Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime looked at Daihachi with a confused face before she gave his hand a squeeze. "I'm not going to use you as a shield so I can be safe, you're my Shield-Brother, we'll fight together." She said, in a gentle yet firm voice.
"I won't, I promise." She said, then drew her sword. "You do the same, yeah?" She asked, heading toward the cave cautiously.
Minehime walked quietly, the dimly lit cave providing sufficient cover from those inside, four Silverhands, two sleeping around a fire, one sharpening his blade, and the third sitting atop a large chest.
Daihachi snuck around to the one sharpening his blade, moving and covering his mouth to muffle any noise he would make when Daihachi snapped his neck quickly.
Minehime crept up on the two sleeping by the fire, drawing her dagger and slicing open their throats so they would bleed out. Looking to Daihachi, she motioned to the leader who sat on the chest, eyes closed as he leaned against the wall.
Minehime moved forward, dagger in hand as she approached the boss who was thrashing and gurgling. Driving the blade deep into his belly, she twisted the dagger, staring into his eyes.
The light left his eyes quickly, his thrashing slowing to a stop. Daihachi released him before heading off into the cave again, following his keen senses.
"That's all of them." She looked to Daihachi and furrowed her brows, moving over to him. "What is it?"
"There's more..." He answered, "Or at least there were." He answered. He turned sharply and tackled Minehime to the ground, barely dodging an arrow. Looking up, they were greatly outnumbered. more Silver Hand entering the cave. "What's this then? A mutt and his bitch come to take us out?" One asked.
Minehime grunted when they hit the ground, Daihachi landing on top of her. "Shit." She hissed under her breath, quickly moving to her feet and drawing her greatsword.
The Silver Hand drew their weapons and Daihachi knew this would end badly. Thinking quickly, he ripped his ring from his finger and shoved it into Minehime's hand before shoving her back as far as he could. "Stay back, Minim!" He ordered before transforming into his beast form. The Silver Hand launched at him and he fended them off as well as he could. The silver blades cut deep into his skin, but he refused to give them the satisfaction of knowing they caused him pain. He ripped and tore into all of them, killing them all slowly one by one. His fur was steadily becoming more and more stained, not only with his blood but with the blood of the Silver Hand. They refused to stop until either he was dead or they were, and it was slowly looking like it would be the latter of the two. Soon, there was only one Silver Hand left. The poor woman shook with terror before driving her silver dagger into Daihachi's shoulder. He snarled and ripped her throat out, watching her choke on her own blood before dying. Daihachi huffed, his breathing labored. His knees were shaking, he was close to collapse. He looked back at Minihime, making sure she was ok, before dropping to the ground in a heap.
Minehime held Daihachi's ring in her hand, frozen in place. Everything had happened so fast, she didn't even have time to blink. She hadn't even frozen up in battle like that before, she had never been the one to stand by while other fought. "Morinobu..." She scrambled to his side and dropped to her knees, gently looking over his wounds. "H-Hey, get up." She felt tears burn her eyes and she looked around for potions or medical supplies, anything. Pulling a potion from her pack, she touched his head gently. "You have to turn human again, I can't carry you like this."
His eyes were tired. He was so tired. His wounds weren't closing because of the silver, and he was losing blood too quickly for anyone's liking. But he did as she asked, or at least tried to. The transformation actually hurt, but he forced himself through it. As a human, the state of his wounds could be better addressed; and they looked far worse like this than they did in his beast form. "H-How bad...is it...?" He asked weakly. He barely had the energy or strength to speak.
"Ssh." She hushed him and poured the potion over his wounds, then went digging through her pack again. "Shit!" She hissed, jumping to her feet and searching for any health potions she could find. She could only get her hands on three, which would hopefully be enough to keep him from dying. Helping him drink one, she poured the other two over his wounds, applying a poultice and wrapping them. "Just relax okay? I'll take care of you.." She said, working quickly.
"I can still fight." She whispered, making sure each sound was closing. "You don't have to impale yourself on a sword to prove yourself." Tears fell down her cheeks and she very carefully gathered him up, helping him stand. "I care what happens to you."
"And instead they nearly butchered you!" She snapped at him, walking slowly as to not open any of his wounds. "Just, just rest ok? I've got you." She said as she made her way down the path.
Daihachi stayed awake as best he could so he wouldn't end up putting all his weight on her. He didn't say anything more, knowing if he tried to defend his decision, she would just get even more upset with him. He didn't second guess himself; he did the right thing and he protected her like he was supposed to, even if it did mean he would have died.
It took Minehime longer than she would've liked to get back to Jorvaskr, and when she finally got the door open, she stumbled inside with a barely conscious Daihachi. "I need some help here!" She called, panic clear in her voice.
Aela and Farkas moved over quickly, Farkas covering up Daihachi as they got him down to the beds, "What happened?" He asked. Aela glanced at Minehime, knowing she wouldn't be dumb enough to reveal their plans.
Minehime wasn't stupid enough to tell the truth, but she might have been mad enough. "Sabre cat ambush." Was all she said stiffly, not once looking at Aela. Moving to Daihachi, she checked his pulse to see how he was doing.
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