Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime broke out into a wide grin when she saw her father, jogging over to him and hugging him tightly. "I feels so good to be back." She admitted.
Her smiled dropped and she held him tighter. "Kodlak was killed." She said quietly, her chest tightening up once more.
Masamune frowned heavily and placed his hand on her head, "I'm sorry to hear that, yunkliin. He was a noble warrior and strong Nord. Was it honorable?"
Angry tears came to her eye and she shook her head. "They stormed the hall in a surprise attack; stole his armor too.." She said. "But they've been dealt with."
"Hai." She nodded, heading inside with her father, sitting down to enjoy drinks with him, and share the adventures she had been on while away from home.
"Makes me wish I was young again. Mego and I got into a lot of trouble back in the day." He said with a grin before realizing he had brought up his late wife and his grin disappeared. Talking about Megohime was still hard for him.
Minehime frowned softly, seeing the look in Masamune's eye. "We don't have to talk about Kaa-san.." She reminded him gently, nudging his shoulder.
"I think the first thing she'll do, is welcome you." She said, looking at her ale. "She never blamed you, you know?"
"You don't know what happened, Mini...you weren't there..." He said softly. He covered his face, shaking his head, "Let's change the subject before I start blubbering like a baby."
It pained her to see her father in such a state, and the loss of her mother was still a tender wound she carried as well. "Hey, if you cry, I'm gonna start crying too." She teased, eye misty as she let out a small laugh.
"He had personal matters to tend to, he'll return to Riften's outpost once he's done." She said, rubbing absentmindedly at her neck, massaging the bruise on her neck.
He nodded, "I only ask cuz he's glued to your side all the time, and a letter came for him. The outpost was locked so the courier brought it to me."
"A letter? Who from?" She asked, looking surprised, the only letters he usually got were regarding the Companions, and hey had been with them for the passed couple of weeks, so there was no reason for a letter. "When did it come?"
Minehime made a face, feeling uneasy about what could be in the letter, but decided it wasn't for her to see. "It'll have to wait for Daihachi just a little longer." She said. "I wouldn't feel right digging into their personal matters."
"Probably super busy with her powers back.." He answered. "Minehime-dono!" Shigenaga jogged up, smiling when he saw her. He was already growing into a warrior before, he certainly filled the boots now; the half Bosmer was much taller and well built - neither lanky like his mother or muscley like his father. He hadn't seen much of Minehime since she and Daihachi made the outpost, which upset him but he knew she would be safe with him. "It's good to see you outside the post for once." He joked.
"Hey, I can't be as carefree as you..~" She teased back, standing and moving over to greet him, embracing him in a hug. "What have you been up to lately? How's Kojurou and Jin?"
He made a noise, "Otou-sama is getting older, but still moves like he's my age." He answered, "Okaa-sama is fine, she does most of the hunting now...she hasn't aged a day." "Lucky her." Masamune joked.
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