Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

He shook his head, "No, it's fine. I'm ok." He assured and gave her hand a squeeze before heading inside her. Masamune was playing with Okane, making her squeal and laugh, "Can you really shout like a dragon?" She asked excitedly. Masamune chuckled and nodded.
"Yeah, but I don't think I can Shout in here. It might hurt your ears." He told her. She pouted in disappointment and looked to Akihime.
"Can he, mommy?" She asked. Akihime laughed softly.
"As long as it doesn't cause any damage to the Palace." She replied. Okane squealed and sat beside Masamune excitedly. Masamune shook his head, smiling softly, before looking up to the fancy chandelier.
"Fo Krah Diin!" He Shouted and a stream of frost shot from his mouth, encasing the chandelier in ice. Okane cheered and clapped happily, face flushed with excitement.
"Otou-san." Minehime called out, watching her father play with Okane with a soft smile, but she sounded ready to scold him. "Wasn't it you who made the rule to not use Shout inside?"
Masamune smiled sheepishly, "It'll melt." He replied. Daihachi stood awkwardly behind Minehime, gaze to the floor. Okane hopped up from her seat and moved to Daihachi, staring up at him with a soft frown. He looked to her and watched her, pursing his lips slightly. She tilted her head slightly before smiling and holding out her hand.
"Come sit with me and mommy, Big Brother...!" She requested. He hesitated before gently taking her hand, nodding. She pulled him to sit with her and Akihime, sitting in his lap when he finally sat down. Akihime smiled softly, watching them affectionately.
"I'm sorry for snapping at you like that, Kaa-san..." Daihachi apologized. She smiled and shook her head.
"It's fine, Daihachi. I didn't expect a positive reaction." She said. Daihachi gently pet Okane's head before glancing at Akihime.
"Were you talking to Tou-san before we arrived?" He asked softly. Akihime's breath caught in her throat before she frowned softly.
"I was..." She replied. Masamune shot up in his seat.
"You can speak to the honored dead? Can you...?" He looked to Minehime before looking back to Akihime, "Will you help me speak to Mego?"
Minehime's chest tightened, and she held her breath, looking to Akihime with furrowed brows. She kept completely silent, waiting to hear her answer.
Akihime smiled sadly and nodded, "I can..."
"Do it. Right now." Masamune demanded. Akihime nodded and stood, moving to the door.
"Oume-chan, can you bring my incense and blessed oils?" She called gently.
Minehime took a sharp, shaky breath and stood quickly, feeling wrong about summoning her mothers soul, but her desire to see Megohime once more overwhelmed her. She kept quiet and stayed beside her father.
Oume, a young Breton girl with her blonde-almost-white hair pulled into a bun and sparkling blue eyes, brought in the incense and oils, placing them on the table and bowing. "Anything else, Akihime-dono?"
"Take Okane and keep her occupied?" Akihime requested. Oume nodded and gently took Okane from the room. Akihime sat in front of her bowl and set everything up, taking a breath and looking to Masamune, "I need something you own that has a strong connection to Megohime-dono." She said. Masamune lowered his gaze before pulling a jade necklace out from under his clothes, removing it from his neck and gently handing it over.
"Kaa-san's necklace.." She whispered, a soft frown on her face, but she could understand Masamune's desire to keep Megohime's most treasured necklace with him.
Akihime gently placed the necklace in the bowl of water and blessed oils, lighting the incense and placing her hands on her lap, closing her eyes. The sconces flickered for a moment, the light shining brighter through the window. Soon, a woman seems to walk out from the beams shining through the window and once the light dimmed, Megohime was standing closest to Masamune. She didn't appear to look like a specter, but a flesh and blood body, the only give away that she wasn't actually flesh was the ethereal mist radiating off her body. Masamune's eye widened and he stopped breathing. "M...Mego..."
Megohime blinked as she looked at the scene before her, one moment having been in the halls of Sovngarde, the next she was staring at her husband. "Masamune-sama..." She blinked in surprise, then saw Minehime. "Kaa-san..!" Megohime, who didn't get to see Minehime in the last few years of her life, moved over quickly and hugged Minehime. Minehime hugged Megohime tightly, tears in her eye, able to physically hold Megohime once again.
Akihime smiled softly, "Forgive me for pulling you from Sovngarde, Megohime-dono, but Masamune-sama requested to see you again." She said, bowing her head. Masamune stood slowly and moved towards his wife, shaking slightly.
Megohime let go of Minehime, looking from Akihime, then to Masamune. She looked young, early twenties, her skin smooth, and her dark hair untouched by age, garnet eyes gentle. Standing, she moved over to Masamune quickly, embracing him tightly, petting his hair and smiling. Tears rolled down her face and she let out a laugh. "Grey hair doesn't suit you." It was Masamune's same old Megohime.
He held her tight, tears falling from his good eye, "Not like I can do anything about it." He laughed shakily. He pulled back and cupped her face, which only made him want to cry more, "Talos, you're still so unbelievably beautiful.."
Megohime let out a soft breath, but smiled. "It's so good to see you too.." She said softly, then glanced back at Minehime. "Both of you, Gods, Minehime's beautiful, and you." Megohime turned back to Masamune, gently feeling the stubble on his jawline. "You're still as beautifully rugged as the day I met you." She sighed softly.
He laughed through his tears, "I was a little more smooth when we first met." He replied. Seeing her now, it was like she hadn't passed away at all. But he knew in his heart of hearts that this wouldn't last. "You left so suddenly..." He said weakly, "You didn't give me the chance to say goodbye..."
"I'm sorry, I didn't even know I was dead myself until I was standing in Shor's hall myself." She took his hand gently, holding it firmly. "But I'm glad I could see you once more."
"Good, don't you go dying yet, ok?" She cupped both side of his face. "Keep Mini company for me.."
Minehime was a mess, tears streaming down her cheeks, holding back sobs, but she wanted her father to have this time with Megohime. He deserved it.
The two stood there for what seemed like hours to Masamune, but where really only a few moments, then Megohime slowly pulled away. "I shouldn't stay so long here, I can feel Sovngarde pulling me back." She smiled up at him, running her thumb over his cheek. "I love you, Masamune-sama.." She then turned to look at Minehime. "I love you, too, Minehime."
"I love you, Kaa-san." Minehime hugged her mother tightly, crying at this point.
"I'll be waiting for you at Shor's hall, but don't rush to get here, ok?" She said. "I love you." She said, then kissed her daughter's head, and was gone.
Masamune sat back down and covered his face, breaking into tears. It was odd seeing the big strong Dovahkiin be so broken. Akihime stood and gently placed her hand on his shoulder. "It's alright, Masamune-sama..." She assured him. He only nodded, body shaking.
Minehime sobbed softly into her hands, body shaking. She missed her mother so much it physically hurt sometimes, but she was glad she was able to say goodbye, even if it was a little late.
Daihachi moved and pulled Minehime close, petting her hair gently. Akihime smiled sadly. "Why don't we have some tea and take a moment to collect ourselves?"
"Got any ale?" Masamune asked. Akihime made a noise but nodded.
"I can have some brought in."
"I'm going to need a lot." He answered. Akihime nodded and called to Oume, who hurried in and cleaned up before leaving again and coming back with a fresh pot of tea, ale, crostatas and dumplings.
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