Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime punched Daihachi's arm lightly, but she was grinning the whole time. "How where things back home while I was gone?" She asked.
She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest. "And with you?" She prodded, eyes now trained on him like a hawk.
"And nothing at all is bothering you?" She asked, only concerned for her shield sibling and closest friend. "I wrote to Akihime, she says all is good, she can hear the Divines again; she misses you."
"Daihachi.." Minehime frowned softly, taking a seat on one of the free benches. "She's happy-" She took a breath and rubbed her shoulder and neck. "She wants you to visit her again."
Minehime let out an exasperated sigh, but pushed the subject no further. "I'll see what escort I can arrange for her." She said, watching Daihachi work. "You know you can talk about whatever's bothering you, right?"
"Ok, ok, dog breath, I get it." She raised her arms and stood. "I gotta send a letter to Whiterun to let Farkas know I'm done, want me to tell him how much you love and miss him~?"
Minehime winked at him and grinned from ear to ear. "I'll make sure to draw some hearts as well." She said, then left, but she sounded a little too serious about actually writing that into her report.
Minehime waved her hand over her head as she entered the outpost, leaving Daihachi to his forge.
He took a breath and shook his head, finishing tempering the armor he was working on. Eventually, they would have to head back to Jorrvaskr to catch up with everyone, he did miss the mead hall and his fellow Shield Siblings.
After finishing her paperwork and sending a letter to Whiterun, Minehime grabbed a couple bottles of ale and went to find Daihachi.
Daihachi had left his forge and had moved to practice with his bow. "So how did dealing with those big ol' mean bandits go?" He asked when she approached.
"Average." She shrugged and held out the drink for him. "Join me?" She offered, taking a seat on a nearby log. "Y'know, sometimes I wonder just what holes do all these assholes keep crawling out of."
This received a snort of laughter from Minehime, who nodded in agreement and took a long drink. "Hey, I was thinking, we should go out hunting, but not our usual schtick." She smiled and leaned closer to Daihachi. "How about we make it a bit more challenging this time?"
"You cheated last time using your wolf form!" She pointed the bottle at him. "No cheating, no magic, no bows." She said. "C'mon, it'll be great!"
Minehime took another swig of her drink. "And I'm serious, no wolfing out!" She said, but was smiling, and excited for the hunt.
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