Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"I need you to help her with something... I don't know what she was doing, but it nearly killed her." She stopped to gasp for air, her vision becoming blurry. "It looked like an old summoning ritual of some sorts, I-I don't know..." She shook her head. "Help her with what she needs, speak to Babette... Something..." Her words were beginning to slur together and it was clear she could barely hold a coherent thought anymore.
Sasuke's face formed a frown before reaching out and gently touching her face, "If that's what you wish." He said, "Now please...stop fighting...our Dread Father is waiting..."
Nori let out a rusty laugh, choking on her own blood in the process, but she would be gone soon, it was in her eyes. She let out a choked sigh, closing her eyes as she waited for Sithis to take her. It took nearly ten minutes for her to finally pass, each moment as agonizing as the last as she hacked and choked on the clotting blood in her throat, finally dying after moments of silence, her expression blank.
((Akihime is going to go fucking insane when she wakes up~))

Sasuke walked with her through the Void, holding her hand gingerly, "Welcome home, Amaya.."
Amaya looked as she did when she still worked under the empire, long white hair, and pale gray skin. Looking up from examining her free hand, she blinked tears from her eyes, squeezing Sasuke's hand gently. "It's good to be home.." She responded softly.

Nori's body had been found moments after she had passed, one of the healers had returned to check on Akihime, and discovered the bloody scene. Guards moved to Akihime's bed, gently stirring her from her slumber to move her to a different room with the help of a few healers, while two guards lifted Nori's corpse onto a stretcher and covered her with a sheet.
Akihime woke up slowly, letting them lead her away, "Wait...where's Amaya...?" She asked groggily, looking back. Her eyes widened in horror when she saw all the blood and her closest friend lifeless on the floor. "NO!!" She shrieked with horror and rushed to Amaya's body, gathering her up with shaking hands, "No, no, no, no, Ama, please don't do this! Wake up! Wake up, I'm begging you! I can't lose you, too!" She sobbed, cradling her best friend. When they tried to pull her away from Amaya, she instantly cast Storm Cloak, making sure no one would be able to take her away from Amaya.
Nori's body was still warm, and was as limp as a worn doll, head resting against Akihime's chest when she was cradled.
"Akihime-sama, please..!" The healers begged her, a few of them in tears at how distraught Akihime was, many of the healers were very close to her after all.
"Get Lord Shingen." One of the guards said, one man leaving to ask for the Jarls aid.
((Wait...Aki's in Whiterun?? IthoughtshewasinSolitude! *rolls with it*))

The guard nodded and hurried off to get Shingen. The tall bulky Jarl stepped in after a moment and everyone gave him room as he approached Akihime. She remianed behind the protection of her Claok, refusing to let go of Amaya. "Akihime," He said firmly, "She needs to be taken to the Hall of the Dead."
"I'm not letting her go! She can't be dead! This is a test, she's testing me, I'm not enjoying it!" Akihime replied, holding Amaya tighter. Shingen gave an apologetic frown.
"I grieve for your loss, Oracle. But she's gone. You can feel it, can't you?"
"No, no, she swore to never leave me, she-" Akihime choked on her sobs, "She promised me...she made an oath to never leave my side..."
((Fuck!! Sorry about that, I forgot!))

Nori was indeed dead, her eyes half lidded to expose glassy eyes, and she was slowly becoming cooler, the only movement from her being the wind moving her hair.
((It's ok, it still works~!))

Akihime sobbed weakly and nuzzled her best friend, smearing her blood on both their cheeks, "You promised..." She whispered, "You promised me, Amaya..." She was slowly coming to terms with Amaya's passing, the Cloak slowly dissipating. She slowly closed Amaya's eyes and kissed her head gently, "I love you, Amaya...may you find peace in Aetherius..." She said softly. She allowed the healers to take Amaya before covering her face. Shingen moved and held her like a father would and she clung to him, sobbing into his chest.

After a few days of recovering and mourning over her lost friend, Akihime returned to Solitude with Amaya's urn held tight to her chest as she rode a carriage home. When she returned to the Blue Palace, she completely ignored her father and Mitsunari as she moved to her room. She set the urn beside the Shrines of the Divines she had in her room and just sat there in silence.
The urn was cast in bronze, and had no designs on the outside, it was simple and comforting in an odd way, even if it did contain her deceased friend.
Akihime seemed at peace staring at it, as if Amaya was there herself. "Why did you have to die, too...?" She asked weakly. The door opened and she looked over, seeing it was only Mitsunari. She bowed her head and continued to gaze at the urn in silence. "So, this is what became of her?" He asked blandly. Akihime nodded deafly, not taking her eyes off the urn. In a flash, the small bronze coffin was knocked from the shelf and the ashes spilled across the floor. Akihime's eyes widened in pure unadulterated terror before her gaze shot to Mitsunari. The Jarl looked her dead in the eye and said "Oops." In an instant, Akihime exploded with rage, a terrifying mix of Flame, Ice and Storm Cloak surrounding her as she shot up and clenched her fists. "How dare you disrespect Amaya in such a way!! I have warned you many times to leave her be, and this act I will not turn away from!!" She yelled, the fury of the Divines behind her. Mitsunari gripped his hilt but Akihime was faster; first she fired Fireball, sending him flying backward. Then she cast Ice Spike, the huge shard impaling through his armor. Mitsunari coughed up blood but she wasn't finished. She cast Thunderbolt over and over, tears streaming down her cheeks. Before long, and before Mitsunari was killed, Yoshitsugu had entered and cast Pacify, causing her to slump to her knees. The guards helped Mitsunari to the healer and Yoshitsugu watched Akihime numbly clean up the ashes, "It's ok, Ama...I finally stood up for myself...you're proud, right? You'll be safe with me, I swear...I'll be the one to protect you now..." She whispered to the urn. Yoshitsugu couldn't really bring himself to punish her, the misery from losing not only her husband but now her closest friend was enough to keep him entertained for a long time.
One of Akihime's handmaidens helped her carefully collect the ashes and return them to the urn before cleaning up Akihime's partially destroyed room in silence.
"Thank you..." Akihime said weakly, smiling softly at her handmaidens, "Forgive my outburst, I wouldn't anyone to see me in such a state. You can have the rest of the day to yourselves."
The handmaidens bowed to Akihime, thanking her for her kindness before leaving the room, leaving Yoshitsugu and Akihime on their own.
"You should pray." He told her before turning to leave, "Ask the Divines for strength." Akihime perked slightly. Yukimura. She could summon Yukimura again. He would help her! She made sure the urn was safe on the shelf before heading off to the Temple of the Divines. She slipped off to the Catacombs, the only place she knew she would be alone enough to speak with her husband without the other priests yelling at her or telling her she was delving into Necromancy. It wasn't Necromancy, she told herself, it was just using an emotional connection to commune through the veil between Nirn and Aetherius. Once she found a quiet enough spot, she set up makeshift things she would need to summon her husband. Once she was ready, she called for him and waited. She had no idea that the energies around her would effect who she was calling to, she didn't know that in her haste she had forgotten to make a few important items, and she didn't know who she summoned would not be her husband. Her eyes widened when not Yukimura appeared, but Sasuke. "How the hell did you get my summon?" "No, this...th-this can't be right. I was summoning Yukimura-sama, why did...? How are you in Sovngarde?" Akihime was in a flurry of emotions, becoming agitated that she had messed something up. Sasuke glared lightly, "You called me from the Void, genius. There's no white lights and pretty buildings for me." "Go away, I don't have time for you, I...I need Yukimura-sama." "Cool, great, tell him I say hi. Now do you mind? I have to get Amaya situated." Akihime froze, eyes wide. "Wh...What...?" She muttered, "Ama...? No! She can't be there! She doesn't deserve the Void!" Sasuke smirked darkly, "Oh, how little you know, Prophet~ she's been with the Brotherhood ever since she came back from her near death experience a long long time ago. She's happy here with me~ and away from you~" "Shut up, you disgusting half-breed!!" Akihime screamed and slammed her hand down, severing the connection and shoving Sasuke harshly back into the Void. She panted hard, fighting a dizzy spell. She fought fresh tears as she slowly stood, carefully making her way out of the catacombs and into the Temple, sitting at one of the pews and crying into her hands.
Amaya sat in the Void as she awaited her companions return, looking over the vast emptiness that sat before her. It was odd, she never got tired or hungry, and there was nothing there, not even a ground you could physically see, just emptiness. The only other soul she had seen in the Void was Sasuke, but there had to be others, which lead her to believe the Void was massive.
From what she had read, the Void was filled with both nothing, and everything, but she had yet to see the everything part.
Amaya watched him fall and made a face. "That was faster than usual, did Babette not want to hear any of your jokes?"
Amaya's face contorted into a snarl, but she didn't nothing to silence him. "Did you help her like I asked?" Her question was pointed, almost like she already knew the answer.
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