Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Yeah, and I brought rain gear for you too; don't want you smelling like wet hound." She teased, mounting her horse. "Ready?"
The two of them made their way to Gallows Rock on horseback, keeping a steady pace as they rode into the night.
When they arrived at th meeting spot, only Aela was waiting for them. "Good, you made it. Skjor went scouting ahead, he should be waiting somewhere inside." "Let's get in there and wipe them out." Daihachi said.
Minehime tied the horses to a thick branch of a fallen tree, then drew her sword. "I'm ready when you both are." She said, her breath coming out in white puffs in the cold snowy air.
Aela nodded and took them into Gallows Rock, using her bow and arrows to take out the Silver Hand that had come out to watch the hideout. Daihachi rushed in, killing any Aela may have missed.
Minehime was the last to follow up, triple checking everyone outside had been dispatched before breaking down the locked door of the hold, entering and heading down the few stairs inside.
Aela and Daihachi followed after her, killing any that got in the way, including feral werewolves that had lost themselves to the blood. After working through the area and hitting a door, Aela stopped them, "I hear Krev the Skinner is among these cowards. Be careful, she is no push over." "I can handle her. Make sure no one sneaks up on me." Daihachi said before removing his Ring. In seconds, he began to transform, roaring loudly and breaking down the door as he burst in, rushing at Krev.
Minehime snatched Daihachi's ring off the ground, pocketing it before following right behind him so she could keep his back safe from attack. Keeping swords off him was easy, it was close combat, which Minehime excelled at, however, keeping the arrows out of Daihachi was harder- but not impossible. But even with its difficulty, not a single weapon touched him.
Aela's archery was unmatched, turning the Silver Hand into pin cushions while Daihachi worked on Krev the Skinner. His claws ripped her armor like it was wet paper, tearing into her fresh and tackling her to the ground, tearing into her chest with his teeth.
Minehime cut down the last Silver Hand, all except for the one Daihachi was still in the process of slaughtering.
When Krev was dead, Daihachi pushed off of her and looked around. Aela rushed to the front of the room and snarled. "Those bastards..." She muttered. Daihachi moved over and his ears fell back; Skjor's body lay lifeless on the ground, murdered by the Silver Hand.
Minehime moved over to where Skjor lay against a wall, a clear sword wound in his belly. Sheathing her sword she crouched down and gently felt his neck to feel for any signs of life, but his skin was already growing cold. "He's..."
Daihachi snarled softly before howling for his lost Shield-Sibling. Aela looked to the both of them, "You both go and head back home. I will tend to Skjor. Afterward, we will plan ways to strike back at these currs for what they've done."
Minehime stood and nodded, moving to Daihachi's side. "Let's get back to Whiterun." She muttered. "I'll go find some armor that'll fit you, I have your ring." She said, heading off to find some unsoiled armor for Daihachi to wear back to the hold.
They left the fort and headed back to Whiterun, the journey back a silent one. "Ne..." He suddenly spoke up, "What if I were to be slain...? Hypothetically speaking..."
"It wouldn't happen, I wouldn't let it." She answered immediately, keeping her eyes fixed ahead.

((Time for some ChikaNana~))

Nana gently kissed down Motochika's neck, unbuttoning his shirt so she could move her kisses down his collarbone and over his chest. Straddling his lap, she gently ran a hand through his hair, her other hand slowly running down his chest.
"Hypothetically, Mini...it could happen.." He said.

((Whoa, kinda jumped into some steam xD ))

He made a soft noise and smirked, "Good to see you in such high spirits~"
"It won't." She snarled, wiping a tear off her cheek. "While I'm by your side, no one is killing you."

((Nah~ Totally mild~))

Nana murmured softly, resting her hand on his hip and gently biting his nipple. "I would say I've been in a rather good mood for a while now~" Gently sucking on it.
He sighed softly and continued their journey to Whiterun in silence.

Motochika laughed slightly, cheeks turning a soft pink as he placed his hand on her head, "Hey, now, that tickles."
Nana slowly moved lower, speaking in between kisses. "So. How. About. I. Move. Here?" She purred, pulling at his underwear slowly, kissing his navel lower and lower until she reached his manhood, only stopping to pull off her shirt.
Nana sat up and cupped Motochika's cheek. "I want to be intimate." She sat on his lap and looked him in the eyes. "I'm better now, better then I've been in weeks." She kissed his forehead gently. "I want this time between us again."
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