Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"It'll be like old times again, we can spar if your back isn't giving you too much trouble." She grinned lopsidedly.
"Oh, fifty isn't that old..!" Minehime said, waving her hand. "I'm sure you can still move like you did when you were twenty."
Minehime smiled, and let out a laugh. As the day went on, Minehime and her father got to spend some time with each other, enjoying his company.

Minehime had eventually moved out to the outpost, and started to clean up a bit, giving the hounds some attention and some food.
Minehime turned and looked to Daihachi, smiling widely. "Hey, you're back!" She called, then headed over to Daihachi.
She stopped in front of him, putting her hands on her hips. "Something I won't believe?" She echoed.
He nodded, "We cured Kodlak like he wanted. He's in Sovngarde now. But that isn't the news." He said. He grinned slightly, "Before he moved on, he named a new Harbinger."
She rose an eyebrow. "He did?" She didn't seemed too suprised. "I wouldn't be surprised if it were Vilkas- wait, don't tell me he picked you?"
Minehime stared at Daihachi, not looking happy, or surprised, she just looked unamused. "C'mon, who did he really choose?"
"Mini, I'm serious! Kodalk chose you as Harbinger!" He told her, "Why would I lie to you? I thought you'd have a little more trust in me than that."
Minehime's eye grew wide as the realization slowly dawned on her. He was serious. "Wait.... Oh Talos..." She took a seat. "What did the others say about his decision? I-I'm not even a part of the Circle!"
"Your position in the Companions doesn't matter. You only need to be worthy of the title of Harbinger. But I completely agree with Kodlak, as does Farkas and Vilkas. Aela doesn't care, so long as she can continue to do her own thing." He told her, "Kodlak's journal makes more sense now.."
Minehime still looked stunned. "What did his journal say?" She stood up and grabbed a cup for water, trying to fully grasp that she was to be the new Harbinger
"Kodlak has been having the same dream for years. All the Harbingers since the Gift are waiting at the bridge to Shor's Hall, but are immediately dragged into the Hunting Grounds. And when it comes to him, he tries to go to Tsun but can feel the pull of the Blood demanding for Hircine's realm. But he sees someone standing beside him and every time, he sees you. You and the Harbingers leading all the way to Ysgramor himself wage a war against Hircine to free the other Companions from Hircine's grasp." He explained.
Minehime let out a slow breath, staring at Daihachi with an open mouth. "I-I'm.." She blinked. "I'm honored... I accept." She nodded. "If that is Kodlak's wish, and he has entrusted this task with me, then I'll do it."
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