Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"You're here, I doubt anything to wild will happen, and hes the main reason I have to get wild, you ever try to control him when he's drunk?" She grinned.
"Yeah, he does, he got pretty lucky." She said, downing the rest of her drink and letting out a sigh of content.
"I've never shared a drink with Yukimura-dono... So I can't be the one to say." She said, a bit uncomfortable talking about Yukimura.
Minehime's own face flushed a little and she glanced down at her mug. "Yeah..." She smiled slightly when she said it, a bit embarrassed, but happy too. "I mean, we aren't thinking about marriage or anything- or not yet... But, it wouldn't be so bad, being married to him.."
Shigenaga's expression held disappointment for a small moment before smiling, "I'm happy for the both of you. I wish you both the best. Although...I won't lie and tell you that I'm not disappointed. I was hoping we may have had a chance. But, your happiness comes first. And so I'm glad that you have found that happiness in another."
Minehime made a face, rubbing her neck awkwardly. "I've known you have feelings for me, and I love you to, but I love you more like a brother." She gave a sad smile. "I only hope you find happiness too with another person."
"I don't want you feeling guilty, Minehime-dono. I've kind of always known we would never be an item, and I accept that. A part of me was just hoping for that small chance that maybe we could. But I'm perfectly fine, and I'm glad Daihachi-san makes you happy." He smiled genuinely and pat her hand affectionately, "Don't feel bad, ok? You did no wrong."
"I know that..!" She jabbed her thumb into his hand, then gently squeezed it, smiling softly at him. "Just find a pretty girl you can show to Kojurou and Jin, yeah?"
Minehime and Shigenaga enjoyed a few more drinks before Minehime turned in for the night, heading back to Mistveil to see her father once more.
"Yeah, are you getting a drink? It's getting late, and I'm gonna turn in for the night." She said, stopping to talk to her father.
"Actually, I'm turning in, too...you aren't ever really home so...I've been sleeping at the Bee and Barb ever since yer mom kinda...yeah..." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking uncomfortable, "I can't...go in there...my room, I mean. It feels wrong. Too many memories."
She frowned softly. "Do you want me to get a room at the Barb too? I don't mind!" She said, her heart feeling heavy at the thought of her father unable to even sleep in his own home.
"You don't have to bunk with me if you don't want to. I'll be alright. If you want to keep me company, though, you can. I usually get a few drinks in before calling it a night.." He told her.
"I don't mind, it'll be nice, kinda like when I'd get scared at night and you'd sleep in the room with me." She smiled. "But I think I'm going to turn down anymore drinks, I have outpost work in the morning and I don't want a hangover." She grinned.
He nodded and put his arm around her shohlders, walking back to the Barb. Shigenaga was just leaving, bowing to both of them before heading home.
Minehime sat with her father, talking and drinking some water while he had his couple of drinks, and eventually the two turned in for the night. Minehime took one bed, while her father took the other, falling asleep rather quickly.
It took Masamune a while to fall asleep, but when he did, he was unfortunate enough to suffer from another nightmare. It was when Megohime was found dead, Kojurou being the one to have found her. "I'm sorry, Masamune-sama." "No!" Masamune rushed forward but Kojurou stopped him, holding him back, "Let me go, Kojurou!! I need to go to her!!" "You shouldn't have to see her like that, Masamune-sama." Kojurou said solemnly.
Masamune tossed and turned in his sleep, looking distraught.
Just beyond Kojurou, Megohime lay crumpled on the ground inside of the bedroom Masamune shared with her, her black hair lay on the ground around her head, her back to Masamune. Her Heartstone had finally given out, like they both know it would, and she died instantly, feeling no pain at all. Her body was still warm, but was beginning to grow cold, her eyes still partially open, her book on the ground next to her.
"Mego!! Mego, don't do this!!" He yelled before shaking free and rushing to her side. He wheezed, weakly gathering her into his arms, "Please, Mego...not again...don't do this..." He pleaded, holding her close.
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