Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime held up a single key with a grin. "I'm getting you out of here." She said, unlocking the door and opening it for him. "I made a deal with Otou-san." She said, waving her arm to show him he was free to leave his cell. "Let's go get a drink or two, on me."
"You know I'd never agree to a deal like that, ice-brain." She nudged him with her fist, her lopsided grin still on her face. "You have little faith in me." She turned her head away, acting offended, but it was quite clear she was joking around.
Minehime gave him an apologetic smile. "I know, sorry." Though her eyes were bright, they had lost some of their luster - probably from the nightmares the two had endured - but she pushed it to the back of her mind for now.
"I bet, c'mon, drinks are on me." She said, heading down the hallway and up the stairs, walking with Daihachi to the Bee and Barb.
"I'm better, still feeling worn out, but better." She paused for a moment. "What about you?" Minehime asked, looking to him. "How do you feel?"
He snorted and waved his hand to signal he was fine, but it wasn't hard to tell just how badly the monk had messed with him. He still looked drained and his body was heavy like he was chained to iron balls at the bottom of a lake. But he didn't want Minehime to worry over him, not after how he had acted at his father's funeral and wake.
Minehime ordered the drinks once they arrived, plopping down in her seat across from Daihachi and downing her first ale, sliding his ale across the table to him. After an ale or two, Minehime began to unwind. "You need to take it easy, you like like a skeevers ass." She laughed softly. "But so do I."
Daihachi smiled a bit, his ake only half empty at this point, "I imagine I do. I'll probably bathe when I get home." He said. He paused before looking up, "Have you been to the outpost yet? I don't...I don't know how badly I messed it up..."
Minehime finished off her second ale and reached for a third, uncorking it. "I only saw it when Tou-san came to find us, and other than some broken chairs and the door being busted, there was just a lot of blood." She waved her hand, face flushed as she was clearly on the path to being drunk.
Minehime groaned and reluctantly put her drink down on the table. "Then we can crash at the Outpo-" She stopped speaking; would Daihachi even want to go back there? Shaking her head, she pushed her drink away further. "You're right.."
Minehime nodded, a serious look crossing over her face. "You don't have to go back there, I can clean it up with Shige... To be completely honest, I only remember small fragments of what that monk showed me, but I remember you stopping him..." She looked up at him with her famous lop-sided grin. "I'll take care of it, don't you worry..!"
"If you're sure.." He said, "I feel bad enough, really...I hope the dogs are ok. They must've been really worked up when they heard the fighting.."
"I'm sure they're ok." Minehime lay her arms on the table and rested her head on her arms, letting out a yawn. "Just leave all of it to me, ok?"
"Fine, fine.." He muttered, "You're the boss." He swished his tankard disinterestedly before setting it down, "I think I'll go take that bath now. I don't wanna offend anyone with my stink."
Minehime waved her hand, not bothering to pick her head up. "I'll meet up with you in a while." She mumbled.
He made a face but headed off anyway, hoping she would be fine on her own. He headed to his house and stepped inside before his mind finally caught up with his body. He crumpled to the floor and covered his face, body shaking as he forced down the hellish images he witnessed. The fitful rest he already endured from his beast blood was nothing compared to the illusions. He forced himself to his feet and drug his feet to the bathroom to sit in his tub and try to collect himself.
Minehime took a while to collect herself, finally pulling herself to her feet and trudging off out of the Bee and Barb, after paying the tab of course. Sitting outside for a while to cool off, she killed over whether or not she should go keep an eye on Daihachi.
Daihachi sat in the water for well over an hour before forcing himself out and drying off, redressing and toweling off his hair. Removing the towel, Yukimura was standing before him, covered in blood and huge open wounds. Daihachi gasped loudly and shut his eyes tight, opening them again and was relieved to see his father no longer there. He hurried out and up to his room, shutting the door and locking it tight.
Minehime decided she would go check on Daihachi, getting to her feet and heading toward Honeyside, stumbling a few times along the way before she made it to Daihachi's home. Upon finding his door locked, she jimmied open a window and slipped inside, knocking over a chair on the way in.
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