Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"You have a letter from your mother." Masamune said gruffly, holding the letter out to Daihachi. The young Sanada took it quickly and opened it, reading it over. "Kaa-san has something important to tell me. She wants me in Solitude asap." He said. He made a noise, "My horse is exhausted." "We'll take the carriage. I haven't seen her in a while, I wanna check on her." Masamune said. Daihachi nodded and moved to Minehime, helping her stand, "Do you wanna come with?"
Minehime could barely keep her legs straight, but she nodded. "I'll go, it'd be nice to see A-Akihime.." She gave a sheepish smile, holding onto Daihachi.
Masamune exhaled with a soft 'Yol', still uhappy with what he had come up on. "Let's go." He grumbled and headed off. Daihachi helped Minehim follow, "Sorry.." He apologized.
When the three of them arrived at the stables, Jin was helping Kojurou ready the horses, looking not a day over thirty. Her thick hair still braided in that ever-so-familiar way Kojurou did for her every morning, the two chatting and laughing quietly amongst themselves. Even after many years together, and the long fifteen years spent apart, the two still loved each other very much; their love never diminished for one another, not a single bit.
Kojurou's light brown hair was now slowly turning into a salt and pepper, his worry lines and wrinkles slowly coming more and more apparent. But he held the same vigor he did in his youth, still holding the title of the master swordsman. Being with Jin seemed to make him look much younger than what he was, his eyes still holding that loving glow they always did when looking upon her. And even with his failing health, he still did everything in his power to keep her and his son happy and comfortable.
"Kojurou." The Right Eye looked immediately when his Jarl called to him. Masamune nudged his head, "Me and these two are heading to Solitude to see the Oracle. You and Jin are in charge."
"Hai." Kojurou bowed, "Have a safe journey, Masamune-sama."
Jin had finished saddling the horses, and took her spot beside Kojurou, bowing her head to them. She still resented Masamune for locking her in the stocks, but she did a good job of not letting it show.
Minehime climbed into the carriage, taking a seat looking a little awkward at first, but quickly gathered her composure.
Daihachi climbed in and sat beside her. "We will gladly await your return." Kojurou said. Masamune saluted and told the driver to start heading to Solitude. They headed off and Masamune sighed softly, stretching.
The ride was mostly silent as the three of them sat in the carriage, Minehime and Daihachi on one side, Masamune on the other. After the two of them had been caught fooling around, Minehime didn't have much to say to her father, face still a bit red.
"That incident won't happen again, will it?" Masamune spoke up, but it wasn't so much of a question more than it was a statement. Daihachi gulped softly and shook his head.
"No, sir." He answered, "I honestly didn't mean for it to go that far." Masamune made a noise and leaned back in his seat.
Minehime wanted to protest, but the longer she thought on it, the more she decided it wasn't the time to bring such a thing up. Glancing from her father to Daihachi, she let out a soft breath; her mind was made up.
The ride was dead silent the rest of the way, Masamune napping on the way there. Daihachi glanced to Minehime and smiled meekly, "Sorry I got us in trouble." He whispered.
Minehime returned his smile with one of her own. "I'm not." She suppressed a laugh. "Though having my father find us was embarrassing.." She glanced to her sleeping father, then leaned closer. "I'd do it again."
"I thought it was kinda hot~" She teased, keeping her voice a whisper. "But I get it, only when you're not ready to kill." She said, respecting his wishes.
He rubbed the back of his head, "I just don't want to loose the only amount of control I have and end up hurting you. It's still a very real threat..." He said softly.
"I won't let you get that far, remember? I made a promise." She said, nudging him with her shoulder. "I've got your back."
"And my front~" He purred softly. "Knock it off." Masamune growled and Daihachi sat upright, eyes wide as he was caught off guard. "H-Hai! Gomen!"
Minehime sat up as well, looking to her father who still had his eye closed, and looked like he was sleeping. "Otou-san.." She scolded him for eavesdropping.
Minehime backed down immediately, shaking her head. "No." She said, shaking her head, and sitting in silence until the reached Solitude. Once there, Minehime exited the carriage, stretching from the long journey.
Minehime nodded, and excited to see Akihime after so long, headed up first. Making it to the gates, she entered the city, waiting for Daihachi and Masamune before she headed for the Blue Palace.
Daihahchi kept her pace easily but Masamune took his time, never really liking being in Solitude. When they reached the Palace, the guards allowed them entry after being assured that they were really invited. "She should be in her divination room, but be respectful, she needs to focus." One said. Daihachi moved to the divination room with Minehime and Masamune and moved to knock, stopping when he heard Akihime giggling as well as hearing another voice. It sounded like Yukimura. "It's so good to hear from you again, Yukimura-sama..." Akihime's slightly muffled voice swooned. Daihachi felt his chest tighten and he backed away from the door, lowering his gaze.
Inside, Akihime sat happily with her husband, no longer needing potions to keep her sustained while she had Yukimura tethered to Nirn. Now in her early forties, Akihime still looked as young and beautiful as she did ten years ago; more than likely thanks to the blessing of Dibella she was granted. The only tell of her age was the slow showing grey hairs in her long black cherry hair.
Minehime stopped as well, confused as to why she could hear Yukimura as well as Akihime beyond the door, frowning and taking Daihachi's hand.
"It's good to see you too, Akihime." Yukimura smiled widely. "You no longer need any potions I see." He sounded proud. "You've grown even stronger, if possible at all."
Akihime blushed and smiled shyly, "Well, you were my motivation, Yukimura-sama.." She said.
Masamune huffed and knocked on the door, "Akihime! We're answering your summons!" He called. Akihime looked to the door and smiled before looking to Yukimura, "Daihachi is here. Would you like to see him...? It sounds like he brought Masamune-sama, too!"
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