Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Daihachi had just watched his mother be burned alive for the seventh time, each time he witnessed her death, being different. One time she was stoned half to death before she was beheaded, then her corpse set ablaze. Another time, she was beheaded, her head being put on a pike and her body being fed to the hounds. One time Sasuke himself killed Akihime, another time, Mitsunari beat her to death in front of a crowd. Each time it ended the same way, with Akihime dead. The scenes would change sporadically, from Minehime being gutted by Sasuke, Yukimura becoming a vampire and slaughtering all of Whiterun.

Minehime tried desperately to stop her fathers bleeding, but knew he would die from his injuries. "Otou-sama..." She weeped into his chest, shaking in fear of the massive dragon just outside the outpost.
"Stop!!" Daihachi yelled. Outside of the illusion, Tenkai jumped up when Daihachi started to morph into a beast. He scowled heavily, not knowing he was gifted with Hircine's curse.

"Mini...you must leave..." Masamune rasped, "Please...it's only you now..."
Daihachi's visions only increased, now shifting to a scene of Daihachi himself slaughtering his family; tearing into Yukimura, knocking Akihime down with his massive paws and ripping open her throat, ripping Daisuke in two, and disemboweling Minehime.

Tears flowed freely down Minehime's face, both inside her illusion, and outside. "No! You and Okaa-san can't leave me! Please!" She begged, starting to sob hard.
Tenkai did his best to control the maddened Daihachi, not able to predict the wolf's furious attacks. This berserker rage fueled by the illusions woud not end soon nor well.

Masamune hacked up blood, wheezing as he struggled to stay awake for her. "Forgive me, yunkliin...I failed everyone..."
"Otou-san...! Otou-san..!" Minehime cradled her fathers head in her lap, her sons shaking her body as she watched the life slip from his eye. "Please don't go!"
Masamune managed to tell her he loved her before the life finally left him. But as soon as he passed, he vanished, and the area was dark around her. In the blink of an eye, unnoticed until she was actually noticed and registered in Minehime's mind, Akihime stood before her; she looked heart broken, clutching something to her chest. "He trusted you...! How could you do that to him?! How could let him die?! I have nothing now!" She wailed angrily. It was then noticed that the thing Akihime was clutching was Daihachi's Amulet of Talos, and it was caked in dry blood.
Minehime barely had time to register her fathers death, before she was thrown into a completely foreign place. "No, I- I didn't kill him..!" She scrambled to her feet, looking around what seemed to be either a dark room or cave. "I don't understand, he- he was just with me..!" Her heart ached for her father, but she couldn't lose her shield brother too.
"You let him die! He trusted you with his life and you squandered it!" She spat, "May the Daera swallow you into Obliv-" She was cut off when Minehime felt she was thrown aside by a great force. The illusion broke, she was back in the outpost with the sounds of growling and snarling filling her ears. Daihachi had thrown her aside trying to get to Tenkai, who was defending himself with his scythes.
Minehime and the chair she was in hit the wall hard, the chair breaking on impact with the wall. Falling to the ground and having the broken chair rain down on her, she stared at the scene before her, Daihachi attacking the monk who had put them under the illusions that felt all too real. With her hands still bound behind her back, she did her best to crawl toward the small broom closet just in front of her, using her foot to open and close the door, she took shelter inside, tears staining her cheeks.
It seemed like hours had passed before the roars and sounds of destruction stopped. It was quiet for a while before movement could be heard. "Gods, what happened here...?" It sounded like a guard. "Yunkliin!" Masamune called, his hurried footsteps moving everywhere, "Minehime?!"
Minehime was still hunched over in the dark room of the broom closet, head dealing and eye unfocused as she leaned against the wall. Her mouth was slightly agape, staring ahead of herself blankly, all of the visions that had been forced into her head had put quite a heavy mental strain on her, and no doubt, it was even worse for Daihachi. The closet door opened, and Jin called over her shoulder to Masamune and Kojurou, crouching down to scoop Minehime up. "I found Minehime-dono..!"
"And what of Daihachi-dono?" Jin asked, a heavy frown on her face, Minehime remaining unresponsive in Jin's arms, only covered in a few bruises.
Jin nodded and headed back to the keep with Minehime, having the healers check her over before giving her a clean bill of health, all except for the extreme mental stress she was currently under.
"She'll be fine, she just needs rest, but as far as I can see, there is nothing that should've caused this much mental strain.."
"Tell my husband, if not, alert my son and have someone watch her, we still haven't found Daihachi-dono."
Masamune and his war hounds were following the two odd scents that were in the outpost. He was hellbent on finding who ruined his daughter's hardwork and her friend, hoping the last of the Sanada bloodline was not lost.
Jin joined Masamune's hunt, helping him track from the trees while the dogs worked on the ground. Bow and arrow on her back, she jumped from tree branch to tree branch, using her sharp senses to look for the young man.
The hounds began barking like mad before bolting off, Masamuje following quickly. Passed a few destroyed trees was Daihachi, nude and unconscious. Masamune removed the fur cloak around his armor and draped it over the lad, "Jin, go retrieve a horse, would ya?"
"Hai." Jin nodded and jumped down from three branch, jogging off to retrieve a horse from the barn, riding it back as quickly as she could and helping Daihachi onto the horse. Making sure he didn't fall off, Jin rode behind the unconscious young man, holding onto him. "I'll take him to the keep, have the healer look at him as well."
Jin gave a slight nod, heading back to the Keep, riding into Riften on horseback. The guards helped Daihachi inside to the healer, laying him in a cot opposite of Minehime, where she still lay with her eye wide open; it was almost as if she had witnessed a thousand wars and had come back with a piece missing, Daihachi surely was to be the same.
When Minehime finally spoke, it wasn't to Megohime or Masamune, it was to Kojurou. With a still haunted expression on her face, dark circles under her eyes, she recounted what had happened in the outpost. "It was real though, Kojurou, it wasn't just a normal illusion.." Fresh tears came to her eye. "It was more than just magic.."
Kojurou frowned heavily, "We will find whoever did this, Minehime-dono." He told her. "Rest assured that Masamune-sama and Megohime-dono are very much alive. Alduin has not returned. You're safe."
"I know who did this." She turned her head toward him, her voice growing quiet. "He was a monk with white hair and scythes... I'd remember him anywhere.."
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