Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Akihime." He held her face gently. "You must." He urged, his brows furrowed, his expression a little difficult to see in his specter form.
She lowered her gaze, vision blurry not only from tears but from the sheer effort she was exerting. "You'll allow me to summon you when I need you, won't you...? Or when my heart can't bear the loneliness...you'll let me here your voice again...? Please, Yukimura-sama...?"
"Of course." A cool sensation spread over Akihime's forehead as Yukimura's specter kissed her on the head. "But please, do not strain your body like this."
She reached out and cupped his face gently, her hands touching him as if he were solid. She wished she could feel the warmth of his flesh again, but she knew that it would be a while before they could truly be together again. "I love you...so much, Yukimura-sama...I'll see you again soon..."
With one more smile, Yukimura dissipated and was gone, leaving Akihime all alone; it was almost as if he was never there.
Her hands dropped into her lap, her incense ceasing to burn. Time seemed to slow down, her head feeling light and weak. She moved to stand, to leave and get aid before she blacked out, but she barely got up off her knees before falling to the side in a limp heap.
When Akihime woke next, she was in her bed back in the Keep, Nori sitting at the far desk, waiting. She had lost consciousness and had been found not long after, Nori bringing her back and having the healer see to her.
Nori jumped to her feet when she heard Akihime speak, rushing to the Oracles side as fast as lightening. "Akihime-sama!" She gently pushed Akihime all the way onto her back, eyes frantic. "You shouldn't move so soon! You were found unconscious in the temple, what happened..!?"
"I was practicing a way to help commune with the Divines...I guess it took more energy than I thought.." She said softly, "I didn't worry you, did I...? I'm so sorry..."
"Akihime... You were barely breathing when we found you.." Amaya's face was scrunched with worry, not letting go of Akihime just yet.
Akihime held onto her friend and smiled tiredly, "Gomen, Ama...I didn't think it would be that bad, honestly..." She said. Her breath caught painfully in her throat and she began to cough harshly, blood splattering against Amaya's armor.
Nori's eyes went wide and she called over her shoulder for the guards to fetch the healers again. "Please, stop talking, you're straining yourself." She said, panic clear in her voice.
Akihime nodded weakly before falling unconscious again. The healers came in as quickly as they could and moved Akihime back to the bed so they could work. "Whatever she was doing drained so much magicka that it's using her life energy to restore itself. We will keep her healed, Amaya-san, but you need to go and locate an Ultimate Magicka potion. Please hurry."
Nori nodded and left as quickly as she could, heading to the small alcove in the rafters of the Great Porch where Sasuke kept a multitude of potions and poisons. It only took a moment of searching, but she found what she needed and returned to the healers, handing over the potion. "Here, this should help, right?"
Nori waited impatiently at the foot of Akihime's bed, fists clenched tightly as she watched her weak and ailing master.
When the healers finished, they all left except for the first, "She just needs rest now, the potion should help greatly. Make sure she stays in bed, please. Soups and water for now so her body doesn't have to work so hard." She explained to Nori.
Nori nodded, chewing on her thumb nail hard. "Thank you, I'll watch over her from here." She said, nodding her head slightly.
Nori waited in Akihime's room for hours, anxiously pacing around the room until she had had enough. Performing the ritual went fine, but as soon as the droplet of blood hit the rune on the ground, she doubled over in agony. She staggered back against the wall and slowly slid down to the floor, blood dripping from her nose, she tried to wipe it away, but the blood wouldn't stop, then she began to vomit blood. As she waited for Sasuke's specter to arrive from the void, she wheezed softly, blood leaking out from her ears as well.
Sasuke appeared and took a step back out of shock, "What in Oblivion is happening to you?! Stop! Send me back!" He hissed, "I told you to use the damned summon!"
Amaya sputtered and coughed up another good-sized amount of blood, a weak smile on her face. "Even if I did.. M-My insides are pretty messed up.." She cringed and gripped at her armor as another wave of pain hit her and blood began to leak from her eyes as well. "I-I need a favor from you... It's for Akihime.." She rested her head against the wall, watching Sasuke.
Amaya shook her head, gurgling and coughing before spitting up more blood. "Sasuke, please." She begged, her voice tired. "Just please... Do this for me.."
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