Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime glanced down at the deep claw marks on her hand, which she had been treating by just cleaning it, since she had little magical prowess besides the ability to shout. "It's ok, it isn't infected, and is starting to heal." She reassured him.
"Yeah." She answered both his statement and his question with the same answer, leading him out of the Shrine and down the mountain.
As they walked down and followed the path back toward Riften, the sound of hoof beats could be heard ahead of them. "Minehime-dono! Daihachi-san!" It was Kojurou and Jin, they had gotten the clear to go to the shrine and were finally about to get there. Daihachi smiled tiredly and waved, "Kojurou-san...Jin-dono.."
"Kojurou, what are you two doing here?" Minehime questioned.
"We're in search of the monk who committed those atrocious crimes against you two." Jin responded.
"...I already killed him."
"What..!?" Jin sounded more shocked than angry, eyes wide.
"Are you two alright?" Kojurou dismounted and moved toward the two, "What happened?"
"The son of a bitch kidnapped me and tortured me. Forced me and Mini into a gladiatorial battle to see who he was gonna sacrifice to Mehrunes Dagon. Mini was able to get the drop on him though...I was too weak to really do any fighting..." Daihachi answered, voice strained with effort. Kojurou furrowed his brows and nodded.
"It is good to see you both safe, at least. You can have my horse. We will return back to Riften at once, Masamune-sama has been worried about the both of you."
Minehime allowed Daihachi to ride Kojurou's horse, walking alongside the Housecarl on foot. "Kojurou, why were you and Jin out here in first place?" She asked, trudging along through the forest with him.

a few miles outside the town of Ravenrock, Nana sat alongside Motochika as he fished off the small dock the bad built, gutting and cleaning the fish he reeled in, storing the fish in a basket until they would be prepared for dinner and the rest preserved. A content smile rested on her scarred face, her white and black hair slowly returning to its normal black color.
"We were given permission to deal with the monk that attacked you. But you beat us to it." Kojurou replied. Daihachi laughed tiredly, "Sorry about that.."

Motochika hauled in the net and grinned from ear to ear, "Another successful catch, eh?"
Nana leaned over Motochika's shoulder, pulling the fish free from the net and kissing his cheek. "Aye." She smiled, putting the wriggling fish into a bucket so she could kill and clean them.

Nori's health began to quickly deteriorate, requiring her to seek many healing sessions a week from Akihime, having just enough strength to follow Akihime, but no longer easily maneuver through the rafters.
"Boil up some ash yams and potatoes for dinner tonight." Motochika said, more to himself. He finished dragging in the net and watched the fish thrash and suffocate. Every now and again, fishing would fill him with a slight emptiness; he missed his sons dearly, and he mourned for his unborn child almost daily, but kept high spirits as to not worry Nana and have her fall into another depression. "Think you could put those amazing baking skills to use and make garlic bread with dinner?" He teased.

Akihime frowned heavily, "Ama, what are you doing to yourself? Every time I heal you, you return worse than before...I'm worried.."
Nana saw the blank stare that momentarily appeared on her husbands face as he watched the fish, and she wrapped her arms loosely around his neck and rested her head against his. "Of course..~" She smiled softly; she had gradually gotten better, having fewer bouts of depression, and tried her best to keep her husband from having them as well.

Nori lay on the bed as Akihime healed her, but she didn't answer or look at her master. "I'll be fine, just under the weather is all.." She muttered, staring off out the far window.
He smiled and kissed her gently, "You made the best bread in Morrowind~" He said affectionately, "You should sell some to Geldis and ask for 10 percent profit of what he sells~ we could afford nicer things for the house~"

Akihime frowned but didn't press for more information. When she finished, she moved away slightly, "How do you feel now?" She asked.
((ditches Chika and Nana for now))

Nori picked up her arm and slowly made a fist, giving a slight nod. "Better, thank you, Akihime-sama.."
Akihime smiled sadly and nodded, "No need to thank me...my services are always available to you, Ama.." She said. She hugged her gently and held her for a moment, "Promise me, however, that will you make an honest effort to take better care of yourself..." She pleaded gently.
Nori was quiet before she answered Akihime. "I'll do my best." She said softly, a frown on her face.
Amaya shook her head, what she wanted, Akihime could not provide. "No, my lady, please excuse me." She said, then disappeared, leaving Akihime on her own.
Akihime sat in silence before sighing softly and standing to head to her divination room. She sat on her seated pillow and lit her incense, taking slow deep breaths to be as focused as possible. Filling a small bowl with water and scented oils, she gently placed her wedding band in the bowl. She steadied her nerves, not ever doing anything like this before. "Valiant of Sovngarde, hear my voice and traverse the veil to Nirn. I seek your guidance, please grant me audience." She chanted.
Akihime sat in silence for what seemed like many long moments, it looking like her words had gone unheard, but then a gentle blue mist began to form and take shape of a human figure.
"Akihime-dono?" It was Yukimura, looking as young as they day they had first met, eyes wide in confusion.
Akihime's eyes filled with tears and she smiled brightly, "Yukimura-sama....i-it's really you..." Her voice was shaking with strain, trying to keep him tethered to the realm of the living, "You don't know how happy I am to see you after so long..."
A warm smile spread across Yukimura's face, moving fluidly to kneel in front of his wife. "And Sovngarde is but an empty tavern without you." He said softly.
She wept, wishing that she could be in his arms again, "I-I'm trying to commune with the Divines...this was the easiest thing I could think of as practice...and yet I'm still struggling.." She laughed weakly.
Yukimura reached out a hand and cupped her cheek, a cool sensation on her face. "It will take time." He said. "But I know you can do this. Now, please, this is too heavy a burden on your body, release me." He spoke gently, a sad smile on his face.
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