade ago...I didn't want to introduce her to you yet until she was ol-"
"How dare you!!" Daihachi shot up, furious beyond belief, "After everything Tou-san had done! All the love and care he provided you! You just let another man stick his cock in you?!"
"Daihachi!!" Masamune snapped, "Show some respect!" Daihachi was fuming, fists clenched tight. Akihime smiled sadly and lowered her gaze.
"I had a feeling you would react this way..." She said softly. Okane gulped and slowly stepped forward.
"Big Brother...don't...don't yell at mommy, ok...? She told me the the Nine gave me to her so she could be closer to papa. And I know...I know that I will never get to meet papa...but I can feel him when I go to sleep...! He hums to me and pets my hair...! And when I dream, he tells me that my big brother Morinobu will always protect me because of how brave and strong you are...!" She said. The more she spoke, the more Daihachi's face contorted in heart wrenching sorrow. Yukimura had a habit of staying with them before bed when they were cubs, petting his and Daisuke's hair to soothe them easier to sleep. Okane frowned and moved closer.
"Don't be sad, Big Brother..." She pleaded gently.
Minehime just sat in shock, feeling like she shouldn't be there at that moment. The Divines had blessed Akihime with another child, and nearly a decade ago. "Akihime-san.. I don't understand... The Divines gave her to you... Meaning... It was a virgin birth..?"
Akihime smiled and nodded, "Hai...! It was a miraculous conception." She replied. Daihachi shook his head and rushed out, too overwhelmed to want to stay. Okane watched him leave with a heartbroken frown, feeling rejected. She moved to Akihime and gripped her dress, looking up at her mother with tears in her eyes.
"Does Big Brother not like me?" She asked weakly. Akihime cooed and pet her head.
"No, he...he just needs time.." She answered.
Minehime stood and put a hand on Akihime's shoulder. "I'll talk to him." She said, hurrying out after Daihachi. "Daihachi, wait up!" She called, jogging to catch up to him.
Daihachi was outside, taking deep breathes as he fought tears. His chest hurt so badly that he could hardly breathe. He believed every word Akihime said, but his deep buried grief over his father forced itself back up too quickly for his liking. He didn't know what to do, all he wanted was to hunt and bury his feelings again.
"Hey.." Minehime gently squeezed his shoulder, frowning softly. "Take it easy, ok?" She moved to stand beside him. "Do you wanna talk about it..?"
"I have...I have a sister..." He wheezed, "Tou-san talks to her. Why? Why her? Have I done something to upset him? Does he hate me for what I did to Sasuke?" He looked so hurt, "I miss him so much, Minim...!"
Minehime frowned more and moved to take both of his hands. "Your father loves you, Daihachi." She said gently, but firmly. "I don't know why he doesn't talk to you, maybe it's your beast blood, maybe your connection with the veil isn't strong enough. Whatever the case, I'm positive he still would speak with you, given the chance." She said softly.
"I know." She said softly, petting his hair to soothe him. "It sounded like... It sounded like Akihime was speaking with Yukimura-dono... Why not ask her if you could speak with him again?" She offered.
"You know he loves you. Just try?" She asked. "If it doesn't work out, we can leave Solitude immediately."
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