Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"I haven't seen them in ages, it'll be good to be able to spend some time with the both of them." Minehime grinned widely. "Oh, and you too I guess." She stuck her tongue out. "Just kidding~ I missed you too."
She nudged his shoulder with her fist. "Of course I missed you!" She huffed back. "You're like my brother."
"May I borrow her?" Shigenaga asked Masamune. The Jarl waved his hand, "Go ahead." He answered. Shigenaga bowed and nudged his head, "Let me buy you a drink?"
"Sure, I could use one anyway." Minehime gave her father a small wave before heading off to the Bee and Barb with Shigenaga, happy to be able to speak with him again.
"So what have you been up to? I haven't really spent time with you in...ten years?" He asked, "Daihachi-san has seemed to take up a lot of your time.."
"It wasn't just Daihachi." She reminded him. "I've become a Companion, I've been busy." She shrugged. "What about you? What have you been doing?"
Shigenaga made a noise, allowing her to enter the Bee and Barb first before following her. "Learning to take Otou-sama's place when he passes." He answered, "The training is...difficult, to say the least."
"I think you'll be just as great as your father is." She said, taking a seat at a table and motioning for him to sit. "You have both your mother and father to train you, and you're no ice-brain. Don't worry so much, ok? I'm lucky to have you at my side."
He nodded, ordering them both a Velvet Lechance, "Still...this training is showing just how much older Otou-sama is becoming if I have to start now..." He lowered his gaze, "I think he's sick..."
Minehime frowned heavily, the thought of Kojurou growing old and sick making her chest ache. "Kojurou is strong... But death is something no one has been able to escape." She gave him a soft smile. "Just, spend time with him as much as you can, try not to worry too much."
She took a log drink, setting her mug down with a sigh. "Yeah.. I can only pray that nothing happens for another couple of years, but even then.."
He nodded, drinking largely from his mug. When Kojurou's time would come for him to traverse the veil into Sovngarde, Shigenaga would have to spend a lot of time consoling his mother; he knew Jin would be more deeply hurt by it and the thought made his chest ache. Even though she was his mother and he loved her deeply, he didn't feel as connected to Jin as his did Kojurou. That would make the grieving period even harder for him.
"Hey, cheer up, Kojurou isn't gonna kick the bucket for another ten years at the very least!" She swatted at him. "Enjoy a drink with me, tell me what you've been doing all these years? Find any girls~?"
His face flushed brightly, "N-No, no girls...th-though, I have gotten some admittance of affection from some of the newer guards and traders that come through..." He lowered his gaze shyly, "Th-They've all been male..."
Megohime leaned in close, still holding onto her mug, she whispered. "Well? Are any of them cute?" She was completely serious.
"Well damn.." She sat back in her chair. "I'd introduce you to some of the women in the Compainions, but they're all older than you, by a good amount too." She took a sip. "Don't worry, I'm sure someone will show up."
"Hai, hai... Just make sure you keep an open mind, that special someone might come along, and you don't wanna miss her." She pointed out.
Minehime downed the last of hers, and ordered another as well, taking it and gulping down a few big gulps before setting her mug on the table. "Kodlak was killed." She said quietly. "More like a slaughter they way they did it, damn cowards attacked in the night."
"Yeah. He will." She said, then took a deep breath. "Let's drink, I haven't gotten drunk in a long time." She said.
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