Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

He was unconscious, the blood loss taking its toll on him. Farkas and Aela went to work on patching him up. "These don't look like sabre cat wounds.." Farkas noted.
"They're sabre cat wounds." She hissed through clenched teeth, hating the feeling of lying to Farkas, but she knew Aela would disapprove.
"Yeah. It was." She grunted, soaking a rag in water and as carefully as she could cleaning the blood from his body.
"He almost died." She said coldly, clearly very unhappy. She knew all of the risks that came with the job, but still seeing her Shield-Sibling cut down like that was something she never wanted to see again. "We finished the mission though, so no worries." She sneered, taking Daihachi's hand and sitting down beside his bed.
"There were nearly two dozen men there!" She hissed over her shoulder, her blue eye a slit and glowing with rage.
Minehime shot to her feet and spun on Aela. "Strin hin zahr!" The room shook slightly, her face twisted with rage. "You're not the one laying on this bed, you have no right to say anything!"

(("Shut your mouth!"))
"Mini..." Daihachi took her hand gently, eyes half lidded. Her mini Shout woke him from his unconscious state, "It's alright...please...she's our Shield-Sister...regardless of what's happened..."
Minehime's face softened when she heard Daihachi speak, and her eye returned to normal when she felt him holding her hand. Turning her back on Aela, she kneeled beside the bed and gently carressed his face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.." She whispered gently, holding his hand to her cheek as she dug out his ring and carefully slipped it back onto his finger.
"Morinobu..." She frowned softly. "I'm not the one who had to be carried home." She whispered. "You really scared me.."
"Hey, but you're safe...that's all that matters to me...I told you I didn't care.." He said, "I'll be fine...just bed ridden for a couple days, tops."
"Dii lokaal.." She gently pet his hair. "I care what happens to you." She said. "Please, if you care about me, then care about how I feel when you get hurt as well."
"Minim...I did it because I know full well what your feelings are. But you have to understand my feelings too. I didn't do it because it was my job as a man. I did it because I love you...and seeing you in any harm would hurt me more than any wound I would receive from silver." He said, giving her hand a squeeze.
Her eyes were a bit misty, but she nodded in agreement. "Just.. Let me fight by your side next time?" She asked.
"Only if you let me have your back." She promised, nodding her head and resting her forehead against his.
"I know, dog breath." She said, kissing his brow gently. "Now get some rest, I'll stay here with you."
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