Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Amaya groaned in frustration, rubbing her head. "I guess I don't expect anything less, she's still grieving.. But knowing you, you probably made it worse.."
Amaya shot him a glare, grunting in disapproval. "Naturally." She muttered in response. "Is there anyway to get in contact with her from our side?"
Amaya squinted at Sasuke. "You made me a summon tome?" She raised an eyebrow, letting out a heavy sigh. "Yeah, I guess I shouldn't be surprised."
Amaya simply wiggled her hand at Sasuke, making a 'so-so' motion in a mocking way before relaxing again. "So all we can do is wait then?"
"You must be killer at parties." She muttered, putting her hands behind her head as she waited.
"Dana loved my parties." He stated, as if offended by her statement. "But in a realm where we can literally do anything?" He looked up at the blackness before closing his eyes. In an instant, they were in a massive forest, with trees that looked like they reached passed the clouds. It felt a little humid, the sounds of frogs and bugs all around them. Instead of laying in nothingness, Sasuke was now laying in a comfortable patch of grass and moss.
Amaya looked around the forest, her mouth slightly agape as she watched the trees sway ever-so-slightly. Then she moved to sit beside Sasuke, only with her lower back touching his ribs. This is where you used to live?"
Amaya lowered her head, looking down at her hands as she gently ran her fingers through the lush grass beneath them.
"It's beautiful." She said quietly.
"Yeah." She rubbed the back of her neck and looked back up at the trees. "You probably should've left for Valenwood- no offense."
"I felt a greater purpose...something to keep me here in Skyrim." He said. He glanced over and watched a small child in red arnor training with a pair of small spears. Sasuke took a breath and the boy vanished, "That doesn't matter now, I guess..."
Amaya had no words to share with Sasuke, she didn't know what to tell him, or how to try and ease his mind, so instead she leaned against him slightly. It was a small gesture, but a comforting one.
Amaya allowed Sasuke to hold onto her, enjoying it herself, gently running her fingers along his arm.
After a few weeks of grieving and refusing to leave her room, Akihike finally emerged from her chambers and made her way to the room Yoshitsugu had made her so she could preform her divinations. She lit her incense and set a couple bottles of health and magicka potions on her table to prevent another blackout, blaming herself still for Amaya's early passing. Getting everything ready and placing her wedding band in her bowl of water and blessed oils, she calmed herself and summoned her husband once again.
Once again, the same wonderful scent of warm food and mead filled the room as a mist formed before Akihime, and just like before, Yukimura stood looking as young as the day she met him, a warm smile on his face. "Akihime-dono." He said warmly.
She smiled sadly, "Yukimura-sama...we're still married, you don't have to add dono anymore..." She said, laughing through the small bout of tears. She dried her eyes and sniffed, "A-Amaya passed away some time ago...I-I have no one but our youngest now...so I thought...maybe spending time with you would ease the pain...if only a little..."
Yukimura gave a slight nod, moving to sit before his wife. "I would be delighted to spend more time with you." He said, allowing a warm feeling of peace to settle over Akihime.
She smiled brightly and bowed slightly, "Thank you so much, my husband..." She said gently. Her breath caught pajnfully in her throat and she fought the cough that dared to tear through her throat, covering her mouth and grimacing hard. Please, she thought, don't ask me to send you back. I need you so much right now.
((I totally forgot that specters can touch stuff lol))

Yukimura frowned softly, but only pushed forward a magica and health potion, a silent plea to take them and keep herself from harm. "Is this the only way you can summon me?" He asked gently.
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