Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Nana kissed the tip of his nose and sat back. "What I want..." She leaned in biting his earlobe, and speaking in a husky voice. "Is for my loving husband... To tie me up, and have his way with me~" She purred.

Nana gently ran her hands down over his hips. "Aye..~ It is what I want..~" She purred, slowly rubbing against his manhood.
((I hope it's ok if we kinda just gloss over it? I actually don't feel like writing smut 6///6 I'm sorry...!))

Motochika smirked and picked her up, carrying her to their bed and laying her down gently. Their love making was intense and passionate, going on well into the night and into the next morning. He laid with her, holding her and petting her hair affectionately, his breathing slowly regulating.
((That's fine!))

Nana ran her fingers through Motochika's wild hair, moving it away from his face, only to kiss his cheek.

Minehime had been in the barracks at Jorvaskr, laying in bed unable to sleep, staring up at the ceiling with her arms resting behind her head.
"I love you too, Motochika." Nana whispered softly.

"Not really, no." Minehime lay an arm over her eyes and let out a slow breath. "My minds still buzzing."
"What say you to visiting the Skaal later? Make a couple trades with them..." He asked.

Daihachi made a noise, "Yeah...I can't get over it either..."
The soft sound of rustling fabric could be heard, then some clinking before his bed shifted. "Drink?" She offered him a bottle of wine, holding one for herself.
Minehime worked the cork off her own bottle, taking a long swig and cringing slightly. "Always hated wine, tastes like perfume." She muttered, but took another long swig.
He laughed softly, "Hey, when it's all you got, it gets the job done.." He said, "I may need some stronger stuff. Athis says the strongest Dunmer drink is Sujamma, and it's supposed to make you as strong as a vampire." He gave an amused snort, "If that's the case, it must be weak~"
"Psh! I heard it's stronger than anything we've got here!" She laughed, taking another swig of the deep red wine. "And drinking with you doesn't count, you don't even get hangovers."
She let out an offended scoff and shoved him lightly. "At least I don't stink of bounds when it rains~" She said, splashing a small amount of her drink on him in a playful manner.
"You probably should trim those unruly hairs~" She laughed and drank more, leaning back against him as a rest, a wide grin on her face.
Minehime leaned into him a bit more, looking at him, her grin slowly fading into a soft smile. Without setting her wine down, she leaned over and kissed him softly, eyes closed.
Minehime did the same, letting go of her bottle and letting it roll off the bed and onto the floor as she shifted to sit on top of him, straddling his hips. Cupping both sides of his face, she held him close, kissing him deeply.
He placed his hands on the small of her back and brought her closer, making a soft noise of delight, "Where did this come from, huh?" He asked into the kiss, "Not that I'm complaining~"
Minehime kissed him again, then broke the kiss, panting softly. "Just shut up." She growled against his lips, kissing him once again, deep and passionate.
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