Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime and Daihachi relaxed for the rest of the day, Minehime petting his hair and talking to him until he finally fell asleep again, and even then, she stayed with him.
Minehime woke when Daihachi thrashed against her, and she slowly sat up, gently caressing his face and hair, murmuring gently to him to try and soothe him back to a more peaceful slumber.
He struggled a little less, slowly relaxing.
After a few days of recovering in bed, Daihachi was back to his normal self. He was in the back patio, practicing with his bow.
Minehime was repairing the bowstring on her bow, making a new one after hers had worn down and finally broke. As she sat weaving the thread into sturdy string, she listened to Daihachi practice.
"Harr harr, Mini~"
"Hey." Daihachi looked back and furrowed his brows at Farkas.
"What's up, Farkas?"
"The Old Man wants to see you. Best not to keep him waiting." Farkas answered. Daihachi glanced at Minehime before nodding to Farkas.
"This circle business?" She looked up at Farkas, then looked at Daihachi, pausing braiding the bowstring. "You need me to come with you?"
"Both of you." Farkas said. Daihachi knew what it was about after that. He sighed heavily and set his bow aside.
"20 years old and I'm still being scolded like a child." He mumbled.
Minehime made a face and tied off her string so it wouldn't unravel, leaving it at the table. "Shit." She scratched her cheek. "How deep in it are we?"
"I'd say pretty deep." Farkas noted, watching them head inside. They moved down to the quarters and headed into Kodlak's room, where the Harbinger sat waiting patiently.
Minehime took a deep breath before entering Kodlak's room with Daihachi, her face set and her eyes nervous.
He motioned for them to sit and they did, Daihachi sitting up straight and showing confidence.
"I hear you both have been busy of late." Kodlak began.
"We've been working with Aela to avenge Skjor's death." Daihachi replied, not willing to lie to Kodlak. Kodlak's expression transitioned to one of remorse.
"Your hearts are full of grief, and my own weeps at the loss of Skjor. But his death was avenged long ago. You have taken more lives than honor demanded. The cycle of retaliation may continue for some time." The old man stated.
Minehime stood behind Daihachi, saying nothing, but listening to every word Kodlak spoke. She frowned softly, and looked down out of shame, but knew Kodlak was right. Daihachi had nearly been killed, things were going too far and were quickly getting out of hand.
"I have my own task for you, if you'll indulge me."
"Of course, Kodlak." Daihachi confirmed. Kodlak adjusted in his sit and cleared his throat.
"Do you know the story of how the Companions became Werewolves?" He asked, eyeing Daihachi. The lad nodded, brows furrowed. Kodlak turned his gaze to Minehime, who had opted to remain silent, "Do you, child?"
Minehime looked up when Kodlak spoke to her, shaking her head. "No, I don't actually." She admitted to him.
Kodlak crossed his arms and shifted in his chair, "The Companions are nearly five thousand years old. This matter of beastblood has only troubled us for a few hundred. One of my predecessors was a good, but short-sighted man. He made a bargain with the witches of Glenmoril Coven. If the Companions would hunt in the name of their lord, Hircine, we would be granted great power."
Minehime furrowed her brows and shifted her weight. "Why are you telling us this now? What does it mean?" She asked.
"The disease, you see, affects not just our bodies. It seeps into the spirit. Upon death, werewolves are claimed by Hircine for his Hunting Grounds. For some, this is a paradise. They want nothing more than to chase prey with their master for eternity. And that is their choice. But I am still a true Nord. And I wish for Sovngarde as my spirit home." He said. Daihachi pieced it together quickly.
"You want us to deal with the witches, then?" He asked. Kodlak nodded solemnly.
"The witches' magic ensnared us, and only their magic can release us. They won't give it willingly, but we can extract their foul powers by force. I want you to seek them out. Go to their coven in the wilderness. Strike them down as a true warrior of the wild. And bring me their heads. The seat of their abilities. From there, we may begin to undo centuries of impurity." Kodlak ordered. Daihachi nodded and stood.
"We'll be back soon." He said and looked to Minehime, "Let's go."
Minehime hesitated but nodded, following him. "Are you okay with this? I mean, are you comfortable?" She asked once they were out of the room.
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