Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime shook her head, rolling slowly onto her side. "I'm fine.." She said, watching Daihachi rest, a solemn expression on her face.

((Is Kojurou gonna kick her ass out of this funk by training her some more~?))

Daihachi was still passed out, but he looked fine. Kojurou left her in peace and went to find his wife. She was very knowledgeable, maybe she knew something about this white haired monk.
Jin was currently in the small make-shift workshop she made of the room she shared with Kojurou, doing maintenance on her arm, having gotten used to removing and working on it one handed, but she still needed someone else to put it on for her. Replacing the soul gem inside, as well as a few screws, she cleaned the inside gears carefully.
Jin hardly looked up from her work, but gave a slight nod. "Of course, my husband, what do you ask of me?"
"You've seen your fair share of people before settling down here...have you ever seen a monk with white hair? Minehime-dono said he also wielded scythes but that doesn't make sense to me.." He inquired.
Jin stopped all movement, dropping the used up soul gem in shock, sitting in silence for a moment before turning to her husband, all color drained from her face. "Yes." Her voice was hushed. "The man who held me captive for fifteen years, Akechi Mitsuhide." She said, fear and rage in her eyes.
Kojurou's eyes widened, "What...?!" He was now livid; he had been trying to find the one who had stolen Jin away, and the bastard had been within his grasp. Now how would he find him? He kissed her head gently, "I'll find him and make him pay."
"Kojurou." She frowned heavily. "He's dangerous, even more dangerous than Masamune.. I've known him for years, he's someone who would use any means to get what he wants, please do not go after him alone."
She shook her head slightly. "It's alright, if it's to help another, then I am more than willing to talk about it." She said softly.
Jin took in a breath, nodding and standing. "I can show you, but I don't know if we'll find much there, he didn't stay in the cave with me, he stayed somewhere else." She said, picking up her prosthetic and handing it to Kojurou to help her attach it.
Jin nodded, gathering her gear and heading out with Kojurou to look for any clues on Mitsuhide, and why he had attacked the two young Companions and what kind of magic he was using.

Minehime lay on her side, watching Daihachi sleep with a tired expression on her face. "Daihachi..?" She whispered, still not completely sure he was alright.
((*ditches Jin and Ko for now since it'll be a bit*))

Daihachi twitched but didn't wake. He looked exhausted, even unconscious as he was. The spells definately took their toll on him, but it didn't help that he was still grieving for his father.
Minehime slowly crawled out from under her blanket, only having enough strength to crawl across the floor and hoist herself into his bed, laying by his side, tears forming in her eye once more.
"I wouldn't let you die." She whispered, resting her forehead against his shoulder. "What kind of shield sister would I be if I did?" She asked. "They don't know about it, you're safe."
Minehime shook her head, holding onto his shirt. "No, you didn't hurt me." She answered. "But what about you? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, just...." He trailed off, everything swimming back in a horrible flood, "I don't think he anticipated me being a werewolf. Guess he kinda lost control of whatever he was trying to do when I changed."
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