Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime kept her sword raised in front of herself. "What are you doing out here monk?" She sneered. "You're going to explain yourself, and then you're coming with me to the Riften jail."
Minehime's entire body went stiff, a chill running down her spine. "What have you done with him?" She demanded.
"Wait!" Minehime ran after where she had last saw the monk, her heart racing; what had he done to Daihachi, was he even still alive?
It would be a long trek but the monk led her to the shrine of Mehrunes Dagon, where he stood outside the door leadi g into the shrine, "Forgive my rudeness, but I had to check on Daihachi-kun~"
Minehime panted heavily, glaring death at the white-haired monk as she stood a few feet away. "Show me Daihachi." She demanded. "Let him go."
"Show me him, now!" She snapped, shaking slightly with rage, her eye trained on him with malice.
The monk smirked and moved to the shrine entrance, pushing open the door, "Daihachi-kun~" He called. A low snarl came from the darkness beyond the door before the lumbering form of a werewolf stepped out. There were new scars all over its body as well as new ones, all of the scars recognized as ones Daihachi had sported. The monk reached out and ran his fingers through the fur with a sinister smirk, Daihachi doing nothing to stop him, "Here he is~"
Minehime's mouth dropped open slightly and a confused look crossed her face, lurching forward a step. "Daihachi... What are you doing..?" Fear flashed in her eye and she now completely disregarded the monk, moving closer to Daihachi. "What did he do to you..?"
Minehime stopped, watching Daihachi for a moment longer before turning on the monk. "What have you done to him?!" She snarled, drawing her sword.
Minehime's eye turned into a slit. "I'll kill you!" Charging the monk, she swung her sword hard at his chest, baring her teeth at him.
Daihachi grabbed her sword, the blade cutting his palm, but that didn't seem to bother him. He tossed her back and roared, stepping forward slowly.
Minehime stumbled back and froze, staring at Daihachi in shock. "What did you do to him?" She repeated herself, not taking her eyes off of Daihachi.
"I already told you~ he has surrendered to the will of the beast~ he is no longer your shield brother, but a tool of destruction~" Tenkai stated. Even though Daihachi viewed Minehike as a threat, he still seemed hesitant to attack.
Minehime muttered a soft apology, then charged Daihachi, only for it to be a feint and her true target being Tenkai once more.
Daihachi turned sharply and roared, but Tenkai merely cast Pacify on Minehime, stopping her in her tracks, "Come now, little one, you're being quite rude~"
Minehime lurched to a stop, her eye becoming half-lidded and her sword nearly slipping from her grasp. Her shoulders sagged and she let out a soft breath, her blade inches from Tenkai's neck, but she didn't move at all.
"That's a girl~ relax~" He soothed, pushing the blade away gently, "I have big plans for you and Daihachi-kun~" He said before taking her hand and pulling her into the shrine.
Minehime followed him like a marionette would, her sword dragging behind her in the snow as she followed Tenkai, a blank expression on her face.
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