Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime gently touched Kodlaks arm, then stood up, wiping her eye on her sleeve. "Yeah." She said, though it came out in a choked whisper. Turning and walking passed Daihachi to the door, she tightened the strap of her sword. "Let's go."
Minehime felt grieve and rage, wanting to be back in Whiterun to help prepare Kodlaks body, but she also wanted to destroy what was left of the Silver hand, and repay them for the disrespect they showed Kodlaks body.
It took almost a day, but they arrived at Driftshade without any issues. Daihachi didn't waste any time, he jumped off his horse and rushed into the refuge, tearing apart anything in his path.
Minehime was right beside him, cutting Silverhands down left and right, cleaving men clean in two with her greatsword, working their way to where the fragments of Wuuthrad were being held.
Vilkas, Daihachi and Minehime moved in swiftly, killing anything and everything that wielded silver weapons. No Silver Hand was left alive once they were through. Vilkas gently took the shards of Wuuthraad and turned to them. "Let's go...we should return these to Eorland as soon as possible."
Minehime nodded, taking one last minute to look over all the dead Silverhand members, then heading off down the hall.
The left Driftshade and returned to Whiterun, where they approached the steps to the Companions' mead hall. "I will meet with you soon, take the shards to Eorland. I'm sure they're readying his pyre now." He said and handed the shards to Daihachi and Minehime.
Minehime looked down at the shards, then started off to find Eorland, a somber look on her face.
Minehime nodded her head and thanked him quietly, looking to Daihachi and gently squeezing his shoulder. "Let's go, yeah..?"
Daihachi nodded and went with her to the Skyforge, where they gave Kodlak a final farewell. Eorland approached Daihachi and whispered in his ear, the lad nodding before looking to Minehime and nudging his head for her to follow before walking off.
Minehime stood beside Daihachi, looking at the spot where they would stand at the Skyforge, tears swelling in her eye as she moved her gaze to stare at Kodlaks unmoving body.
"Yeah.." She followed him numbly, squeezing his hand tightly as she followed Daihachi, but stopped once they reached his door. "I... I can't go in there, it doesn't feel right, going through his things..."
"It's just in his nightatand. I'll be right back." He said and headed into Kodlak's room. He moved to the nightstand and pulled the shard out from under Kodlak's journal. He hesitated before slowly skimming through. His eyes widened slowly as he read before shutting it quickly and returning it to the nightstand, heading back out to Minehime.
"What's wrong?" Minehime asked, seeing the shocked look on his face and growing concerned. "Did something happen?"
Minehime nodded, but still felt something was bothering him. Following him back outside, she kept quiet as they gave the last piece of Wuuthrad to Eorland, then headed for the pyre.
"Brothers of the Circle, if you would join me in the Underforge, we have much to discuss." Aela said. Daihachi gave Minehime's hand a squeeze before heading off with Aela, Vilkas and Farkas.
What took minutes seemed to be the blink of an eye for Minehime; Daihachi was back and holding her hand again, "We're going to Ysgramor's tomb to return Wuuthraad and put Kodlak's spirit at peace. Do you want to come?"
Minehime shook her head. "I think I'll return home, I'd like to see my father again. Kodlaks death... It's almost like I've lost a father." She said. "And this is a Circle matter." She squeezed his hand. "Meet me back at Riften, yeah?"
Minehime nodded, saying her goodbyes, and then heading off to Riften to be at home with her father.
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