Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Daihachi trailed behind them as Tenkai removed the lid to the coffin to reveal a pathway, bringing them both through to a much larger area within the shrine. He shackled Minehime to the wall and ushered Daihachi into a cage, locking him in tight before going off and preparing some items laying in front of a statue of Mehrunes Dagon.
Minehime kneeled inside the cave against the wall, her wrists level with her head, her sword on the other side of the room well out of her reach.
"You know, when I met your sister some time ago, I was a little excited. She's a very powerful mage, after all~ and I have been quite attracted to power~" Tenkai said, "Unfortunately, however, I could not bring her here to the shrine with her lover there. So I decided to move on to someone with equal potential~"
Minehime was quite the listener while under Tenkai's Pacify spell, not moving a muscle as she stared ahead of herself blankly, eyes focused on nothing.
Light returned to Minehime's eye and her look of anger slowly returned. Grinding her teeth, she answered. "Yeah, I did."
"What did you mean by equal potential? What power do you need?" She ignored his statements for now, trying to figure out his plans for them.
"You were both born of the Dragonborn~ regardless of which path you take, you will be exceptionally powerful. I need that power for my Lord, Mehrunes Dagon." He told her, "But you probably don't care about that~ you just want to take your battle brother and leave~"
"And do you think I'll just give my power to you? Follow you? You're right, all I want right now is to take my shield-sibling and return home." She said, glancing to Daihachi.
"I can't allow that~ both of you are very powerful beings~ and I want to sacrifice the most powerful to my Lord~ so, I will have a sort of duel between the both of you~" He said, moving to Daihachi's cage.
Minehime gnashed her teeth and started to try and release herself from her bindings. "And if I refuse to fight?" She shot back at him, a shred of panic rising in her chest when he opened the cage.
"My dear~" He purred, undoing the lock and pushing up the cage door, "You don't have a choice~" Daihachi stalked from the cage and eyed Minehime, lips pulled back in a snarl.
Minehime shot Tenkai a glare and did her best to ready herself, but with her wrists cuffed to the wall, it certainly was going to be difficult to keep Daihachi at bay; she'd just have to fend him off, she wouldn't fight him.
"Go ahead and play with your food~" Tenkai said and Daihachi moved towards Minehime, raising his massive hand and breaking the shackles chaini g her to the wall. He backed off and allowed her to retrieve her weapon; maybe he still had some humanity left?
Minehime gathered her weapon and took a few steps away from Daihachi, bringing her sword in front of her to block. "Daihachi, you're stronger than this asshole, fight it..!" She whispered, staring him in the eyes.
They were blank and dead looking, with only a gleam for the kill shining in them. He rumbled lowly and began to circle her, keeping a very close eye on her movements.
Minehime turned with Daihachi, keeping her sword between eachother just in case. "Daihachi!" She snapped. "Snap out of it!"
Minehime easily blocked his attack, then swung at him, smacking him over the head as hard as she could with the flat of her blade. "Daihachi stop!"
He roared in pain and slashed at her hands, infuriated by her smacking him. "Stop! Don't hurt her!" He shook his head and roared loudly in challenge.
Minehime hissed in pain when she felt his claws cut through the flesh of her hands, but she only smacked him upside the head once more, shoving him back and hitting him again. "Wake up!"
Minehime froze in shock before taking a few quick steps back. She couldn't kill Daihachi, even if he was trying to kill her, she just couldn't bring herself to do it. "Daihachi, please, it's me, Mini.."
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