Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime had managed to track down a cave bear and a handful of rabbits, but was still in the process of tracking down a troll, but was having no luck getting it pinned down in one area, and it just kept on running.
Daihachi snagged a couple goats on the the way back to the meeting spot, tempted to get a mammoth but he would have no way of getting it back. So he just settled with what he had and what he grabbed on the way back. He coud smell a sabre cat on the wind and decided to use his kills to lure it out.
Minehime had finally caught up to the troll, and finally taking it down. She then had to fashion a sled to carry both of her catches back to Riften, hiking back. She was almost out of time, but she managed to make it back just in time with a bear, troll, and a couple rabbits.
Daihachi was sitting in wait, perched on the sabre cat that had been following him, along with his other catches. He waved and grinned, "What did you bring home for dinner, Mini~?"
"Oh you're such a show off." She scoffed, coming to a stop and dropping the rope. "And I wouldn't say dinner, she pointed her thumb at the large troll in her sled.
He looked and whistled, "Nice, how long did you track it for? And I'm not really a show off...the Sabre Cat was kind of stalking me the whole way.."
Minehime rolled her eyes, but shrugged. "Ok, ok. I get points for the troll, but you bagged a sabre cat. You win."
"We have food for a while, at least. Assuming the hounds don't get into it again." He said, "We can use the sabre as a super nice trophy." He added, standing and transforming into his beast form to help carry everything back.
Minehime loaded one of the stags onto her sled so they'd be about even and set off toward the outpost, chatting about anything and everything, though the conversation was a little one sided.
He gave snorts and nods to let her know that he was still listening. When they reached the outpost, he changed back and redressed, "I'll get started on skinning these. Why don't you see if we have any jobs waiting?"
Minehime nodded and set off in a light jog toward the outpost, entering and heading for the desk they shared.
There were a couple of the obvious "Help me, help me, save me, save me" letters that were always there. But there was also an offical looking letter, straight from Whiterun. It was from Skjorn, requesting the both of them return to Jorrvaskr for a mission of a slight personal matter.
Minehime picked up the letter from Skjor, reading it once, then once more before heading out to Daihachi, letter in hand. "Oi! Skjor needs us back home!" She called, heading toward Daihachi.
"All he said was it was a personal matter." She said, holding up the letter for him to read without covering it in blood. "Not really specific. At all."
"Got it." Minehime turned on her heel an jogged back to the outpost, packing for all the necessities for their trip to Whiterun, then heading out to the stables to saddle the horses.
Daihachi locked the meat in the cellar and salted them to keep them from rotting while they were away. He washed his hands of the blood and changed into his travel gear before meeting up with Minehime.
Minehime alerted the guards to tell them of their disparture, before heading off quickly toward Whiterun. "So what do you think Skjor needs?" She looked to Daihachi, shifting in her saddle.
"If it's personal, it might have something to do with the Companions as a whole. Skjor is always trying to help out and make us stronger." He said thoughtfully.
Minehime sighed softly, then shook her head. "Whatever it is, I'm still concerned that he disclosed nothing in his letter to us."
When they finally arrived, it was well into the night, the torchbugs doing their dances in the night air. They stabled their horses and headed up to Jorrvaskr, where they were greeted joyously by the other Companions.
Minehime was yawning like crazy, still tired from their hunt the earlier night, and the long ride from Riften, they hadn't slept in two days.
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