Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime's lips parted and she allowed him entry, finding his hands with hers, she laced her fingers between his. As he kissed her, her heart beat increased, which Daihachi could surely hear; a warmth spreading between her legs that made her whimper softly against his lips.
He snaked his tongue into her mouth, gently toying with hers. He held her hands tight to assure her that he would only go as far as she wanted. He could definitely hear her heart beating hard against her ribcage and he didn't want her to feel obligated to go farther than she wanted for his sake. He wanted her comfortable, especially now that they were making out in a spur of the moment type thing.
Minehime's heart raced, but not because she was nervous. Trembling slightly out of excitement and the small adrenaline rush she had, she murmured against his lips, giving his hands a slight squeeze, then guided one hand under her shirt and to her bare breast, face flush.
He groped her gently and kissed down her neck, "Let's take this a little slow, ok? You're still my Shield-Sister, after all.." He said, voice slightly husky.
Minehime rolled her head to the side to expose more of her neck to him, her lips parting slightly when he groped her. "Y-Yeah.." She breathed, not pushing him to move to heavier touching, but not stopping him either. Running her hands through his hair, she trailed her fingers down his neck gently, giving gently carresses as he kissed her neck and shoulder.
He made a small noise, kissing and nipping her neck and shoulder slowly before pulling back slightly to look at her, "So, I guess this kinda makes us a couple now...?" He asked softly, "Cuz I am one hundred percent ok with that.."
She slowly opened her good eye, nodding slightly and bringing her hand up to cup his cheek. "Yeah, me too." She whispered softly, hesitated, then spoke again. "I love you."
She couldn't help the smile that tugged at her lips, leaning up and kissing his forehead gently before pushing him back onto his side and laying beside him, holding his hand once again.
He nuzzled her gently and laced his fingers with hers again, "Your daddy would probably be a little unhappy that his Thane is dating his only daughter~" He teased.
"I'm dating a Thane? And here I was thinking I was just dating some old dog~" She teased back, resting her head in the crook of his neck.
She shot him a tired grin and closed her eyes. "Get some rest, we'll probably have work in the morning." She mumbled.
In the morning, Daihachi would wake first as always due to his Beast Blood, but this time, he would find Minehime still sleeping soundly in the same bed beside him. Tucked under the covers beside him, she had one hand rested on his rib cage, her other arm tucked against her own stomach, and her legs were tangled with his. Breathing lightly, her face was peaceful, the small crinkle in the middle of her brow now relaxed completely, leaving only a small crease. Lips parted slightly, her breath was sour with the smell of wine from the night before, lips stained red.
Daihachi smiled faintly and kissed her lightly, brushing some hair gently from her face before carefully untangling himself from her. He got dressed and headed out of the living quarters and headed up to get some food, after tucking Minehime in of course.
Minehime finally came trudging up the stairs not too long after Daihachi, dressed and rubbing sleep from her eyes, she plopped down beside Daihachi at the table and dug into the food that had been set out.
"Slept great, woke up not so great." She shoveled a couple eggs onto her plate as well as some slices of fried pork. "Hangovers suck." She said through a mouthful of food. "Aela back yet?" She asked after washing down her food with some water, grabbing a slice of bread.
"If she is, I haven't seen her yet." He answered, "I'm sure she's just out hunting like she usually does during the morning hours. She should be back soon."
She answered with a grunt and nodded. "How did you sleep?" She asked, glancing over at him, biting into her bread.
Minehime made a soft noise and nodded slightly. "I was thinking about fracking down some Sabre cats, you wanna come?" She offered.
She nodded, shoveling down the last of the food on her plate. "Good, give me a minute to grab my gear, I'll meet you at the gates." She said, getting to her feet, then heading back downstairs.
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