Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Just get her to simmer down of you can.." He requested, "I just need to think about all of this.."

Kojurou made a noise, "You're right, we should head back and let him know what we've found."
Megohime nodded once more. "I'll do what I can." She said, gathering her bow and arrows and leaving to speak with Minehime.

A knock came at the door before it was unlocked and Megohime entered Minehime's bedroom. The young woman lay on her bed, not looking to her mother when she entered. "Minehime.."
"I don't want to talk about it." She muttered.
"You know your father is just doing what he thinks is best.."
"What he thinks is best is wrong."
Masamune sat on his throne and rubbed his face tiredly; this was more stress than he needed. He stood and moved down to the dungeons to speak with Daihachi.
"He put my shield brother in prison!" Minehime spat.
"He's a werewolf, Minehime, you have to understand." Megohime said patiently - being with her children being the only time she was actually patient.
"Get out."
"Minehime please."
"No, please, just go."
Megohime let out a soft sigh, petting her daughters head before leaving the room, locking the door behind her.
Daihachi sat in his cell, funing silently. He glanced up when Masamune approached, "This is how you treat your thanes, Masamune-sama?" He seethed. Masamune glared,
"Did you turn Minehime?" He demanded. Daihachi snorted and turned away, "Piss off."
"Answer me!" The walls shook and Daihachi felt his bones quiver. He huffed and looked to the Dovakiin,
"Why would I do such a thing?"
"You beasts are all the same." Masamune growled. Daihachi stood and moved closer, eyes turning gold.
"Unlike the other werebeasts in folktales and weak willed men given this gift, I would not bestow it upon my shield sister unless she requested it. And she hasn't." He snarled, before his eyes returned to their original brown shade and he moved back to sit against the wall.
Minehime sat on her bed, playing with the steel ring she wore on a cord around her neck, the companions crest engraved around the ring. Still fuming, she clenched her teeth but didn't try to escape her room.
Minehime instinctively dodged the coin, letting it land beside her on the bed. When she saw it was silver however, her eye widened and she clenched her fists. "You're joking, right?" She growled out, refusing to touch the coin, glaring at her father.
"Touch it." He hissed, "Ease my mind, please." He didn't want to think if Daihachi had been lying, but the lad had been trustworthy up until that point.
Minehime kept her gaze on Masamune as she got up off her bed, grabbing the silver coin and gripping it hard in her fist. Without breaking eye contact, she threw the coin back at Masamune's feet, then showed him her open palm. Not a single mark on her skin, Daihachi had told no lies. "Satisfied?" She snarled at him, moving to sit back down on her bed.
Minehime rolled onto her side so her back was facing Masamune. "I'm sure Akihime will think the same thing when she hears her only remaining son has been jailed." She said bitterly.
"Do not bring her into this." Masamune growled, "She has enough grief to deal with. She doesn't need this knowledge either. Why are you being so bratty? I thought you would be understanding of my caution. I'm not having him executed like I should!"
That was enough for Minehime, getting out of bed she faced her father once more, her blue eye a slit as she opened her mouth. "Fus!" Her Shout was enough to send him stumbling back a few steps; the only look on her face was that of pure rage and disgust.
He regained his footing quickly and fumed before rolling his shoulders back to Shout, "Gol Hah!" Using only the first two Words of Bend Will would be more than enough to calm Minehime down. He shook with rage and smacked her hard for being disrespectful before storming out and slamming the door, locking it behind him with a huff.
Minehime stood where her father had left her, the expression on her face calm, but her pupil wavered between a slit and its normal circle. With her cheek red, and her head tilted to the side slightly from his hit, she remained where she was, her shoulders lax.
Masamune sat on his throne, scowling heavily, still quite furious. At this point, he didn't care what happened to Daihachi. He wanted to trust him, but with the knowledge of his lycanthropy and the lack thereof of known control of said curse, he felt safer with his thane in prison. Minehime acting like a child was no comfort or ease of mind. "What in Oblivion am I supposed to do...?" He grumbled.
((Do you blame her? Masa would act the same way if it were him and Mego in this situation~ She's scared she'll lose her best and closest friend at the hands of her father, plus she's only like 17~))

The entire Keep was silent for a while after Masamune's confrontation with Minehime, and the silence was only broken when a guard entered the room and stood before Masamune. "My Lord, Lady Minehime has requested to see you."
Minehime was sitting on the edge of her bed, wringing her hands nervously. "Otou-san... Please, will you head out my request?" She looked up at him, a soft frown of worry on her face. "Please, release Daihachi and I give you my word not one of your citizens will be harmed. Daihachi has never attacked anyone before, not me, not an innocent; let him prove to you once more he is someone who can be trusted. He's never given you a reason not to."
He rubbed his head and made a small noise, "If what you're telling me is true, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. He can go free, but he will be watched very carefully."
Minehime stood and bowed deeply at the waist. "Thank you, Otou-san..!" She said, straightening up and facing her father again. "May I go speak with him?"
Minehime nodded and hurried passed her father in a light jog, heading out of the Keep and to the dungeons, headed to the cell where Daihachi was being kept.
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