Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime didn't respond, and just like many years before, he held her lifeless body, only this time, he wouldn't be able to bring her back. His nightmare twisted into something worse, taking the reality that had happened, and taking form of Masamune's projected feelings. "You let me die again." Megohime's voice gurgled from her throat, her dead eyes moving to stare at him, but her body remaining completely limp. "You couldn't save me last time, and you couldn't save me this time. This is your fault. I'm dead because of you." Blood seeped from her eyes, nose, and mouth, eyes rolling back into her head. "Everyone you love is dead because of you, it's only a matter of time before you kill Minehime too."
Masamune looked beyond terrified, "I tried, Mego!! I tried!! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!!"
He shot up in bed, gasping loudly for air. His eye widened, gripping the bed so tight his knuckles were white. He tried to steady his breathing, looking around frantically. He was still at the Bee and Barb, Minehime still dead asleep beside him.
Minehime didn't stir even when Masamune did, tucked under the blankets with the covers up to her nose. She lay curled on her side, a gentle expression on her face as she slept, her right eye sunken in, and her hair already a mess.
He moved over carefully and sat beside her, gently petting her hair as she slept. He held his breath to keep from sobbing, but it was so hard. "Gods, look at you..." He struggled to whisper, "You look almost exactly like her...near mirror image of your mother. Divines know you act like her some times..." He wiped his eye with his sleeve and continued to pet her hair gently, "I'm so proud of you, yunkliin...and I know yer mom is, too...I'm so...so sorry that I couldn't help her this time...I would do anything and everything in my power to bring her back...but I guess Shor wanted to hear her nag for himself..."
Minehime shifted slightly when he per her hair, but she didn't seem bothered, even though she was asleep. She let out a soft sigh and leaned into his touch slightly, almost like she knew who it was.
Minehime woke to the sight of her father, and sat up slowly, a frown on her face. "Otou-san.." She ran her fingers through his hair and held his hand. "You should get back in bed, you'll get sick if you sleep on the floor." She said gently, resting her forehead against his head.
Tears came to her eyes and she squeezed his hand tighter, nodding her head. "Hai.." She whispered out hoarsely, gently soothing him back to sleep before she put a blanket around him, and headed off to find Kojurou. "Kojurou... Will you help me get Otou-sama back to Mistveil?" She asked the Housecarl, a soft frown on her face. "He's sleeping at the Bee and Barb, and he's a little out of sorts."
Minehime glanced at Kojurou, but shook her head. "No, he's asleep on the floor." She paused as they continued to the Bee and Barb. "He thought I was Kaa-san." She said quietly.
"How long has he been sleeping here?" She asked as she made her way up the stairs and to the bedroom he was sleeping in.
"I suppose sometime after Megohime-dono passed...I honestly wouldn't know, Jin and I retire before he does.." He answered before entering Masamune's room at the inn. Kojurou gently shook Masamune from his sleep, "Masamune-sama. You need to wake up." "Kojurou...?" Masamune sat up and stretched, "What time is it?" "Eight in the morning, my Lord." Kojurou answered. Masamune groaned and stood, cracking his back with a wince, "Suppose I have to do my job now..."
Minehime stood in the doorway behind Kojurou, looking concerned for a moment before she pulled on a smile. "Otou-san, good morning." She greeted. "You should eat something."
He looked and smiled tiredly, "Yeah, food sounds pretty great right now, doesn't it?" He asked. He pat Kojurou's shoulder and the housecarl nodded before heading off. Masamune moved and took Minehime's hand, "Foods on me." He said.
Minehime smiled softly and nodded, following her father downstairs for something to eat, her heart still aching at how miserable her father was doing without Megohime.
"Yeah, I slept great." She glanced at him for a moment. "And you?" She asked; she was worried, she hadn't realized it was this bad, that her father couldn't sleep in his own home or even go into his bedroom.
He shrugged, "I slept, if that counts.." He answered with a small smile, "Dunno how I ended up on the floor, though..." He didn't want her to worry, he was old enough to deal with his problems on his own.
"Be careful of that back old man, I'm not carrying you home." She teased as their food was brought to them, and she started on her food.
He laughed and ate silently, forcing down his crippling depression. He would have to get over it sooner or later, he knew that. But it was so difficult.
"Otou-san.." Minehime looked down at her half eaten meal, poking some eggs around with her fork. "I've decided I'll stay here in Riften for a while, I want to be here for you... I'm worried."
"Worried? I'm fine! You don't have to force yourself to stick by me if you want to do your own thing." He told her, "Besides, you gotta keep an eye out for when Daihachi comes back.."
"I know, but I have been home for some time, and I miss being here." She shrugged and ate some eggs. "And Daihachi always finds me, he'll be ok."
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